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Zurich Herald, 1921-09-01, Page 7
iJiJ':`1Iz:Lq r� "ICiTY, THE KEYNOTE SUMMER LIFE OF COTTA>G,F, C:OLONIE$ IN EVANG°ELINE LAND .� RIDING` la1(Ne .ANC' lll`X AT LOW TIDE ON MINAs'. PA I.N V SAFE hATI-1111,143 FOR: ALDS124`LIGF1='q• kl .. o, ' ic Nova Scotia's wealth of woods and 1 waterways lends itself most agree- of sojourners each ; ably to summer cottage life and draws I greater numbers : summer. ' The many -miles -long bays t. flooded and then laid bare by the shift- 1 Jug titles, have a unique charm and ' make ideal bathing beaches—beaches that are a huge -delight • to kiddies. Summer accommodations of Evange- line Land do not run to vast hotels, although there are a number of fine ..large ones, ti ,e greater number of visi- tors live in comfortable country --side hotels and boarding houses and cot- ' tags colonies. la ear First among the latter stands °the I RURAL SUMMER HOTEL OVERLOOKING L-AKEI AT' HEBRON e I 'tNLiG �ecige nakooge Rod R. Gun Club, lo- near Halifax' Annapolis Royal Evan -golf, q 1 and croquet grounds i e of Lake T>_eclgelna- o sh or s gas t cro ue roup s are Gated on the kooge, at the end of thirty miles of Smith'sBeach, Cove.M1lford, Cot ages"t Lne a eorrunall provided at mast resorts. Then in i theren good motor 'geline road which. begins at his- connect s always the lovely historic country :toric Annapolis Royal. " I1 edgema ion with The Pines Hotel atto be explored. One cannot.travel I Digby, the Bay View Hotel at Yar- I many miles in any direction without kooge is in the heart of a wild, rich I mouth and The Gainsborough at Hub- 1 passing spots of historic interest: Here sporting country. Here the fisherman I bards, while Camp Acadia for girls, 1 the painter finds inspiration for new may enjoy excellent fishing, and here i located at Hebron, a short five miles I canvases; the writer for s n s an the hunter may bag the. biggest o g d • ggest of I.from Yarmouth, and Alderc]iffe Camp 1 stories; the tired business' mail: and; moose. The cabins are rustic "hi de- for b t u modern In equipment, fitted lisped institutions. weary ;teacher find balhis-and strength; t with fireplaces for mind an I ` JJ , CAUSE', OF 1 t(1;t(ILh1 Only in Rare Cases Does Beek - ache Mean Kidney 'Trouble. « Fit HERE E HRR ':Yer'3' muscle In the body needs cons stonily a supply of rich, red blood in ~' Proportion to the .work it does. The muscles of the back are under a heavy � , Hen -Made: strain and have but little rest. When y1rs. Newlywed—"And these the 'bl• ood is thin they lack nour'ish- Are they i anent, and the result is a sensation of pain in those ,muscles. Some people' thihalc pain' in the back means kidney trouble, but the best medical authori- ties agree that backache seldom or never has anything to do with the kid- neys, ,- Organic kidney disease may have 'progressed to a critical point without developing a pain ie the back Tbis'. being the case, pain in the back I should always lead the sufferer to. look to the Condition of hi, blood. It will be found In most cases that the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to build up the blood will stop the sensation of pain in the ill -nourished muscles of the back. How muck better it is to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the blood than to give way to unreason- able alarm about your kidneys. If you suspect your kidneys, any doctor can make tests in ten minutes that will set your fears at rest, or tell you the worst. But in any event to be per- fectly healthy you must keep the blood in good condition, and for this purpose l me other medicine can equal Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any t dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.5 hom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Coo s Brockville, Ont. RED }J D. I FART ROUB I. inks, SMITH SUFFERED AFTER EVERY FAL. eas eountay eggs.?"' • Shopkeeper—"Yes, eggs?" genuine inn T'ororraroolrl�anays Since Taking ' an1ac All Her Nothing. Lower. Troubles Have Disappeared, Jacit—"I don't think ',should get a '"Bofors I. had taken Half a bottle .a? zero on this examination." Tanlac I began to straighten right up Professor- "Co1rect, but that's tho and now I feel fust fine," sold 11ir,s. O. lowest mark 1 know oee, E. Smith, 169 Yarmouth Road, Toren - I to, Cat Knew How to Use It. "I was told that 1 had hi blood The clerk of the works of a newmygli ]l. Pressure, but whatever troubles building was shoat"'o£ help. One inose- were they began to disappear when ing he Stopped au old tramp who was I got Paulen and now 1 haven't a trace Passing by, and said: "Are you looking' of any of them. For one thing, 1 suf- for a job?" fared £rose indigestion something asv- "Yes," said the 'tramp, I fun, After' eating, the gas from my un- "Can you do anything with a !. digested food would press up into my . shovel?" asked the clerk of the works. ' chest until my heart fluttered fright - "Yes," replied the tramp, rubbing ` fully and at times I actually thought his eyes: "I can•fry bacon on it," it would stop beating. My head ached terribly at times and I got so dizzy I couldn't stand up, My kidneys also bothered nae and ley "How far do you travel in crossing back asnd legs hurt constantl;i. My the ocean from Liverpool to New legs hurt worse while Tying down and York?" asked the teacher. He'd Been. nights I couldn't sleep any to speak "Four thousand miles," replied the of, so that I always f bright* youth. 3 cit tired and worn "Oh no. Think again'," said the out. caches. "But all my troubles are gone now, "chs right," • My digestion is just perfect and I g persisted the youth. "It never .have a headache or dizzy spell ays three thousand miles in the book, I any more. Even those pains have dis- and that's what it is in a straight line. appeared from my back and legs and But I'm counting the ups and dawns. I'm so thankful for my good health' I've been across!" that T just want to praise Tanlac all the time." Mighty Awkward. Tanlac is sold by leading druggists "You've made a mistake in your 1 everywhere. Adv. aper,' 'said an indignant man, enter - ng the editorial sanctum of a country Pine Needles. ewspaper, "I was one of the com- ches etitors at that athletic contest yes- l If Mother ves 01' trees and vines rday and in your report you have 1 all " I'm sure she does her ed me darning the well-known light -weight l With needless of the hainpioi." pines! "'Well, aren't you?" inquired the eai- r, 1 They are so long and slender; "No, I'm nothing of the kind, and And sometimes in full view s mighty awkward, because I'm a al merchant!" Scouting and the Kiwanis Clubs. If a man can write a better book, I preach a better sermon, or make a bet- ; ter mouse -trap than his neighbor, r though he' build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten i path to his door. Literary men' have been having a sign,but d oys a Weymouth are old estal I I i .busy • d body, and the,i and running water These resorts are either in or close 1 mother peace and rest while peri The general h an that 1 club ouse is country club should be. Other well known and popular cabin colonies are found at North West A live- I mouse -trap quotation. Some credit it i to to farming centres and guests are fed I ly youngsters, safe from city °perils, I to Elbert Hubbard. But he has been 1t on fine fresh dairy and garden pro- ; disport' themselves in daisy fields or 1 1• • I p ii t °c ,c squabble over the author of th]s I ducts. Bathing, boating and fishing 1 O the red mud flats that at high tide I e =mated as he did not begin to 1 it' rets are the g t write until after the quotation had be- ; co principal pastimes.. Tennis 1 are glorious, bathing beaches. come famous. Then Emerson's works were to -• 1 oner to_have school playgrounds 'kept! into. But no comfort has been f I open all day, is very commendable.! there. Popular sympathy . is nearly always r But who cares who wrote it? 1 With the injured ' child, but when1 fits the Boy Scouts. That is the I youngsters are allowed to play rolls -1 reason it appears in our thought criminately on the streets it_ is prat -.i day • 1 tically impossible to laythe blamel Business men are peculiar du entirely, to the motor driver. It should] To sly the' are egotistical is put be made a criminal offence to allow; it so: mildly ,as to be compliment children under six on a city streets They have -s'uelh confidence in t I without a parent or guardian.:`: Chin -i own powers that one cannot ante dren, however, must play and Niel them in a proposition which does HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial -Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health :eat ters tglough this column. Address him at the Parliament Bldgs, Toronto. school There are reasonable and scheni'ific heart, through its efforts to pump - of playground grounds for. the' relief that during re- F enough of the weakened blood through suitable recreation place for - thele ii They really believe that they. can work cent years the average span' of life: is the system ke,e the bo st not ' large cities. .Arran ements zni ' 1;1 ;uliracies, ... .a.. ]1. large g ;.....; .rrt .t'-+;�,,, -. len lengthening—that - ..r r -•-•- 8€"Nwhes"" --+..,.�P ,.,._..... �T' Fe, g�g'^�a€-•fe}lotiv's-' g g—that ls; that peop'1'e':oit "i:'o" ntixnha""�,:`�is strained or overekerted:l grade io ave vacant lots or )usti�iu-,, the wh ole are - , a ar or +� ,by` bearing their miracles oked Kew It Was Done. ound It only s to- cks. ting ary. heir I rest not' An American poultry fanner went over to England to have a look round the poultry farms there and see where the farmers were making mistakes. He did not hesitate to tell how far advanced was the atr of poultry keep- ?ing in the States, and spun several 1 very tall yarns on that subject. Twenty chickens from twelve eggs appeared to be an everyday occur- rence in the United States, if the stories he told could be believed. But a bluff old English farmer was game for him. "Happen, maister," said the old man, e o r- 3Y""7i'�- a n dred chickens hatched, by one hen ate a setting?" "Waal," answered the American, "I 1 can't say that I have, but—" "Well, then; listen here, master; 1. happen I have," returned the farmer. 1 "Down Ipswich way we allus fill a bar- rel with eggs and set the hen on the bunghole °" seems the tn°etl,:entail miraculous accomplishment. living longer than form One can readily ''howtlonal grounds set t f kid parading w Y vhth them the Iiia a ' , lll S Club Tan play revblinks ' ce ant da �hs i both I P clamage is on e t th o pro -1 g part fP Pub -1 p tions of this nature are ';of suc er1y:' To Public Health activity,in- . see an lnereas- C r ren. ed vigilance to in. To - I c udtng the control of communicable ° u o courses res, wonders, and then, as if d officials and the one common impulse, falls public, can curtail the spread of com-1 a necessary, but reforms and precau-j tation and observance of public health', municable disease and thereby g Yf vent weakening or injury to th h • importance that ,. lie Health offl " 1petty e tea caretakers would f eyes, std disease and generally improved sanl-general b seibed by li vital in behind to do what it can, as tickled principles, this increasingnon evit l ere y pre �• is chiefly due.. Because, counteracting: -especially in younga heart"p ase shouldnot be allowed toenter•. Gus. these reforms are the stress and strain� more susceptible to infectiousvdisease ho are i especially when human 'life is atf; It's hard to fool, Wren. But you can't! of modern conditions with restarting! than adults act th fool b a the question of ex�3 Dense as a boy carrying water for the els pliant ht the cit In fnostake. oa boys at all. And wire? ?hen real-' s role ear- Then f ze e g fooled. Neither are the wear and tear on the human system! iceable low rate of deaths from is aheart _ �.. ,,,,y Scouts, they o course there are avoldabl ale not bele fy 1 d which have during the past quarter disease reported in localities, not visit- accidents in industry due to lack of century reduced the average lifetime ed by communicable diserises or where p'rotectioli for the worker at his trade, boys wlio compose the Boy Scouts. 1 to b6 years or thereabout"s instead of and oft I part i They get training, mentally and scally, and if there are any other Way; they get them :too—real d•own- en to care essness n„ th • protective and quarantine measures e a oted three score and ten I f th � himself. - Whys th ll are enforced f o e worker prevention" or Add to •tl in it, feels, and there is no reason why he should not at 60 or 70, provided his general health is good, be engaged at useful work without being a burden to anyone. There are many causes leadingup ce or the An old saying; with a grain of truth spread f tb o deny ou reeks. Child mor- tis the appalling list. of 1 right valuable stuff, that makes men is that a man is as old as het 1 deaths of children resulting front •im-. proper feeding in childhood dome out of there. And they like it, just as idea is given of the ireod andus"abut our boys who entered the army liked preventable infant mortality amongst' tt tot hens byttheirirs that wass officers 1 us every out. to them superior afiicer a sty, however,, results from many other causes outside that due to organic changes of the heart due to infection. One very noticeable and regrettable, of these causes is the motor -car. 'In Toronto alone, there have been four or five fatalities within to early or premature death that could the past few days due to children be- be largely eliminated if health habits ing run down bya t were formed . t tomobiles. In some in early 1 z life y and more instances, s tanc e s of course,,• the driver ver i set observance 0 v ace made the he quarantine to blame, but generally speaking a and •control of communicable car ul man or Every mother ilcable diseases. •ef woman at the wheel mo- her knows how fatal the they are the fir To illustrate this latter point, take seldom meet Itoh ones i turn to the ane C I s with an accident. If t summer months are to small child when saitiethin .e of heart disease whichg big• and difficult year. 1 I{E1,P ff(� �1 'wpm [j f I1Ii 1 i71 IIO w�;�rl'll.lil� The Scouts have made good in sp of the ridicule which was heaped on there only a few years ago, wh their elders first i f st lr Bard of them. police and tlie' rest of us laughed the idea of having Boy Scouts he handle big crowds. But now!—why, :i t6 is i NOTHING TO EQUAL f 1 TS its � .�,,.. ��t A nza For Sprains dna la•�aises, en , The first thing to do a lien you hare stat i 't n u is a a to a The I T inset©n t. St ispzrlt1is(' t ., sfamous nth ins; at . healing, and gig es IIUI, ]. rrl�el'. 1p+..�: causes • so, It is the exception and probably ren. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, I to be done. cu has an enormous number of deaths in this! onlyoccurs once. Newspaper readers ; yl dyseutry, colic and stomach troubles I That is the reason why 'the Kiwanis country every year. What makes the I were interested last week in a des- I are rife at -this time and often a pre- Club is for the Boy Scouts. Their heart diseased and unable to properly" patch from England stating that a cions little life is lost after only a few 1 lives are open books by virtue of the carry on its function ? There are • motor -car driver was given one year's hours' illness. The mother wlio keeps 1 Honesty which they are taught. They many causes, but a very important iimprisonment forBaby's Own Tais ' running over a Tat - Jets In the ,ho,use feels preach better sermons than the rest i one is poisoning of the heart tissue child with fatal results. There are safe. The occasional use of the Tab- I of us usually here—right in the lives , by germs of communicable disease. 1 wlliclh they lead. They make better mouse -traps than the rest of 'us—and in -the woods—and our happiest hours are spent in our pilgrimages to them, way for .suddert: or premature death result of; automobile accidentsmedicine sealers or "They have done much, They have in must-: by mail are 25• cents a box from The dared much, They have done that years to come. `Then there is ?tai- I be stopped, and to this and the recent Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- i which was assigned then. Worthy nutrition, and aenemia, where the reconnnendations of 'a Tenanto cor- ville, Ont. Scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, whooping cough, acute pneumonia, rheumatism • are among the diseases that affect the heart and prepare the many cases in Canada that could be; lets prevent. stomach and bowel. Sint - thus summarily dealt with to advan-i troubles, or if the trouble conies"sud ta$e, and it would have the result of I denly—as it generally does—the Tab - making our streets safer for I lets will bring the baby safely through. pedes- trians. Fatalities to children as th 1 s fol builds s r iz AA aXilrfailat nourish1in.e ., vtivat.1a no burden to the di. flestion is secured from that Famous Toad -- Grape:N `,- . The nutriment of whae;a and -malted barley, from which GrapeNuts is made, builds s stren th and vigor— and deiiehts the ta.st:e. "7,r ra here. eason Crape WtS AML At byall grocers rr. it 1i 1! , I rI • How They Advertise in the Orient. Oriental countries, having awaken MONEY ORDERS. ed 'within very recent years to the Dominion Express Money Orders are worthwlrileness of advertising, have on sale in five thousand offices adopted methods of their t.wn which throughout Canada. are rather odd and picturesque. se In particular they go in for street;I)n Praise O London. processions. Enterprising advertisers, f LOOn. in Chinese and Japanese cities wreath. I, the son of London men, ire parades, with banners and stratrgc. Give tlhanks to London. once again. devices, such as dragons and other Here was I Born; and I will die monsters, carried by seen or on wag- Under this friendlyleaden sky— ons. Like grandfer's•g.andfer, so win 1. This is real jazz as applied to pub- licity work. We have nothing equal City of beauty, flower of cities all— to it in its way. In the Philippines: Where "Themnhes" runs Swiftly, and similar, lar• inetriods are iiprsued;Not•; • the buses roar • long ago, in Manila, to adirer'tise anew (Even dowel the stately reaches of cigar, there was a very striking pro- Whitehall) cession in which gigantic walklrtg` ,While chocolate trams invade the Cigars took part, accompanied by mu Surrey shore— cal•ryieg huge placards Lettered in Eng• Yours is a glantotir" which the years. fish and Spanish, extolling the pie -enhance duet and inviting true public to try it. Ana hi your grimy streets lives all ro• i y. ti.. lnanOe' Africa embraces nearly" One-fourth - :_._t0 _- of the total land area of the adobe. ) Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia of our confidence! Not worthy of our confidence? Who, then, is worthy of our confidence? COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. OLIFP TORONTO Amertoa's Pioneer Dog Remedios Book on [IG DISEASES anMailed F Free to any ow to Ad. dress by tho Author. H. Clay Glover Oo., Ea0. 119 West 31st Street New 'York. U.S.A. ASPIRIN ""Bayer" only is Genuine A let 11 They have their threads of cobwebs And thimbles made of dew. —Wm. H, Pay. Minard's Liniment for sale every,vhere Qi G k Coins. Coin collectors regard •the collecting of old -Greek coins as their most for- midable task, not because of their rarity, but because fully 1,009 indepen- den cities had a distinctive seriee of coins. In Honduras 90 per cent. of the people cannot rend and write. Curia ra s Just Right ° Or Baby's Tender Skin Bathe him with Cuticura Soap and warm water. Dry gently and if any sign of red- ness, roughness. irritation or rash is r e nt anoint pres- ent omt with Cuticura Ointment to soften, soothe and heal. Finally dust on - few grains of the fragrant, delicately nted- icated Cuticura Talcum. Soap25e. Ointment 25audSec. Talcam2Sc. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lymnns. Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal. Ellei'Cuticura Soap shares without mug. DOALLvY HOUSE Before I took Lydia E Pints. ham's Vegetable Compound I could hardly get about. Cobourg, Ont.—"For many years Z have had trouble with any nerves and have been in a general run down con- ! dition for sorne time. I could not do my 1 work half of the time because of the trouble with my, monthly sickness. I was told of Lydia E. Pinithaln's Vege- table Compound by friends and advised 1 stronto gly recommend it mene good,and have taken it I have been able to do all my own work, and I also know friends who have found it good. You can use these facts as a testimonial."—Mrs. ELLEN a c 1"' LATTEIIS, Box 761, Cobourg, Ont. Why will women continue to suffer so Warning! ng. Take no chances with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of Aspirin." Uniese you see the pan- "Bayer" to oil package n georontttb- lets you are not getting Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, "(lieu- , nlatisin, Earache, Toothache, Luntba go and for• Pain, Handy tin boxes of i twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- , gists also sell larger packages. Made rl Canada. Aspirin is the trade .mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manu-: facture of 1\'.[onoacetica,cidester o£ , Salicylicacid. • Iong is more than we can understand, I when they can find health in Lydia E. iinithaln's Vegetable Compound? 1 For forty years this good old fash- 1!oned root and herb remedy, which contains no narcotics es i or tosm. fu;l• g has been the standard remedy for fe- male ills, and has restored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such aihnents as displace- ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg. ularities, etc. If you want special advice write to Lydia E.Pinkharn medicine Co. (confi- dential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman an I held in strict confidence, • ISSUE No. a6—'21.