HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-12-08, Page 4el
Willie Cap.
Give aWhite Cap Electric`
Washer for a Chris' ernes
present, It extends the
good sheer of Christmas
to every wash -day eif the
year. No other present
tan make wife or mother
so happy. See the White
Cap in our store.
Weido - Zurich
Hon. Arthur Meighen, Premier of
Canada, whose .Government was de
afeated at the polls on Tuesday,
iDecenxber 6th, and whose party
is represented with 43 seats.
Of Live Stock and Household of
Leets. The undersigned auction-
eer has been instructed to sell by
Public Auction at Lot 6, Con. 12
Stanley, 1( miles north of Blake,
on Wednesday, Dec. 14th, at 1.00
+o'clock, p.m. sharp the following;
LIVE STOCK -1 aged mare; 1
cow rising 3 -yrs. old supposed to
e in calf; 1 heifer rising 2 -yrs.
supposed to be in calf ; 1 spring
•calf; 3 pigs weighing about 160
pounds each; about 30 hens; 1
Olollie dog.
Top buggy, single harness; 3
bedsteads, bedroom suit; 2 sinks;
2 rocking chairs, 12 chairs, 2 ext. -
tension tables, chamber set, dishes
zaf all kinds, about 90 jars some
/Med with fruit and canned meat,
3 hams, some lard, box stove, co -j
&k stove, stove pipes, 3 -burner !
brew Perfection coal oil stove, 31
;+springs and mattress, 8 -day cloak •
new, some bedding, wash machine
.and wringer, wash tub, Raymond
sewing machine, a quantity of
potatoes, about 5 cords of stove
wood, grindstone, hoes, shovels
and numerous other articles.
TERMS OF SALE—$10 and und-
er cash. Over that amount 10
aaonths' credit will be given on
.furnishing approved joint notes.
4 per cent, str off for cash • on cr-
edit amounts.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer:,
iting her mother, Mrs, Sheardown.
Notices are posted ttp asking
for applications for the office of.
Postmaster to • sn.eceed .the late
B Brown.,
Mr. Parkinson and family of St.
Marys moved into the house rec-
ently purchased from. Mrs. Elston
on Huron St.
Mrs. David Mack and daughter
Mrs. McEwen, returned last Thur-
sday from Toronto, where the
former und'erwent an operation on
her law, the result of a had tooth,
Mrs. Eleazer Williams died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
C. Pym, 5th con., of Usborne on
Saturday last at the •ripe old age
of 93 years, 1 month and 17 days.
Although nearing• the century mark
the deceased had been except-;
ionaily bright and active for one
her years. Mrs. Williams' maiden
name was ann Wakelin. Shewas
born in Cambridgeshire , Eng , in
1828 and in 1835 she came to Can-
ada with. her parents. They made
the trip in a sailing vessel tak-
ing nine weeks to cross the At-
Mr. Irvin Melsaac returned
from the West, Saturday night.
Mr, Czay Kellerme.n of the O.
A. C. Guelph, visited his parents
a few days this week.
Mr. Andrew Musser of London,
spent the' week -end in'town.
Mr. H. •'Callfas is visiting the.
week with friends in Stratford,;
Guelph and Morriston.
Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Schwantz of
I,tenmiller spent Sunday in town.
The Worsens' Institute 'held a
rery successful bazaar and oyster
supper last Wednesday.
Miss Altura Hill. left .to aisit
ad sixi Kitchener'.
Mrs, Cnas, Zwicker has been
able to leave the hospital at
London, and is now staying in
%he city with friends until she is
'strong enough to conte home.
Rev. Voelker of Hersey, Mich.,
'who is here on a visit with his
Wife, occupied the pulpit in the
:'Evangelical church on Sunday . ev-
;'k;nth g.
ytre. Gad °I• Niehoisoe is ill
wit', r'rysipias,
"•: r r: T iiet is at present
qal' ' le; en :att;:ack of Tn-
Followingis thea, Report of
Room. 1, Dashwood Public School
for the month of November. The
marks are based on attendance,
daily work and weekly tests.
Jr. II, A—Helen Nadiger 661;
Elda Kraft 549; Adam Stire 541;
Wallace Wein 529; Earnest Rinker
497; Irvin Guenther 455; Louise St-
' aubus 396.
Jr, II, B.—Ruth Kleinstiver 647
Saida Hold 595; Zeta Nadiger 563
'Margaret 'Willert 475; Blanche Ed-
ighoffer 474; 4Vei na Fisher 598;
Sophia Stire 390; Pearl Schade 363,
Jit, Pt. II;--Ethylda Held 438
Morris Klumlpp, 393; Marry Miller
1370; Arthur Morenz 369; Oliver St
: aubus 357; -Howard Schenck 343,
Burnham, Fries 321.; Verna Kraft,
Primer;—Oneda •Restemever 392
Greta Burmeister 381 'Beta Hayter
375; Gertie Hoffrnnxi 353; Florence
Baker 351; Berl Zimmer 321; Mor-
ris White 280.
Class A—Marjorie Fries 260; Mel
vin Mason 248; Emma Vincent 231;;
Gerald Mason 230 Atvena Rinker
198; Irene Genttner/186, Amelia Wil
lest 1.11x, Herbert Schlunt 120; R.
Geettner 120.
Class B.—Mervin Schlundt 2 10;
Harry Rinker 200; Mabel Bender.
Pearl Tiernan, Teacher.
Sr. IIT; -✓Gree! Guenther .815;
TT'trry Hofflnitn 754; Alice Willert
60l; Flossie Kleinstiver 599; Arnett
Steinhagen 580; Edna Wilds 524:
Cl irence Fischer 47;8 Harry Elaut-
reser 460; Wllli7wi Hanover 457.
ITT-•-rlerre`nev Burmeister
4 111 "".4' ., rp..,,,7 70' The. rt.,
Hen. T. A. Rrerar, leedee of:
tixe Progressive Party, who wilt he
represented at the Hoarse of: Com-
mons with 33 members.
into the house vacated by M+ x", W�
Clifford Pollock of London is
visiting his parents, Mr. andMre.
John Pollock;
Angus Welsh of Toronto was
in . the village a :few days last
week making preparations for mo
ving his wife and daughter and,.
mother, Mrs. Biggart, to Toronto,
where' they will spend the winter.
Last Tuesday evening an inter-
ested audience in the town Hall
heard an address from Mr. Mc-
e-Lo en, Toronto, organizer of 'Com;
re pity Associations for he Social
Stlevice Council of Ontario, Dr.
Garnet Atkinson oecupied he chair.
and after a short programme,
which inleuded a musical contest
stings and recitations, called upon
Mr .r oLsren, who in the coulee of
lits Address pointed .out hat ,.Cam-
enmity Clubs are being organ-,
aat'cl in 1utlny ¶siiriilar villages in
Ontario, such as Blyth and Lon-
ifesboro, He showed how social
;sand artistic inerests. as well as re
!et.^eations, educational, indusrial
and welfare interests..are develop-
eci in tech clubs. He explained
that by group games, eommuniy
angtng, dramatic enntess, debates
alrtI even motion pietures enertain
Intents the characer of a village
txtaay be cultivated and improved,
Florence Guenther 650; Nelda Pas
sold 615; Martha Graupner 603;
Iathel Hartleib 584; Elgin Merner
584; Ivan Lippert 514; Gordon Ben
der 497.;. Margaret Merner 493;
Clarence Fischer 486; Aaron Res-
tenzeyer 470; Mildred White 45`.e
Sr. TI,;—Garnet Burmeister 617;
Willie Eveland 666; Louis Zimmer
632; Pearl Bender 628; Ethel Wit-
itmer 576;; Earl Witmer 576; Floyd
Wien 573;; Leonard Bender 529;
Selma. O exxttner 399.
Tena Edmeston, Teacher.
Mrs. Edward Johnston is spend-
ing a few Weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Eichert of Upland, Ind.
The many frr'iends of Miss Laura
Foster will be glad „to hear she
is doing as wele as can be expect
ed following her eperation in Clin-
ton Hospital,
John Scotchn.er, who .has been
Goderich Hospital for some we
eks, is home again.
Wm. Rohner has engaged to
work foe John Turner of Clinton
for the coming year.
What might have been 'a ser-
ious accident happened last
Monday, when Mr. and Mrs. Epps
were coming from Bayfield. Mr.
Robt. Greer's dog ran out and
the car striking the dog made
short work of it, but also the car
and occupants were overturned
into the ditch. Fortunately there
was no, serious damage done.
A Spring Day
Up in Muskoka
..A. Spring day in ID4us2eoka, with sky
.and water 'vividly blue; the smell of
:pine, the song of binds lin the air.
•On a sunny slope .a stein gathered
trilliums with eager .bands. She smil-
•ed at the questioning stualn.ger.
' 1 never picked :flowers be-
fore," she said wistfully.. We lived
in the city. Father died, :and then—
another, of tuberculosis. Li was all
:alone. i wasn't strong;.—avorked too
hard,—and I got it. They bauought me
here to the Sanitarium ,on a
• '`,But, look at me now:" exultantly.
The glow of health was in la.er.cheeks.
"St's the rest and care avid gooll food
said fresh air that saved me," and her
eyes .shone joyously.
S:uately she was worth sawing. this
bonny,, blue-eyed girl: Surely the
hfusilooka Hospital for Consnamnuptives
deserves ;her gratitude!
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. A.. Charlton 223 College re..et,
The friends ..of rWxnj. '"
barrister of Port Huron aniie or°,'
merly of Tuckersmith, will regret
to learn tha while getting off the
train at Kippen he other :day,'
• hen the platform and everyhing
was covered! with a coat of ice, he
had the misfortune o slip and br-
eak his leg.
Mr. Jennings of Arkona, who at
one time was a resident of Whalen
died on Sunday last, aged 93
years and 2 nitonths.
Peter Regan of Logan, had
his right ate* fractured at the
wrist while cranking a car.
Elgin McLaren, son of Duncan
McLaren fo Hibbert, was seve
rely burned in the mouth and
throat on Monday last, when he
drank some Gillet's lye inmistake
for water)
Mrs. A. Douglas has gone to
London for the winter.
Thursday, December 8th, 192/.
'The South Hurn Choral Society
James Street Methodist Chuck
On Thursday December 15th
And Friday December 16tK
SOPRANO ... ... _.. ...MISS RENNIE ...... ZURICH'
BASS, ... ..- ...MR. E. M. HARDING ... ... LONDON;
ORGANIST—MR. W. BISHOP, F. R. C. 0., An R. C. 181`
ADMISSION—Thursday, by Ticket only, $1.00, and; 7,5: Cents.
Friday, $1.00, and 75 Cents. Rush Seata 5.0 Cents.
Tickets on Sale for both Performances by Members. of the Chorus,..
pito 111414/4
4'1111.5.1. lu41,4i „11,M,L
7'/des easy < .' DoublesNlileaAe•
as au' . on Cast s•
I have been appointed Agent for this district for they.
above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. -And will be
pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and
be convinced.
John Hey, Jr. Zurich.
Miss Helen Swan, professional
nurse, has gone to Rochester, wh-
ere she "intends nursing for the
winter months.
Mrs, Wm. Bell, nee Gertie Zuefle
spent the pas week her parents
here and, has returned to her home
in Windsor.
Miss Fassold, who has had ch-
arge of the millinery departmen
of E. Rennie's General Store, has
returned to her home he Dashwood
, The Henaall Gun Club intend
.holding a two days shoot in he
recreation grounds early in Deeem
ber. The first day will be live
birds, and the second targes.
Last Tuesday afternoon while
attending school, Alvin Warrener,
youngest son of N. P. Warrener,
was suddenly attacked by appen-
dicitis, and had to be rushed o
Str. Joseph's Hospital for :an
Thos. Essay has purchased the
old established livery business of
Thomas Murdock, the later sell-
ing 'on . account of ill health., Mr.
Essay has been with Mr. Murdock
for some time. Mr. Murdock'.and.
family. will still continue on his
!nail contracts, and as one of the
pioneer residents, will continue to
'nave a live interest in our village
Constable Matthey T{
ld lift last week, h
d a position on the
Miinico Asylum,
Were Higgins, who built
nee on his property
moved: in last week,
)g, Breedon:or Wing
x�+l the bl^ic"'smith
Co err of
3ayfieawing ee-
ceptestaff of
Wilt a fine
r sideon the
Sluble eek,
'rhi ham who
- ',..4h .business
r glx'teee l
Is Your Rubber Footwear
Gu: anteed Better Value?
Every pair of Ames Holden Rubber Foot-
wear isbaaaranteedto outwear any pair of
similar shoes of any other make, sold at the
same price and worn under the same con-
The little round tag tied to every pair tells
you that Ames Holden Rubber Footwear
gives you more Value for your money than
you ever got before.
This guarantee :'Weans that Ames Holden
Rubber Footwear is better—in quality of
rubber and linings, .as well as in the way it
is made. It stands the hardest kind of wear
because there is extra strength wherever
' there is extra strain.
You get the most value for your dollar if
you insist on getting the benefit of this
guarantee by wearing only Ames Holden
Rubbers. We stand squarely behind it.
When you buy Rubber Footwear of any
kind, let us fit you with
Look for the Acnes i3°oldsn
mark on every pair.