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Zurich Herald, 1921-10-13, Page 5
.'hursda • October' 13, oz. ULtICH HERALD BUSINESS CARDS Prowtfoot, Killoran & IIOLMES, 13arnsters, Solicitors, NuLariea, S?u"crl1. , T,te, Office on the Square„ 2nd door from Hamilton St, God- erich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. 'W. Proudfoot, Z .C. J, L, Killoran D, E. Holmes, Mr, Holmes will be .in Hensall on Friday of each week, ANDREW 1+'• HESS, Notary Public Com missioliil'er, Conveyancing,, Fire and Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office, , Zurich, Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At, ZURICH EVERY WED*E$DAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR HEN \LL are OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer ('or the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted ,in any part of the County; Char gee moderate, Satisfaction guar- anteed or. no'pay. Several fine farms have been 'placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in 'a position to conduct 'any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no , charge. ., Arthur Weber, -'Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich eat I MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool, . j CASH FOR SFJJNS & TIMDES'• Yui gbh't &l, Beichert F NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform. the public that I . am in .a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed Chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL phone -58 =Zurich. LIVE POU LTR Y WANTS D Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning 'when `brought in. Highest ' Cask Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich Threshing Machinery I am agent of this district for the celebrated Waterloo Mfg, ;Co. machinery and }Healer . tractors. Parties interested will do well to see me. Have sold the following machines'this seasonwith absolute satisfaction in every sale; Hy. ,Steckle, steam outfit; John Erb oil tractor and small separator; Menno Steckle also a tractor out. fit. For further information kin- dly " see any of these . lasers. tf5 PETER KROPF, Agent, Zurich, COAL Fall and Winer DELIVERIES Season 1921. 1922 THERE 15 A COLD DAY COM-. ING. LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WITH OUR CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'; . LACKAWANA'S' COAL. 'UOA.L & PRODUCE MERCHANT T.RItMS--CASK laht one; O10ee 10W.tt •/IManse looj. •HENSALL ONT. r PUT YOUR Wanto, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN NOTICED Up to October 20th, 1921, I aux in a position to put up lightning rods on eleirch steeples or high towers, price $40, tf11 Peter Corriveau, R.11.2, Zurich WANTED A few girls: to work la the Hall Dent Glove Factory. :DR SALE I' Will s'11 privately the fol,owing articles;-- Express wagon;' parlor suite, 'bedroom suite, extension table,l edger, hay fork, stable fork. For quick sale. Apply to. Mrs, A. G. Ehnes, Zurich. FOR SALE A new $10.00 Chatham Kitchen Cabinet for $33.00 cash. tf-7' L. A. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE. Will the party who loaned our onion screen last spring kindly ret urn same at once —J. Preeter. STRAYED. Unto my premises, Goshen Line, a red calf. Owner can have same by proving. property and paying expenses. Jos. Gelinas. WANTED Highest market prices paid for Live Poultry, taken in every Wed- neaday. .J Gascho & Son. -12 FOR SALE 't3 story red brie khouse and three lots for sale, hard and soft water in . the house, also good stable and chicken house. For particulars apply to. Mrs. Fred. Deters Sr., Zurich. tee FOR SALE Pure bred Yorkshire hogs for 'sale, one boar fit for service, sir- ed by the undefeated Champion of America, "Oak Londge Chide." Also some pure bred White Leg- horne cockerels. Apply to John Armstrong, Goshen Line, Zurich P.O. • Phone 2-97, Hensall. tf13 FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC, Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- seyrc'Peerless. Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction . engine, tank; .• belts, Etc„ . one '«e4n..p. Lister gas- olene engine. -For, further part- itulars apply to John • Thirsk, Blake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 FARM FOR SALE 250 acres, more or less, concessiop 4 and • 5 Stanley, township, about 43 miles from Clinton. Well im- proved, good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood and cedar bush, prac- tically' all fenced with new wire fencing. First-class house and barn; telephone; rural mail deily- ery. Will sell: on reasonable term; Apply on premises to Adam Stewart, R,R.No.S, Clinton 3-tf NOTICE. To whom it may concern. Henry Rau, Zurich,, `Ort. Tiles s a .falseecharge against ycuj "You never persuaded us, nor attempted to pursuade us to pur- Chase the sadi farm, but -'you • ad- vised us to remain in the city. Undersigned; Mrs. Liz, ie taporte Leo. J_ 'Laporte. Detroit: 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT- for C fHIEVEMENTfor the London Life Insurance Co. Flead Office; — London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Wf Period Continued in high cost period An unparelled Reward. C. A. ,Hoffman, Agent Live Poultry WILL BE TAKEN AirMY PRE- MISES EVERY WEDNESDAY FORENOON, FOR WHICH WE. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. , tf13 H.Gallman, Zurich "Now, boys," said j+he teacher, "there were two rich l i n; ogle of them had made hist fortune byhon- esty and industry, 'while the other had made his by fraud and roga- ery. Which of these two men( wo- uld you ;prefer, to be?" There was a mozn,ent's hesitation, then young Solomon Isaac's hand went up as he quietly eneuired, "Vich made 'the Meat?" • LOCAL NEWS lift•. and Mrs, A. Melicle' were to London on Thursday. 'Miss. Alice Hoffiman Of: Dashwood sport the week -end in the village Mr, L in Eolcstele pinrchased a new . Fore R,unalout,,, wliioli he will nae iii his batting •business, Asa iaila Maack left for London last eesk where she iwil be for s mac time. Mr, Eld'ward Hey, of •pear Calgat'y Atte , is visiting his father;, !Ar, lley, Babylon Line. Mrs. :o..Mcisaac, Mrs Heist • and Mab, fachwane cf Czed,ten, ei., the village one day last . week. Mrs. W. Rader, Mrs, Hy. Tiu-- in.ner and Mrs. M. Weber spent Thursday with Mrs. M. Rader 14th con. Miss 1. 13.owald of London is visiting at the home, of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob How- ald: Mr. Andrew Kipfer and Mr. and burg spent t he week -and es the Mrs. Menno Kipfer of New Haan- guests of the former's son,, Mr. 5, Kipfer, Bayfield, Our village locked soinevhat de- serted on Monday afternoon; as nearly everybody' attended the ball game at Wingham.: 'A half holiday was proclaimed. The next regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, October' 18th, ow- ing to numerous :other doings,thia, has been considered• the most sink able date. Mr. apd Mrs. Hy. Schede ' and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. C'. -Truernner, 14th con., Mr. and I1rs. Schade and Miss Gertrude Schade of the Salable, attended Mil\•erton Fair last week.::, 'ihe Zurich baking• business has changed hands, Mr. Jos ,Geiger disptsing of same to Mr. -Irvin Eckstein, also t. he dwelling pro- Aerty and bake . shop at ..the north end of the village.' We wrsn Mr. ec•ks'•ein every success in his and taking. "Mr. and Mrs. C. 0• Smith, St. Joseph, were " visitors at Baden and lde.w Hamiburg a few clays fast week. ee Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilhelm, parents of Mrs. Smith, and who had been visiting for several ‘vee'as, returned with, tn:en to their hothe in Baden. As `anticipated the beet sugar which was marketed for the first time on Saturday, is undeeseiing all the other barnds of granulated The initial retail., price at which the product is offered is $8.50 per cwt,, or 50 cents below the whole sale sale .quotations of .:.other enefinar les. Although this is the lowest figure at which the commodityi ,has sold for two years, it is ex- pected that further slumps are in- evitable. The beets .are grown and refined in this province, so that the dealers are exiabled to 1014 underbid their competitors on ac- count of low transportation costs and freedom from duty,':br exch- ange. The 44th annual .meeting of the West Huron Teacher's Association will be held, in Exeter High School on Thursday and Friday of this week. Many timely triples relate ing to the education, of our boys and girls . will come up for discus-. sign, The principle .speaker will be Mr. Wrist(. Prendergast, ;B, B. Paed,'.of the Normal School,Tor- onto, The officers of the assoc- iation are ;—Past pares,, Miss. Jean Murray, Exeter; pres',, Nelson la Datu s, Dashwood; vice prbs„ Miss Jean Ready, Orillia; sec.treas W, H, Johnston, Exeter; councilors Miss Hannah Kinsman, Exeter; Miss M. Bailie," Goderich, Howard, Exeter. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Next Sunday, Oct. 16th, . the Varna Methodist congregatioe Will hold their Anniversary services, 'when Rev. R. F. Erwin of Luck- now will preach morning and ev- ening, On Monday evening, Oct. 17, in the Town: Hall, Varna, Mr. Erwin will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Ireland and the Irish" when a musical program will a SD be given, Mr. Ruskin Keys, who is teach ing at Elmira spent the week -end at his home on Babylon. The annual convention of the Tuckersinith and Stanley S. S. Association will be held in Baird's School House, and. con., Stanley; on Tuesday, Oct. 18th, there will be two sessions, afternoon apd ev- ening. Rev. J. L, Foster and Elmere Keys attended the E. L. Conven- vention at Chatham last 'week, Mrs. W. L. Keys of Seaforth sp- ent the week -end with friends in Stanley. A very interesting event took olace in Goderich Tp., on Moen -1 ley evening, O?t. lath., at ` thel Ione of Mrs. Steirling, when her 'ldest daughter, Miss Je ss' a, . be- same the bride of Mr, Sherlock Keys, son of Mr. Nelson Keys of Stanley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. McFarlane �F Bayfield in the presence of a mood company of friends and re- iatives. The newly married co- uple will settle on the groom's fine "arm at Varna amid the best wish as of a haste of friends. Mr. Warwick Cole of Goderich, Tp .pent Sunday at the home of of his uncle,, Mr. J. T. Keys, Baby- lon Line. Mr. and Mrs., Jas. Delgaty, who h. vs e'pealt, the past two years in Ontario, leave khis week for their home at Gilbert Plains, Man. They had intended ;going about +Ivo months ago 'but owing to Mr.: Delgaty's illness, 'were un-. able to ten ve•,- hens• °sufficieetl r re covered however, to be able to make the journey, and his many friend% in his native country hone that he may be 'restored to . his u nual health and -enjoy life to the lilt, in the country of his adopt - . i FROM NEW NUinDEE On Monday evening,' Sept. 26, the Ladies' Aid of St. James " Lan Lutheran church, New Dundee gathered at` the parsonage to welcome their pastor and his bride. „During the evening the.' Ladies pleasantly surprised 1ie•v. and Mrs. F. L. Howald by present- ing them with an address, a furred" oak: sectional book, case and. eincy quilt. Another special at-- traction which generally, accomp- anies such an event was a hi s_lin;; .,rid bustling of bells, tins, iron' bars and .numerous other. "mus:cal'. instruments, The band about twenty in number deserved praise and then some. One week later the young people Of the same church, about fifty in number. A—' gain assembled at the home 'of the newly married pastor. On this occasion the surprise took the form of a kitchen shower. The evening vas pleasantly spent in games and music. On the follow- ing Wednesday evening, Oct. 5th; the membe4s of' his Maiirahe:m co,,.n• gregation invaded the parsonage 'Chis proved to be for the same event: Their kindness and appe reciation was shown in presenting, an upholstered wicker chair and rocker. . The pastor expressed his sincere and heartiest thanks for the many valuable gifts andkind- nesses at each occasion. A social evening was spent, and needless to say (hint 1 1 ',:ed at .all three evenings. Does the Collar Fit the Horse? Sore shoulders and sore necks on farm horses are generally caused either by collars that do not fit or by hames that are not properly adjusted. A collar that is too long will cause sore shoulder points and is likely also to cause sores on the top of the neck. A collar that is too wide or too nar- ronar- rowwill also cause sores on different parts of the shoulder or on top of the neck. A collar that is'ton wide or too narrow will also cause sores on different parts of the shoulder or on top of"the neck, depending on the kind and amount of work the horse is doing. Then,again, a collar that is too short and tight may cause the condition known as '`sweeny" of the ”shoulder. iMostfarin horses are at least mod- erately fat in the spring. In this con- dition the muscles about the neck and shoulders \•vi11 be full and plump arid. it will take a rather large collar to fit. The soft condition of the horses, however, coupled with the long days of hard work, causes them to shrine in flesh rapidly, and a col- lar that was a good fit at the begin- ning of the season may be entirely unsatisfactory three or four weeks later. In some cases the collar can be made to fit by using a sweat pad, while in others a new or .different collar will be required. It is better, however, to have collars that fit than to use'sweat pads. A poorly fitting collar not only starts sores but also causes the horse to fret, thus greatly reducing his efficiency. A' work horse wearing a properly fitting collar is about i.wo- Wfr'de lArnessgd,. hy uc nles ere ser• Prime Minister's Meetings Rt. -Hon. Arthur Meighen PRIME MINISTER. OF CANADA WILL ADDRESS MEETINGS IN HURON COUNTY ON 'Wednesday,Oct. 19. Clinton. at 2 o'clock �'� oclerich• e t 8 .o'clock These will be the only oppor-tunities for the Eleetoes of Huron County to hear Canada's gifted Premier. o Ample acconiodi tiore will be provided in 'comfortable buildings and special attention Will be givet3. i - mIDIINIDIRIIU.NVIssM sl een e a,° 4.079 'he7't'oprietaryo0;Pntmltifedicinek AYedelableTheparatianforM i slmilatingtfiefood byllegulor tingtheStomachsandBowetsof '1, TheretlyPromotingiligestiol' !i: Cheertulness'andReSt•Gontain °a neither Oppi��uzn,Morphine no Mineral. PTo7, NARGOTjc Raped' Oltr r lI ii'anna Addle Anise Seed Avormint M}rarlwnate5oda oria sea lifideveraRavor it AfzelpfulRemedyfor Constipation and'lliatrhoea, ,and Feverishness and ][igSor. SruP., resuitingthere:>;onrininfancy, ' yac$imiteSin °f ',t THE CENTAUR C0)lPArt kr,1vIONTREAL,P f2. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Page Il'ivw For Infants and Children, Mothers Genuine Castoria' Always Bears the Signature of X11 Use For OPEC Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY !�trS.Tiw y!yb. a, esisiatell Massy -Harris Farm Maohinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrat€d and well-known Massey -11 art is Farm Implements and Farm Engines and Tractors and can -sup ��ly our Tants for = �' y the coin ing season- They .Have Stood The Test: They Have Esabllshed a Reputation Give us a c Ill Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRTJAR, - Zurich •verlanc! ew We have 'tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for one Veal. and find that its is easily the best riding and driving car on the road. OVERLAND FOUR, a Snap CHALMERS SIX' AT ,_. .__ __. $500.00 111cLAUGHLIN TRUC K AT ... ... .., $400.00 $5OO.©0 F. M. HESS GO. - ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlord Cars rer NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 22 Year 6 per cent bonds DATED 15th, SEPT., 1021 DUE 15th, SEPT,, 1943 Interest payable half -yearly, lbth March and September., Denominations $1000 and $500 Price 98.80 and accrued interest Yielding 6.10 per cent Delivered free of charge to you« Orders Laken by. Andrew F. Hess,. 'C�