HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-09-01, Page 8rage Bight 1 VALUES For a short time we are offering specialextra values in all lines of merchandise and advise the needy buyers to •come early and get first choice Prices greatly reduced on Summer Goods just when you are in need of them. Special ieductions on the following: J. G I+`INE VOILES SILKS OF ALL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINGHAMS LADIES' UNDERWEAR MENS' AND BOYS' SUUITS MEN'S PANAMA HATS MEN'B FELT HATS CAPS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS SOME LINES IN GROCERIES SCHO & SON urich's Garage Oar Garage is a refuge to motorists in trouble; because wo make repairs thor- oughly and carry a most complete lane of 'Genuine Ford Parts 'ALSO STOCK ,MOST CALLED FOR FARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS is T -O --LITE Battery Sales and Service Station A complete line of 'Fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. We need ¥ ur Business, Satisfaction Assured IRousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. Ready -to -Wear Clothing ZURICH gERALP DBNOIV)<'S BRAS; GEN'!'$ FURNISHINGS Thursday, September 1st, 104 ordered Apo r ...o.1 .. r.qr�ra..r w wR Clothing The store with the Liberal Cash Discount SOINER OR LATER You will come here for your Clothes y you."ll wish �f you vva�t u,nt�l later you had come sooner Tailor Made Suits Guaranteed I 3. rlago Blue Serge o u. DEiTO..Yf .::CROS. Produce 'oaken is exchinge for floods ;• + 4.4 +N+M4+++4.4.4..44+++++D++4 Lumber Laths Shingles Everything in I. Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Building Material +++++++++++444 -144.++++.144 -ti: Save the Surface and you Save all • 4. +i� SNfNWIM Whim ft +f+ 4. We have a full line of the Cel- ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- aining Paints, Enamels, Auto and Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc. Also a full line of common and Rubber Set Paint Brushes,. New Perfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and Wicks, Lawn Mowers, Screen Do- ors and Hinges, Window Screens, and Screening, Poultry Netting, Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- eples, Etc. Garden and Farm Tools, fresh car of Best St. Marys Portland Cement, just here; CComplete line of heavy and shelf hadrware always in stock, Orders taken for Gold Medal Bin- der twine. Evetroughing and Plumbing and repairing of all kinds. ISTADE &WEIDO -pREE'tEF2 BLOCK ZURICH t* Custom Work our . Specialty + • Always in the market for saw logs I PHONE4. + ii ]9[ . 4. 69 ~ .. <`. �U,RICII I 4. .++++4.++++1.4.1.++++++t 4.4”:•+44. ++++++++++++*+ (.4. ++++4.+4 4 • 4' ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Spend Labor Day at Zurich.. Goderish's tax rate is 443,1"mills.` Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Weseloh were recent visitors to Lnodon. " Miss Dorothy Fritz was camp- ing' at the Bend the past. week.. Mrs. Doupe and daughter of London spent the week -2nd with their nephew, and oucsin, Mr. Wm. 1`inlay. Mrs. Chas. -Weber and daughter Miss Gertrude, returned from, a pleasant visit in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilhelm, of Baden are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith., - Sauble tine. Miss Mayme Lamont left on. Tu- esday* morning for Aault Ste Marie where she has accepted a posit- ion an a public school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Smith of Plattsville are attendino. the fun- Eral of the latter's father, the late Geo. Witmer. 4. 4. + 4, 4. + 4. + ZURICFEWINS FIRST' ROUND IN SEMI-FINALS By 'defeating Milverton 10 to 6 Zurich eliminated Milverton from the 'semi-finals last Friday even- ing at the local diamond The ;'arae throughout was snappy and the eettement intense. -Of course the loe.;ls were not compelled to play their !best, as the visitors were easily defeated. We are now anxiously waiting for further instructions who to play, and have the assurance that the next round will not bd won so easily. Wal.'hc' for particulars as these games ,are the best of the season owing to the strongest team of each, group taking part. Mr. Goo. Hess, accompanied by the Misses Margaret, Ethel and Flora Hess, were to Stratford on Tuesday. Mr. Alvin Surerus left this week for Oakvill to resume his duties as Professor of Languages in a institutuion there. Mr. W. L. Siebert has comple- ted the new artistic veranda that he has had- ,:xected in front of his dwelling house. It is just a little something new for Zurihc. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, Jr.,. Mrs. Mary Stelek and Miss Margaret Lamont took in the last, of the series of services for the season, at Grand Bend, on Sunday, and re- port it was good to be there. Mrs. Ster. Barry of Buffalo, who was t isittng her cousin, Mrs. and Finlay for the past two weeks„ went to -visit friends in Ripley and Kincardine before returning to Detroit to spend a few days with her sister who is not en;;oying good/ • Ovr juniors go to Hensali to pl.:v the first of the four game schedule `this Thursday evening. The handsome trophy .,,cup do- nated by Mr. Alex. Murdoch of Hensail • to then winners of a junior .'ebali series between - the Heneall : and Zurich boys, is on ex- hibition at Hess' jewelery store, and is .a fine one and a credit to the lucky team who will be poss- essors of same. Much interest is take,i by the locals, as they say they will win it. • +-4+ Tlie first game in the play off for champion of group No. 5, was flayed at Ailsa Craig on Monday evening between Lucan and that team. The Lucan team outplayed their opponetns, bothin the field. and at ale bat, and won out by 8-1. The !second game will be played at Lucan on Thursday af- ternoon at. 4 p.ln. The 1921 Voters' List of Hay Township is now printed and the Clerk has sent out the required copies for posting up purposes. We find in part I 866 names, these are entitled to vote at both Mun- icipal and Federal elections, Part II contains 93 names which are allowed to vote at Municipal el- ections only. Part III the wom- en's Vote, as in the assesment roll is not included in this list, but Ohlert and I1abe assis- in case a federal election takes p1- ted in therihc Toronto game ace, a new i1 ist will be necessary at Gederieh on Saturday, this was to be made. M won by- the Visitors 10- 0 It is ',reported that Zurich de' keeled llfilverton in a group play off "game on Tuesday by the score of 40--0. How tha Dutchmen do like to rub it in hwen they get a chance,-Goderieh Signal. Aileijtioq Farmers Woven Fence While it lasts at Here is a chance to benefit at prices never heard of We are the loser. You are the gainer mEute &r :R2 JN PHONE 63 Herald1/4 Job Dp-aititiment Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements,.,Envelop:- es, Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. Big Wi dSurnmerSaie After our successful three week's Midsummer Sale we have decided to continue sante for a time, as busin- ess demands these reductions, and. we therefore advise you to take ad= vantage of this opportunity. Get our prices before purchasing. BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS. SPACE WILL NOT PER-. MIT US TO PUT AL LBARGAINS IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT. ' Linoleuni:s at 'per yard _.. ... 0.00 1Y Feltex Regular 2.25 Sale Price $1.70 - Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2.50 Regular $2.25 Sale _-_ .__ $1.50 - Children's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE A11 -woo 1 serge 40 in. wide yd. 95c Light Prints per lard _. ; 1.8e , Dark Prints per yard ._. ...... •25c Dress Voil,s Regular 1.25, 1.50 $2 per yard Sale Price ....... 85e GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS House Dresses and Aprons at Big Reductions. Mill Ends in Shirtings, Galateas, Charnbrays. Don't forget to took at these Snaps Ladies' Summer Underwear at Prices Away Down ' Ladies' White Cotton Night ( Gowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale ... ... $1.50. Job Lot Middies for Girls at 500 Men's Dress Shirts at EtALP PRICE Siebert 1 en's Straw Hats 'at HALF PRICE: K, :ig Reduction in Overalls Pants and? elt Hats at HALF PRICE Men's and Boy's Caps at HALF PRICE _oadies' Middies Regular 2.50 at$I.25 ,adies' White top skirts Reg. 4.50 $5 and $6, Sale' Price.... ...... $3A0 adies' Cotton Night Gowns, Regular 2.75, Sale Price ... $2.03 All Curtain Goods at a. BIG REDUCTION. Towelling at per yard _-. 15e• GROCERIES' Rice 3 -lbs, for Laundry Soap 1 bars for .._...25e Yeast Cakes per Box 5c Broken Biscuits per pound __. 10c. Palm Olive Soap 3 for 25 lbs. Calf Meal for ..... , ... $1,25. Fruit Jars, pints dozen ... Fruit Jars, quarts per dozen ._.$1.40 Fruit Jars, half -gallon doz. .., $1,90 Matches per box.._ ._. ___ ___ 10e Castile • Soap 7 bars for .. ... 25e Produce Wanted. ButerickFashions Phone 87 .,r URI rdP