HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-10-13, Page 8Page Eight ZURICH HER` 1 D 0 ,t Low Prices New Goods for Fall now arrivingand and prices ire much lower. than you were accustomed to pay We have:--= 64 -in. 'black and navy serge. Its fine twill and smooth fin- ish makes it an excellent cloth for suit or dress, only yd. $2.10 40-ine serge in black, navy, Copenhagen and wine, at spec- ial prices per yard.--. .----.-•- .. ... ... Fine black douchess silk 1 -yd wide at per yard _-- .-. ...2$.50 Balance of Habutia Silk, 36-iinvide to clear per ;card ._. .. ...90e Dark Prints now selling at .-- ••- ... 30c Light prints, now selling al per yard .----:..- 25c .......- 35c Down yarn 2 -oz. ball now at- __ .._ .-.-.----35c $1.00 .Rock fast Monarch Shirting at per Men's Work Shirts /Special at each . Men's blue stripe overalls $1.75 A shipment of Girl's coats on hand,. ,sizes from 12 to 20, we can offer /these at very low prices.So come early for first choice. New range of point laces for dress and coat collars priced from 70c to $1.50 per yard. Men's fine pants now selling from $3.75 to $5.00. COME AND SEE THEM. A quantity of Purity No.1 timothy seed for sale J. GASCHO ' SON Phone 67 Produce Wanted Zurich's . Garage Ready -to -Wear DENOMY BROS, Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Men's and 1ty's Over- coats and Suits You can buy Overcoats and Suits at the right prices now. New styles, colors and fine cloths. They have taken a big' drop, come in and see for yourself. Come to this store for your new fall hat. we sell the famouus Baring- ton hat in all the :latest colors. Our Garage is a refuge tt motorists in trouble; because Iva make repairs thor- oughly and carry a most complete line of Genuine Ford Parts kali DENOMY BROS. Prodmce takes is eaclaage dor Goads SPORTS If Ohl Sol will stop the rain and give us sunshine, the people of Zurich will have the treat of their life in the line of baseball on Sat urcla;y, , when the fast Wingham 1921 Champions of the N. W. B. A. will play our local team, here. As will be seem our boys defeated that team on Monday on their own grounds, but they say they arehy no nu'ilt,:. beaten yet. If Zurich wins they will have the Chamip ionship for 1921. See if they do. , ZURICH WINS FROM W,OO:DS-'T TOCK IN PLAYOFF • ((Woodstock Sentinel -Review) With a small but apparently safe lead in their favor, and with only two. short innings to go, the Woodstock team blew in the last 'ALSO .STOCK MOST CALLED FOR FARTS -FOR VARIOUS AUTOS • Battery Sales and Service Station A complete line of 'fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. Wt3 need Your BuSiness, Satisfaction Assured IV[ousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. Hit by pitcher, Woodstock 2, Zurich 1. Walks of Woodstock 4 Zurich 2; Hits off Thompson 13, Kelly 0; of Ohlert 2, off Hof:tman 1; struck out by Thompson 2, Kel- ly. 0; Ohlert 2, Hoffman 3; left on bases, Woodstock 4, Zurich 11. Score by innings; Zurich Woodstock 00200060x-8 000030000-3 ZURICH TAKES FIRST t`ROM WINGHAM Our nine journeyed to Wingham on Monday' to play the first game in ,.the finals with that team. A. lax+ ;e; n1i-o her of rooters accomp-. enied the team,"which helped to a great" extent to' win. The first inning opened with, a rrn for Zur- ich, and two runs for Wingham on a few good hits and ragged fielding. Then everything went along fine till the fifth inning when - Wingham got another run Across on C. Hoffman's wild peg to 1st. However, the visitors we of the 7th in the semi-final play- re not'satisfied and redemmed off in Fullerton on Wednesday. and themselves in the eighth by time - the Dutch boys walked off with the bacon. by a final score 8-3: The trouble came when Ithompson cracked in the fateful seventh(. He had done stellar work 'but had reached the, end of his rope. Manager Bond left him in too long. ly hitting by Siebert, L. Hoffman Ohlert and Braun, two more runs were •scored for Zurich.. Then the score wasa tie 3-3, and here the Zurichites demonstrated the mar- velous stamnnia they po tsessed. Oh- lert was pitching stronger at every The result was the Zur:chites stag- inning, while Morden was letting ed a regular old time rally, putt tip somewhat. In /the ninth Oh- ing the game on ice with no tree acct faced only three men, Aitch- uble, Kelley was then used and eson fanned and Judson, manager shut the enemy off for the rest of of the Wingham team was put in the game. All the locals runs resulting of errors by Zurish, but Zurich got a few of their runs by errors too, so that evens it up. ......4.4444+++4.+4.+++++++++++++++.t.� ti� �a.. •S. ! «`.;.� s 7 S •II•� •F '� �t your supply these 4~ + 4. 4. .ta s. Frost W' + q p REDUCED . .90 Wehave onlya few hundred sacks of Ce•nent left and we do not intend to get another car this Fall. je would advise the public who require some to come and et their supply hike it lasts. We also have a few rolls Eros ire Fence equal space, only a few rolls to clear li a PRICE. Farmers requiring fencing shouiu nnt. miss this. No Bei ter Fence made. 4. 1 i 4' 'while . Now is the time to have your eve trough and roof repaired 1 efoie the cold weather sets in. We give best , . of attention to plumbing '4,7v4 rk. Carry a fall line of stoves, fuknawes, heat 4. ors, oil stoves, auto a'e essories, k,;avy and shelf hardware.:;, etc. .i. 4c 4• The ,Zurich outfit looked like, out at 1st, Morden then went much the ,b^st tem alt':ough ihe;•ewee, the S,Gam, route. At this stage a lot of Iloase playing on both the excitement was inteise, Wurm cam' up first in Zurich's inning sed famed Clar. Hoffman s'ngled Braclenberry's place as pinch -hit- ter, but he looked the same to Ohlert, and after a ale oupleoundor f fouls, finally g to s.s. L. Hoffman and was thrown Thursday October 13, 1921 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount Attei1!oQ arrners Woven Fence While it lasts at t . A Here is a chance to benefit at - prices never heard of MELH2K&BRI4EJN We are the loser. You are the gainer PHONE '63 erajd Jb Dcpartment Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. 1 .ides. The Zurich's were repre- sented by an immense following,of rooters, acid they nearly went'), wild with joy* when the game en- Siebert welted ; Lee, Hoffman then ded with their pets winners. Wood made a two -base hit and Clarence Hoffman :scored the necessary run. 4. pl. A ,are Det1,� Our Motto• +„T...i.,,,,.., �. E IDO stock fans turned out in a couple hundred strong and formed along line on one side of the field, en- couraging their pets. The ..dia- monsi was not a bad one, but, the outfit looked like a northern Alberta plains just after the lee age away back in the Paleozie Ep- och. Thompson who started on' p E r BLOCK -� ZURICH 4.40++++++++44++++++++41444+4+44+4.4.444- ; e.e.•.� 4 � + ,4 4..i4 �'e,-4' the hill for the locals did finework until the Tth. Ohlert was (Met,ed from the box for the second .time in two games, but Hoffman, -who Followed was a smoother flinger end tl,^ loeels could not connect with his offerings. Zurich Clar. Hoffman, 3-b Siebert 1-f L. Hoffman Henning, c: Wurm Ohlert p Wesley Brown c -f Clay. Hoffman .Calfas Woodstock Henderson 1-f d 2-h Bond, Ray e.f. Lynch 3-b Siriall, s.s. Foster, r -f Harvey 0. Pullen, 1-b. Thompson, p 1 elly p. Morden faced 41 Zurich men while Ohlert faced only 36 Wingham pl- ayers. The attendance was not .'so large as expected owing to the wet weather. Zurich Clar.' *Hoffman, 3-b Siebert 1-f L. Hoffman, s.s. Henning c. Ohlert, p. Braun, c.f. Clay. Hoffman. Callfas r -f Wurin 2-13` A.B. RI. H.11 4, 2 2 .0 4 1 2 2 4 1 1 0 5 0 10 2 1 '0' 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 4 1 3. 5 1 2 010 r-> 4 1 1.9 38 8 13 3 Wingham Howson 1-b Geddes, s.s. Telfer 2-b Anderson, c. Wagner, r -f Aitche,son 1-1 Cruickshank e -f Braekeirberry, 3-b Morden p, Judson 4 0• 0 0 4 0' 1. 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 4 0: 0 1 4 0 2 '0t 0'o 1 4 0 0 2 3 0' 0 0 1 0 •0 0 5 Big Mi MidaiSuramerSale After our successful three week's Midsummer Sale we have decided to continue same for a time, as busin- ess demands these reductions, and we therefore advise you to take ad- vantage of this opportunity. Get our prices before purchasing. BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS. SPACE WILL NOT PER- MIT US TO PUT AL LBARGAINS IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT. Linoleums at per yard ... ... 4$.00 Men A.B. R. H.E 4 2 3 2 4 1 '1 1 5 1 4 0 5 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 3'0 0 0 4: 0 0 0 AmmillisTraellanielammminamiworlimianantanulaim Feltex Regular 2.25 Sale Price $1.70 Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2.50 Regular $2.25 Sale __. ... $1.50 Children's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE QmONSOULIAVIMO All -woo lserge 40 in. wide yd, 95e Light. Prints per yard .-.... --_ 19e Dark Prints per yard ... 25c 37 4 11J 1 4 2 1 0 4 1 1 0 3 0 1 1 4 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 1' 3.0 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 34 '3 5 2 Dress Voils Regular 1.25, 1.50 $2 per yard Sale Price ... ... 85c Two base hits L. Hoffman 2, (lar. Hoffman, Anderson. Dou- ble plays, Wingham 2; Base on balls of Morden 4; Ohlert 1; str- uck out by Ohiert 8, Morden 7 Left on bases, Zurich 10, Wingham 6. Score by innings. 123 456 789 R. 1I. E Zurich 100 000 021-4 11 3 Wingliaria 209 010 000-3 5 2 GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS House Dresses and Aprons at Big Reelections. Mill Ends in Sbirtings, Galateas, Chambray s. • Don't forget to look at these Snaps 's Straw Hats at HALF 'PRICE Big Reduction in Overalls Pants Ladies' Summer Underwear Prices Away Down Ladies' White Cotton Night Gowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale -.. ... $1.50 at and Felt Hats at HALF PRICE Men's and Boy's Caps at HALF -PRICE Ladies' Middies Regular 2.50 at$1.25 Ladies' White top skirts Reg. 4.50 $5 and $6, Sale/ Price .........•.$3,00 Job Lot Middies for Girls at 50c Men's Dress Shirts at HALF PRICE Produce Wanted, Phone frr Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns, Regular 2.75, Sale Price ... $2.06 All Curtain Goods at a l3IG .REDUCTION. Towelling at. per. yard ...... ... 15e GROCERIES Rice 3• lbs. for :_ ..25ei Laundry Soap 4 bars for 25e Yeast Cakes per Box . .... Broken 13iseuite per pound ... 1.0e Palm Olive Soap 3 for . -..25e 25 1.b4. Calf Meal for ..- ......w... $1,25 Fruit Jars, pints dozen .. $1.25 Fruit Jars, quarts per dozen ...$1;40 Fruit Jars, half -gallon doz. . $1.9b Matches per box... 10e Castile Soap 7 bars for ; 25e ButerickFashions • 1