HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-08-18, Page 1VOL XX°l 1 No ZURICH. THURSDAYMORNING',, AUGUST 18, 1921, Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance $1,50 IN ARRNARS, $2 MAY ,BE mei/04n FLEET --FOOT You know the lightness and comfort cf Fleet -Foot shoes on, Bowling green, Tennis Courts, etc. You get into your Fleet -foot just as you slip on flannels or white ducks. Why not wear Fleet- Foot all day, right through the summer and enjoy ease, and com- fort. We have them for Men, Women and Children. Also a full line of white canvass, Oxfords, Ties, and Pumps. Call and see. our display and get our prices. W. H. PFI'LE, ZURICH 1 SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS. F=4 O•p.q.q•q.q.q.q.O •p•q.O.q.4• •q•O•q•4•q•q ©•O.4 0.4.q'.q. p•4 O•q•0 0 �4• Gam' C'7•G�'OCG•OCJD�0000.��00©©OOG^•O0�•G��00 ��`,�•�',� �•d•d•d•d•d J•d•d••l/•G'•d•d•d•d•l✓•d•d•d•d•d•d•O'•dOO•d•lJ•d•d•40•d•d•d4do� The last month for these Summer Sale events has arrived and we are now facing the arrival of Fall Stocks which makes it necessary to clear out our Summer Merchandise to,make room for the new fall goods and price is not now a factor, as our business policy demands that no stocks be carried ,over from. one season to another. `. Mrs. E. Axt is visiting at Lon- d,an.+ Miss Dorothy ` Fritz was a Week -end visitor at Dashwood. ,ev. F. Howald of New Dundee spent a few days in the village last Week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown of Am-- erStburg, are visiting althehomes ietz, W. L. Siebert and J. Preeter les. Guhr and daughter, Miss 'Pearl of Goderich spent the past eek with relatives here, Ns -Peek. x. and Mrs. J. Wertz apd fam- of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting fatives in this vicinity at pres- ?li•s. E. C. Vallette and daugh- ihe s, Misses Olive and Reeve and 14. L. Skidmore of Flint, Mich., et.e lvisi•ting at the home of Mrs. fee Hess. , jVlr. 'Lundell of the }'Hall Dent, L d., London was in the village . hast Wednesday and advised us ,et their their branch at Zurich will Seen' be in operation again. , 40D Mr. Wm. Turner and Miss Con- e ley of Windsor called in the village tim cin Friday, they came up the,' V lake on, the Greyhound steamer and; QID lCelebrated Old Home Week at God-- 4 'grid'. 'ex' .he harvest in this,. section - is ' actieally 'b\ er a,nd several farrn- eir have..already',dv a,?eted thresh art .• T oat Olid baz1 *� cr pp 1s ,n 4 ti e , while wheat ag iixr rom n ices to be of good duality. -.. WE HAVE. A FEW, ENDS OF FANCY VOILgS LEFT OVER FROM„ OUR IMMENCE STOCK AND TO CLEAT THEM LL UP, WE HAVE MADE TWO LOTS OF THEM, ONE LOT REG. PRICE UP TO $1.25 A YARD, TO CLEAR AT .._ 25 CENTS ANOTHER: •LOT UP TO $2.50 PER YARD, TO CLEAR AT ... .. ... ...... F__,�._50e. PERI YDS ALSO A FEW REMNANTS FROM 2 TO 4 YD. ENDS AT A BARGAIN. YOU SHOULD GET SOME OF THESE VALUES. ORGANDIES Colored Organdies in White, Blue, Pink and Mauve to clear . at per yard, 50c. and 60c PRINTS Best qualities in hight and dark Blues, at per yard ... Good quality, Light Patterns at 20c SHIRTINGS Good quality black and white, blue and white stripe at 20c Best quality Rock fast Drills Black and White, per yd. 30c WHITE VOILE WAISTS A line of Ladies' white Voile Waists, Lace Trimmed, Lond and short Sleeves, Regular $2.50 to clear at .: __a ................... $1.00 Another Job Lot of Waists, to clear at, each .._ .._; .._ 50e White cotton corset covers, good quality, deep lace triming at 23c MIDDY WAISTS Women's and children's• Middies with long and short Sleeves in plain White and Colored Trimmings at ... HALF PRICE CHILDRENS' DRESSES Your last opportunity to get aniee dress for a girl from 2 to 10 years, only a few left" .and they all go at ..... .. .. HALF PRICE Silk and Cotton Hose Children's good quality fine ribb cotton Hose in blk. and brown Reg. up to 50c a pr. in all sizes up to 10,e ;to clear esti. a pre ...25c Ladies Silk Hose, best quality ]Colors blk. Brown and white at 1$.25 Also a line of Silk Hose, all shades at per pair ... • .. ... 75c Children's Lisle socks, colored top; at ___ ._. ... , •..50c Dressing Sacks Ladies Dressing Sacks in blue, pink and rose, made of good quality fancy crepe, will give splendid satisfaction at each $1.25 SILKS White wash satin, specially adapted for Ladies' skirts, good quality 36 inches wide, at per yard $2.25 A line of colored silks for dresses 36 -in, all shades, yd. 93c and $1.25 Silk Tricolette, a splendid material for blouses and skirts in col- ors, white, navy and orange shades, 36 -inches -ride, yd. .._ .._$3.04 Leave your order now for No.1 Purity timothy seed at lowest prices. J. PREETER IQ: VD Produce Wanted ° On Saturday evening August. 27th commencing at 7 o'clock, the Womens' Institute will serve Ice C seam. and Pie in the Ladies' Hall Zurich. At 9.30 o'clock two com- fcrters will be sold by auction at the same place. • Everybody'eome and enjoy the dainties. Mr. J. Geiger, baker, has , rec- eived notice from t he Departm- ent of Postoffice, that he has; been' appointed .courrier of R. R. No. '2;' Zurich, duties to commence en'` October lst. Mr, Geiger is offering for sale his baking bus- iness, in. Zurich so that he can give fell attention to, the route. '--HYMENIAL— A wedding of interest to local readers is that of Miss Aibertine Brisson, B. A., daughter of Mr. Aserick Brisson of St. Joseph, to Mr. Alex. Campbell of Sault Ste. Marie. The ceremony took place on July 22nd at the Chapel of the Hotel Dieu, Wine0or, the Rev. Father Frisson, uncle of the bride officiating. The bride looked very charming in a white crepe de., chine dress and hat of white satin, and carried a bridal bouq- uet of Aphelia roses and snap- dragon. She was attendee] by Miss Rhea Scott of Toronto, and Mr. Eddie Brisson acted as best man, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell left for Toronto -after the cerem- ony-, The council of the Township of Hay have.passed the necessary by Laws and have completed arrange ments to have the municipal taxes for 1921 'paid direct into the Mol - sons Bank, Zurich; Molsons Bank, Bewail; Molsons Bank, Exeter; and the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Dashwood. The tax not- ices will he sent to the ratepay- er.through the mail by the coll- ector. "Upon receipt of the not- ice the ratepayer can go to any of the above mentioned banks and. upon presentation of the not- ice with required amount of money the notice will be receipted and returned to the taxpayer. All taxes must be' paid before Dec. 15th. The plan was inaugrated for the convenience of the tax- payers living • a distance from the collector's office, but it should prove very satisfactory to a.11 concerned, especially to the coll- ector, who will not be compelled to handle personally a dollar of the taxes. ! " ck lCASIcR IA • Per Infants and Children In Use far Over 3RD Yeairs Always bearsthe .• G Signa'r of Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED W. G. HESS JEWELLED AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1855 THE; MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000: Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling, iso the price of food stuff. This necessitates increased production. Produce "' more' and deposit your surplus' i The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch 44414.44.+84,4441+.o•000e•e4.44 < ......4•••••••••••44.4,444101147 Your Horse Reuirements q We are offering the following seasonable Hong: requirements at greatly reduced prices: HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. SEE OUR EXTRA FINESORTMENT 0f, MEN'S MITTS AT t • A BIG Pt EDUCTION. • We- also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single 4 harness, Etc.• ®• FRED -THIEL ZURICH • 4000.••o.•eoo••oo•e..oo•00000444.e4,00•oe•ooa♦ooi•••• !":. 4+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.c. •F d +i. i rest e Sale After our successful one week's sale wefind that we have,'' several lines left that we will sell at wonderful reductions at our Zurich Branch. Canvass and Summer Footwear prices Slashed to pieces C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 4 4 4 8 8 4' 4' 4' O$4: •e ZURICH DASHWOOD +++++++++++++++++++++++++0+++++++++++++++++++++++++424 PREWAR PRICES THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON A GREAT MANY OF THE LINES WE CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND GROCERIES. We have a good shirting at .35 cents per yard. A good Denise at 50 cents per yard, r A good Denine for boys suits at 50 cents per yard:. Cottons at 15 cents per yard and upwards. Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards, + Men's Shirt were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.25. Men's Overalls, per pair from $1.25 to $2.00 • A.ND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD - GL Y. CCORD-CiLY. WE IN'VITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF 'TIE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING: Fresh Groceries always in. Stock F2r N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11- 97 * tELA '"E