HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-11-24, Page 5Thursday NOVetaber e4th, 1.921 BUSINESS CARDS 'Proutlfoot, E. -Moran & HOLMES, Earxisters, Solicitors, Nutaries, Pu Lte, Office on the Seuere, 2nd door from Hamilton St. God- erich. Private funds to loan ,,at loWeat video. W. Proudfoot, K.Q. J. L. Killoran D. E. Holmes. Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. 41111.1•11111111101.1111.1MMINENIM,11•NIMM10.10•WWW•111,11,101/101.1 ANDREW F. HESS, Notary 'Public Com missioner,, Conveyancing, Fire end Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office, Zurich, Dr.E. S. liaraie . DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DABHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY -NAIN-OFFICIO - HEN 0 stLL- 441rnummii. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- flnty of Saleconducted ie any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- *nteed or no pay. Several fine farms havebeen placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0. Phone 19-93 Licensed Auctioneer ON. I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct -any kind of Auction Sale. Give me .a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET ',Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc "Highest Cash Price for Wool. CASH FOR SKINS elelDES Tungiblut SL.1 Reichert ZURICH LIVERY ane in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery _Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J THIEL Phone 59 Zurich: LIVE POU LT R WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. " Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. ' Zurich 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Insurance Co. Head Office; - London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period An unparelled Reward. C. A. Hoffman, Agent COAL Fall and VVinter. DELIVERIES Season 1921 1922 THERE IS A COLD DAY COM- ING. LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WITH OUR CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LA.CKAWANA'S COAL. COAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS; -CASH' Ihone; Office 10W, House 10j. PITT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN' MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goclerich at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, the lth day of Dec- ember 1921. All accounts against the County mist be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Mon- day preceeding the meeting of Council, GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk G-oderich, Nov,. 18th, 1921. NOTICE As the firm of Williams Broil. Zurich Flour Mills, has dissolved partnership, Notice is hereby giv- en that all outstanding accounts due them must 'be settled by December ,15th 1921. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acres, being/ part of Lot 21, Con. 13, Stephen'. There is on the premises a good brick house, bank barn, silo, plenty good water, well fenced and drained; 3 acres Nall maple bush, good orchard. For further par- ticuals apply on the premises, or to the undersigned. Possession given April lst, 1922. FELIX WILD, Dashwood, f17 NOTICE . We are now in a position to give unexcelled service on ,Storage Batteries left with us for the win- ter. Our motto is as always has been satisfactory work or no charge is made. Let us keep you, battery this winter, it will save; you a lot of trouble, and by giv-I ing it 4i\ 0 us you can rest assured that it will be in first class shape! in the 'Spring. We solicit your trade. Phone 626 r 14. E. P. Epps & Son, Varnia. 19-8 • G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTLST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer,M itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at BAYFIELD, Ont. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday frons one to five -thirty p. m. 19-25 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acres, being north ,half of Lot 13, con., 11, Tow- nship of Stanley. There is on the premises two frame barns, a good frame house, well fenced and drained, about 18 acres fall plo- wed, balance is in grass, a good never failing hard water well. For further particulars apply to; - James ' MciLnchey, R. R. 1, Varna. tf16 Live and Dressed • Poultry Wanted WILL BE TAKEN AT MY PRE- MISES EVERY WEDNESDAY FORENOON, FOR WHICH WE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. tf13 H.Gallman, LOCAL NEWS, .7, Dan Statiblis has 'WWII A position in the ZurAch FlourVfill ' Keep this at open Dee." 901 for the Z. P. School concert le/ 00 Town Hall, A. large number from Zilrleh at- tended the nonainatitm atHeneall on Tuesday, Seine very able addresses were given]. e Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Turnbull of the Salable Line, eolith, has moved to Grand Bend, whether will make their future home. While the weather in the West- ern provinces is as low as 30 deg- rees below. zero, we here hi this part of Ontario are enjoying al- most summer weather with prae-: tically no frost. ef Mr. and Mra. Simon Greb of the Babylon Line entertained a number iof their friendsto a fowl supper last Friday evening. Need- leqs to say, everything was of the Ivery best. , -Th4+ firm knOwn as the Williams Brcs. Flour Mats, have dissolved paytnehhip. Mr. T. Lester We - Hams having taken levee the in- terest ef Mr. Robert W. Williams. We wish Mr. Williams every suc- cess in s undertaking. Mr. G.1.4.undel of the Hall' Dent Can. Ltd., 'apndon was in town on Monday loekieg ever the Zurich branch. Mr. 7-Gundel advises us that this is a4 very enterprising' venture here, Ind has a fine staff of employees./ The hands are now put cm silk ,aiaterial insetad of other fabrjes as formerly used, The 'concert "The Dixie Dou" held' in the Town Hall on Friday evening was a decided success. The two girls proved themselves unequalled in their class of rend- ering an entire two and a half- hours continuous programme wih- out any assistance, and hte south- ern songs and recitations were en- joyed by all. Capt. McGillivray and Lieut. Parnell, of the Salvation Armee Exeter, were in the village a few hours on Saturday afternoon, and held a very devotional open air meeting. They are contemplat- ing of holding a meeting in the Town Hall. &frith, in the near future, and the peop'e of Zur'ch should give what assistance they can to this splendid cause and or- ganization. The next two weeks) are marked with hot orations from the polit- ical platforma. All electors sho- uld try and attend as( many meet- ings as possible and weigh the live discussions by their merits. Leave the hot-headed non -consid- erate old political crank at home, as the number of these are rem- arkable 'few in the present a.ge. Electors are beginning to support and vote 'for the welfare. cc-untry in generar, and not • 'fel' the old stir oolitical party that their grand,: .hers and fathers ha ve support,il and cherished the idea that anening else is corrupt and di' • We feel safe that ane of .1 three candidates in Smith Huron will represlent our riding at Ottawa to the beat of their ability and for the betterment of all con- cerned. We feel proud of our candidates and know they will fight the campaign on the -square, Be sure and hear them, all. Folloiwng are the dates of' two candidate's meetings. Mr. T. Mc- Millan's are as•yet not announced. J. J. MERNER Bayfield Nov. 22nd, 8 p.ml. Varna, Nov. 23rd, 8 p.m. Grand Bend, Nov. 24th, 8p.m. Crediton, Nov. 25, 2 pen. Zurich, Nov. 25th, 8p.m. W. BLACK Grand Bend, Nov.' 23rd, 8 pan. Zurich, Nov. 24th, 8p.m. Brueefield, Nov. 25th, 8p.m. FOR SALE ▪ Zh New Ford Touring Car for sale, uric fully equipped. Apply to Louis Prang, Zurich t-17 Engagement Extraordinary Hensall Town Hall `On One Night only, Tuesday Nov. 29th _The World's Greatest Story Photoplay A COLOSSAL MASTERPIECE, DIRECT FROM- MASSEY HALT; TORONTO. HAROLD ,BELL WRIGHT'S THE Shepherd THE OF .11 s THE MOST ENTRANCING LOVE STORY EVER TOLD SHOWN WITH SPECIAL MUSIC M"111". Have Read the Book iiiiOnS Have Seen the Play Now See The Picture -•• First at Popular Prices. DOD.Re OPEN 7.30 pen. 25 and 50 Cents STARTINti :f 3.00 StIAR:0 1,V --he 'first thing some people want when they have a little mon- ey is a car; then the first thing they want when they get a car is 4 little nalOPey. Polhee hours for the general el- ection on Dec, 6th will be the same all over Canada. ThepOlis will ePeri ac,8 o'clock in the mor- ning and ceese at 6 o'clock in the eveMne, The Shepherd Of The Hills is conning to the Hensall Town Hall Tuesday evening Nov. 29th, with special Music. Harold Bell Wr- ight's novel has made great ate., iking photoplay to all lovers of the4 book, this is not surprisine. The story is filled with dramatic situations and seencally the mae- pitude of God's own handi-workQis eVer before u The woods and the hills always appeal to a real man or worpanip -And in this Play the real great things of life are brought to our underst- anding as clear as water fronethe mountain springs which are ever before our eye. This production which has been a year en the mak- ipg has played all the large the- atres in America. By all odds the Photoplay of the season. This is ,the same Company that present- ed The Birth of a Nation, Hearts of The World, with the music. DRYSDALE. e v. Father Rondott spent last week with friends and relatives at Stony Point. Mr. Alex. Bart returned to his home in Stratford after spending a few Months here. Mr. Joseph Denomy and bride of Detroit spent a few days on tleer honeymbon with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Denomy. 4,,Mrs Regis Denomy is on the sick list. Mrs. Narbur Denomy, after hav- ing her home with the late Peter N. Denomy for many years, has left for Windsor where she will make her home in future with her denehter. Mrs. White. -'Mr. John Laporte is imp -ovine, his Corner farm on the side road with the addition of a nice kite chen to his honse. M. Omer Denomy of Zurich sp- ent Sunday with his father here. DASHWOOD Mr. Fr,derielc Weseloh of Zurich was a 'visitor in town on Sun- day. Mr. Geo. Kellerman has a num- ber of men engaged in heeding a new house. Mrst Pope of Hensall is visit- ing in this vicinity]. Miss Marjorie Jennison of Grand Bend, spent the week -end with Laura Mae Reid. Mr. Cooper of Clinton addres- sed the Evangelical Sunday School Siene,91-ee ornin g Messrs. Restemeyer and:Rleinst- iver are wiring the Lutheran ipar- sonage and Church. Mr. Fred Stire has returned from Blairmore, Alta., where he has spent the past "few months. •Mr. George Schroeder and "Inlay left on Thursday for Cav- alier, N. Dole. Where they will mei-% their future home. Miss Kline, who has been Mil- liner for Reid, Edighoffer & Son, returned to her home at Mildmay on Saterday. 1. Mr. Hartman Elsie of Sarnia is visiting in town. The young people of Grand Bend were guests of the Evangel- ical Y. P. A. at a social evening on Friday night. A. pleasant time was enjoyed by all. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. W. II. Stephenson and Mr. Geo. Stephenson of Marlette,Mieh. have been visiting friends in St- anley for a few clays. Mr. J. Stephenson, Sr., returned with them td spend the winter with her son,. W. H. Stephenson. Miss Metcalf of Wingharni has been visiting her cousins, the Stephen of Stanley, for the past two, weeks. _ Mr. John Turner of Seaforth, hite of Stanley, died on Saturday, the funeral which was held on Monday was attended by a number of relatives from Stan - ,lee; Death rmeoved one of the pion- eers of Stanley Tp. in the person of Mr. Geo. Kennedy, who dep- deParted this life on Friday of last eveek at the home of his dau- ghter, Mrs. Edward Johnston. He had reached the age of 88 years and two months, being born in -Qt.lebee in' Sept. 1833. At the age of 20 years he with h:s parents, ',vend to Stanley ancl settled on the Goahen Line where -he has sine continued to live. is wife pre-deteased him eight years ago and he has since made his home with his daughter, Mrs. E. John - eon, Five years ago Mr, Kenn- edy received a fall which fractur- ed ,his hip and he has since been confined to' his bed he also has been blind for sone years but has been •earefully and tenderly looked after by Mts. Johnson and fairely. The renlains were laid to rest on Sunday ,afternobn in Bayfield cemetery, Six of his grandsons acting as pall -bearers The 'Service was conducted by his pastor, 11.ev., J. L. Poster. Three daughters tem,ain, Mr, E jObnson, and Mrs Nelson Keys. of Stanley and Mrs. eliVis. Richer of Upland !eel:yew:se 0%41[4000a 401111101131 iim,,,,,,,,re,,,,,mirino r i ,.„. - .. ; ----- - amommitaimitagilasmasounsuuniumrouit, a iq , 94O79 i'lliteRSITISUITOrlyelltglaifie i NetefalTerCi eFiriFin4gits ksirnitatingtheroodbyReguta 4i ngtheStonorlis andBowets .. ,-r---fr-------r--'*---:"- 1 /0.••••••••••••••011.# 0 •••••....7..... ,:m-NerreAbylNiplroSmio. t4Cal gi /BLID:surN 1 GheerfainessandRest.Gen. , •,,i1 neither Oplunt,Morphine nae r Mineral. IScretTmicov : xeciopp:::,, jialiLYWritaill 1- liar :SO Also ee.fi !, aarAelStroe fitirsiv;_carborrato;frol....:..........at i and Feverishness and r;eshitingtherefrigtrininfancp Loss: SLEE: i Altelot.td:te___medYfor 'Constipation. and'Diarrhoea , ,A-tul*EIINT:REAn134:411`:Pi:, 5 ton,l'a:vsirni:e_s, igcnoa:re:: Exact Copy of Wrapper. Page • CASIO IA For Infants and Children. MOthett.'..Know Tat Genuine CastoriaAlwaya • • . Bears.tlie Signature. of: in Ose For Over Thirty Years CASOIA RIN.R Lumber Laths Shingles I Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order, * Lumber,and Building Material I Custom Worlqour Specialty Always in the market for saw logs F. C. K :PHONE JLALL- }MEIN 69 ZURICH • O N New Overland 4 CCS We have tested the NAW OVERLAND FOUR for tes) Year and find that it is. easily the best riding ▪ driving car on the rdad. • -ree Rubbertire Buggy, good as new, h alf Cti CHALMERS SIX AT L McLAUGFILIN TRUCK AT <1.) F. M. HESS CO. one and price of new one. $800.00 0 CD ca. $.0o0 - ZURICH to OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars MIONMe•••••• 411ISOMS NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 22 Year 6 per cent bonds DATED 15th, SEPT., 1921 DUE, 15tia, SEPT,, 1943 Interest payable half -yearly, 15th March pd September. Denominations $1000 and $500 Price 98.80 and accrued interest Yielding 6.10 per cent Deiivered free of charge to you. Orders taken by, iri44'firtki.UT p !IA Q • e A :,;') 1 4 4 4 1 4 4