HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-09-01, Page 11. XXII No 8 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNI'. imourommiorier ..,.rpm bra,... FLEET --FOOT You know the .lightness and comfort of Fleet -Foot shoes , on Bowling green, Tennis Courts, etc. You get into your Fleet-fobt just as you ,slip on flannels or white ducks. Why not wear Fleet, +Foot ali clay, right through the summer and enjoy ease, and com- fort. We have them for Men, Women and Children. Also' a full line of white canvass, Oxfords, Tics, and Pumps. Call and see, our display and get our prices. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE 'MERCHANT AND REPAIRS. mommoza C t �'c`��000•`.•d• *z ,„..`z: o�oaooaa'cd� 0000ao�oaoo a. ..4"7'�•O.1700.4.4•!J•e�J•�4.4•p•p•G'•O•p0•d'•p•,•�•00•4.4•�'P'� a SM Rs EPTEIVM BER 1, 1921. Chester L. Smith, Publisher $L25 a Year In Advance $1,50 TN iRR'].ARS, rr2 MAY 13B OHAa'�C*75D ;'Spend I, kaon' .Day at Zurich. Mr C..; 'r,)tz was at .Thedford on Rl esday- W uricta "!ublic school will open on Tuead . September 61•h. Mr.Oise Aenomy -was at Lon - on a feW days this ,:week. .IVliss L'Oira.n Wreseloh was a wee - end visite ate Dashwood. ' Mr acid ,Mrs. P. Ravelle visited ielatrves at',,Grand Bend en Sun- tay. Mrs Elie Henca`i1 inti Miss Oi eth' Otterbein of is n the village this we - C Week ,.,afte7 Detroi Missesr;. .bell af. 'age ,,o,v The last monthfor these Summer Sale events has arrived and we are now facing the arrival of Fall Stocks which makes it necessary to clear out' our Slimmer Merchandise toimake;room for the new fall goods and price is not now a factor, as our business policydemands that no stocks be carried over from one season to another. Fancy Dress Goods. STOCK AND HAVE A FEW ENDS '•OF FANCY VOILES LEFT OVER FROM OUR IMMENCE ,AND TO CLEAR THEM ALL UP, WE HAVE MADE TWO LOTS OF THEM. ' ONE LOT • REG PRICE: IJP TO, $1.25 YARD,, TO O F1Ak?r ° z », k + lb CENT'S ANOTHER LOT UP TO $2.50 PER YARD, TO CLEAR AT -.. --- _. F__, __.50e. PER; YDS ALSO A• FEW REMNANTS FROM 2 TO 4 YD:'ENDS AT. A BARGAIN. YOU SHOULD • GET SOME OF THESE VALUES. 01 ii\ �\. Psi 5 a 5 ORGANDIES Colored Organdies in White, Blue, Pink and Mauve to clear at per yard,' 50c. and 60e PRINTS Best qualities in bight and dark Blues, at per yard -__ __. ___30c Good quality, Light Patterns at 20c SHIRTINGS Good quality black and white, blue and white stripe at 20e Best quality Rock fast Drills Black and White, per yd. 30c WHITE VOILE WAISTS A line of Ladies' white Voile Waists, Lace Trimmed,' Land and .. short Sleeves, Regular $2.50 to clear at $1.00 Another Job Lot of Waists, to clear at, each ._. .._r -_ _-,-----•--- 50c White cotton cbrset covers, good quality, deep lace trinsing at 23e MIDDY WAISTS Women's and children's Middies with long and short Sleeves in plain White and Colored Trimmings at -__ ___ _•_ HALF PRICE CHILDRENS' DRESSES Your last opportunity to get anice dress for a. girl from 2 to 10 years, pnly a few left and they all gc* at _- ___ ___ HALF PRICE Silk and Cotton Hose Children's good quality fine ribb cotton Hose in blle. and brown Reg. up to 50e a pr. in all sizes up to 10,' ;to clear atla pie __.25c Ladies Silk Hose, best quality lcolors blk. Brown and white at 1$.25 Also a line of Silk Hose, all shades at per pair 75e Children's Lisle socks, colored top! at • , 50e Dressing Sacks Ladies Dressing Sacks in blue, pink and rose, made of good quality fancy crepe, will give splendid satisfaction at each $1.25 SILKS White wash satin, specially adapted for Ladies' skirts, good quality • 36 inches wide, at per yard $2.25 A line of colored silks for dresses 36 -in, all shades, yd. 93e and $L25 ' Silk Tricolette, a splendid material for blouses and skirts in col- ors,, white, navy and orange shades, 36 -inches wide, yd. .__ ___$3.00 Leave your order now for No. 1 Purity timothy seed at lowest prices. Phone .59 J. the Q erluo.,rt ' Q a dMrs: Q 1 aanily • rR Q Elie banal Mr naa' r f Godericl ':Y %v itb the '�M1Zis " are all' ition "\v] ,and„ On ie O'Brien, returned last several week's visit at n and Dorothy Cam- Sento called in the vil- 11;e week -end. Ertiutleclge is attending Convention at Wat-_ .s. Deibel and .fenlily Mrs. Jac. Schwind and #nover• are visiting at i'M1 and Mrs. E. Axt. yrs, Russell Reid of Gent a day last week friends, Mr. and Mrs. of near Blake. eiriel 'and Mabel Preeter ing the Toronto Exhib- opened August 27th :; September. 10th. ' es; d will Sara 'V allda Q Q 1doing e a Day. without a doubt, e big 'event of the sea- urieh, ;Special efforts rth to make this an xogram and something rry minute. 3frs. Irivn. D. Smith; aughters, Gathers .and. Hamilton visited at C 0Smith; Sauble, tithe vi11age2v. I, load tIv+ MUlarloi 44e arid* ; 0• er thew :en Q M?Roy 'Weber, who successfuly conducttea a ,shoe repair busin- ess in, Merner's block, has severed hiss •connection with that business having mOed his entire equipment and they >Koon. is now vacant. a lO. 'Lia4:eit.-Governor of Ontario Lionel „ T Clarke died at his of- ficial boli, Toronto,, on Monday in his Mei: year.All Government cngagernOts are cancelled until after toile iineral which will be held bye 11ie state. RYMENIAL- HO WAti -HESS . An ifu'trasting .event took place an4.ng t .twenty-fourth at St. Peter's `Liitheran church, Zurich, when Miss 'Celia, daughter of the late Frederick Hess and Mrs. Hess was united- in marriage to Rev. F. L. Howald, of New Dundee, son of theelatr Mr. and Mrs. B. How- ald titoptly at "-four pan., the bride, ;.essed. in White satin with the ev,temary veil, and carrying sunset odes,• en' eyed the chin the ars ,';of her brother, Mi.. F. E. rless ct .ondon. She was atten- 'ded by :icer Siister, Flora, in grey taffeta .and georgette, currying pink rosea, and her little niece Mary Bissett; in rose taffeta, car- ry Inge a basket of flowers. Th groom was attended by his „cher;;, Eldon, of Stratford. Vieteti+ : s:t the groom, Miss Kathie In Ii.o;tituld, accompanied by Miss Th,elnia 3-owald oni the violin, ren- •iered. 'suitable music during the ci.reap.6iiy'. Mr:' Hawey Ziegler of \, r'4 trop and Mr. Albert Hess acted :e'en' u§hers. After the cer- enuony,+"thea guests repaired to the Monte offthe bride's mother, where a' .reception and supper was head. The groom's gift to the bride' was rt b141F' fox neck -piece; to the bride3. raid, a brilliant set bar pin to t11k; flower girl, a bracelet; to thee organist and violinist gold peneils ' to ¥he groom's man ruff links andto the ushers, tie dips. Later in the evening the happy coupler eft on a honeymoon trip to Lake Simeoe. On their return tlityi „will• ntake their future home in Ne'w Dundee, where they wil iwal jJ.i • on her way home to Bulfalo be at home to their friends. The Herald joins in extending best and heartiest congratulations. PREETER .n Produce Wanted WWW•••tiWWPO"�•,,p �;�;p.p �i'�.'4 4 4 �• b �'Cam"'.5-'�fia�'3=�ir'�'trr�r'd`�.••�'�� ' � p �uG� Eyes Tested Glasses; Fitted BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 nl ' Incorporated in 1855 THIS MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Buy Canadian Goods --:and help• to keep Canadian workmen busy, it will help you. Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit your, savings in the Molsons Bank.. Courteous service to all. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch. seal (99itcot•@@0setts, 0ivOeQ00090HO00rb0o0000*****4A447 A Your Horse Requirements a ✓ 4 40 44 @ © 0' 4 0 4 ® 4 A BEDUCTION 4 • We also carry 0 We are offering the following seasonable Horse requirements at greatly reduced prices: HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. • SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OP • MEN'S MITTS AT IG R in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single harness, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY FRED. TH.IE ZURICH • a 4+444.+44444+++++4.44+44.44444444.4++++++ i.jj44,+44.yL4 }••$••§ +++•i•44'4•44.4 b'' 44i4•;•4•E••1•dr•1••F•II• fr•I•+•I•++fr+44. CAST R IA Per Infants and Children In Use FairOver3OYears A3wa}vs bears the Sigiaatnre of 4. 4. 4. 4. •. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. •i• 4. 4 After our successful one week's sale wefiuid that we have severaLlines left that we will sell at wonderful 4 reductions at our Zurich Branch. Canvass and Summer Footwear prices Slashed to pieces C. F R ITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 4- ZURICH DASHW000 .g..;.@ i•.;•.g.00.q••I•t•.l••1••g..q••F••g.•E..l'4••II••F••4• Fi•4.7•-i+ Y4•: ot•1•+•h•F++•P•1•+zL4,.g••'F4.•l.•b•1•4•g•F÷14 PREWAR PRICE THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON A- GREAT MANY OF THE LINES WE CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND GROCERIES. We have a good shirtin A good Denine at 50 cen A good Denine for boys Cottc\ns at 15 cents per Flannelettes at 25 cents + Men's Shirts were $2.50 Men'a Overalls, per pair AND A GREAT MANY INGLY. WE INVITE YOU TO 'CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. Fresh Groceries always in Stock g at 35 cents per yard. is per yard. suits at 50 cents per yard. yard and upwards. per yard and upward=. arenow selling at ,$1.25. from $1.25 to $2.00 OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD - 1 R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 i- 97 V lLJ E