HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-08-11, Page 8Page Eight EXTR4 VALUES For a short time we are offering special extra values in all lines of merchandise and advisetheneedybuyers to come early and get first choice -dc Pricesg reatly reduced on Summer Goods just when you are in need of them. Special Reductions on the following: FINE VOILES SILKS OF ALL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINGHAMS LADIES' UNDERWEAR MENS' AND BOYS' SUUITS MEN'S PANAMA HATS MEN'B FELT HATS CAPS, OVERALLS, ,WORK SHIRTS. GASCHOSOME LINES IN GROCERIES J. & SON • Zurichls Garage Our Garage is a refuge to motorists in trouble; because wa make repairs thor- oughly and carry a most complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOITS AUTOS PIE5T--O --LITE Battery Sales and Service Station A complete line of Tires, Tubes, Gre- ases, Oils, Etc. We need Your Business. Satisfaction Assured Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. Ready -to -Wear. Clothipg ZURICH RENAL ID DENOMY BROS: GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Our New. Goods are Arriving Daily How.about that New Suit? Corrie in and see our New Siyles IT'S EASY TO UPSET GOOD FORM WITH 11 .N OUT OF FORM TIE. TH'A!T'S' 'DIY I'1' SO OFT- EN HAPPENS': THE REMEDY IS HERE ,IN GOOD FORM TIES, SCARFS AND FOUR-IN-HANDS. e GVELOS GLOVES; CO'LL&.RS, SHIRTS, EV- ERYTHING IN MEN'S OUTF+TfT'1- TINGS CORRECTLY TO THE MIN TUE. DE1'OM7 POS Prob.= takes in exchange forGoods 1 Lumber ° Laths. Shingies' { . I. ';,Everything in a t Combination storm -and screen doors madeta� order;: Lumber and Building Material f:Custom. Work our Specialty ;+ mss . IF - t . Al -t . PHONE b9 _.. _ ZURICH j 0444,-++ •-,04.•44.++++++•i44.4 i..l: � �g..g..F:.l..;..l..l..q..{ +.l..f.4.4.4..t..l..l.4.*4 �4•�d 44 , }JO TEY- HONEY ' + + + .A. + i 4 + + + + Thursday, Augi+4 t :til; xll omrnimilmom000mpoompoommoommoomoomomomsnonimma, ekr",,:4,Etti�%N■ !1IN AIME EU we ;we, ,P11410--- e�td �u1D 0.4 I1111'41lE Tankie Water System Provides Frit, Running Witter You know full well what it woad mean to you to have e running water at your disposahliit your kitchen, bathroom, indoor toilet, washroom and ddiiuy,, and to have it for watering your stock and spretili Heng your gardens and T Blowers! So why not install a Weeteo System? . It runs from a farm light plantecor other source of power. • It is completely automatic, vibi+atiionless and silent in operation. It requires no storage tasik. It has no gear, no valve, no belt, to get out of order:. It is always at your service. It is equipped with an'a1'll-larenze pump and new Westco two -pole pressure switch'). The pump has only one coving part -the impeller -is weereeeroof ' and rust -proof. Made fn larger sizes for' special requiremeutls- Write us for i,fortation. WESTCO PUMPS LIMITED Queen and Abell Streets Toronto, Ontario One block from l'aakdale Station. 100 1/4 :(.+++++++++++++++++++ II�++++++'> +' ++++++++++++++++++++++ >4.� Save the Surface + 4.and you Save all4. 4.l� 4. + We have a full line of the Cel- + ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready j. C mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- + + '4+ f �_ es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- + 1 - aining Paints, Enamels, Auto and + 1 `� �1�1 Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc. +,. _..�- Also a full line of common and 4. .4�*▪ . t Also Set Paint Brushes, New, +4' 1Mnars WiwNaA�l► °_' �..,� Perfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and ++ ++i+ Wicks, Lawn Mowers, Screen Do + +®_I ors and Hinges, Window Screens, 'l+ + + - ,r and Screening, Poultry Netting, '41, Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- +i+ eples, Etc. Garden and Farm Tools, fresh car of Best St. Marys Portland Cement, just here; CComplete line of heavy and shelf hadrware f + always in stock. . . * Orders taken for Gold Medal Bin- + der twine. Evetroughing and Plumbing and repairing of all. kinds. + MADE EN CANADA MELICK& BRI4U PHONE 63 cr a l joub Deaitment Is alArays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards., Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check. Books, Posting Bills a speaalty. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Eggs ... .,. 22. 26 Dried apples 8 Buckwheat ... ... ... ..... 90 Barley... ... _ 65 Wheat ......... _ .gid •$ 25 neiv 1.1% Oats ... ... 40• Flour .... ... ... ............ 4.75-5.60 Bran Shorts... 25.00 ... . _ 28.00 Potatoes per bag ._ The oldest Indian in California died not long ago at the -extreme age of 138 years. It was: not age that carried him away, but as°+he lit his pipe sparks fell from" it, and set his clothes on fire: The burns caused his death a few hours later. Now is the time to buy your supply!- at Honey- for the year. . e axe in a posiiri00'to supsply yc.ur needs +of No...1., Extracted cloe er• Honey at Zoe; per Ib. We will 1ril your containers. Also a limited quantity of fine comb Hon ey, For prices on large quantit- ies of honey write of phone No. 11 on 89; J.-13aberer & Sons, Zur- ii,>h, Ont, SPORT NEWS We hope the Purity Flour team is now satisfied that Zurich has the better team. The postponed game of Crediton at'Stratford will bei played this Th -4 ursday evening. This is the final game of groupp 6 Captain Ramsay of the Purity Flours stayed Monday night with our pitcher, R. Ohlert, and retur- ned home on Tue,dey. Wonder if, he wanted to get the i ecret of Ohlert's curves. +-4+ Teeswater defeated Winghammon Monday., score 9-4. This puts Te- eswater in the lead, with Wingham two games to play. By using Purity flour on the ball. Ohlert put it over the Purities team 13-3. Under the rosin reg- ime 'the eg-ime'the score was' only 3-2. +-+4+ Our hall team is off to Goder- ich' this Wednesday, taking in the tournament. Th* play witlh Teeswater in the forenoon. Cap- tain Lee Hoffnv n i3 unable to at- tend, as he isl confined t? the house EXHORBITANT EXPRESS RATES (Farmers Sun) Elsewhere in this issue appears a letter from( a subscriber who cites an experience he had in ship- ping a case, of honey from, Guelph to Devlin, Man. The Express on this 60-1b. case of honey was $5.65. The honey itself only cost $10, the express being 65c above' half the cost of the honey. Undoubtedly the express companies have been granted unreasonable powers and a grave injustice is being caused the rural communities Who have to pay the higher freight and express rates demanded by 'the, express companies. , THe WESTERN FAIR London, Sept. 10th to 17th The management of London's Ex hibition have- mailed put thous- ands of Prize Lists, Hangers and Maps throughout. Onter:o.4 There are many at?tracti.ve features in. the Prize List this year. $6,000.00 in cash has been addled to what was already a liberal list . One of the new features this year is the boy's and girl's calf competition, which is creating considerable in- t $1,000,00 ill be given in � STADE &WEIDO+' PRFITR BLOCK- ZURICW+4+ r++++++.14444444444444.44444.41.444444444014444444444.44r4 .. um er a After our successful three week' Midsummer Sale we have decided t.: continue same for a time, as busi ess demands these reductions, and'. we therefore advise you to take ad- vantage \of •this opp rtunity. Get. our prices before purchasing. BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIAIIS;. SPACE WILL NOTIPRR-+ MIT US TO PUT AL LBARGAINS IN+ THIS ADVERTISET E T. Linoleumis at per yard ... ... 4$.00 Feltex Regular. 2.25 Sale Price $1.70 Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2,50 Regular $2.25 Sale ... ... $1.50 Children's Straw Hats at , HALF PRICE AT ZURICH( May 24th, Crediton, won 15-5 June 10th, Goderich lost 4-7 Selene 28th, Stratford, won 6-5 July .15. with Goderich, July 26th, with Crediton won 1-8 Aug. 4th with Stratford. All -woo lserge 40 in. wide yd. 95c AWAY FROM ZURICH June 3rd, Crediton, won 2-1 June 7th at Goderich, won 3-1 in- terest, 00, 'wille a June 22nd at Stratford, tie 5-5 prizes for this event alone. The July 5th, at Crediton, won 19-3 • boy or girl Competing must be a July 30th, at Stratford won 3-0 July 29th at Goderich, Won 5-3 8 Exhibitions, won 7 Light Prints per yard ...... ... 19e resident of Canada, between the age of ten and seventeen. They must have fed and cared for their calf at leas tfour t ont1ts previous to the exhibition and n tIst show it themselves. Ali information regarding any departri ent of the 'E:thibitiOe ob- Zurich tained by writing the Sectetary, Stratford k, M. Hunt, General Offices, Lon Goderich 1"tl. now THRx' STAND Wan Lost P.C. i t . 10 1 909 ( , 3 5 375', 4 I sat 009 Dark Prints per yard 25e Dress Veils Regular 1.25, 1.50 $2 per yard Sale Price ... ... 85c GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS Ments; Straw Hats at HALE PRIG House Dresses and Aprons at Big Reductions. Big Reduction in Overall 'and Pants Pelt Hats at HALF PRIZE Mill Ends in Shirtings, Galateas, Chambrays. Don't forget to look at these Snaps Ladies' Summer Underwear at Prices .Away Down Ladies' White Cotton Night (, Clowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale ... ,.. $1.50 Job Lot Middies for Girls at 50e Men's and Boy's Capes at HALF PRIG& Ladies' Middies Regular 2.50 at$1.25+ Men's Dress Shirts at HALF PRICE Produce Wanted. phonir WURM 87 Ladies' White top skirts Reg. 4.50 $5 and $6, Sale/ Price :........ $3.001, Ladies' Cotton Night `Gowns, Regular 2.75, Sale Price ... All Curtain Goods at a „ BIG REDUC1NT. Towelling at per yard ... „ .., 15e GROCERIES' Rice 3 -lbs. for ...25e; Laundry Soap 4 bars for 25e Yeast Cakes per Box, ... ' Broken Biscuit per pound 10c Palm Olive Soar 3 for .: ..- -_.250. 25 lbs. Calf Meal foto $1.25 Fruit Jars, pints dozen , ... .., $1.25: Fruit Jars, quarts per dozen ...$1.41L, Fruit Jars, 'half«gallon doz, ... $1.23, Matches per ,Klxox... .......... lot Castile Soaps `f bars fer 25e .uterick Fashions