HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-08-18, Page 7• IN ROT WA EA`1.iIriElt YOUR :'.1'Itt.�'S NEED WATCHING. There are many hot weather ail - :Monts to which the automobile is. sae- ceptiblee Certain forms of tire trouble sometimes come in the good old summertime which might not oc- cur !in eooler weather, If the tires are inflated to too high h .a pressure the car rides as 'though equipped with solid rubber, rather th,eti pneumatic tires'. In addition to the discoanfoet to pas- sengers, there is excessive rattling ,of a:l parts of the -oar, the heavy vi- bration loosening nuts- and bolts and tending to shale tha entireear to pieces. When rounding a curve, if the 'read is somewhat rough,, the car has a strong tet dency toward going side- -Mee, like. a ,crab, and there is eddi- •bi•oma1 danger of skidding en .smooth, wet pavements. A lot of this sort of trouble can be :avoided by not keeping the tire prey- sure quite as high in hot weather as in cold. Oon.siderable heat is gen- •e•ated by .rolling a tire over the ground. This heat expands the air in the tire olid increases the pressure. In the winter -tune this heat is ab- •soibed to :a large extent by the: eold atmosphere and the. cold, .wet pave- ments; therefore the pressure does neat vary so much. In the summer the roads are very hot, the atmospheric temperature is high and the heat, gen- erated by friction, ie not carried off to any appreciable extent. ` On a recent grip I'nobiced the car. Teas riding harder thanusual. I test- ed the tires and found they were above normal in pressure. Afber duetting out some of the air the car rode easier. Difference of Twelve Pounds. To find out just what the difference underinfiation than by overinflation, because the former breaks down the side walls- of the tire thro,agh rutting flat, yvhile overinflation usually causes a blow-out only when the tiro is weak at some point. This feet Must be taken 'into cowls cleration,` and fear this reason 'ease must be exercised in whatever ,allowance ie matte in tire. preesure on account of the summer heat. It weeld.'be a. gaod practice, however,in hot 'weather to leave the garage with the tire pressure about ten pounds less than that usu'ally specified as being normally correct. Try It Out for Yourself. It would also be a good practice for the driver to teeset out his tires after running ' at a good clip on a hot day to find out for himself just how his particular tires react to the heat. A little of such experimenting will soon indicate to 'him just about what allow- ance he should make for hot 'weather in the inflation of his own tins. The question of tire inflation may be a question of siaerificing a little on the life of a tire in order to secure a greater' amount of comfort in riding. Frantically every owner of a scar would be unwilling to use a substitute for gasoline, even though the substi- tut@ were cheaper or even though it gave a greater number of miles per gallon, if the result -were going to be Lack of smoothness in the running of the engine. And while it cannot be. taken for granted that a little less air in the tires. makes them wear out much faster, if at all, even if this result were sure to obtain,' the added ,comfort secured would doubtless be worth more to the owner of the car than whatever :little extra cost there might be involved. ` For all-around comfort it is logical ' to conclude that a slight decrease in pressure in hot weather as desirable. Certainly this procedure cannot dam_ age to tires to any considerable ex- , because after a few miles. of drivnig in warm weather the pressure will equal that recommended by the most exacting manufacturer 'of tires, and any overheating due to this cause would be a matter of very short dura - don.: Use Compton Sense. In fact, Iehayse known of some tire salesmen whoeare quite insistent upon a eeatain preesuxe being maintained, in the tires alley sell, and yet who make it their in'variabl'e practice to deflate their tires about^ten pounds in hot , weather. These salesmen cel• e l - want the greate.t possible tr2•e 3s oto "safe foflow`"`thei-r , ;,ttiilea;ge. �t conception' •of a. combination of mile- age; safety ...and. comfort. This as amply using .common . siense 'm'etho'ds in regard to tires in the: good old summertime. in pressure would be, I tools the pres-- sure of each tire the next morning be- fore leaving the garage. After rolling about forty miles at' .an average speed of twenty-five miles an hour I took the pressure again. It 'had increased about tw'el've po�und,s in each tire. Manufacturers of fabric tires insist bleat their tires he kept inflated in ac- cordance with 'their specifications. If this he done, however, in 'hot weather especially, the tires have very little resileeney; and dissoer:fort and +some - tunes• even danger,. to the tenden- cy of the ear to walk off the road, is the result. This, no doubt, in �a large measure, accounts for the popularity of the cord tire+, in which ,coausider- ably leas pressure naay :be maintained •it"hot t damage teethe tire., Of course it is generally known that More fabric tires are damaged le. How It Worked Out. Mrs. Brown was tired of the borrow- ing propensities of her neighebor,: Mrs. Smith First, it was some household utensil she wanted, then some. small article•' of grocery. The other day a knock came to Mrs. Brown's door. It was Mrs, Smith's little girl. "Please mothers wants• to know," she said, "if you will lend her some pepper and the big flat iron? Mrs. Brown was de- termined to stop her neighbor's- bor- rowing. `Tell your mother I've got other fish to fry,',. she snapped, and the little girl went away. It was not long before, she came back. "Please, mother wants to know if you'll lend her some cf the fried flsehi." In•Kind. In many of the rural districts where money does not circulate witch' great rapidity, services, are pair for "in kind." Farmers; for example, will give potatoes, eggs, etc., in payment for debts. A young surgeon; who had oc- casion to operate in one of these dis- tricts, hopefully approached the hus- band of the patient and asked for his fee, which amounted to $100. "Dec," said tale old pian, "I haven't much ready cash on hand. Suppose you let me pay yon in kind." "Well, I guess that will be all right," replied the young doctor, cheerfully. "What do you deal in?" "Horse -radish, doc," an- swered the old man. World's Most Wondrous Canal When the Panama Canal was open- edabout seven years, ago, there seem= ed. little likelihood that it would ever be inadequate for the world's com- merce, but experts are agreed now that it will have: to be widened or sup- plemented by another canal, • The weight of opinion is in favor of cutting another waterway, not at Pa name, but along the Nicaraguan route —from Greytown, in the Atlantic, to San Juan del Sur, in the Pacific, via Lake Nicaragua. The total length of the new ,canal would be .one hundred. and eighty;three miles. Begun in 1882, and opened in 1914, the Panama Canal consists. of about twelve utiles of sea level and thirty- one miles. of locks and canals. In the sea -level sections the width is 500 ft., and in the other portions it ranges at ' bottom from 300 ft. to 1,000 it, To cut through from ocean to ocean necessitated the removal of 262,133,000 cubic yards of soil, and the continuous working of one hundred and cue. steam navvies, each of which could. lift ten tons of material at a tithe. Huge locks• had to be constructed.: In all, there are twelve, arranged in pairs, with forty-six gates, containing 60,000 tons: •of steel, The concrete used in the locks 'totalled 4,500,000 cubic yards, One of the most difficult parts of the work was the Culebra Cut, a great gasta, • about twelve miles. in length, through the Culebra hills, When the cutting w•a:s made at the ordinary slope, there were such enormous land - elides that the Fretich engineers abandoned the job in despair. The Americans, on taking it up, out a deeper aird wider channel, but the slides continued, and fleets of extor- tions dredges„ each capable of remo'v laig 10,000 tons of material a day, could not keep pace with them. Indeed, when the shovels removed more soil than had slipped down, maters were no ,better, because material began to rise from the bottom of the cutting just as if it -were being pushed up by hydraulic. power. In the end the difficulty was over - acme, but only temporarily. Since the canal has been opened the cut has filled up freciuently, the soil on one aceasion rising to a height of sixteen feet above the water level, 'l he greatest single work in ilta cats - al is the Gatun Dana, which is an mama MOUS barrier one and a half miles in length, half a mile wide at the bottom, and one, hundred feet wide at the top, with gates in the middle capable of discharging the overflow at the rate of 187,572 cubic feet per second. This structure contains 23,000,000 cubic yarda of, material. • The human side of making the Pa- nama Canal is a romance in itself. At one time forty thousand persons were ozwammsgaand the Worst is yet to Cis e Abentures Itoe Unho Courting Death in Search of Nature's Secrets, The spirit of adventure is abroad an altitude the rarefaction of the alt again. Instincts which had to remain dor- mant during the war are reviving. The causes insomnia, loss of appetite, an4 rapid acceleration of the heart's beats: Movement becomes difficult, and yet Vast Unknown is calling. Its earliest the last four thousand fest of the maaaieestation was the recent tremen- mountain will probably eall for the dous development of spiritualism. ' hardest labor. What is there in 'the Great Beyond? ! A Two Years' Task. What becomes of us when we reach I Every preparation that science can it? devise has been made for this new ex - Now men are turning thele attention editionBut it Is possible for erten to .the more material side, What sec- p rets `does Nature yet withhold from us to overco,me the limits set by Nature? on landon sea; anti ill the air? Great Experts: differ as to whether success uneliarted, waters, mountains so High .will be achieved or not. At all events, thhg ver nit cannot be accomplished in less than ed at thenom, islandsumanbeinfoundhas and elest againciiib, +'two years, Already one of the party, submerged continents, mysteries of Dr. ICellas•, has died on the journey:: animal and bird existence—here In third baud of British explorers abundance is scone for the bold ad- has gone to investigate the wonders venturer who counts everything, even of Nature in Spitsbergen, a group of his own life, well lost if he can add islands lylug in the Arctic Acean be- tween Franz Josef Land and Green land. What were once thought to he vaiuelese• waters in Western Spitzber- to the store of human knowledge. The Men That Britain Breeds. Such men have never been wanting gen are now, owing to British enter in Great Britain. Cook, Bruce, Liv prise, yielding large quantities of coal; flagstone, Scott—our history is full of This tune attention has been turned the names of brave Britons who, with to the eastern section of the islands, the Call of Romance •in their ears, and scientists from. Oxford University leave faced risks of the utmost peril. i are examining the habits of almost un Without them the British Empire— known Arctic birds and certain forms even the world itself --would not have been what it is to -day. Ever since the Phoenicians, nine Jy. u� w: centuries before Christ, navigated the ��� i Mediterranean, passed through the Straits of Gibraltar, and founded col- oniestit in Asia Minor and Africa, the C(Itft9iOr•- ! work of 'exploration. has continued —y' Exploration has removed to some ex HIGH STANDARD OF FARM PRODUCTION CANADA WINS PREMIER. AWARDS FOR WHEAT. Survey Proves Dominion Pro- duces the Finest Crops of f Cereals in the World. Frequent articles in the public press have dealt with Canada's international. victories in carrying off the premieir awards for the production of qualit wheat on the American continent con- sistently for the past ten years, as well as the greater 7aurnber of the honors for oats and barley. The oisitention in these collated facts is that' Canada produces cereals which areeSeconele to none the world over, and in the face • of the evidence there isno'gainsaying this. Whs r il•'tCo "'lada comes' into even cane` .• petition with the world in the quality of her agricultural produceof all kinds, and can grow on her fertile farms crops of the 'highest grade, she is unable as yet to enter into compari- son in the matter of total production.. A vast portion of her rich agricultural land, amounting to many millions of acres, and forming potentially one of the world's great farming areas, is undeveloped and awaits settlement and the plough before producing to capacity in the manner that has made the quality of Dominion crops famous. Canada can, however, come into ac- tive competition with other countries - largely agricultural, the United States', for example, with respect to the fertility of her land, its growing quali- ties and those -of the Canadian climate and farming season. Compared as to average production, she makes a very fine showing. A comparison between Canadian and United States produc- tion for the •past three years shows that Canada has maintained a high standard in all the crops she culti- vates, and has in the majority of cases' exceeded the average achieved by the older producing country. The Centre of Wheat Production. It is not so long ago since agricul- turalists scoffed at the idea that it would be possible to grow wheat pro- fitably in Canada. Canadian farmers answered this by taking most of the premier honors for this crop at inter- national exhibitions. Not only that, but it is apparent that the Dominion preserves a higher average production throughout the country in both spring and winter carieties than the United States, taken as a whole. In the year 1920, when the production of spring and winter wheat in the United States was 10.8 and 15.3 bushels per acre re- spectively, Canada secured an average of 14 and 24 bushels. In the previous year, 1919, with a United States prop duction of 8.8 and 14.9 bushels, Cana- da's average yields per acre were 9.50 and 23,75. To go back another year, they compared 16.2 and 15,2 as against 10.75 and 19..00 the United• States ob. engaged uppn it—enough, if lined up tattling a greater average yield of and touching hands, to form a living link between the Atlantic and the Pa- cific -and among the workers was, dis- tributed a large proportion of the cost. of construction, which amounted to, about $500,000,000. One can •realize that the new canalfallen slightly behind the United will be a ,stupendous undertaking, and States in overage production per acre. one which will call for brilliant en -1 Whereas in 1920 her average procluc- gineeaing skill as well as an enormous' tion was 33,50 bushels per acre, that expenditure of time and money. of the United States was 35 bushels. But that it will be a commercial sue., In the previous year, when she pro- cess cannot be doubted. Tho distance ducecl 26.25 .bushels, farmers across 1 spring wheat in Haat season. A comparison of the respective yields of tho,. past -three years in oats indicates that Canada, although site secured most of the iaaternati�onal hon ore for the quality of her product, has Irons the ends of the Nicaraguan Can , the line managed to achieve 29. vo 4) usr• 1 al to San Francisco and New York will ; els. Iia the year 1918 the yields stood he five. hundred miles aborter than '. ;t 34.7 and 28.75 with the United from the ends of. the Panama, Canal, States in the ascendency: The same and in connection with the facilitation' slight differences recorded in barley, of transport it is good business to the average yields being 25,6 and men workers in proportion to the spend millions fol the sake of saving 24.75; 22.4 and 21..75; 26.3 and 24.50. population than any other country fie the Duke' of the Abruzzi, Everest iiitnute3, 1 But when we pass ora to other agri the W rl'd. towers 20,000 ft, in height, sit such cultural production, the comparisons read differently, and, with few excep- tioes, Canadian farms are found to out -yield these of the United States. In rye for instance, when the average yields per acre over the United States during the years 1920, 1919 and 1918 were .respectively 13.7, 12.5 and 14.2, Canada obtained harvests which brought her averages up to 17.50, 13.50 and 15.25. Buckwheat, Flax, Hay, etc. Buckwheat is not raised extensively in Canada outside of the'Maritime pro- vinces. Nevertheless, judging by the tent in cycles: First, there was the fascinating task of finding what seas and lands the world contained. When that had been accomplished broadly, men began the task in detail, and we had such discoveries as that of the north-west passage to India. Then came the quest for the North and South Poles, veritable magnets of death—until Man triumphed at last, In most of these enterprises Britons have played a leading part. The un - comparable ,spirit.which spurred them on is as strong and virile as ever. Its new phase is a desire for scientific knowledge of unknown forms of life in of marine life. A special study will be made of the beautiful birds called the grey pharalope and the purple sand- piper. The males of these species build the nests, sit on the eggs, tend the young—in fact, except that they do not lay the eggs, they are the "mothers' 'of the family. This visit by leading scientific mea has all kinds of romantic possibilities. The eastern islands have never beer, explored thoroughly. Who knows but that they may contain some precious mineral which will transfer them in.tc a new El Dorado? Woman Among Cannibals. Unaccompanied, and in search of unusual' material for her next. travel book, Mrs. Charlotte Cameron, F.R.- G.S., has left Sydney for the islands of New Guinea. This intrepid author- ess proposes to extend her stay for some months in a region where can- nibals acre not unknown, and is hope - last three years' respective praduc- lands already discovered. ful of discovering an uncharted island tions, Canada can grow this crop more At the present time four greatin the South Seas. Then, it was only profitably than farmers across the iu-1 schemes. of exploration are in British hands. The most important of these is that undertaking by Sir Ernest Shackleton. y No one will be able to read the de tails of the wonderful journey to be few weeks ago news was received that begun shortly by this famous explorer the expedition under the leadership of without Peeling the blood course more Mr. John L. Cope had landed in. Ant quickly through lois veins. *mance, erotica, and begun its five years' pil- adventure, danger; the solving of sec grimage amidst the coldest winds that rets never yet probed—the mere con- blow. atien 9t it.allei intoxicating.; Surely, it may. b . thought, when'ea. • ml Y, y. e g Lost Island.of the Pacific. these missions of adventure ha -se been - Lost boundary. In 1920 Cana- dian farms secured an average produc- tion. per acre of 23.75 bushels, whilst United States farmers reached a yield of only 18.9 bushels. In 1919 Canada's average ° yield was 23.50 bushels against that of 20.6 across the line. Again, in 19181 a comparison is found to 'be in Canada's favor with 20.75 bushels against -1:.5 bushels. ;In the production of flaxseed in 1920, the United Stafes grew an average of 6-2 bushels to the acre as against Canada's 5.60, but in the .year 1919 Canada had the slight advantage of recently that Mrs. Rosita Forbes, the Englishwoman who, disguised as a na- tive, penetrated into the secret oasis of the Sahara desert, returned from her perilous adventure. And, but a hi aptly named:the Quest—up thewerld' will have given In a shipup all its secrets! Nothing of the a vesel small enough to be swallowed kind. There are parts of Canada yet 5:00 against 4.9. There would appear u pin one of the finials of the Acqui to be no doubt left as to the greater tania—Sir Ernest and his band of suitability of Canadian land to potato scientists will embark on a voyage of production after a servey of the son- thirty thousand aisles in the Atlantic, parative figures• of production. Against pacific, and Polar seas. the . United States average of 109.6 He will explore a- petrified forest in South Trinidad; visit Gough Island, in the Atlantic, where an effort will be made to ascertain whether there is a submerged connection between Africa and America: and sail in Antarctic waters south of South Africa through which no ship has passed for ninety bushels, to the acre last. year, Canada produced 170.50. Her yield in 1919 was 153.50 against the 90 bushels reached across the line. When the United States produced 95.9 bushels in 1918, Canada achieved 142 bushels. Slight divergencies only are ob- served in the bay yields of the two 3 ears. countries, both in the tame and wild This last named adventure will pro - varieties. Taking the average of all vide him with nearly four thousand the hay produced, the United States (miles. of unexplored seas. He will ciis- secured a slightly higher production int cover new islands and gulfs, perhaps 1920. when the yield per acre was 1.34' volcanoes; and, perchance, animals ton against Canada's 1.30 ton. The ad- never yet seen by man. Making his Secrets of the Sea. way to the Weddell Sea, he will look `e Then there are the illimitable noon's for new whaling stations in the South of our oceans. Man knows nothing of Sandwich Islands and South Georgia. these. He can go no deeper in his Turning east, he will land on the submarines than 300 ft, below the stir - Bouvet and Heard Islands, and it is possible that he will find traces of the southern fur seal, now almost extinct. Next, Sir Ernest—whose second in command, Commander Ward, Is a des- cendant of Captain Cook on his math- er's side—will go to New Zealand, and from there to the Pacific, where it is intended to seek a lost island—Tunaki. A search will be made for Dougherty Island, and, if possible, a landing will be made upon it to ascertain whether it could be used to assist wireless com- munication between New Zealand and South America. The return home af- ter this extraordinary voyage will be made by way of Cape Horn and the Atlantic. The Quest is to carry with it a sea- plane, which will be the eyes of the expedition. When the ship is in the ice -packs, the seaplane will ascend and glean valuable information as to what is ahead. It will be able to save weeks of time by ascertaining the curves of the coast. Thus scientific discovery leads us forward "irresistibly. Our conquest of the air is to assist us to make fresh conquests in the Unknown. At the Present moment another band of intrepid Englishmen is attempting a feat hardly, if at all, less bold. The object is the climbing of that monarch of the Himalayas, Mount Everest, the highest rnouuteln in the world. So resentful have the natives in the its concenftatioai; prove even more vicinity been against former attempts satisfactory. to climb Mount Everest, which they The new drug la,,, nclvantag es, t er believe to be full of evil spirits, that being ti 9t i a no white man has been within fifty quinine, :stimulant Hula nt• rata a than a depressor, having; no bitter tial.fe and being suitable for children of invalids. comparatively unknown. Stefansson a Norwegian explorer, is at work ie these parts now, `There remain to he climbed in the Himalayas seventy mountains of over 24,000 ft., and over a thousand of 20,- 000 ft. In the Arctic there is, north of the Behring Sea, an area larger than Greenland waiting to be explored. Nobody knows whether it consists cf land or water. Parts of Africa are still almost un- known. The Upper Amazon is almost 'a closed hook, and the sante may be said of parts of Central Asia. In Jap- an, again, two new tribes were eii;- covered in the mountains only lest year. vantage is substantially Canada's in the two previous years, however, with averages of 1.55 and 1.40 against 1.36 and 1.15. This comparative survey should be broad enough and cover a sufficiently extensive period to for man accurate estimate' of Canada's merits as an ag- riculturally producing country. Cana- da has not only producd the finest crops of cereals in the world as ad- duced in the open competitions with the first farmers of the continent, but maintains, for the greater part, a superiority in the average yield of the crops she produces. Only wanting is the further growth of settlement upon her fertile tracts, bringing other mil- lions of acres to the same fruitful standard, to give the Dominion the lead of the world in aggregate produc- tion. Tenement Amenities. Mrs. Clancy was returning from shopping, and, with the crush and the high prices, she was in no pleasant humor. As she approached the door she saw Mrs. Murphy, who accupied the street floor, sitting at her window. "I say, Mrs. Murphy," she called otit in deep sarcasm, "why don't ye take your• ugly mug out of the windy an' put ' your pet monkey in its place? That'd give the neighbors a chance they'd like." Mrs. Murphy was ready for her, "Well, now, Mrs, Clancy," rhe' re. tooted, "it was only this months' that I did .that very thitig, an' the police - Man came along an' whin he saw the monkey he bowed and s emited an' salol, 'Why, Mrs. Clancy, whin did ye move downstairs?" The moon us "running away" from its :calculated:plaice in the sky for some enimown reason, say the astronomers. The United Kingdom has more we - face of the sea, yet the average depth of the ocean is 12,000 ft. There are "pits" in; the sea eveo deeper than that, and one (in the Pacific) as which Mount Everest itself mull be swallow- ed upeasily. It is seasonable to assume that even at these enormous depths there is life —life that could net exist nearer the surface. What weird foam does it take? Mian has conquered the air. One deer he will descend thousands of feet into the sea and discover the wonder- ful secrets that are waiting to be re. vealed. For the Cali of Adventure is etern al. New Cure for Malaria Found. Discovery has been made of an ef• flcient substitute for quinine in the treatment of malaria. A malignant malaria is the curse of parts of Bengal, in India, and it was recently learned that the native tribes use as, medicine for it a tea. merle from the leaves of a forest trek known to botanists as Vitex pedi mcularis, A British anew surgeon, eeperiment.- ing with it, found that the Malarial parasite disappeared from the blood when doses of. the leaf -infusion were administered. It is hoped that the ac-: Live principle, when extracted from the leaves (as quinine is extracted from cinchona bark) will, because of miles of the mountain. What the party will have to endure no one knows precisely but blinding snow -storms, deep precipices, and huge avalanches will be met is certain. In addition, there is the fact that no human being has yet climbed higher than 24,571 ft., which is the record of 100 Per Cent. jimmy -- "Pa tbor, yesterday et school 1 minae 100 eta nay studies." Father- "That was flee; what study did you make it in?" ,3imnay--';1"fifty ou spelling and 60 on aritluuetio, •e