HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-10-06, Page 8IL PaaP Eictht ZURICH S,ERA.LD Goons At Low Prices New Goods for Fall now arrivingand and prices are much lower than you were accustomed to pay We have: - 54 -in. black and navy serge. Its fine twill and smooth fin- ish makes it an excellent cloth for suit ra dress, only yd. $2.10 4(1 -in. serge in black, navy, Copenhagen and wine, at spec- ial prices per yard . ... ... ......... 95c. Fine black douchess silk 1 -yd wide at per yard ... ... ...'...2$.50 Balance of Habutia Silk, 36-inwide to clear per yard ... ... ...90c Dark Prints now selling at . ... ... ... 30e Light prints, now selling at per yard .. ..• . 25c Rockfast Shirting at per yard... ._. ..._., 35c Monarch Down yarn 2 -oz. ball now .at .35c 1VIen's Work Shirts ,(Special at each ..........................$1.00 Men'sblue stripe +overalls $1,75 A shipment of Girl's coats on hand, sizes from, 12 to 20, we can offer the at very low prices:So come early for first choice. New rams of point laces for dress and coal collars priced from 70c to $1.50 per- yard. Men's fins pants 'row selling from $3.75 i $5.00. COMP AND SEE THEM. A quantity of Purity No. 1 timothy seed for sale J. GASCHO 8L SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 ;rich's G Oar Garage is a refuge to motorists in trouble; because wa make repairs thor- oughly hor-oughlyr and carry amost complete line of Genuine Ford. Parts `ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARIS FOR VARIOUS rassLoraaa gap TE AUTOS Battery Sales and Suvice Station A complete line of 'rir, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. We need Your Business. S1' }action Assured 11, Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103, Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOMY `SROs. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Men's and Boy's Over coats and Suits You can buy Overcoats and Suits at the right prices now, New styles, colors and fine cloths. They have taken a:, big drop, come in and see for yourself. Come to this store for your new fall hat. We sell the famous Baring - ton hat in all the !latest colors. E11011/17 BRO ® P ocI cc+ taken. sit exchange for Goocts SPORT NEWS Oar Juniors again defeated the Hensall juniors on the local dia- mond on Saturday evening, score 11-8. The much talked' of play-off be- tween Zurich and Woodstock, that was to be held on Friday last at Fullerton was called off on account. of rain and will be played this af- ternoon, Wednesday at thesame place. As we go to press the weather man looks very favorable nice and clear, but just a little chilly for ball weather. We hope the boys will win and go 'on `in• the final games for championship. TO THE. ZURICH JUNIOR BASE- BALL CLUB Dear Boys;— I take t his opporltunityj of extending niy congratulations to your Baseball Club, as winners of Trophy put up for competition in a series of games, Zurich—Hen- salt. .g.44, 44.. ++.11, k4.'_ .1.44. 4.44÷÷4.+401.4.+f.+++++ 4" • �i get�IC suppY f these 4.4.•.1. We have only a few hundred setae, Cement left and we '1'• do not intend to get another car tai:. Fall. We would advise 44* the public who require some to r•„rn, :incl get their supply .1. •while it lasts. We also have a +,' pills of Frost Wire 44 .a. Fence, equal space, only a few roe. tel clear at a REDUCED '1' '1 p, . PRICE. Farmers requiring fencing _;).mold not miss this. No Better Pence made•. at 4. • Now is the time to have your eve J y trough and roof �epalired before the -cold weather sets in. \Vee (give best 4. of attention to plurnbi y . ; work. Garry '* a full line of stoves, furnaces, heat- ers 'oil stoves, auto accessories, heavy and shelf hardware, etc. I had hoped the series would have extended at least to ' four games. However, while not wish- ing to 'detract fr'oml your fairly won honor, I feel that the super- iority between the Clubs is not as great as the series represr'nt. The Hensall Boys done well, and while not winners, are accepting defeat without a single grouch, and are accepting the goods handed to then' in '{rue sportsman 'manner). Still they have a fond desire, that the near future will give them an opportunity to prove that they can do better than second place. Hoping to see both Clubs', keeping on at the game, thereby furnishing the public with such entertainment as no other sport can. Perhaps next season other Junior Clubs might be added. Th 'rzby constituting a league that would be a close second to the seniors. r 1 Yours Truly, The Harp Singers 4r A DELI(HTFUL NOVELTY PRO- GRAMME At The Town Hall, Zurich TUESDAY EVE: OCT. 11th. Under the Auspices of :Zurich Athletic 'Club. The first of a ;series of high- class entertainments. Season tick stip eau be obtained from any of the officials of the •Club. These Concerts will ;please you. Be, sure and attend every one. Season Tickets for the five Con- certs, $2.00. General Admission; Reserved Seats 50c. Adults 35c. Chil dren 25 cents, Doors open 7.30. Concert at 8.15 Plan' of Reserved Seats at Office of Secretary of Club,, A.F. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. P. Schroeder and family of Monkton spent the week- end in town: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker attend - pd. the wedding off their son at Sarnia last week. Miss Tillie Ehlers of Kitchener 18 visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Oestreicher,! Mr. and Mrs. Art Doan of Thed- ford spent Sunday in toren. On Saturday afternoon in Park- hill, Miss Verda Merrier was struck by - an auto and run over and while fortunately no hones were broken, "she was badly shaken up. RINKER—ELLIOTT Alex. Murdock. A very pretty September wed- ding was solemnized on Wednes- I-IILLSGREEN A great number from here at- tended the sale of the estate of the late Wes. Harvey on' Tuesday. The farmers in this vicinity are busy taking up their potatoes and are not as good as expected. Anniversary services are being held in the church here next Sun clay- when Rei . Larkin of Sea - forth will pres'de. On the follow- ing Tuesday evening a grand con - cart will be given by Miss Pearl' Winton of Toronto and other high class talent., Everyone `swishing a rare treat should be present. DASHWOOD. day afternoon, Sept 28th, at four o'clock, at the hoinle of M4 and Mrs. R. Morden at Sarnia in the presence of seventy invited) guests, when Mrs' Morden's sister Mary .J Elliott became the bride of Herbert H. Rinker formerly of Dashwood. Rev. J. R. Hall offic- iating. To the strains of the Bridal Chorous playeded b y her sis- ter, Mildred Elliott, the bride en- tered the parlor, on the arm of her father looking very chaining in a gown of white georgette and satin with bridal veil and ornage blossoms, carrying, a bouquet o opheilia roses and orchids. Sh wore the groom's gift a string o. pearls and was attended by he sister, Beatrice, who was gowne in pink georgette, carrying swee peas and cornations. The grog Was supported by' his brother, Ed win of Dashwood. 'Two little nieces of the :bride Doris Wilso and Margaret Coleman, acted a flower girls, and were daintily at tired in white organdy. Th groom's gift to the bridesmaid an bridesmaid and pianist were bar ping set with brilliants and to th flower, girls broches, to the groom man, a tie pin. The young coupl received many beautiful and use fill gifts including, money. Polla al Motto si tug the ceremony and signing'ac the register a sumptuous dinne Park "was served. Mr. and Mrs,Ritke amid showers of confetti and rie t left on the 9.50 train for parte We the bride travelling in a emit o tally blue trientine and maroon Mrs, .John A. Pfaff passed away at her home here on Monday, aft= et* a lingering' illness of pernicious anemia. Besides her sorrowing husband. she leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Mrs. Herb Wurna and one son Clarneee. The remains were laid to rest ihi' the Bronson Line cemetery on Th tsday, Rev. Graupner officiating. Mr. and IVfrs, Wm. Snider are this week visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan and fanny ily spent the week -end at Strat ford. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick ere � visiting with Mrs. Baker. Dead I n • Mr. Clwith Pfaff of -Sarnia is 'Square �' v�,� 1 r. f + hill a few clays last week. visitor in town this week. Mr. C. Sieinhagenr visited in Par i Mr. Czar Kellerman' 1ef 44 • week for C4uelhp where he Will at. t Tats PREcTEFI BLOCK t U R i C end the O,C, Mof Mr. Medd of Exeter teas a Vigit- plush hat. On their return the • or to t h D, ange] a;11 Sunday aaill �' s c 1' e 44++++++++++'+"1++++++++44P +++++ H r+ +++++++�'+ i ott1 =.off, St nday' 'nhi nu c "l", � : 1^ . f 0 kt r attNnents a �++1+ � ;a 1 ache, •. nr� • '%;l#�� ,.;En's ,9th. Thursday October 8 1921 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount Afteijt!oq Farmers Woven Fence While it.1astsat T Here is a •chance to benefit at prices never heard of We are the loser. You are the gainer 5 ME le &BRAUN PHONE 3 eraerald To De»artment 0 ' Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements.. Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. 1m e a After our successful three week's Midsummer Sale we have decided to continue same for a time, as busin- ess demands these _reductions, and we therefore advise you to take ad- vantage of this opportunity. Get our prices before purchasing, BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS. SPACE WILL NOT PER- MIT US TO PUT AL .L' BARGAINS IN THIS ADVERTISE 'IENiT_. Ldnoieums , ac per yara ... ... ,O.UU f e f d m n c, St Feltex Regular 2.25 Sale Price $1.70 Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2.50 Regular $2.25 Sale ... ... $1.50 Children's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE All -woo lserge 40 in. wide yd. 95c Light Prints per yard ....._ ... 19c Dark Prints per yard ... ...... 25e Dress Voils Regular 1.25, 1,50 $2 per yard Sale Price ... ... 35c' GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS : House Dresses and Aprons at Big Reductions. Mill Ends in Shirtings, Galateas, Chambrays. Don't forget to look ,.at these Snaps Ladles'''Summer Underwear at s Prices Away Down Ladies'White Cotton Night t Gowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale ... ... $1.50 e - .lob Lot Middies for Girls at 50c e. Men's Mesa Shirts at HALF PRICE e Produce Wanted. I` " Phone' Men's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE Big Reduction in Overalls and. Pants ; Felt Hats at HALF PRICE Men's and Boy's Caps at HALF PRIJCR Ladies' Middies Regular 2.50 at$1.2$ Ladies' White top skirts Reg, 4.50 $5 and $6, Sale Price ......... $3.0* n�Ladies' CottoNat Gowns, Regular 2.75, Sale Price ... $2.0% All Curtain G;eods at a -J3IG R.EDUiCTIGN, Towelling aty er ar'd __. 1 p 5c GROCERIES Rice 3 -lbs. • for ... '. ;.. ..25e Laundry Soap 4 'bars for 25e Yeast Cakes' per Box` 5c Broken 13iscuits per pound 1ik Palm Olive Soap 3 for 25 25 lbs. Calf Meal for $1.2S, Fault Jars, pints dozen ,__ $1.25 Fruit Jars, quarts per dozen ,._$1,4% Fruit Jars, half -gallon 'doz, $1,9a Matches per box... . ... 10e. Castile Soap 7 bars for ..., ... 25e terjok Fashions