HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-11-24, Page 8Page Eight Winter Els Pried For SELLING We invited you to our Store to take advantage of the many reduced prices now offering 'on seas =able Fall and Winter Goods Prices for Quick Selling All 'wool Trieotines in black nad navy, 54 in wide, yd, $3 to $4.00 Garberdine, a Snap, Nagy only 54 in. at ... ._. $2.50 Prices for Quick Selling Flannels for dresses or Middies, new, a4 in. wide in navy, -scar- let and emerald green yd. $2.25 Prices for Quick Selling Serges, navy, only 54 in. wide, ' at per yard ... ..= ... .• ... $1198 "brown only, ;54 in. at yd. ...$1.25 " navy, black, cohen, card- inal, 40 -in. wide yd. ... _.. 95c Prices for Quick Selling Misses Coats new stock, bnly 5 to offer as follows: 2 only size 10,, each at ._. e.; ...'$11.50 1 only size 15 at ........ ' $13.50 1 only, size 17, at $1100 1 - only, size 19, at ... $15,.00 FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND New Resins, Currants, Peals and Prunes now in. G - . i SC Produce Wanted Price for Quick Selling No. 1, quality Velours and Chin- chilla Clothe, for Ladies and Children's Coats. Reg. $5.50 now Reg. $3.75, now Reg. • $2.75, now ...$3.50 ...$2.50 ...$1.85 Priced for Quick Selling Vesta Flannel and Kimona cloth Suitable for dressing segues Kimonas and Childrens' wear. While supply lasts at yd. ...35c SPECIALS Chambray's in all colors 27 in. wide atper, yard ...... 18e. Priced for Quick Selling Corded Velveteens in Green, . navy, cardinal, black, 1. Clearing at per yard ... ... ...75c Priced for Quick Selling Mens Overcoat! from: 19.50 to $35 See them before yog buy. LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY WANTED - AGENTS .FOR DESIGNER PATTERNS 0w„'`'.i: SON Phone 67 urich's Garage Asoetyleue Welding WE HAVE INSTALLED AN OXY-ASCETYLENE WELDING PLANT AND ARE OPEN TO THE rU13LIC 'FOR ALL KINDS OF WELDING AND BRAZING WORK. GIVE US YOUR WORK AND WE WILL ASSURE YOU SATISPFACTION. NO JOB ITO° BIG, NO JOB TOO SMALL. Gentt'ine Ford Parts ,. ALSO STO.CK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS IIESTesaiaams ITE Battery Sales and Service Station A complete line of 'Fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc: We need ¥our Ilu hhess Satisfaction assured H. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103 Ready -to -Wear Clothing 'f.[TRIO ,H AEi!AI. D DENOMY BROS. , GENTS k'URNISIIINGS Ordered. Clothing Splendid Grey Melton OVERCOATS An attractive medium shade of fine gray melton,made in models to,suit all BIG IOOOMY ULSTERS, SiT- 'ANDARD CHESTERFIELDS AND SMART, ALL-ROUND BEIaTERS, WELL TAILORED AND TRIMIMI ED: We are ready with the warms Winter Clothing you'll need.'.Chis Store pays particular attention to Your requirenpents. We mention just a few of them here; Winter Caps, with inside pull- down band of fleece or fur, any shape you'll want. Heavy Jumboo KnitCoat Swe- aters, with shawl collar; colors heather, navy, 'maroon and brown. DTO17 EROB. ProLlce talcen in exchange for Goods Keep this date open, Dec. 9th, for the Z. P. School concert in the Town Hall. LOST—An automobile tire on the Zurich to IHensall Road,, about three miles east of Zurich. Fin- der please leave at Herald Office Don't forget that a dainty tea will be served in, connection, with the bazarr in the Ladies' Hall on Saturday afternoon- and evening. The marriage of, :Miss • Mary Stogdill, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.ra Stogdill of Varnia, and. Mr. Robert S. Hinds of Ch- atham Township, was quietly sol- emnized at Gland Avenue _Method - Fist parsonage, Chathamj, on -Ned- nesday, November 9th, by the Rev. Robert Hicks.. 8 + Get y 4. We have •only a few hundred sacks of Cement left and we do not intend to get another car this Fall. We would advise the public who •require some to come and get their supply while it lasts. We also have a fete rolls of Frost Wire * Fence, equal space, only a few rolls to clear at a REDUCED 2 PRICE. Farmers .requiring fencing should not miss this. No . Better Fence made., t Now is the time to -haveT our eve trough and roof repaired before the cold weather sets in. We give best ,� ofi attention to nlumbiiig work. Gary � r LJ � •1 , line of stoves, furnaces heat- ,afulle ers oil stoves auto accessories, heavy and shelfhardware, etc. Square Deal, Otr Motto ur supply of Ihese!� Millinery (Entire e - of. Trimmed and Un-+ trimmed Hats to be sold now for Half Price. Store will close for regular bus- iness, Dec. 3rd, but will be open the two following Saturdays. Kindly Settle Accounts. M. E. Routiedge, Zurich The many friends of the late Wesley Snell, cattle dealer Exeter haps the most interesting and won - were shocked to -learn of his slid derful sight viewed thatnight was - den death which took place at the Harry's farm. It was a pitch Montreal General Hospital on- dark, moonless night and the farm Friday morning last. Mr: Snell, looked real tranquil in this • light who was on a business trip to of the moonless night, something Liverpool, sailed for home on the like a . eocoanut on a Hacvaiin S.S. CYnada, which arrived at ° night in the; North Pacific. Montreal last Monday night, and Over fifty members were pees- being seriously ilt was rushed to ent and enjoyed the innocent ga the hospital, where- everything pose Ines which were indulged in after sible was done for him, but with- tile sumptuous banquet. Alth- out avail. The immediate cause c.ngh it was"a wet night—speak- of his death was due to a simple ing In term, of weather—everybody accident when cutting an ingrown enjoyed themselves. During the toe null. Blood poisoning set -in course of the evening the pastor and developed into p-eumonia,with B. H. Ren be addressed the fatal results. His wife and bro- Leaguers and thanked Mr. -Fuss ther were wired for and were with for his kind • invitation to have the him until. the end. The remains banquet at his hone. As the were sent home to Exeter forbur- clock struck midnight the Leag- ial. The late Mr, Snell was one uers arose and sang the National of the best known and energetic Anthem: and thus came to a close cattlemen in Western Ontario and a most successful social gathering although it may not be generally of the Luther League. 'The last known, he was the' pioneer of the farewell. Harry heard was"no doubt co-operative movement among the the "put, put" of the Pords home- fara ars• and stock men in this ward bound. vsection in shipping their cattle n direct to the British markelt. LSTADE &WE.IDO � ri,per. w PREF BLOC ZUR OH ' {++4•+++++++++M+4++++++++++4•1..+ ++ +4+++ +ti •i<+w++,l+++tri'+;+•i•+ +•d+e The loliowing article was given to usrecently for publication, and sorry to say, the com.positor ` in making up the formn put only part thereof in the column; while the remaining portion. was placed ar- ticle. away thinking it some other Iibeve`,''er,. the part that waw in print met with an accident damaging the type considereble: Therefore we take pleasure .in a- gain publishing the interesting item complete as follows ;— LU'.CHER LEAGUE One of the best banquets ever given by the members of the Luther League was held last Thus day evening at thehome of Mr. Harry Fuss, It happened this way; The Lt egers decided to canvass for new members;. Sides were chosen. The sides went. to work and their labor was crown- ed with success.: The losers had to. treat the winning side with a duck roast. The young ladies certainly deserve praise and.' credit for the way they set the table, it fairly groaned and sagged with the good things it bore.Contrary to custom., the young men came first ,ad. were requested to be seated. Eat? Well, we think they did, and they needed no "Meighen to lead them through" neither. The boys having Satisfied the craving of the inner pian gave the girlel opportunity to do likewise. While the gentler sex ate the masculin^s' .ntertainod them with song and music. 'Talk about Caruso, Mee Cormick and Lauder, well, they° -hive nothing on the boys when r.y .. art their ging eong+, Pau, JOINT AUCTION SA V Of Tarin, Live Stock, Furniture and Other Articles will be sold at the Walper House, Zurich, on Sat- urday Nov, 26th, commencing at Two o'clock, p.na. sharp the fol- low.ing;— FARM--Consists of 50 acres well drained, frame house and good barn, good well and woved wire line _fences, being north half lot 14, con; 14, Hay Township, known as the Livingootl farm;. ' OTHER ARTICLES -1 Durham cow 9 years old• due March ,18t; 2 steers rising 2; Yorkshiresow due Dec. 24th; 0 yearling White Leghorn hens; 1 ventre table, 3 dining room chairs, heater coal or wood, drum;, extension table, 72 onion crates, new cream sep-+ arator, rubber tired boggy, piano box cutter; potato plow, Noxon disc throw -out; one throw-in disc, Gillette safety razor, new, pair Oli'aer bean knives limy, horse blanket 1'nsd rtw gids. ,buggy whip robe nearly newe oil Cloth for bug- gy, horse hide robe, new dram ,u ace 2 coal oil stoves, 2 light wagons 1 new;about 25 bushels of buckwheat, some chicken .feed, Alen 1 cow 5 years old due in May and: ntitrnerouq other articles. TEEMS OF SALE.—A.11 smile of $10 and tinder, :cash. Over that. eirnount 12 eoliths credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. l% Straight off for cash on credit "amounts. Real estate m.a.de kitowtt on day of sale. (5prar l krnn. Auctioneer. J ,ns:e a ,C k: r Thursday November 2ftir ,Vat , The store wth the Liberal Cash 'Discount ti F r ors oven Fence While it lasts at Here is a chance to benefit at prices never heard of We are the loser. You are the gainer ivIELieK BRA N PHONE 63 }ieraid Job Department Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Card% Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop-. es, Check Books, Posting' Bilis a specialty. 3 "able Gods In the history of this Store have We ever been able to show such a fine display of Winter Goods with the pri- ces so reasonable. Be sure and look over our stock -before purchasing. Sport Flannel for Middy and Dresses, in all the leading shades Extra fine quality 54 in. wide at only $2.15 a yard. All Wool Serge, 40•in. wide in Navy Copenhagen, Brown, ,Red, at 90 cents, per yard. Ginghamis, a . nice assortment of Striped Ginghams, 'a real Bar- gain at 19c. a yard. , Spelial in Towelling per yd. 14c. Fancy Striped Serges in Navy and Blackat $1.75 per yard. Ladies heather Hose, Fine quality wool, $1.00 and $1.25 a pair. We handle Forsyth. Fancy Dress shirts noted for their splendid fit+ ;Fancy all -wool. Skirting in neat Stripes and Checks. Men's Rain Coats, Real Waterproof at prices to suit any purchaser. Men's Heavy Winter Coats in the latest Styles. Special' in 'Men's Sweater Coats all -wool nad very heavy at $3.25 Mens and :Boys pullover Sweaters • at each ...$2.50 A14ROW COLLARS --A Man'e dress is not complete without an arrow A fresh Stock of Raisins, Currants, Oranges, Lernon and Citron peel Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Etc. a: Right 'Prices. Our 11922 Walt Papers are in stock, Thesepapers are all ready trim- med, a 'big labor saver and are 22 in. wide: which, makers fewer strips and les swork to put on.. Blatchford Calf Meal, the best. calf meal on the market to-' day, 25 pounds for $1.25: We axle Agents for the Dr. Hese Bess line; of Poultry Panacia. Stock Tonic, Louse Killer Etc.. Try .a package and make your hens, \lay, and put ;Scour stock, good 'condition. Guaranteed or 'money refunded. SPECIAL' FOR TEW DAYS OONLY , WATCH THE LONDON DAILY PAPERS ON DEC. 1MORNING ORNIN( ANIkEVEN'ING EDITION FOR. SOAP COUPON. BRING YOUR COUPON TO !.CAIS STORE AND, Collar, R GENE THE VALUE OF IiT. TZ A Ne '$tock. of Men's and Boys' SOAP. it�lps; Hats, Gloves, NecktiesG Good Scarfs, • etc.d after '10th of December., ' ,;,;.Not ken. orn' Wednesday mg,. Live Poultry to w ; Produce Wanted Butericlaashions fr."y Phone