HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-10-20, Page 1t!. 1 Vol. XX II No 15 A1■■Ln Pootwear Lour .' We are right on the spot when it comes to make your 'feet warm, and comfortable for " " Fall dry can and'Winter. Wefit any foot and can suit your test, no matter how remote a. buyer you are, we • will be pleased to show you our goods. GET OUR PRICES ADN rrHEN COMPARE THEM WITH VALUES ELSEWHERE. ZURICH, THURSDAY Ni Cheetex L. igmi#li, Publisher. OCTOBER 1$1.INAR] Saar Inh1�dlvsa L: ' Z0, 1921. n�q W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS. ste,,.�.o� 4•� O p4�!�'r7 J•4 01 rl ' 1\ The Store p is rapidly filling with new Autumn 0 ,• QUO i Mel°clk��ndise at decidedly lower prices. The cost goes and labor and everything 8 of raw material article is reduced so that all Fall op 1.}110 the�finished ;n a very decided reduction. o NO TIME LIKE THE; PRESENT' AND INTO PRESENT LIKE THE TIME Mr Daniel Smith is visiting at I+1ee Hamburg• and Arkona. Mee. A. Kaerheer of Kitchener) is .renewing acquaintances here. 1Vjis' Rose Hess, of London sp- ent a few days at her home here. • Messrs. Edward and Norman Rupp :of Detroit are visiting with t'hei> , mother, Mrs. Rupp. Messrs. Frank and William Sie- bert, of Detroit are visiting at theme home here. •Mu. Menno Oesch, who had been West for the harvesters excursion, reirnmed home on Thursday. • Mr.• Fred Aikerthead of Q the Mol - sons. Bank staff, has' again return - :ed to his home at Brucefild, owing to illness. od Mereha11dase is show Q NEW SERGE SUITS. LLiu,e., Navy Blue Serge Suits, • • made with long style coats, neat- ly with pockets, size 36 andd38, •-p �f(iQ ly trimmed, slecial at ... $22.00 . LADIES' COATS ✓U�o • Our first shipment of C.atsisGoat Qe• here and as usual every shows that little touch that maks then)- diefereele.• Se y .�,,..re _ specials in•,best Velour`'oa' , $20; $251 $35. ,SPECIALS IN SERGES wool Serge Beautiful quality all w�, my and in shades of black, navy,g brown 50 and 54 inches ide,ssuit- able for suits 25rt r separate o • ..•..$3.75 Prices from WOOL TRICOTINE All wool Tricotine very suita- ble for fall* coats oe suits in , all the newest shades 54 inches50 $4 e at per yard ... .. ......$2.50,$ ALL 'WOOL PLAID Skirt leng- ths in neat plaids and len ercheck th $5. 0 54 inches wide, at per iSILKS Duches Satin gies the best of wear for blouses or skirts. We have a new lot just arrived 36 -in. wide in all 'the newest shades;— Harding Blue, Jacle Green, :.Henna, Iloney Dew, Sand, Peach, Black and Navy, exceptional good qual- ity at Special prices, per yd. $2.46 WRAPPERET,TE '\Vrapperettes 30 -in•• wide d1 heavy quality and pretty patterns very nice for kimonas or house dresses. i1.` CORDUROY VELVETS Corduroy Velvets 27 -in. wide in colors of navy, green,' Whites and red, special at per yd. - NEW STAMPED GOODS s r' :Dresser Scarfstamped in pretty designs on fine quality repp pieces axil: Also stamped centre p tray cloths. ,LA,DI.ES' SATEEN UNDERS'd1RTS „nom pec ata .50 le $µin all .colors, SPE $200 each. ' leADIES' FALL GLOVES �( Gauntlet Chamoisette gloves in pretty shades of tan or lrygrey, per extra good wearing _giov$1.00 and $1.50r pair _- ILK CAMISOLES ,r Ladies' all -wool scarfs,assorted ss , ted Mr: and Mrs. Arthur Truemmer of Toronto are spending their vac- ation a tthe home of the former's parent;s, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. True - ranee We have just received a ber of Ladies' Waithain Swiss Wrist Watches in Octagon, Cushion and Convertable styles verging in price from, $3.00 to $35: untie- and 'Mr.' and Mrs. W. F. Fink-einer and daughter, Miss Hazel of Str- ;atford” visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman on Sat - Mrs. 3. Wing, of Kitchener and daughter, Mrs. 0. Weber of C'al- gary, Alta., were•week-end visit- ors at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. P. Haugh. On Friday evening, last, the I, Neatly S R(!A Neatly trimmed at eachctsso ted ,'`�•'. 'colors at ••a •- F •..$6.50 and BED SPREADS quality Extra large size, good q splendid design, special at $3.50 and $6.00. Sport Floss and Cortieelli 0 ting 0 knit - Wool, four ply. All new shades, 1 and 2 -oz. balls. Fine White Tea Aprons, trim- med with nice fine lace at 45c. and 50c. each. •` Cheer of St. Peter's Lutheran(' e'hnrch, were enivited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Meidinger, where' they were treated to a evat- erntelon, feast .After justice had "beep'. done to the watermel ons; 'a lunch was served by " the `'hostess which was appreciatedby every one present. An ;address: wee' given by Rev. Relnbe in ech- ie , he in beahif of t1Ye Choir tha,e; :e 1!I'r.• and 'Mrs Merdinge'r : - wn�' alk) W. G. HESS Incorporated in 1655 ri HE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branchea There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding, your sur- plus money than placing Min a savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN • ' PHONE No. 74 ---' 9C�0®3dr< 00004*0004000000,00 00.'O�j . v00 0 0 0 -D G We also carry in 0 4 0 For three days, Oct. -25, 26 and 27th, Brantford will be the cef Ire for. all Western Ontario feeledaY School enthusiasts. 13yearean 1t se name rug FURS We have opened up a nice ne'' I lot of Ladies' Furs for the Fall t rade. • Niee full Stoles in, Q Gol- den Fox, Manchurian Wolfe, el ural Badger, Dyed Fox in Brown . and Taupe, rangnlg in price from `tY•` $10.00 to $25.00. I only FrenchSeal ar Jacket with Olin shawl colla rand cuffs, 36 -in. long. Also lee French Seal shawl. Lawrance, a man gusts the last • 'lewd ip organized; ,l. S.S. work thet World over, will be!present, and will deliver iMir aad-l dresses on The ten tommanama l'+ ♦OOo0a�00000®aea�a O• RIYour Horse We are offering the following seasonable Horse f prices: greatly reduced p .- requirements at g' Y ROSES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, Te. HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, �,. HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. • SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT FMEN'S MITTS AT • BIG R EDUCTION.0 stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single 40 harness, Etc. P REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4h EL ZURICH FRED TH r A m�00��: f. 0000001►0000�00400000�00004000�!0000000000.0��� is 44444l' 01' `k°33R831IIl1l nee ter We S.S. teacher. Prof. F. 'Langford of Victoria University will address three topics on Educ- ational Evangelism. Further in- formation will be gladly furnished by the Ont. Religious Education, Council, 299 Queen St; W. Tori onto.. • ' 4 i MEN'S SUITS and style will You Men who insist the bee net nassortmegt of Men's ,Suits bf greatly rewarded byseeingat of the very choisest Tweeds and Worssbest suit reatinly SL•oipelfor ' REMMEMBER—We are 'offering the $27.50, and you, who knows not w$hat that means, COME IN, and we can 5000 she are ,off ering. ow -you what' STOCK 1OF ns `BOY`S CLOTHING Everything for a boy's school wear. Also for t ea r wear. have just received a new shipmentof Boys' Clothing pricee SEE ORU BOY'S SUITS FROM $9 to $12. HATS AND CAPS -=There are a lot of different heads to fit. Butwe have ar lot o" different hate and caps to do the job. ; �' 00 Phone 59 SHIRTS—Our Shirt Department is always filled with the finest C All sizes and all colors. t 17,E ,of Shirts in sizes from 12;! o Now is the time to buy your Rain Coat, for the Rainy Season will soon be here, aridweSeehve thatthe stock ockof ndfrt e cele isr on every �Stan- . dud buy, Line., Coat you buyo These Coats ar•esuitable for'both cold and wet, we have a nice assortment of patterns to chose -from at teas- enable prices. SPORTS ZURICH NOW CHAMPIONS gy defeating Wingham on Sat- urday the Zurich ball team is now G`hla npions of the 4 W. B. A. League. , Space is not permitting to go into detail about thegam,e but we all know it was a good fight and out team has reached its ambition$ •T'ollowing is I INNING Howson walked; Telfer grounded but to '3-b; Anderson doubled and ;Howson home; Geddes tripled and 'Caught at 3-b; Anderson scored; C Wagner 'Singled; Cruickshank gr - i 'c uuded out to 2'-b• `•C. Hoffman grounded to s.s; Sie- bert r reanded to 1-1e; L. Hoffman singled; (Henning grounded out to leacher; 11 INNING BrKicltenberry Johns fanned; flied lout_ to Callfas U-1; Morden grounded to 3-b. Wesleyfan Brown flew out, to 2-b; ned; IOhlei•1 grounded out to 2-bl, III INNING Telfer fo- uled flied out to s.s; out to catcher, Anderson do- ubled; Geddes 1st and Anderson home on L Hoffman's ge e misjudge fly; Wanobled and Clarence Hoffman Geddes Ironic; Clarence at 2-b, and naw pitching, 4v esle'* 1 t 3-b; Crhiekahank f an= ned_ eight) eConc ailed on page the doings; ere eV RE RIGHT ON THE SPOT WITH THE BEST SELEC- t WEA 'GYOMN BOYS AND CxIRL�• IrOR MEN, `rz01� �r F`OOTWEAR - BEST PAOTOR1ES• tilt SHE PROBLEM SA" FROM THE A PAIR OF OUR REL BE EASILY SOLVED BY SEURINGSEVERE! TEST BLE SHOES. THEY WILLS .AN:I) THE MOST S Don't fail to get our prices on ail kinds of footwear andlet us assure 4. you that they are the lowest that t. can be obtained. anywhere. C. FRITZ & SON 4 SHOE MERGMA ®A H41, WOO • $ ZURICH J. pR'T.ETE • ee ,.. •; as, •�e eee` ir tea. v+gYt"++++++gy.'{'+'M++++++++i'44"44i+.?.+.g++it#'+'§g++++++•i"+4+4+e X40 Qo0 Produce Wanted g'o STO'R .I A' Per Infants and. Children. In Use ForOver 3OYe urs Always be the ;Signature of PRE-WAR PRICES \!.I THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON A GREAT YMANY OF THE GOODS, BOOTS�AND SHOES. ES WE CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE D IES We have a good shirting at 35 cents per yard. A good Devine at 50 tents per yard., A good leonine for boys suits at e0 cents per yard. Cottons at 15 cents per yard and upwards. varcls. Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and up 't' Men's Shirts were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.25. Men's Overalls, per pair from $1.25 to $2.00 AND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD - ND GROCER• ACCORD- INGLY. A WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF TTIE, fc BARGAINS WE ARE. OFFERING. Fresh Groceries always in. Stock R. N. 0 UG4AS PHONE 11 91 teie