HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-10-13, Page 4Poor Thursday October 13 1921 The strongest guarantee under which rubber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to each pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says: "Every pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair of similar shoes of any other make, sold at the same price and worn under the same conditions." It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the greater possible value for the price you pay. If every pair wasn't made right—with the rigl. materials—pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings— this guararxtec wouldr=` be possible. No matter what you need in rubber footwear, we want you. to try a pct and satisfy yourself that the best is Look for the Ames Holden mark on every pair. �aE - -1 `'RTE DASHWOOD. ried life, being wedded in Egmond- ville in 1871. Mrs.. Wooley, how- ever, has not enjoyed the best of health for some time. A wedding dinner was served at noon, after which the day was spent inp social intercourse and music, and the receiving of congratulations from their large .iercie of friends. 'Guests were present from Land- ren • ,Tavistock and Zurich. Mr. E. Tiernan has moved into the house he purchased from Mr. S. Howard. Mrs. Eveland attended the fun - level of a relative in Sarnia this ereek. Rally Day services will be held .hi the Evang. Sunday School, on Sunday morning, Oct. 2r3d, a sp- lendid progranae is being prepar- ed Miss Alice Hoffman was a week -1 Vend visitor in Zurich. R Messrs. E: Tiernan and L. Ham- Mr. and Mrs. .W. D. Sanders =- lather had hydro enstalled in their nounce ;the engagement 'of their *times last week: youngest .daughter„ Lila A., to Mr d Mrs. Louis Morenz, an of w Burlington spent the week -end the •ma• itiage, to take p EXETER illiain. Allen Hodgins- ' of Lucan lace in Oc- •with the former's parents. tuber. Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Harris of Sarni are visiting in town at, A. °happy event took place at present, the home of ,Mr. and Mrs.. James Mrand Mrs.' W. Schroeder and Hill,, Mill Street, /Exeter, on Wed- .1Miss `'Elfrieda Schroeder visited in nesday morning, Oct., ,5th, when Condon over Sunday. their , only daughter, tVerda Grace Mrs. Henderson of Blair and became the bride of Mr. Moses mss. Schultz of Mt. Clemens _ vis- Be'chler of Usborne. i Only the iited their father, Mr. G. Nadiger immediate relatives were present Mr. Nadiger returned to Mt... to witness the ceremony which was Clemens, with Mrs. Schultz to performed by Rev'.. M. �J. WiIso», Melt. ' pastor of James Street Methodist church. • COUNTY NEWS, Mr, and Mrs. S. Martin, Exeter, ___ announce the engagement of -their John Willis of Snover, Mictx.,evho daughter, Anna Louisa, to Mr. 'was been visiting with friends at Robert G. Gillies, son of Mr, and Rensall, Seoafrth, and other pla- Mrs. Robert Gillies, Exeter the ees in Ontario, returned home, marriage to take place quietly in A sunflower stock 19 feet high, Octobey. is on exhibition at Brussels. It A -new grocery store is being Block- -was grown at the home of D. 11I, opened in the 14<eDoer Bloel-. y'Scott}. by the Dominion Grocers. This The grey team, owned by . Jan, will be one of a chain 'of stores!. Smith, of London, recently purch- There passed away, at his home ;used from. Richard Hicks, Usboree Slxeter North, on Sunday last the ",von Championship at the draw- other ,of the oldest resident in the ung match at Tilsonburg- against "yersnn of David Russell in his 77 e.ix ``'teams. (They drew three-qu- cancer. anDeceased cing the past rryear srrters of a cord of cement with had suffered a great deal, A. lit - nix of the largest men on the gr - r tle over a year ago he was carry- IoMd' I. Greb, of Hay on Tliurs- linga shovel on his shoulder when day last when motoring .south on I he was rum into by a young man the second concession of Hay six- riding a bicycle, the shovel come Nick the iron, railing on the culvert Ingin contact with his nekk in in front of Mr. Cecil Row's farm' Electing a wound, which a few and damaged his car condierably) weeks later developed into can - 'The iron went right through the cel% . :radiator. Luckily he was going lames Frayne, aged 67 years srlowly and except for a shaking grad 18 days passed away at his up; was not injured .home here on Sept, 30th, due to HENSALL. Owen Geiger's' fine dwelling is tearing completion and will be the finest . one in our village. .Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wickwire aut- ;rued to Leamington spending the week -end with relatives of Mr. Wickwirey, C Mrs. Rev. G. W. Rivers received word of the death of her father, Mr. Polley, Mrs. Rivers left on Monday to attend the funeral. Last. week Mr. Wes. Coleman, of :flay presented his grandmother, Mrs. Coni3itt with a half-pint of tripe raspberries. Mr. and Mrs. M. Drysdale re- turned home on Saturday last af- ter a pleasant • trip covering a- bout seven weeks. They visited velntives in Saskatchewan,, A.Ibert' .nd Vancouver, After an enjoy- able time hi the Northwest they 'went to different parts of Calitor- mia returning home vier Salt; Lake iity. An irate •esting and happy event took place here on Wednesday Sep eth, when Mr. and Mrs. Peter t 1, ooley celebrated their golden 7, The 'teed rnri'xle love e. exnjoyed: 5i years oi happy iuli i .l a paralytic stroke. He was 'born near Exeter and lived near hare all his life: His 'wife and a grown 4 up family survive. GRAND BEND Joe Disjardine left Friday last :for the West ,with a carload of apples' , Mrs. Sims, of rrediiton visited i her mother last )veek, �s Mrs, John Baird .who went to, Crediton, ,Thursday last, is on, the sick list in that village. Mr. Asaph € ravelle visited at Thedford for a few, days last week Mr.. and Mrs. Bayn'ham, visited at Sarnia a ,few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Walt: England, who have been .in ' Arkona the last few' weeks where Mr. En;•land was working, eattisried home here, STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township oil', Stephen convened ixi the 'rtxwn.' H wll, Creditem on Monday, the 3rd,, day of October, 1021, at 1 p. rn, MI members with the excep- tion 07 Conn eili o'itter: Were .he p.e vious meeting were read and ado ptedF. By Iaw No. 282 appointing Fred Wuerth, collector of taxes for the year 11921, having been 'read three times be passed aGnd: signed by' the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached there toi The following orders were pas- sed;— J. A. •Wilhelnit pt. cont. 5, 1st' S. Rd. 25.00; R. Gower, award drain; 8.00; A. Hodgins Co, gas acet.11.25 Foist Bros. bridge paint 16.2;9 H. F. Eilber, caretaker of lockup, etc. 16.06; G. Eilber ,painting bridge, .48.10H. J. Kuhn ,tile '9.2p ditto' 32.7"0', J: 'G..' Young & „S n�; dries° 7.85; E. Fahner eont. 4 -1st S. Rd. 37.00; T. Chambers,' comm. 4, 5.00; Harold Ryan;. cont. •,b, S.B. 108.00; M. O'Brien, comm. 45, S.B. 12,00; H. Schenk rep. 3rd. S. Rd, 9.00; MEW ides caw r s° � ,Z�oubles/Ylilc�Ac�: as ✓ air ,..�. N on ca'srns AER2 CUS -1I N INNER TIRE' V V/RU MCA COM1r]AN 1S/a tue mismommosieremee WINGHAM. ONTARIO. I have been appointed Agent for this district for the, above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. :And will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and beconvinced. John Hey,Zurich Jr.. Dr. Williams, charges re; Alma. Williams 19.50; Beaver Bros.. reptt, award drain 7.00; M. O'Brien, rep. culvert 4, S.B. 3.75; H. Clark, cul'G. ext S.B. 25.50; ditto grading' for bridge coni 12 63:00; T. Rowland,. gravel S.B. 24.00; Jos. Glavin, st, labor, +S'.B. 25.50; f3. Clark gravel 51.75; Mal. Ziler rep culy. 6, E.S.R. 1.00; Frank Adams 'etc.,: filling in washout con; '16 6.20; Gess `Latta etc. grading Morenz side Rd. 14.00 rWebb erg. !overseer 50.00; A. Latta, �Willert's 'st', slab 4.00; F. Rawlings rd. drag 154.00; A. Fos- ter pt. brg. cont. 600.00. The counce. ad,ourned to u meet again in ,the Town Hall, Crediton on Monday, the 7th day of Nov- ember 1921, at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, CLERK4 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, o n Lot 6, con. 15, Hay Township, on SATURDAY, OCTOO:I;'ER 8, 1921 Commencing at 1.30, p.m. Sharp. 2 cook stoves; parlor stove; 2 cupboards, 2 ,sinks; 12 chairs; 2 tables; 2 small tables; 2 rockers, pictures, 4 lamps, dishes, crock- ery and fruit jars; lounge, 5 bed- steads and springs, 2 stands, car- pets and rugs; cider barrel, vin- igar barrel, .new sewing machine, writing desk, bench, dresser; a quantity of bedding, sugar kettle, 2 roasting pans, copper boiler, 2 tea kettles, a quantity of potatoes and numerous articles. Applicat ions will also be received for rent- ing this farm on day of sale. The farm consists of 100 acres, being Lot 6, con 15, Hay Township, has Lumber Laths Shingles Everything in ▪ Combination storm and screen doors made to order, 4 i• 4' • a' - • ID. K LBFLiISdR .1, Lumber and Building 'Material Custom Work. our Specialty, Always -in the market for saw logs j PHONE 69 ZURICH ++++++.14444++++++++++++++44 +++++++' .+++ +s•+++++++++ a good brick house, large frame barn and land is all suitable for. cultivation. !TERMS—CASH Oscar Klopp, • Autcioneer. Elizabeth Miller, Proprietoress. AUCTION SALE Of Brick Dwelling and Stable, 2 Lots , also Household effects at Zurich, Friday, Oct. 14th, 1921 Commencing at 1,130 p. m, sharp, the .following; — 2 cob'lt stoves, one. good as ne•v coal oil stove, .6 kitchen chai:s, 2 sinks, glass cupboard, 5 tables, 2 centre tables, extension table, 8 dining room chairs, lounge, pic- tures and picture frames, sewing machine, washing \Machine, hall rack, 3 wash stands, 2' clocks, 2 piece parlor suite, 3 rockers, arab chair, parlor lamp, cream separ- ator, 2 good robes, 3 ruga, :line oleum, home made carpet, lawn mower, sugar Kettle,. cider, barrel crocks, empty jars, onion seeder, some wood and coal, step' ladder,. express wagon, wheel 'barrow, 4 pieces : of square tineber 14 feet long, some Lumber, large chicken coop, grain bags, calces, hoes, shovels and numerous articles. TERMS;—CASH. Terms on; Real Estate made known on day of sale. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Mrs. Fred. Deters, Proprietoress. dommarmaime } 0 0 Good Old Paroid **Good Old Paroid —that's what theyicall the best roll roofing ever made. For more than 20 years Neponset Paroid has solved the problem of roofs for new and old buildings. It wears, wears, wears. Impregnated with as- phalt. Surfaced with slate or talc. It. has made good on farm buildings, de- pots and ,manufactories. It's the ideal BIRD' & SON UNITED. roofing for bungalows - and camps Colors—slate-red, slate -green, and gray. Come in and let us tell you why you should build NOW and why we back. Neponset Roofs–.Neponset Twin. Shingles or Neponset Paro d. ---to the limit. R emembe`r, there's a copy of "ROOFING OANADA" waiting fox 0 you at our store. Ham • •••• ilton, Ontario Fred. C. KaIbfIei':c h Zurich' a