HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-10-13, Page 3Surnames and Their Origin
Variations—Magovern, Magauran, Mo-
Gowranf $aurin, Somers, Summers.
Racial Oriel n—1 rish•
Source —A elven name.
"1VI'Samhradhain" doesn't look as.
thougle it sounded anything- like Mc-
Govern. Nevertheless it is the true
Gaelic form not only of this family
name, but of "Magovern, IVlagaurin,
MacGovern, McGowran, "Sahrin and
In some instances of Somers and Sum-,
The last two names are also trace-
able to English sources and Norman-
French origins. If either one is yours
it .depends, on whether your ancestry
is Irish or not as to which source your
family name came from.
Asa matter of fact, the pronuncia-
tion of "MacSamhradhain" is net so
far from MacGovern. The hest con
sonants are often not what they seem,
especially when combined. An "ni"•
sometimes has the . sound of "b" and
sometimes of "v." Often, too, con-
sonants aresilent in certaire combina-
tions. In this case drop the sound of
the "s" after the "Mac," assume that
"mh" has the "v" sound and that the
"dh" is silent. You -get a pronuncia-
tion something like "Mac-avra-an" or
"Mac-ovra-an.": The "G," of course,
-doesn't really belong there, except.
that it just happened in the Angliciz-
ing of the name. It comes really as
a result of the "k" sound of the "c" in
"Mac." If the name were scientifica--
. ly Anglicied, with as much respect as
possible for both spelling and pro-
nunciation, it would be "MacOvran."
But names don't change in the hasty-
astyspeech of the "man on the street" and
his equivalent in the Middle Ages.
"Samhradhai•n," who founded the
clan about 900 A.D., was one of the
more ancient Clan O'Connor. The
given name means "summer," hence
the English variations of Somers and
Summers through the
process 'of'
Variations — C h a u n c y, Chauncey.
Caunce, Chanceau, Canoe, Chanty,
Racial Origin—English and French.
Source—A given name or a tribal
name, •
When the Anglo-Saxons came to
England, following the fall of the Ro-
man. Empire, and drove back the Bri-
tons into Wales and Cornwall, they
brought with them an organization
that was loosely tribal in form.
In some cases the tribal names that
were used, and •which have survived
principally in names of places settled,
were formed on the spot,' after the
name of the chieftain of the band. In
other oases, and by far the majority,
they -were brough with them from
their old Teutonic hares on the Con-
tinent. It was typical of these Anglo-
ngioSaxon tribal ,names that they ended
in "ingaa," and their counterparts are
to be found in many sections of Ger-
many to -day as . place names. The
German , tribal name ending was
Kensington, from the Anglo-Saxon
"Censingaston" or town of the "Gene-
singes," or followers of "Cones," is a
place name in England, In Germany
is found Kenzingen in Baden and Gen-
singen' in Hesse -Cassel.
The family • names in this group ap-
pear to have been developed as pat-
ronymios• from the same given names
from which these tribal names were
developed. For the most part they
came • through' • the Norman-French
(who wereTeutonic in blood and in
their nomenclature if not in softening
introduction of the ".h." Kensall, how-
ever, appears to be a straight develop-
ment from a' diminutive of the Saxon
name.' Chanceau, Cance and Chanzy
are family names that have developed
in France.
Do It Now.
If with pleasure you aro viewing any
work a man, is doing,
If you like him or you love .hire, tell
him now;
Don't withhold your approbation till
the parson makes oration
As he lies with snowy lilies o'er his
For no matter how you shout, it, he
won't really care about it;
He won't know how many teardrops
you have shed.
It you think some praise is due .him,
now's the time to slip it to him;
For he cannot read his tombstone
when he's dead.
More than fame, more than money is
the comment kind and sunny,
And the hearty, warm approval .of a
For it gives to life a savor, and. • it
makes you stronger, braver,
And it gives you heart 'and spirit to
the end;
If he earns your praise, bestow it; if
you like him let him know -it
Let the words of true encourage-
ment be said.
Do not wait till lifeis, over and he's
"underneath the clover,
• For he cannot read his tombstone
when he's dead.
—George A. Turner.
The Record of a War
Like an echo of the Great War in a
period when the Dominion is just
emerging from' the economic mael-
strom in_which . the Titan conflict
plunged her, comes the report from
the Dominion Bureau of Statistics of
the Canadion explosives industry for
the year 1918 and its record of the
meteoric career of what rose to be for
the time, an 'important Canadian in-
dustry to wane as rapidly as it had
During the year 1918 when the pin-
nacle of the munitions industry was
attained, this, order of manufacturing
accounted for, a capitalization of $54,-
112,884 and a production of $186,034,-
980. Eleven firms were manufacturing
explosives in Canada, of which five
were in Ontario, three in British Co-
lumbia and three in Quebec. The total
investment of all the firms engaged ,in
the industry was $19,172,539, an aggre-
gate of 4,959 persons being engaged
receiving in ,salaries and wages $6,-
6;420,847. •
Among the materials used in the.
manufacture that year were nitrate of
soda to the extent of $3;000,000;
mixed acids to more than $2,000,000;
linters to more than $1,500,000; nitric -
acid $1,500,000; pyre $2,500,000: and
sulphuric acid, oleum, toluol each to
the extent of $1,900,000. Among the
more important products were general
explosives to the .extent of $30,000,000;
smokeless powder $5,000,000; dyne -
nice $4,500,000; and mercury fulminate
Three establishments made matches
and two made fireworks in Canada in
1918, the total assets of the five firms
being $2,634,289, the number of per-
sons engaged in the manufacture be-
ing 617, receiving $368,468. The total
cost of the materials used amounted
to $788,182 and the value of the year's
output was $161,795.
The value of imports into Canada of
materials for the .manufacture of fire-
works and matches totalled $2,594,448
and in the manufacture of epiosives
$7,139,254. Finished products of the
eplosives industry imported for con-
sumption in Canada totalled $634,522
in value in the year. Exports of
manufactured , goods during the same
year were as follows: -gun and pistol
cartridges, $232,634;973; ` explosives
and f1mrnaes, , t $40,108,383; sulphuric
if the Blood is Kept Rich and
Red`You Will Enjoy Health.•
More disturbances to health is caus-
ed by weak, watery blood than most
people have -any idea of. hen your
blood is impoverished, the nerves se
afer from lacll of nourishment and you
may troubled with insomnia, neurit-
is, neuralgia or siatica. Muscles sub-
ject to' strain are under -nourished and
you may 'have muscular rheumatism
on lunxbago. If your blood is thin and
you begin• to show symptoms of any
of these. disorders try building up the
blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
These pills have a special action on
the blood and as it becomes enriched.
your. health improves. The value of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of
this k'; jc is proved by the experience
of Mr.D. J. McDonald. North River
Bridge, ;N.S., who says: "Foe some
years< ',Suffered severely with head-
aches, pains in the back and a run-
down condition. At times the pain in
my back -would be.so bad that I would
sit up in<'bed all night. From time to
time doctors were treating.me, but
did' not give me more than temporary
relief. And then one day when I was
suffering terribly :a neighbor came to
see me, and urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams :Pink Pills,. After taking two
boxes ^'felt relief. . I got five
boxes , more and before.they were all
goneI felt; xis though they were giving
me new, life,. as in every way they built
up and '`improved my health and
strength. - I am now working as a
barker in a pulp mill, ten hours a day
and feeling none the worse after my
day's work. I say with pleasure that
this condition"is due to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.."
You can, get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
$2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Growing Fuel in Six Years.
Many of the species which can be
used on the prairies are very rapid
growers, for example, cottonwood, wia
low, Russian poplar, and Manitoba
maple. It is safe to say that wood
large enough for fuel can be grown
from any of these trees within six
years. After that time a plantation
will increase in value and productive-
ness year by year and will prove one
of the best investments on the farm.
On the Nursery Station ' at Indian
Head, Sask., a plot three-quarters of
an acre in extent was planted out to
Russian poplar In 1906, trees spaced
four feet apart each way. In 1913 the
average height of these trees was
twenty-three feet. In the fall of 1913
half the plot was cut down and yielded
six and three-quarter cords of quite
fair fuel. This is at the rate of about
eighteen cords per acre in eight years.
The soil was • a medium :clay loam.
The labor cost of planting was $5.86
per acre and cultivation for two years
about $6 per year.—N. M. Ross, Supt.
of Tree Planting, Dominion Forestry
Branch, Indian Head.
acid, -$165,5?9:. charcoal, $3,841. -FROM AUTUMN COLDS
The manufacture of explosives in
Canada. in 1918 involved an investment
in plant and equipment of over nine-
teen million dollars, with expenditures
of almost seven million dollars for
wages, and accounting for a produc-
tion of forty-three million dollars: The
magnitude of the industry is also re-
flected in the fact that over five mil-
lion dollars was spent in the last year.
of the war in the construction of new
buildings and nearly an additional mil-
lion dollars in general expenditure:
The Lowest Tender.
"Yes" said the specialist, as he stood
at the bedside of the sick purchasing
agent, "I can cure you."
"What will it cost?" asked the sick
man, faintly.
"Ninety-five dollars."
"You'll have to shade your price a
•little," replied the purchasing agent.
"I have a better bid from the under-
A little less haste in our decisions,
a little less of the ' court-martial in
our judgments, a little less do-or-die,
a little more do -and -live. The world
has been made a ,safe place. to live in.
Let's act as if we felt safe.
Whose fault is it when your
husband is cross at
breakfast ?
If you hit your thumb
with a hammer you
wouldn't blame your
thumb for hurting.
Then vvhy' blame your
husband whose nerves
may have been pounded
bytesor coffee, and whose
rest probably has been
broken by,y the irritation
of the theirs• or caffeine it
If yoa stay awake half
the "night you dont feel
any, too cheerful.
The thein of tea and'
the caffeine of coffee are
known drugs. If their use
is persisted in; Sooner or
later the nervous system,
may give way.
Then you may have
insomnia, or disturbed
sleep. Your' nerves and
tissues will be robbed of
that stability essential for
normal and happy living. -
You can avoid this
possibility ifyou'll stop
drinking tea and coffee and
drink instead, rich, pleas-
ing Postum.,
Postum is the deli-
cious cereal beverage with
a satisfying flavor. ' It
affords the advantages of
a hot drink, without the
i11 effects of tea or coffee.
Order Postum from..
your grocer. today. Try
it with the family for a few
days, and see what a dif-
ference there'll be—how
it will permit Mature t�
bring sound sleep and
strong, sturdy, quiet
nerves. Sold by grocers.
Postutn combs in two
forms:Instant Postum (in tins)
made instantly in the cup by
the addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (irk packages of
larg er bulk. for those who re-
ferto make the drink while the
meal is being prepared) made
by boiling for 20 minutes.
The Fall is the most severe season
of the year for colds -one day is warm,.
the next cold end. wet and unless the
mother is on her guard, the little ones
are Seized with colds that may hang
on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are
mothers' best friend in preventing or
banishing colds. They act as a gentle
laxative, keeping the bowels and stom-
ach free and sweet. An occasional
dose of the Tablets will prevent colds,
or if it does come on suddenly their
prompt use will relieve the baby. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Seed Pearls Used as Medicine.
For the low class of seed -pearls
there is a constant demand among
Oriental physicians and apothecaries,
who grind them into a powder and ad-
minister it to patients as a cure for
many illi.
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Marvellous Eyes in Tiny
On the top of a fly's head are three
little eyes,. set above andbetween the
huge compound eyes.' , Their useful-
ness has long,been a puzzle.
As a result of recent experimental
study, it is believed that they are for
long-distance vision, thereby sup-
plementing the compound eyes, which
appear to be for close -at -hand magni-
The three "ocelli," set in triangular
arrangement, are not peculiar to flies;
a great many Species of insects have
them. They are simple eyes, like ours,
whereas the compound eyes are trade
up of thousands of tiny eyes massed
together, each with its own cornea, re
ting and 'optic nerve.
Strange it seems that nature should
provide a .fly with a seeing apparates
so inomparably more ingenious and
complex than that with which a human
being is equipped.
If it be true, as supposed, that the
Compound , eyes of .a fly are powerful
magnifiers, the insect must be able to
see with distinetness things which are
made visible to us only by the aid of
a microscope.
It has often been said that the hu-
man eye is a very imperfect eptteai
instrument. So it is, undoubtedly;
but it is an excellent all-around instru-
merit for general purposes, adapting
itself to a great variety of uses.
Apparently, of all the mammals, pian
has the beet Tong -distance vision, A
catcan see better in the dark owing to
the wide expansion of 'its pupils to
take in as much es possible of what
light there is, In absolute darkness
a cat could see no bettor than a man..
Anybody who knort,s dogs is aware that
they are near-sighted,
Low Land' That Is Dry.
"I've heard that she walks in her
"Fancy!' And they with two motor
GIVES T A NI., A C CRE%9.'a•
Says She Only Weighed Oil
Pounds When She Began
-- Taking It..
The Limit.'
McTavish — "What's this, stewed ""I only weighed 98 pounds when. X
started on Tanlac, but I now weig'11
fruit?",130 and am feeling like a different per
His Wife—"Ay. Diana. ye like it?son" said Mrs. Frieda Brydges# 378
"Indeed, I deo; but wha' ha' ye done ,John St., North Hamilton, Ont.
"I underwent an operation four
with the rice we left yesterday?"
Ten Millions Instead of Nine.
The Canadian people expect that
when the complete census returns are
published theywill disclose a Do-
minion population of nine million
souls. The increase is gratifying.
Some who -would see their country
staking yet more stalwart 'strides are
not satisfied, however. To an inquir-
ing mind it occurs to • ask what would
be the effect en Canadian economics
if the population were greater, say ten
millions YWhat, in .brief, would be the
effect oktselidn suddenly -added to
Canada s poi ulation, the increment of
a million immigrants of that splendid
type Canada has been attracting to
her shores since the termination of
the Great' War. To take only three
cardinal points of Canadian national
economic .life.
In the western provinces there are
approximately 300,000,000 acres of
good arable Iand which have never
known the plough and are unproduc-
tive. If the entire million immigrants
went on the- land and each took a
homestead it would settle and render
productive more than half of this tre-
mendous area and multiply four times
the west's present agriculturally pro-
ducing area.
Canada has a •national debt 31 2,349
millions of dollars, which is slowly be-
ing paid off ley nine million people.
The per capita debt :is 'approximately
$261. Add a million tax payers to the
country's population and it drops at
once to $235.,
The whole nation is worried by the
deficit on the government railways for
which no solution' has yet been found.
Expert statisticians have estimated
from carefully worked out figures that
each new Canadiansettles, is worth in
revenue to the Dominion railways the
sum of $746.33. Add a million to
Canada's population and the $746,000,-
000 _ contributary revenue wipes out
the railway deficit for all time.
And this is not visionary.. Why
should Canada's population not be ten
millions? Overseas the most desirable
people, in a proportion Canada has
never previouslyexperienced, are'
looking towards' Canada and its offer-
ing of new homes and enviable citizen-
ship, This favor is the result of the
country's eoonoiric disturbance. It
ill not be the last. Now is the time
"Now that we are married, dear,"
said the bridegroom, "you have a seri-
ous- task before you."
"Why, George, what is it?"
"You must prove to mythree sis-
ters that you are worthy of me."
The Wrong Place.
A teacher was explaining to her
class that if one wanted to do any-
thing well, one had to beg -in at the
bottom, when a voice from the• back
interrupted her.
"How about swimming, -teacher?"
When Father Forgot Himself.
Dad—"Do you know, young man,
that when I was a boy I was never al-
lowed out Iater than 8 o'clock."
Son—"Some father!"
Dad (hotly)—"He was a better one
than yours:"
The lowest point'ef dry land M the
United States is in Death Valley, Cali-
fornia. It is 275 feet below sea level,
Just a Chance.
Editor (testily)—"I can't see any-
thing in that manuscript of yours."
Struggling Author—"I presume not,
but it is possible that some of your
readers may be quite intelligent."
Two Varieties. .
"Bill of fare, waiter, please," de-
manded the diner,
The old waiter ambled forward.
"The bill of fare, sir, is ham, eggs,
bread, and coffee."
The old waiter bowed and shuffled
out But a moment later he put his
head through the doorway again.
"Guv'nor," he called, "how d'ye want
yer eggs—blind, or lockin' at yer?'
years ago and ever since then I have
been in a very weak and rundown con.
dition. My stomach was go upset that
I could hardly eat a morsel of solid
food and Z•got so thin people told me •
I looked like I was starving, I was
very weak and my nerves were so un-
strung that I could get but very little
sleep at night,
"That was my condition when I got
hold of Tanlac, but five bottles of the
medicine have simply transformed me.
Why, I have actually gained 32 pounds
in weight and am feeling simply fine.
"I have a splendid appetite and can
eat whatever I want and never suffer
a particle from indigestion. My nerves
are steady, I sleep well at night and
am so much stronger I can do my
housework with ease.
"It is nothing less than marvellous
how Tanlac has built me up and I take
pleasure in making this statement for
the benefit of others."
Tanlac id sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Adv.
Forbidden to Wear Calico.
Calicut, the storm -centre of the In -
titan riots in Malabar, gave a new
word to the English dictionary by the
cotton stuffs originally exported there,
and known as :`calico."
it was calioe from Calicut that
caused serious trouble in England two'
centuries ago, when the Springfield
weavers went about assaulting any-
one whom they saw wearing the In-
dian cotton goods, which they feared,
not without reason, would injure their
own trade.
Hundred Signatures.
Chinese property deeds or leasesof-
ten have a hundred signatures. The
reason is that land is usually owned
by syndicates, and agreements must
be signed by every member of an or.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
Consequently an Act of Parliament
was passed forbidding the use of Cali-
co under a penalty of $1,000. Nowa
days- Calicut exports more teak and 1
sandalwood than calico.
Many acres of valuable orchards on
the edge of the Annapolis Valley were
destroyed by forest fires recently.
"Sayer" is only Genuine
I �J
Warning! Unless you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin at all.
In every Bayer package are directions
for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu-
matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago
and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of
twelve tablets cost few emits. Drug-
gists also sell larger packages, Made
in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark
(registered in Canada), of Bayer Manu-
facture 01-Moncaceticaeldester of Sala
for Canada to;; seize the opportunity cylicacid.
presented and 'hold out the hand of
welcome to a million new citizens.
How to Prevent ent Forest Fires.
Never leave camp with your camp-
fire burning.
Never drop lighted matches or to-
bacco in.'the loads.
Never Blear land by•fire i11 very hot
Would Have Walked,
An Irishman, had ` just landed at
LiVerpaol after a terrible voyage, on
which, as someone had said, he first.
feared he wars .going to die, then feared
Ile wasxi't.
A Ire crawled on to terra firma, his
lack lustre eyes fell up on 'e diver
corning out, glistening, from the water,
"Och," he muttered, "if I'd known
it was going' to be so rough I'd have
walked 'myself"
Wise is the roan who knows what
not to say, and remembers not to say
Classified Advertisements.
+tenaien'e--"YO17Nal LA1DIFS OF
good education to train as nurses,
Apply Wcllandra 'iiospltal, St, Cathsr-
iries, Ont.
Sheep Are Accurate Barometers,
Experienced shepherds declare that
sheep turn their heads to the wind
when the day is going to be fine; if
they graze with their tails to wind- •
ward it is a sure sign cf rain.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend
A woman is glad to be twenty1
ashamed to be forty, sorry to be sixty,
and proud to be eighty.
The victor is he who can go it alone.
Trust Your Cempleyi
To Cdicium
The majority .cf cicin and scalp troubles
might be prevented by using Cuticura
Soap exclusively for all toilet purposes.
On the slightest sign of redness, rough -
pimples or dandruff, apply a little
Cuticura Ointment. Do not fail to include
the exquisitely scented Cuticura Talcum
in your toilet preparations.
Saap25e. Ointment25and Re. TalesielSc. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadtanDepot:
Lynam. Limited, 344 St. Paul St, 5., Montreal.
EarCuticura Soap shares withoutmeg.
Mother Tells how Dauglxtr
was Made Well by Lycis
E. Pinkhazn's Vegetable
Cobourg, Ont.—"'Lydia E. Pink..
darn's Vegetable Compound was re.,
for Wren daughter.,
She had trouble;
every month,
which left her in.
a weak and
vous condition
with weak back
and pain in her.
right side. She,
had these troubles;
for three yearn;
and frequently,
_ w s unable to at>1,
tend School. "She las become regular
and feels much better since she began
taking th- Vegetable 'Conipotuid and;
attends se. regularly. She is gaining
steadily a: .1 I have no hesitancy int,
rocommcnc lag Lydia E. Pinlcham it
Vegetable Compound ;and Lydia E,.:
I'inkharn's Blood MVl:ediciue. '--Mr .
3ouN Toms, Ball St., Cobourg, Ont.
Standing all day, or sitting tat
cramped positions, young girls contra
deranged conditions, and
headaches, backache,, irre tl riti
nervousness and bearing -down
all of which are symptoms of womau'Id
ills. Every mother who has a daught
suffering from such synrptonzs aim
give Lydia E. Piukharn's V egetai irl,
Compound a fair trial. •
1SsUE No, 41—.%
Fishermen and Campers,
Quick Relief.
Euro Callas
Arne:t • Viol:nor Dos itbmeales
i gook on
and How to'eed
Mailed Fee to any A
dress by trio Author.
ScyV Glover "Co., ttid',
NC1e,ese �i'ark,s 91i�iie$
"ts .