HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-08, Page 5woe* December $th,, ZURICH. Fi;Fr-lt .9e f• D. BUSINESS CARDS Pli'r'yam P roudfoot, . Killoran .& HOLMEiS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, uY,ir •,, Etc, Office on the Scivare, aired door from Hamilton St. God- erich, Private funds to loan at lowest rales. proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran D. E. Homier. Mr. Holmes will be in Hensel' lerel Friday of each week." ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner,: Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. ' Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald :Office, Zurich. Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST ..At ,ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICw — HEN'a eLL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co - linty of Huron,Sales conducted 'in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. fieveral fine farms have " been placed in my hands for sate. Zurieh, P. O. Phone ,18 -93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give roe a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charger. .Arthur Weber, - 'Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. 4 Zurich meal MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc 'Highest Cash Price for WoulJ CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungbiit &,e Beichert ZURICH LIVERY" 3 'ani in •a position to accomo slate all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich. LIVE POULTRY WANTED 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning *hon brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich 1920 ;A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Incurance Co. '.(lead Office; London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was increased During War . Period . Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period An unparelled Reward:. C. A. Hoffman, Agent COAL Fall and W'izter i E •DELIVRIES Season 1921 1922 'THERE IS A COLD DAYS COM- ING. LA.'? IN YOUR IS"IJPPLY NOW WITH OUR CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON COS: LAOKAWAN.A'S COAL. •• . Cha„te1A out, & PRODUCE MERCHANT . '.GERMS ;-CASH phone; Office 1Ow. House 10j. H F i a A 'L. L. 0 N ”' Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc.. Ads IN THIS COLUMN STRAYED,, From Lot 17 con. 4, Stanley,,: About Oct, lst, a 2 -yr, old heifer grey in color, without horns, Fin- der notify Jno. H. Taylor, Bruce - field, R:R,1. . Phone 16 ou 627 Cl- inton central, 21-3 NOTICE As the firm of Williams Bros. Zurich Flour Mills, has dissolved partnership, Notice is hereby give en that all outstanding accounts due there must be settled by December ,15th, 1921. FOR SALE. ' New Ford Touring Car for sale, fully equipped. Apply to Louis Prang, Zurich . t-17 NOTICE We are now in a position to give unexcelled service on Storage Batteries left with us for the win- ter. Our motto is as always has been satisfactory work or no charge is made. Let us keep you battery this winter, it will save you a lot of trouble, and by giv- ing it i o us you can rest assured that it will be in first .class shape in the Spring. We solicit your trade. Phone • 626 r 14. E. P. Epps & Son, Varnia. 19.8 • G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D,S, DE'NTISfT Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the :University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, M 1- itary District No. One, Lohdon,Ont Office hours at BAYFIELD, Ont. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from ope to five -thirty p. m. • 19-25 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acres, being north half of Lot 13, con., 11, Tow- uship of Stanley. There is on the premises two frame barns, a good frame house, well fenced and drained, about 18 acres fall plo wed, balance is in grass, a. good never failing hard water well. For further particulars apply to; - James MciLnchey, R. R. 1, Varna. tf16 • The., world: has too many cranks and not enough self-starters. Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and. Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Ete., Etc. Also sell Cameras Flints, Albums!,. and all ametuer's Supplies. A full Line of •School bks and Stationery .always on hand tf21 OBRIEN t& KA'LBFLEISCH Hartleib B1ohk = Zurich Live and Dressed Poultry Wanted WILL BE TAKEN AT MY PRE- MISES EVERY WEDNESDAY FORENOON, FOR WHICH WF WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. 1 1 ; [ tf13 11.Gallman, - Zurich INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND O,R TARN THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Ensures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. • THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL, Co. paid $114 Oh lose in the November 1919 wind stdrzn. Amount of Ins, in force $25,00,000. Sate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. .Am also agent for several other Wind InsuranceCompanies. G. Holtzman ZURTCH, - ONT. A..NYTHINq IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS The. Herald to New Subscribers to Jan, 1923 for .only Mr. and Mrs. ,Samuel Gasemo were Sunday visitors at Goder- ieh, Owing to Thursday being Con- ception Day, a holiday, Mr, John Kipper's blacksmith shop will be closed, Mrs. A.. Rose of the Babylon. hide spent a week visiting relati- ves in Waterloo, Kitchener and Preston, recently. Mr. Carl McLinehev, who had been for several months out West has returned to his home on. the Goshen Line. Mr. E. F. K1opp, .reeve of Hay, is attending the last sitting for this year,, of the County Co- uncil, Goderieh, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, who have been residents of the Goshen Line, Stanley, leave moved to Var- na and settled in the holnie of Mrs. Geo. Taylor. , Mr. J. Preeter is holding one of his old time sales of merchandise commencing next Monday and en- ding Dec. 24th. Watch for bills stating of the many barg- ains ottered, On Saturday Hay Council ' met and had a large day's business. The next and last meeting for this year will be on Wednesday, December 15th. This is also the last day for taxes to be paid. Mr. Jacob B. Gingerieha is hole ding an auction sale . of household effects, etc.; _next Wednesday, 11/ 'riles north of Blake. We under- stand that Mr. Gingerich and faro:- ily will leave this district for some time. Rev. and Mrs. Voelker of Mich- igan, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Voelker being a sister to Mr. J. Hey, Sr., and Mr. Chris,. Hey, . Babylon Line. Rev. Mr. Voelker is one of the old retired ministers of the Michigan Evang- elical vang-elical Conference: The Oratorio "The Messiah" by Handel will be given in James Street Methodist church, Exeter!; on Thursday and Feiday evening Dec. 15th and 16th by a chorus. of 170 voices, twelve of these are Zurich people. Secure your tick- ets early from any member of the chorus. The monthly meeting .of the Zurich Womens' Iestitete willbe held at the Ladies' Hall, next Wednesday evening, December 14 Mrs. C. Fritz and''Mrs. M. Weber will have charge of the program; USER° ICE ON THE FARM; Ne�pful Advice as fo Storinz of a Gi!0od Supply. 1)air;}• Products Must De Kept Cool, A Variety of Plans for Handling lice—Geed Drainage bi the Ice Mouse Necessary, (Contrlhuted by Ontario Department of ' A,gricu)ttlre, Toront{).) It is a very rare occurrence in Ontario that the winter weather is not .cold enough to make: plenty of ice : oe our lakes, rivers, small. streams, and ponds. We can, there- .j fore,; feel pretty sure of a good crop of ice this winter, Ice~ is the only other means of cooling en farms, except in .the case of very large dairies where the use of a mechanical systein may be war, ranted. The one chief obstacle to proper cooling of milk and cream by ice that many farmers meet is the lack of a convenient supply in their immediate vicinities. This May not be an insurmountable difficulty, how- ever, as there is always the possibil- ity of ice being shipped in during the winter and stored for use in the 5ttinnrer. Dairy Products Must Be Kept Cool. If the quality of our dairy products Is ever to become supreme in 'the world it will be necessary for 'the producers of milk to get the natural heat out of the milk as quickly as possible after it is abstracted from the cows. This will mean more effi- cient methods of cooling than most farmers have to -day. Then would ice be required by all dairy farmers, and they would have to secure it either from nearby bodies of water, if pres- enteor through some suitable organ- ization shipping it in as referred to before. The superior article selling at better prices would likely pay the producers to ship in ice if it were necessary. Many farmers now have a household refrigerator or small cold storage plant for keeping the daily food for the table pure, sweet, and fresh, and never fail to store ice for this purpose alone whether need- ed for other purposes or not. They find : by experience that this practice is worth while. If much milk is pro- duced on the farm, so much greater the need for storing some ice. The Problem Deserves Consideration. The problem of storage should be considered carefully and plans decid- ed upon well in advance of the har- vesting of the ice, as it niay be neces- sary. to make repairs to the present storage House, or a new one may be needed. Construction work on the farm is more easily and cheaply done in good weather, so it is desirable to get the ice storage ready for the next crop of ice before the wintry weather begins, or just es soon as the fall work will permit. It may be, necessary to,do some of the work %gh4- way, e.g., concrete work, and cat until later, in all prob- alrlae.freeze-up drives hien anin?g.eel, lleoff the land. Plans. bf Storage Vary. The kind of storage for the ice crop will vary with the conditions on the farm, and the ideals and tastes of the farmer himself. One thing is and a good one, is being prepared. lei All remembers,,, are, requested to, be^ present.' One of C.inton's most promin- ent businr' ,. '.en passed away last Tuesda^- i 1 the person of Mr. Peter C i -e' cion, of the former fir- - Cantelon Bros., produce me -la -tilts. He was in his 69th certainly true, namely, that the stor- year, a prominent member of the age need not be elaborate in con - Methodist church. and an Orange - efficient. and costly in order, to be man. Mr.(Cantelon is survived efficient. Many farmers have used for years such inexpensive and sim- his widow and family of seven ple storages as a large hems made of chi1dren4 old boards and planks and located in some well .sheltered place, such as The publishers of The Youth's under an open shed, in mow of barn, Companion are sending to every or In corner of woodshed, a simple subscriber whose subscription $2.50 single wall lean-to on the shady side is paid for 1922 a Calendar for the of a .building, an old abandoned silo, new year. The tables are prin- or any convenient enclosure well pro ted in red and dark blue,; and be- tected from the sun's direct rays. The sides giving the days of they cur- form and style of the storage for the rent month in bold legible type, ice does not matter materially pro - give the Calendar of the pieced- vided the following named conditions • in and suceeding months in sma.l- are faithfully fulfilled. These con- ing e ,linens apply to any kind of ice ler type in the margin. The Corn- storage house, and require special panion Home Calendar has been ,emphasis, as usually some of them published in standaijd form for are frequently overlooked. Note care - many years and is everywhere in fully what they are: Protection from quiet because of its convenience sun's rays, plenty of some material end novelty. a poor conductor of heat about the ice on all sides, top and bottom, good circulation of air over the ice bin, Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Room I, Z. P. S. fur the month of November The names are in'order of merit. Sr. I -Ruth Meyer 77%; Leeland Willert 75; Alice Koeh'er 70; Car! Haberer 67; Ruth Zettel 60; Nap- oleon Bedard- 60; Nelda ,Schwalm, 56, Grace Zettel ,49, . Milverua Ge- iger 46. .Tt. 1 -Mary Kocherns 74, Helen Thiel 66; Anna Druar 64, Clarence Smith 51; Earl Yungblut 50, By- ron Ducharrne 49, Adeline Fleisch- auer 47. i ' Sr. Pr.-Rollrind Grenier 45, George Grenier 42, Olin Foster 16. Jr. Pr. -Francis Kipper, Pearl Sararas, Laurette Farwell, Leonard Smith, Albert Heideman,. Antionet Grenier. A Class -Richard Bedard, Ev- aline Ayres, Armond Grenier. E., 31. I-Teyrock, Teacher Report 'of Room . 1I for, the month of October. Jr. III-LawrenceHowal d 68; Norman Fleischauer 66; Edward, Brenner 48, Russell Ducharine 39. Sr. II -Dennis Bedard 82, Kath- leen Warm..' 81; Franey Kochems 66; Willie Liebold 55; Grace Koe- ler 52;, Floyd Foster 46; Milfred ` )'ttley 45, Claire 1VIelliek 40; Rose. Albrecht 37, Goldie Utt'ey. 31, Br-. ucii Koehler 30, Jr, It -Eleanor Fleisehauer 80, .Bose Liebold 75; Beualah Sararas 74; Lani ene Schwalm 65, Floyd Kropf 58Wilfred Ducharme 50 l+ ^)•v is a; diff -tee and t' itxl Tl c ' 7* vin 'Olaf t ich 28 :9ily 11 in the "f. O ri''n,tt riei ci i.e., between the top of the ice and any roof that maybe above it. In other words religiously avoid the closed attic or loft condition in hot weather because stagnant air under a closed roof becomes very hot, and so heat will naturally pass down through the covering over the ice and melt it very fast. . Good Drainage a Necessity. Another condition is good drain- age, either natural or artificial, un- der the ire pit, as water backing up or failing to get away rapidly from the ice nu-lts it quickly. Another, air should be kept from getting in at the hottou . Still another, cakes of ice should be packed in the house on a cold frosty day and no sawdust should be pat between thein, only around 'the outsides next the walls, buts satiel ;.penfngs between cakes should be filled as_well as possible' with "dry: snow, or ftne pieces of ice. The idee of tlris is to get rid of the air spares n ;id secure as far az pos- sible a solid block condition oe the ice. l)o not freeze blocks together with e°r tear. Whenever any aanr ice is re- moved xit L1n ;' the summer d'y saiv- dust, ee whatever covering l;, used, sheltie! be st once put back over the ice. 11' ihr•s,• conditions are N1. 1 pro- vided foe these will .be very little loss of leo by ui+l:age within the bin or storage. Plans for ,tore either •r.r' and test-. ly Minim of ire -houses, a..1 iso Blahs and .eiecfueriions for, ice cold storax a nal!. bo sec free of charhe, try iter.' _ ,a the 11 ertmetit of Pltj oi.eg 0. (.1 , Curs - ll, R. Gralia,n', s.). r', eellege, (,.est 1ph. cls a;i lir •ti` sf i?• 7171-;— N9 4079 ThePxoprietaryorPateitnedicine ct AireOetablel'i'eparatiaUfor 51 sirnztatinglierood 3y lte¢ tingtheStoinactis and Bowels oi?�� jThererbypmnibti eiigest3o Gheerfulsze5S'a-�d�est�ine n neither Opium,1'toi'p . lvlinerat cer � oTic Reaped 010/044411151711010 Pitopki ,teen • S'ennd ,7lorhelJa Salts AnlseJ'eed VarelaAiffaerand orkozate Sod Sad �isa' IffidaytivAtvor Ab etpfutRemedyfor Gonstipalionand'niat'rhoea Mid Feverishness and I. Loss OF. SLEEP rles+altrohere 0Sni:wIrdaney., IacSimiteii$na'tweot THMONTRa CFNTAULAR CoX.e v. thnld ealeo'„ " r1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Pap p'iv CASTORIA For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use dor Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK C TY. • ..+4•4;++++4.44+++++++++++++44i4÷, ++++++++++++++++++4 4. 4. Lumber Laths Shingies4. 4.4.I ` Everything in4. Y 4. Combination storm and screen doors made to order: + 4. -c: Lumber and Building Material �� + 4. Always in the market for saw logs 1' F. \ _..__ L YLE(I\IL4 + PHONE 69 + 1111111 1, ZURICH : t ++++++++++1.+++++++++++++44 ++++++++++++++++ .1-14+++:44,14 vagratagoonsmen.— New Overland 4 ;,d We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for •� Year and find that it is easily the best riding driving „car on the .road. Rubbertire Bug.gy;• good as new, h alf price of new CHALMERS SIX AT ... McLAUGHLIN TRUCK AT $400.00 0 F. M HESS CO. - ZURICH n one (IC and one. $800.00 OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlard Cars MAKE YOUR MARS#, gip, RK KEEP YOUR MONEY INVESTED IN •GOOD SECURITIES. LT THE RATE 'OP'INTEREST IS GOING DOWN. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO INVEST IN GOVERNMENT BONDS, VICTORY BONDS, ETC, BUY A HURON ON & ERIE DEBENTURE. INiTERi3ST PAYABLE EVERY SIX MONTHS AT 5'% PER ANNUM BY KEEPING YOUR MONEY WELL INVESTED YOUR DOE LABS WO'EtY :DAY AND NIGHT, FOR OR 3+''(iLL :PARTICULARS .A.PPL'I! • TO;-- 1, • Andrew F. He3 Zurich