HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-08, Page 8Page Eight • • ZURICH H.ERALD 'Thursday, December 8th, 1921 Winter GPriced For UI K SELLING We invited you to our Store to take advantage of the many reduced prices now offering on seasonable Fall :and • Winter Goods Prices for Quick Selling All wool Tricotines in black nad navy, 54 in wide; yd. $3 to $4.00 Garberdinle, a snap, Navy only 54 in;. at _.. _:- $2.50 i Prices for Quick Selling Flannels for dresses or Middies, new, 54 in. wide in navy, scar- let and emerald green yd. $2.25 Prices for Quick Selling Serges, navy, only 54 in. wide, at per yard ... .. ___ $1198 "brown only, 54 in. at yd. __-$1.25 " navy, black, Cohen, card- q5e inal, 40 -in. wide at yd. -__ . Prices for Quick Selling Misses Coats new stock, only 5 to offer as follows. 2 only size 10, each at ___ -__• ___ $11..50 1 only size 15 at ___ ___ ___ ...... -.$13.50 1 only, size, 17, at ... •- •-- .•.._.$14.00 1 only, size 19, at $16,.00 FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND New Rosins, Currants, Peals and Prunes now in. Priced for Quick Selling No. 1, quality Velours and Chin- chilla Cloths, for Ladies and Children's Coats. Reg, $5.50 now --_ _-- ___$3,50 Reg. $3.75, now __., --_ ___$2,50 Reg. $2.75, now __ , --_ ___$1.85 Priced for Quick Selling Vesta Flannel' and Kimona cloth Suitable for dressing saques Kimonas and Childrens' wear. While supply lasts at yd. ___35c SPECIALS Chambray's in all colors ;27 in. wide at per yard ...... 18e. Priced for Quick Selling Corded Velveteens in Green, navy, cardinal, black, • Clearing at per yard :-_ _:_75c Priced for -Quick Selling Mens Overcoats I Orn! 19.50 to $35 See thein before "yoii buy. LIVE AND DRESSED 'POULTRY WANTED - AGENTS FOR DESIGNER PATTERNS J. G SCHO & SIGN Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's garage Ascetyleii e Welding WE RAVE INSTALLED AN OXY-ASCETYLENE WELDING PLANT AND ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR ALL KINDS OF WELDING WILL U YOURS ASSURE YOU OU SAT SFFACTION. NO WEJOB iTOO BIG, NO JOB TOO SMALL. Genuine . Ford Parts. ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR V RIOUS AUTOS P3TOmLITE Battery Sales and Service Station A;complete line of 'tires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. We need Your Business, Satisfaction Assured H. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. Ready -to -Wear Clotlhing. DENO14>CX BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Splendid Grey Melton OVERCOATS ,i ,. attractive medium shade offine .meiton,nia .e in models to suit all B1 .R000MY ULSTERS, 1 AN ),eR . CHESTERFIELDS AND SM \•; r .1LL-ROUND BELTERS. WEL`. "'ALORED AND TRI D,1"-_ ED, We era ready with- the 0, c:z :11• Winter Clothing you'll need. 9"l:i; Store frays particular attentioe Your. ne,uirements. We in !n+.;,u•t just a few of therm here; Winter Caps, with insicl, y;ac1. down band of fleece or ',fur, :iny. shape you'll want. Heavy Jumboo Knit Coat Swe- aters, with shawl collar; colors heather, navy, maroon and brown. r Eras. Produce taken in. exchange for Goods Election Results The Federal Election on (Tues day was a complete landslide for the old N. L. Conservative party by being almost entirely swept off their feet. The latest resort as we go to press in Liberals 118 Conservatives 43, Progressive 33, Labor 2, and Independent 1. With several ridings to hear from yet. The vote polled in HayiT'o- wnship was not as large as could have been, this is possibly due to the disagreeable condition. getting around on accounte snow: And now, that n over we have the co'nfidenc Liberal Leader and Premier• o Canada, No. W. L. McKenzie King to pilot Canada through the crises for the next term. The newly elected canidatefer this South Huron Riding is Mr. Thomas McMillian, Liberal, who has a majority over f dr. Black, the Progressive candidate of 43. Mr. McMillian is the first Liberal member elected in this riding for Borne twenty years. Following is the results of Hay Township; PolMc-, Mer - No. l Black Millan 1 S. House No. 2 51 25 2 S. House No. 14 65 28 3 Town Hall, Zur. 68 129 4 Hass' Shop Zur. 114 86 5 S. House No. 12 107 29 6 Hartleib Hall 109 73 7 S. House No. 3 ,44 11 8 Hotel, St. Jos. 75 43 Get your supply of these We have only a few hundred sacks of Cement left and we do not intend to let another car this Fall. , We would advise. the public who require some to come and •get•°. their supply + while it lasts. We also have a few rolls of .Frost Wire .;. • Fence, equal space, only a few rolls to clear at a - REDUCED PRICE. Farriers requiring fencing should not miss this. No • . • Better Pence made. Now is the time to have your eve trough and roof repaired before the cold weather sets in We give best ofattention to plumbing work. Carry -a full line of stoves, furnaces, heat- ers, oil stoves, auto accessories, ; • heavy and shelf hardware, etc.•_ ^I` Ai Square Deal, Our Motto &WEIDO PREETER BLOCK ZURICH ; 'ipt'+o++++++++a 4+++F 41 '+ 14 ,+++ *+4 ner 11 13 81 41 12 41 25 13 237 237 177 23 87 339 168 353 494 109 Totals 633 427 Hay Township 628 427 Hensall 40 197 Ssaforth majority Clinton, majoriity Stephen Tp. 683 397 Bayfield 38 44 Goderich Tp. 299 179 Exeter 180 237 McKillop Tp. 255 141 Usborne 512 154 218 Stanley, Tuckers with and Hullet 4' Townships have not been heard + from. as• yet. HAY COUNCIL 4. + 4. 4' dr 4. 4. 4. + 4.- + 4. 4. JA LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected Eggs Eggs.. Buckwheat Barley Wheat Oats Flour Bran Shorts. Potatoes per Live Hogs__.: every Wednesday) 65 48 60 60 95-1.00 40 3.75-4.25 ... _-_,-_- .._ 28.00 30.00 bag ..... _ _ 1.50 9.00 , Scholo House No. 3, Andrew owe, S. Walker; No. 8, Frame _1ote1, St. Joseph, F. Ducharmie, Jos. Corriveaul A large number- of accounts were passed which 'will appear in the financial statement of the Township to be issued afterDec. 15th next. The Council adjourned again on Thursday, Dec. at one o'clock, $.m. A.. F. Hess, Clerk. to meet 15th,1921 FOR SALE I aryl offering my dwelling pro- perty ii Zurich for sale, consisting of a two-storey brick house, 1 -5th of an acre of land, good soft wat- er cistern. For further particul- ars apply to Fred. Thiel, Zur- ich, Ont. tf-22 The regular meeting of the Co- uncil of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, Dec. 3rd. All the mem- bers were present. Minutes of the Previous meeting were read and adopted. -• The Council of the Township of Hay went on record as oppos- ing the extension of the municip- al franchise to women. Mr. Elmer G. Krueger was ap- pointed School Attendance officer for the Western Division, and Mrs B. C. Edwards as School Attend- anee Offieer for the Eastern Div- ision of the Township of Hay for the year 1922. The following were appointed is Polling Places, Deputy Ret- urning' Officers and Poll Clerks for. the several sub -divisions of the Township of Hay .tor the year 19+2 and that the by-law confirming acme be _read three time and fin- ally passed. Poling Sub -Division No. 1, School House No,2. D.R O. Edgar Munn, Poll Clerk Earl Campbell; No, 2. ,school house No. 14, D. Bu- rns, W: D. Thompson; No, 3 Town Hall, Zurich, W. O'Brien, W, ,F. Braun; No. 4. W. G. Hess' Shot Zurich, W. G. Hess, D. ()maid; No. 5, School ilou'se No, I2, It IC -e. loom, 'Z ler; ' o. rr. Ilsmrtieib's BORN Foster -In Hensall, November 29th, to A Foster, a son. Mousseau-in Hay Township, on Saturday, No ven>rber 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mousseau, a son. of Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. SPORT NEWS HOCKEY PROSPECTS Hockey fans have not forgotten the interest that was taken in ho- ckey last Winter in Exeter and have been inquiring as to the pro- spects for a team this winter. At present it looks es. if Exeter -Zur- ich will again enter a team in the N.U.L. Seniors and the 0. H. A.. Intermediates. All of 'the play- ers who were on the ,Exeter -Zur- ich team last season are available for this season and in addition thea+e are several new prospectst 'An organized meeting was called in. Exelter last Thursday; It is to •be 'hoped that such ra meeting will meet with. success. .The t Ex- eter -Zurich team, put up a brand of hockey last year that ,had not been seen in Exeter before. The boys will he assured of good sup- port should they decide to enter the league this winter. -- Exeter Times. eef.aV44PI"1, ite,lel i.!'l, •••lt,L7fo t 'io., riZ+T,aani x:1921. Xmas . Seals Much thought has been given to the production of a very attractive Xmas Seal for the Muskoka }Iospital tilts year. As usual old Santa is the predominat- ing Feature --✓litho- graphed In Xmas reds and greens, it should prove an easy seller, 1)very boy and girl of school age has a supply of these Seals for sale; as has also your bank. 4 iauy thein fiiecly-ii very dollar they Using is devoted to thea maintenance of needy .psitienta. (io, tribintlons May -lie went to }ton. W.'. A. Chariton 223 College Street. "r" ronto. orogimmmataum000mmonsmorsomoomoormamoommosit The store with the Liberal Cash Discount ALT eijllo.q Farmers Woven Fence While it lasts at COST Here is a chance to benefit at prices never heard of We are the loser. You are the gainer MEUeK&BRI4UN PHONE 63 erald iob Departrnent Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements; Calling Card; Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting. Bilis a specialty. 1 Of, Seasonable Goods In the history of this Store have We ever been able to show such a fine display of Winter Goods with the pri- ces so reasonable. Be sure and look over our stock before purchasing. Sport Flannel for Middys and Dresses, in all the leading shades Extra fine quality 54 in. wide at only $2.15 a yard. All 'Wool Serge, 40 in. wide in Navy Copenhagen, Brown, ,Red, at 90 cents per yard. Ginghams, a nice assortment of Striped Ginghams, 4a. real Bar- gain at 19c, a yard. Spelial in Towelling per yd. 14c. Fancy Striped Serges in Navy and Black at $L75 per yard. Ladies Heather Hose, Fine quality wool, $1.00 and $1.25 a pair. We handle Forsyth Fancy Dress shirts noted for their splendid fit, Fancy all -wool Skirting in neat Stripes and Checks. Men's Rain Coats, Real Waterproof at prices to suit any purchaser. Men's Heavy Winter Coats in the latest Styles. Special in Men's Sweater Coats all -wool nad very heavy at $3.25 Men's and Boys' pullover Sweaters at' each . ._.$2.50 ARROW COLLARS -A. Man's, dress is not complete without an arrow Collar. A fresh Stock of Raisins, Currantgy, Oranges, Lemon and Citron pee Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Etc. at Right Prices. Our 11922 Wall Papers are in stoat., These, papers are all ready trim- med, a ,big labor saver and are 22 in. wide which makes fewer strips • and les swork to put on., Blatchford Calf Meal, the calf meal on the market day, 25 pounds for $1.25. We are Agents for the Dr. HMI Hess line of Poultry Panacia;_ Stock Tonic, Louse Killer me,. Try .a package and make your hens \lay, and put your stock im good icondition. Guaranteed or !money refunded. best to-' SPECIAL ' POR TEN DAYS OONLY WATCH THE' LONDON DAIL* PAPERS ON DEC. lst, MORNING AND EVENING EDITION FOR, SOAP COUPON. BRING YOUR COUPON TO -THIS STORE ANIS RECEIVE THE VALUE OP IIT IN A. New Stock of Men's and Boys' SOAR. t ops, Hats, Gloves, Necktie% Scarfs, etc. Not Good after 10th of December.. Live Poultry taken. Wednesday morn/ ., Produce Wanted. ButerickPashions Tio t Phone L. -VI HM.