HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-08-18, Page 8Page Eight zLT:RIG.CIr HERALR ALUES For a short time we are offering speoial extra values in all lines of merchandise and advisetheneedybuyers to come early and get first choice Prices greatly reduced on Summer Goods just when you are in need of thein. Special Reductions on the following: FINE VOILES SILKS OF ALL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINGHAMS LADIES' UNDERWEAR MENS' AND BOYS' SUUITS MEN'S PANAMA HATS MEN'B FELT HATS CAPS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS SOME LINES IN GROCERIES J. GASCHO &SON Ztirich's Garage Our 0-arage is a refuge to motorists in trouble; because wo make repairs thor- oughly and carry a.most complete line of Qenuine Ford Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS PPE$TO--LITE Battery Sales and Service Station A.complete line of 'Fires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. We need Your Business. Satisfaction Assured H,. Mousseau Zurich • - PHONE No. 103. .»f+++++++ +•M+++++++++ ++++++'t'++++IIS+•'"+•r•1 +++++++++++++++ Save the Surface and you Save all 4. 4. dr +F+ 4. +l+ I'1' 4. +r 3+ \Ve have a full line of the Cel- ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready mixed. paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- dt,ing Paints, Enamels, Auto and Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc. .Also a full line of common and Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New perfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and Wicks, Lawn Mowers, Screen Do- ors and Hinges, Window Screens, and Screening, Poultry Netting, Frost wire fencing, gates and. Ste- eples, Etc, Garden and Farm 'Pools, fresh car of Best St. Marys Portland Cement, just here; CCotnplete line of heavy and shelf hadrware always in stock. Orders taken for Goid Medal Bin- d.nr twine. Evetroughing and Plumbing and repairing of all kinds. WEIDO 4. PREETER BLOCK ZURICH I Ready -to -Wear Clothing i?ENOMY BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Thursday, August 18th, 1921 Ordered i• �. Clothing Our New Goods are Arvinally How about that New Suit? Cotne in,arid see our New Siyles IT'S EASY TO UPSET GOOD, FORM WITH AN OUT OF FORM TIE, THAN'S WHY IT SO OFT- EN HAPPENS: C THE REMEDY IS HERE IN GOOD FORM TIES, SCARFS AND FOUR-IN-HANDS, GVELOS GLOVES, COLLARS, SHIRTS, EV- ERYTHING IN MEN'S OUTFITT- TINGS CORRECTLY TO THE, TUE. ENOMY Brilose Produce taken in exchanoe for foods L Lumber Laths Shingles 1 F ..._.: . Everything in t Combination storm and screen doors made to order;i._ • L.umber and lBuilding Material - Custom Work our Specialty,4 I -- ÷ • I Always ,.in the market for saw 1Qgs , 1 /. PHONE 69 ZURICI-I e+++h•."`.-dr•".++ +4.++++++++++sat.++++++++++4•+++++++++++ ++++4 } With Captain Lee Hoffman all O.K. again and Catcher Henning's hand fast improving, and our ,pitchers say they are well rested, our boys should easily take the 'measure of some nines in the semi- finals. The protested game of Wing- bam against Teeswater was dis- cussed by the N.W:B, committee on Saturday and the game was ordered to stand. This decision should be more practised by this -committee. As some teams get real sour if they lose a game and will do anything to get rev- enge,. , The Zurich team had a little of this stuff pulled of+ a- gainst them recently-. Captain Ramsay of the Purity Flours helped our team to play at Goderich tournament against Teeswater when H^nni•ag was dis- abled and Zurich had no spare man. As a consequence, he was not allowed to plez in his own team against Wingham. Great sportsmen, did they expect Zur- ich to play only eight men? Our team expected to go to Milverton his Thursday to play in the semi-finals, but no word to this effect has as yet arrived. Goderich baseball team has been rather boasting about giving Cl - of the Liberal Party of Canada, ac inton team such a beating on companii d by several Liberal mems Civic Holiday, but their two bers of Parliament, will speak at' best men were Clinton men Seaforth on Wednesday, August'' Clinton News Record, 31st, under the auspices of the Lib eral Associations of North and South Huron, .LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ..............................22 37 90 65 Eggs..- Buckwheat Barley--_ ,__ Wheat ...............old 1.25 neee1.20 Oats ,.. 50 Flour_-.. ,-_ __- --- .,_ ----- ...... 4.75-5.50 Bran,-, ,-_ 30.00 Shorts .. _ -_, 35.00 Hogs .__ __. 13:25 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Back and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and sonof home are visiting at the of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Willert, 14th, COD. Thr Government reminded the. newspapers last week that the postage on newspapers, which was increased four fold last January, will be doubled this rate on and' after New Years next. Lemons, who for 'some time have been at a premium in price, have dropped from $22 a box to $8 a box, so state the daily mar- kets. A large shipment has been, received from Iyaiy causing the moderation in price: Hon. MacKenzie King, Leader Athol MacQuarrie, who for some years was connected with the Goderich Signal, has returned to Goderich to assume the manage- ment of that paper. W, H. Robertson, who has been therm b,* lisher for many years, intends to take a -rest before devoting hiin- self` to other interests, but will still be connected with this Com- pany, Mr. MoQuarrie is already favorably known to the people of the community and re.luires no el- aborate introductions. He will maintain the established relations of The Signal in its business and editorial policy, SPURT NEWS Goderich complains that they did not get justice from the utxt pires at Crediton on August 4th, This would have been another. fine 10 Exhibitions, won 8, '':f'otal nuni- ehanca to protest. The score wa.si bar of games played, 26; lost 3 arta 'C redl't 4ii fs 1 t*,rr' tioeit44 And ewoln AT ZURICH May 24th, Crediton, won 15-5 June 10th, Goderich lost 4-7 June 28th, Stratford, won 6-5 July' 15th with Goderich won 3-2 July 26th, with Crediton won 1-8 Aug. 4, with Stratford won 10-6 Aug.8th with Goderich, protest game of Jul. 15, won 13-3 AWAY FROM ZURICH June 3rd, Crediton, won 2-1 June 7th at Goderich, won 8-1 June 22nd at Stratford, tie 5-5 July 5th, at Crediton, won 19-3 July 30th, at Stratford won 3-0 July '29th at Goderich, won 5-3 HOW W THEY STAND Won Lost P:C. ZUirieh 10 1 909 Stratford 3 5 • 375 Goderich 4 7 364 Crediton 3 7 300 11111!6' .iIIII1!.:W NI M- ' I NOM ij 7i `� 4mu+�alU um ••v 4/1 Tankle a Water System Provides Fresh, Running Water 11 You know full *ell what it would mean to you to have running water at your disposal in your kitchen, bathroom, indoor toilet, washroom and dairy, and to have it for • watering your stock and sprinkling your gardens and flowers! So why not install a Westco System? It runs from a farm light plant or other source of power. It is completely automatic, vibrationless and silent -in operation. It requires no storage tank. It has no gear, no valve, no belt, to get out of order. It is always at your service. It is equipped with an all -bronze pump and new Westco two -pole pressure switch. The pump has only one moving part -the impeller is wear -proof and rust -proof. Made in larger sizes for special requirements. Write us for information. WESTCO PUMPS, LIMITED Queen and Abell Streets Toronto, Ontario' One block from Parkdale Station. ^� 100 MADE IN CANADA MELIeK& BRUJN PHONE 63 -er id Job De 11 4. Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards,. Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop - 4. es, Check Books, Postings BIlj;,,a, specialty. ' BigMid-Sumrner$aJ After our successful three week's Midsummer Sale we have decided to continue same for a time, as busin- ess demands these reductions, and we therefore advise you to take ad=, vantage of this opportunity. Get, our prices before purchasing, . BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS. SPACE WILL NOT PER-. MIT US TO PUT AL LBARGAINS IN THIS ADVERTISEMENIT. Linoleums at per yard ,-, 4$,00 LMen's Feltex Regular 2.25 Sale Price $1.70 Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2.50 'Regular $2.25 Sale .__ $1.50 Children's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE All -woo lserge 40 in. wide yd. 95c Light Prints par yard ,-, --- ,-_ 19c Dark Prints per yard -_. 25c Dress Voils Regular 1.25, 1.50 $2 per yard Sale Price --- ,-- 85c GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS House Dresses and Aprons Big Reductions. at Mill Ends in Shirtings, Galateas, Chambrays. :Don't forget to look at these Snaps Ladies' Summer. Underwear at Prices Away Down AWN Ladies' White Cotton Night 1 Gowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale ,._ .-- $1.50 Job Lot Middies for Girls at 50c Men's Dress Shirts at HALF PRICE Straw. Hats at IRALF PRICE Big Reduction in Overalls and Pants • Felt Hats at HALF PRICE Men's and Boy's Caps at HALF PRIER Ladies' Middies Regular 2.50 at$1.25-'',. Ladies' White top skirts Reg. 4.50 $5 and $6, Sa1ei Price ,_. -,_ -- $3.06 Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns, Regular 2.75, Sale Price $2.00 All Curtain Goods at a BIG REDUCTION, Towelling at per yard _.. 15e GROCERIEh Rice 3 -lbs. for 2a Laundry Soap 4 bars for - 25e, Yeast Cakes per Box .. 5e Broken Biscuits per pound ___ 10e Palm Olive Soap 3' for ...25e 25 lbs. Calf Meal for $1,251 Fruit Jars, pints dozen _„ __. $1.25 Fruit Jars, quarts per dozen ...$1.0 Fruit Jars, half -gallon doz,. $1.94 Matches per box. 100 • Castile Soap 7 bars for .,., 25e Produce Wanted.: uterick ] ashions n Phone