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Zurich Herald, 1921-12-08, Page 1
Vol. ACX I 1 No 22 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8 , 1921. Your Autumn Footwear We are right on the spot when it comee to make your feet warm, dry and comfortable for Fall and Winter. We can fit any foot and can suit your test, no matter - ... how remote a buyer you are, we will be pleased to show you, our goods. GET OUR PRICES ADN !THEN COMPARE THEM WITH VALUES ELSEWHERE, W. H. PFILE,' ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT A.ND .REPAIRS. i OA _40D Keduction 0, p 0 00 f Deginnmg Monday mormng Dec.12th o�ac©xro'oo o �0000.0•cdeaao2 c 0000'o�'c�c� Q000 ee.\ •OO•CJ•lJ•P.•4•vlJ•©'d•d•O.O.O•P4.O•d•dOd• O4O'•O.O•l!G•d4.O•�'4L7,oe Ci BIG • ID Closing Saturday• evening -Dec. 24th 1 AFTER VISIiTING MONTREAL AND TAKING ADDVANTAGE. OF. SOME OF THE WONDER • h ciameg.ao Sxiv r-va r ,dBY GREENSHIELDS LTD. IN DISPOSING OF THE MILLION.: -AND ,.,� >r �r1Jx�n' �cx.daR� OOaa�•�z� ;�u�s►Fx...p 6O�..ti'l . ;;R ,. A QUARTER DOLLAR .'SITOCK � Xt -.�.,. , ., GAULT BROTHERS AT A LOW RATE ON THE DOLLAR, WE HAVE DECIDED TO PUT ON • A TWO WEEK'S SALE AND GIVE THE PUBLIC AN OPPORTUNITY TO . PURCHASE THEIR WINTER'S SUUPPLY OF HEAVY GOODS AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN REPLACEMENT C • VALUES TO -DAY, AND AS THE COTTON MARKET IS ADVANCING AND GOODS ARE VERY n� SCARCE, WE WOULD ADVISE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG SALE. WATCH FOR ITHE LARGE BILSL FOR FULL PARTICULARS ►v IQ Dress Goods 41 18 pieces Dress Goods Regular up to $1.40 per Yard, Sale, Price 47c 15 pieces Dress Goods Reg. up to $2.25 per yard, Sale Price 60r 6 pieces Dress Goods, Reg. up to $3.00 per yard, Sale' Price 98c 10 pieces Dress Goods Reg up to $5.00, per yard; Sale Price ...$1.4r 2 pieces allwool navy serge 52 -in, reg. $3.00, Sale price ...... $1.21- 1 piece allwool navy serge 54 in. Reg. $3.75, Sale price yard .._ $2,2i 1 piece fine wool Botany Blk'. 54 in. Reg. $5.75, Sale price yd. $3.00 2 pieces fine wool bile and brown Reg. $5.00, Sale price yd. _._ $2.75 All -Wool 51 -in. Tricotine in following colors-Toupe, Navy, Brown • Reindeer and Copen Regular $7.00, Sale Price. per yard ._ .. $3.00 52 -in. Tricotine in colors, Navy Toupe, Copen and Brown, $5 for$2.75 CORD VELVETS Cord Velvets, all shades, Reg. $1.00, Sale Price ... _-. 50e .� Cord Velvets all shades, Reg. $1.25, Sale Price._. .__ ._. 65e Special cord velvets in cream, and tan, 36 inches wide Reg. $2.25, Sale Price ... ... .._$1.00 dp 40 inch Heavy Apron Gingham per yard, Sale .._ .._ ...23e A 42 inch Heavy Furniture covering, reg. $1.25 for ... .._ 75c 50 inch Heavy Furniture covering, reg. $2.00, Sale ... $1.25 Grey cottons, special values at 12%c., 15c, and 20c. per yd. FLANNELETTES 36 inch stripe flannelette, light, and dark, Sale ..., ,.. 22e White Saxony Flannelette at' Sale Price .._ .., .-. 1.5c I Men's ' Heavy Stripe work Shirts, all sizes ,.. ... ..- 95c SWEATER COATS 0 3 only men's fine Sweaters, Regular $12,50 for $6.50 10 only Men's Heavy wool Sweaters, .reg. $8.50,'for $3.50 6 only Men's 'Heavy wool Sweaters, Special at $1.98 r;,f%0 8 only Boys, Sweaters fine wool, Reg.•$6.00 for ,. .-. $3.50 r� 0 18 only Boy's Sweaters, heavy wool. Reg:'$3 50 for .$1.75' A lot of good wool pullovers at Sale Price .,, -98c Boy's pull overs, better quality, Reg. $3.50, Sale $1.75 10 Boy's• fine wove V neck'. Reg. $5 50, Sale price ,.. .., $3,50 IIl LADIES 'SWEATERS I Our line of Ladies' fine wool Sweaters sold as high as . $14.00 all go at each .-- ... $5.00 41, A. few Girl's wool sweateis at each .$2.00 0 Girl's Brushed wool toques, Reg.. $1.25 for , _50c in AND A LOT OF OTHER BARGAINS WHICH WE CAN- NOT NUMERATE *ERE. A BIG STOCK OF CHRISTMAS ofii in GOODS ON BAND AT REASONABLE PRICES. Underwear Stanfield's all wool unshrinkable Heavy Rib Red Label __ $1.50 Green Label . _..$1.25 Odd Limes to Clear at .. ...$1.00 Flannelett Blankets, large 1.95 Size, at per pair -_- $ • Boy's Suits from, ___$3.95 tip. Q • Men's Suits from $12.75 up.. Boy's Overcoats fromi' ll to 1$11.87 Q • Men's Overcoats, one lot at $17.95 Men's Overcoats one lot at $22.45 ( p A. FRESH ,STOCK OF GROC- ERIES ALWAYS ON HAND NEWJ CURRANTS MTh RAISINS, PE- +j ELS, AND ]ETC., JUST ARRIY ED. J. PI'EI.JER: Produce Wanted Phone 59 WTI ARE IN THE MARKET POR ALSIKE AND CLOVER SEDD Vv� Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance $1.50 IN ARREARS, N' MAY 13a9 ()HAREM Do your Xmas. shopping early. Ur. Geo. Lilley of Seaforth cal- led. in the village. on Friday. Mr. John Truernner of Detroit, visited his mother and friends a fe'w, days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Walper were recent visitors to Kitchener and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. John Kipper and 111fre and Mrs. Leno Kipper were Sunday visitors at [Seaforth. Mr. J. McKay of London was a visitor at the home of i r.Chas. Weber a few days last week. Don't minas the rare treat of hear* Handel's "Messiah' sung by 170 voices in James St. church, Exeter, orr-Dec. 15th and lath. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart of Ex- eter were x-eter`were Sunday visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gas- cho. Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Happel, of Kitchener arrived in Zurich on Monday. They intend to spend part of the winter here with the latter's mother, Mrs'. R. Heide- man. The Young . Ladies Bible Class of the Evangelical Chas"h wich to express their heartiest thanks to all those who so kindly donated to their bazaar, also to those who helped to support it. Our .'merchants are 'showing a fine stock of Xmas. goods, at greatly reduces : dprices comparedto last :' year. They also report that the,.Jocal trade is excellent. ',`( Or a s.. -led hall listed 'vezy is { h "' K fir+ 4>a-rani:a' a.. tiPPa Ing „.. rday evening, conuuey ted Mr. Thomas McMillian Lib- eral c dilate, and elected,- and was as sted by Mr. Ross of Sea - forth, a former resident of Flay Townshi Much, . interest was mannife -ed in Mr. McMillian's mes- sage of true Liberalism. Mr. F. C. Kalb eisch occupied the chair. Ileerporated in 1855 rnj E MOLSONS BANK Capital and. Reserve $9,000,000 Over -1.3e Branches Why not begin to -day? There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsons .Bank. W . B. COLIES 1 Manager Zurich Branch The Gift Favorite, The services conducted 'in the Lutheran church on Sunday by Rev. Prof_ Lange, of "Maesey,were attended with the large auditor- ium of the church packed to its capacity. Prof. Lange gave some very eniightned descriptions of the the dire need bf help to the Gar- man -Austria people. A good liberal contribution was given towards this noble cause. Aa interesting wedding tookpl- ace at the Lutheran Manse ' on Thursday last, December lst, When Rev. H. Hemibe united in marriage Herbert, only' son of _Mr. and Mrs A. Mousseau, and•Miss Pearl, yo- ungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Walper, both of Zurich. The brdei was attended b her sister, Mrs. A. Willert, while Mr, George Hess acted as best man. After a abort honeymoon, the young couple are taking ul) housekeeping in the house owned by the estate of the late George WTheitmeIIer. raid joins in extending con- gratulations, CASTO R IA 'For Infants and Children lay Use For Over3OYears Always bears iwaV xnorkedt the Signature af In appropriate Christmas Boxes. $2.50, 4.00, 5.00 and up. Self -Filling, Safety and Regular Types. Avoid substitutes. W, G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 +0".*".....".".....004"04 E 0♦♦♦0400....♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4.♦..dM ' • • • Your Horse Requireutcnth:.... I 4 • • We are offering the following seasonable Horse • • requirements at greatly reduced prices: • o HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, • SWEAT PADS,. HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. • ♦ 4 • ♦ SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT • • • A BIG R EDUCTION. • ♦ • We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single • • harness, Etc. • REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4 R E� I I .'L• -t-- ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#,:, •1••3" 1•.g'.1••D••g.•g.l••II•,p••g••l•.p.•II••g.•i.q+3•++g.•B••A+•i•D•+i:•1•.i••1•-II••g'.l,''V•II••II•.q'.II•.p.•b••i•.par++•t• r+4. 4. •€• 4. THE +TIME FOR PURCHASING 4. ,'11. XMAS GIFTS- IS HERE AGAIN. LET' IT THIS YEAR BE SOME - 4. '` THING USEFUL e AND SERVIC- •1- .t, ABLE. SUCH A GIFT IS ALWAYSC. ez MOST APPRECIATED. LET 11`it .x w, !'i ÷* BE A NICE PAIR OF HOUSE , . `, '" u,� 44 4. ,SLIPPERS, HOUSE SHOES, OR 4. I ��p SOMETHING IN THE FOOTWEAR 1111 ll 1,11 11NMy .>E 'meg. LINE, 'AND IN DOING SO BE , . ., .+ SURE AND PURCHASE THEM AT ', ,,,,, •t• ONE OF THESE STORES. 4r. 4. 0. FRITZ &, SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH DASHWOOD 4,••t•••1•••r•1••1•••a•+•1.•1.•1••1.•1••1•;••a.444,1••s•1•..,.•1•.1••1.+.1••1••++a•a•++++•1••IIMK•t USEFUL GIFTS dei t Christmas Presents Coe in and see Our nice display of Christmas toys AND PRESENTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. ALSO HAVE A NICE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CANDY, NUTS, ('ELLS, RAISINS, ETC, FOR THE XMAS .CAKE, R. NDOUGLAS PHONE 11 ».97 BLAKE