Zurich Herald, 1921-08-18, Page 48�a
'(OUR co -operation --the co-operation of all the citi-
zens o!" Ont rio-mis the biggeist need in Ontario
Forestry to -day:
History shows that irnpoyerishment: and national deel'bne'fo1-
lows from the'destruetion of a country's forests.
Most of the area of this Province is noxi -agricultural, sullied
by Nature only for growing trees. This land remains yours but
the Governrneet sells the trees.
Every summer in Ontario an average area of 425,000 acres of forest
land is burnt osear, equal to a strip 180 miles long by 5 miles wide.
This yeaely desolation at the hands of her own people is gradually
tinning the northern part of the Province into a rocky desert. 'On
thousands of acres, even the soil has been destroyed by fire!
� ,r.
If y5.l'y',� 4 Wit. `? e is
They9re )burs
The average yearly num-
ber of forest fifes in Ontario
is about 1,275. The vigilance of
the Fire Rangers keep two-thirds
of Ontario's forest fires down to
an average size of less than five
acres. But the others ale big
enough to raise the toi:al average
to .850 acres.
Forest fires in ,Ontario are de-
stroying provincial assets of tim-
ber and-
be:,:.and pulp wood upon which the
Province relies, to help pay her
share of Canada's War debt.
Forest fires destroy fisc acid game,
decrease the regularity of stream
flow, cause spring ,goods, land ero-
sion and the crippling of water
powers; turn revenue-producing
areas into rock deserts.
(" Out of every 100 fires in On -
f tario's forests only three are
caused by lightning, while ninety
or more are due to man's care-
kf' Ontario Forestry Branch,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont.
Thursday, August 18.11, 1921
K r' cw'
'des . .iC X '111 � 1 • VA' �'� II%IfGGII '%.F+LrC4 . ail "L'Qg-...�.,,,
C✓/u„arrwnv;w.+uvrvsswr.s.-e,-,pt .0 H01� . IL s ummon .mann.. xu.u.-a on came
A '6 2CUSHION 1NN, , `l U
VRU 1 ' . R. Q P N' GuGirt • -
iitimiasettanigialEi WmNOf4AM, OMITARPO.• r i arterai
have been appointed Agent for this district for the,
above Celebrated killer Cushion Tires. And ,will be
pleased to give a demonstration trationn at any time. Ball and
ale convinced
lessness, One thousand men •
scattered over 100,000,000 acres,
have little change of preventing
i res. All they can hope to do is
to see the smoke in time to check
tham and put them out before
they spread beyond control.
The problem of adequate pro-
tection of Ontario's Forests from
fire is almost entirely a moral one
involving the whole public of On-
ta:rio. The vast majority of forest
fires are caused by human care
lessness due to lack of civic re-
sponsibility. The tendency is to
iezve all the responsibility to the
Government for protecting. the -
forests from_ fire. The Govern-
ment cannot protect the forests
belonging to the people of Ontario'
unless the people of Ontario co-
operate. Forestry needs ' rola:
uctriotism, your public • spirit,,
your regard for the general wel
fare of Canada.
iii `` �J%I✓'��
+itt, tp: rt
F 'r
;'•>',`� i.,...„„�,� \ : \ �'.,�+.•.,'L`` :Q. °i ��& •.. �'n `y. Par' r,�7` t;,y 6i:s.
• 777.F.
amu' -�.. 4, pt. y'4' �..r�•, '
Mr, and Mrs. teinbech of Tor-
onto visited With Mae and b'frs. J.
agony -At Se able 'Line, Stanley, 'Schroeder this Week.
=on August e2th, to 14zri; `acrd Mrs. Miss Brotwntee and her sista?: cal
Albert B .dour, a daughter.
irein?rnTlzi flay Town hip. on Slug led on friends in town Sunday.
: is" 1.3th to Mr. *and ns. Fred., Miss Pearl. "Tiernan is visiting in
( i '%on, a daughter, Stratford'and Tavistock.
T bleu .in Stanley township on Miss Heideman of Stratford vis-
ugust 1e3th to .,Mr. and Mrs+, ited Mr. and lis. Shenk
on Jeffrey, a daughter, • Mr. and .Mrs. Dark of Ahrnerst-
btirg are vij;ting the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen.
Mr, Fred Shettler of Buffalo re-
newed old ac,.ruaintances in town'
an Sunday.
Messrs,' Ervin ktcisaae, Lee
Guenther and Fred Stire left for
the West last week on the Harv-
est excursion.
Mr. Herb Miller of Toronto is,
visiting a few days with his moth-
-r this week:
Mr. Frederick Weseloh of Zur-
i ich was a visitor in town on Sun-
Miss Clara Graupner of Fort -
Wayne is visiting with her parents
Miss Dorothy Fritz of Zurich
spent the week -end with Miss
Grace Kellerman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich and IrIr,
and Mrs. L. Zimmer of St. A.gatha
and Mr. and Mrss Yantzi of Detroit
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
rip Zimmer.
?ilr. and Mrs. Ev lend spent a
few days last week in Sarnia.
Mr: Carl Graupner of Toronto,,
is spending his vacation with his
while bathing, ' with a chum, he, p Mr. Clayton .:Pile and Misses
motored up to the Bend on Sart- Tillie and Luella Kuntz are deft-,
tarday even'ng for a Week -end tip ing in Detroit.
nand „'was staying, at W, ,Baxter's. •
With another young man he went �.
in far e swim. about 9 o'clock COUNTY. NEWS
The. lake was \revs, rough and' cold
and the other youth canna out,
Weitzel?'waren Jast seen was out
,Osi a sand bar .About 100 yards
frons the. shore, Almost intnted,
lately he disappeared. Owing
- ' o the rou'aheess of. the lake all.
Efforts to astute the body were
sadnaVailing :'.l search was' agetin
'ielade On Mondry with no results.
„` will recorder by phonograph
is; the ,latest idea of a scientific
'yes A person making a will
teaks into the recording device,
aid the witnesses then speak their
own names. It is, of course, far
4-liaore difficult to ofrge a human
voice than a signature. The wax
cylinder;* after • being :tested on .a
phonograph, is placed in .a sealed
boa` and filed like any document,
, 1Tiss, Veda Fritz on London is
'visiting, -at the Imperial House,
. The. Shrha;.rs .of Mitchell, Strat-
ford and other places held a pie -
isle here on .,Wednesday last when
es most . enjoyable these -was spent.
A, good program of.. games w.il9
brut oil:
Miss Hazel Frit?. and I1issHelen
Manna, of London are staying with
M s. Bert, Statton for . two weeks.
Cale in 'Weitzel, aged 22, of Win-
'deor, was drgwned in the lake here
` an Sunday morning when he was
carried .out by the undercurrent
DASSHwc oo,
Mr. and Mrs, P Paulin of Cleve -
"land and 191Iss Payne visited at th'
'liri•re of Mrs. T. 'Guenther.
Mr, and Mrs. 'gait•+. H'sv•n.er acaf? *Yi(irera pe*rarrn: passed ;Away at
1'etxtily of Kit -teener i,'aent the we- !'.1s :t,3':) +s f' ,)ft yeno. rrxatla
ek-rend with Mi', nett Mrs. WIfl dill to child birth, the little one
' h'le°i%. being only ,thr,ee, drys old v.hr'n:
Mss. t'ess, Guenther visited .its r ? iI + r?lot leer'
died. .l'+'.1•r'd, Brown
1Sxeter lest week, was a daughter of the late Tltos.
XS"s 1 Venaettto in`1 clan ;xliters, r•,a tv, and her ail 1 at7i hss east I
Wen', .r , rerrd 4.l-sei of Flint. iYlirbi., :r desp gloom over the whole cons -
vs, Cr, 7LA tr+a,i .Smear of Zur ra rir*unity, Iip"irlrq tlhe ser'o
wolf 4're dpr el: taie Thome of ISTs.I '; t Ind end htfl - h i .*, (1/< .ian'Y
a.,r. Nr;; if: llen "1.*) an. j and one (i';it liter survive,
John Caldwell, north of Exeter •
is nursing a very sore hand these
days, the result of a painfull ac-
cident on 'Thursday last. He
was working around the manure
spreader, and in some way -got ,
his amend can;;ht in the gearing;'
.lamming .it severely, The week
previous his little sons Rizsselr, had
MS anal ln'')1zon by 1' IIing ffrona I'
a tree an.3 both are naw earrying
tll{^il arra in a sling, ,-
A very sad death took place at
{iraeser ty en Sufcley l~a-t when 1;
i'hoe'be Tufts, be'loi*eel wife of
hTow is the time ' to buy your
supply of Honey for the year.
e are in a position to supply
your needs of No. 1, Extracted
closer Honey at 20c per ib. We
•'viIl fill your, containers. Also a
Bruited quantity of fine comb Hon
ey, For prices on large quaneit-
iey of honey write of phone No,
11 on 89; J. Haberer &&: Sons, Zur-
i.li, Ont.
1Srm. •I4lace of Winnipeg, is
visiting' at the home of Mr. I. R.
Mrs. John Waiper and children
of Harrow are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Walper's parents, Mr
and Mrs. Nelson Kestle.
'Mr. and Mrs: Eber Anderson and
little daughter .Ruth, havereturn
ed' to their home in Abbey ,Sask.
after spending a couple of months
here. -
I41r. aaxl Mrs. W. H, Moncur of
Toronto and son Coleman of Pet
crxboro spent a few days in town,
while here Mr, Moncton- -sold his
r'esidenee on William et., to E. M.
Dignan. •
Mr, and Mrs. Chas: Jeckell ,and
two sons, of Youngstown; Ohio,
note'red here last week and are
spen:dirog a few days with relatives
on the London Road.
Theo Ber heart and wife of Cl-
eveland; Ohio, are visiting the lat-
er s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis,,
Mxs:• Hobbs, tubo has been spy-
snclrng":nmontli` With: her daughter,
firs. T. O.• Southcott returned to
Mrs. Buckingham of Kansas is
visiting here for some time.
>4 fiEDITON fr;oill lies •dwelling to the building
Mrs, J. C. Pentland of St. Louis recently 'vacated by Mr. Wickens,
Mr., and. Mr.' and Mrs. Freeman Me and has .now a cona.znodious and'
Farland of Ypsilanti, Mieh„ visit- modern, equipped oifiee, '
ed Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eilber re- :Flit pulling in this clistriet is "
Gently. almost finished and teams areliusy
Garnet Schweitzer was operated drawing it in.
on for appendicitis last week and • Tho Jackson Bros.' 'firm, under
is doing nicely, the able management of Mr. 1111
John Treitz sold his; property, 0, Goodwin and staff, made a large,
Consisting of house and lot to -Sim- shipment of clothing during the
on Morlock of (rre,ind .Bend. past week.
. musical entertainment will be Mrs, Norman Tarrott and son
given in the Evangelical church on Frank of Toronto :are; visiting fri-
Friday Aug. 19th' at 8 o'clock, by ends and relatives here.
three young ladies who '1 ar'e rec.- Ta". Tullton and W. Lynch fror
awed their education at' the Ont- old Ireland -Who ; have been '', isit-
tario school for the Blind, Brant- ing the Craig brothersk, left on
Lord. They are; Kathryn Sells, \Vodneadey for a trip through the -
pianist and accompanist, Londgn. west. After a toter of the west
Gladys. Stay, soprano solist and 1 they will again visit Hensall be-.
reader; Sarnia; Gi•eti Lamni:e, A, fore returning- ten old Land,' ,,
T.C.M., violinist of Hensel I Chas, Jinks has mo• ed his rani
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Eilber and implements into, the building re -
daughter are camping at the lake "tidy -vacated 'by Mr. A, P. Mc'
Me -
with Me. and Mrs. Ben .Bertrand Ewen as a garage.
"of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drysdale
Eli Lawyon' was called to Wind- and daughter of Dubuqu, Sask.,
Sask., who have .been 'visiting re-.
letir-es here during the past .sit
weeks left on Friday accompanied! -
by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale,
who will ri.rt for a tdrne, also tak-
ing in a trip to Vancouver and .
C'ilifor rii t,
Mr's. Tuxford of - Sask., is 'visit- rtrli Sal've_t'on Areuv will hold op
,ing` her relatives, Mrs. and Mrs: J. en air "services in Hensel]. every.
H. Ross, of Hay to`,vnshilr.second Friday evening. �t
Wm. Dougall and son ,:ss, Mrs. and Mrs. Dignan, who have,
left on Wednesd'for the west,
visitiri relatives .and friends
Thos. Dickson left on Wednes-•it and around Hensa.lr for the Past
day for the west on a business fear., seeks, have returned to their.
trip. *hone near Moos;ejaw.
Miss - Grace Hardie of Toronto is 14Irs. Henry left. lest Thureday
spending. a month's vacation ation at her morning for, St. Marys for a short
:her' home, Dr. and Mrs,F,' Hardie visits Oza Monday she left for a
Dr. Peck has move. his 'office;; trip to Manitoba. ,
sor last week, owing•to the illness
of his slaughter. Lily, who was st-
riek n down with an attack of
appendicitis*����++},�,j ppt {�
Good Old 'arond
's what roofing for bungalows and cams
�' the best roll roofing ever made. Colors- sla�:e-$ ed slate-green,F
and grays
For 'dors~ than 20_ years Neponset y Come in and set us tell .
arCDid the - ,y �, .a e�1 you '�'ll�tq.yu�t
has the problem,o.� roofs should build NOW and why we b .e11
for new an& old building.
It wears? :, e poset Roofs-Neponset Twin.
wears, wears. • Impregnated -•�- nth as. Shingles Twin., ... o
a � cs or Neponset �'�,� ozd �'to the
phare . Surfaced withsame or taloa ....fink. �e e ober, f he �e' ' o. has made good „on farm buildings, de- v.4.�'`a``r�91'`
� :aft:
,Seats and xn nufactories, It's�rr the
yy y{//ideal
l� ¢¢1,,pp \you at our store;
�' BJA' D & SQN, LrMJ1 ED, /[1arnikon, QnitariiD
Fred. f!e Zurich