HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-08-11, Page 5It Thorsday, August 11, 1921 BUSINESS CARDS VrOudfoot, Killoran 44-HOLMES', Barrieters, Solivitore, NoLarieS, lac, Office on the Scitaate, 1211d. doer trona Hamilton $t. God- erith. Private funds to 10411 at •1owe8t ra.(eS, W. Proudfoot, K,C. j, L. Killoran D. E. Holmes. M. Holmes will be in Rensall Friday of oath week. csrownipramtlarnalrbommiontscostwomors Al4DREW F, HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life in s ur an c e, Agent. Corpoie,tion and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. ih.E. S. Hare DENTIST ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY IDASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR — HEN o \ LL MasroMma••••Omarrnst*Marni. oaliaamoi OSCA13 KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted Th any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0. Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer 1 have taken out Auctioneer' license for the County of Huron .And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Saler,. Give ' ane, a trial and I will assure you satisfaction, or make no, charge, *Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone. 31 r 13„ 'Inmenammtemec.......p*rssmosmor..ocommainnommor Zurioh filevt MAKET Fresh and Salt Meats So.:Lagoa Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woolf CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES Tanfolut & Deloltert NOTICE 'As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements e- kng this line, Am also a licensed thauffeur and have an auto for • tire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46=tf. GitO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone 58 LIVE P O.0 R WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. • Do not feed fowl same morning when 15rought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and .Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. • Zurich We are now open fer all kinds o.• Bicycle Repairing. No Job • %too big; No Job "too small. Also Agent for the Well-4nown Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Call. O'BRIEN WALPER • Office and Shop, first building isoutla of Walper House. tf-10 • C 0 A 1. SPRING AND SUUMMER DELIV- - ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season which has almost ended, we have been ,able to render the consuming public of Zurich and vicinity, a fuel service which, we think, has not been equaled in any other part of the country. We will again .during the corning season give of our best services in solving your fuel problems and subject t'to the usual conditions governing prices 41nd deliveries. We are glad to announce we are again booking orders at the old stand where we are still doing bus- iness, enjoying the ealurniiy of Our enemies and the adulations of our friends, strongly fortified in our Kopje ,enjoying the eventualities sof the fight,--Terrns Cash. Phone—House 10W, Office 10J arltaiora. tO,AL & PRODUCE MERCHANT HENSALL, ONT PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice., Eta. Ads Tms coLumx NOTICE. All parties in account with me are requested )tto settle. same -at once.--1VIlas K E. lioutledge, FOR SALE • A registered Scotch bred Short - hon heifer Calf 10.months old, Al- so a Registered Shorthorn buil calf months old. . Weber, Bronson Line. 17 • FOR SALE A. real snap on a 6 -ft. Massey - Harris Binder'on next year's terms L. A, Prang, Zurich. t14 FOA A. 5 -passenger ing car, in good R. Ohlert, SALE Grey Dort tour - condition. ,Otri FOUND An auto marker, No. 46-878. Ow- ner can have same at Herald Of- fice by paying this adv. .A, buggy oil cloth on the Baby- lon Line. Also someone put a parcel containing about- • 7 pounds of mixed grass seed into my bug- gy at Zruich on Saturday evening July 16th. Owner can have same from Wm. Dabus, and paying for this ady. FOR SALE 'THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerleas Separator and 20 h p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9-1x.p. Lister gas- olene engine., For further part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, 131ake, R. R. oN. 2. Zurich -31 FARM FOR SALE 250 acr:As, more or less, concession 4 and 5 Stanley, township, about 434miles from Clinton. Well im- proved, good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood and cedar bush, prac- tically all fenced with new wire fencing. First-class house and barn; telephone; rural mail deity- ery. Will sell on reasonsb:e terms Apply on premises to Adam Stewart, R.R.No.5, •Clinton 3-t,f FARM FOR SALE Foi, sale, Lot 15, con 4, Stanley, containing about 99 acres; about 2 miles from Brucefield; g mile from School. About 65 acres workable land, balance rough pas-,.. tura., lots of water, good . bank, barn and frame house. Applyto W. 13rycl,m, Clinton, or A. T. ScliAt. Brucefield. . 2t6' FARM FOR SALE - choice farm consisting of 100 acres, for sale. There is on the premises.a large bank barn 80x56 'feet, silo, pig pen,, hen house a nd drive shed, also a good supply of water, a comfortable frame house heated by, furnace. About 50 acrel in crop, 7 tacres of fall wheat, 5 acres beans, 5 'acres cord. Will sell with crop or without and im- mediate possession or in the fall. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 34, London Roa.'d, 1 mile north of. Brucefield to Mr. Amos Cartright, Brucefield. -50 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACFIIEVEMENT for the London Life Ineurance Co. Head Office; — London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic • Period Continued in high cost period An unparellecl Reward. C. A. Hoffman, Agent New --Garage I have opened up a Garage for overhauling ears and general Ant - °mobile attention ad repair work. In the rear of the Massey -Harris Implement shop, at the old Garage stand, GENUINE FORD PARTS Full Stock of Tubes, Cas. ings, Accessories on hand • Motor and Transmission A Specialty SATISFACTION, OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES R. OHLERT GIVE US A CALL Phone 101 Z AL s w Mr.F Bessenberry was in the village last week. Mr, Wm, Ruby spent n feW days at Kitchener the past week. Mr. a,' Well spent a few eels at Kitchener and Ne'w Hamburg,. Mr. Emery Ruby Of *Kitchener is 'spending his vacation at his home here. Miss Kline of St. Catharines is the guest of Mrs, (11ev,r F. B. Meyer. • lIfiss Bechtel oi Kitchener le vie - Ring at the. home of MrsRen- Mr. and Mrs. 3, W. Horner of the 14th con. 'were week -end visitors at Brigden, Misses Loreen and Winona Kaer- cher are visiting. withilfiss Agnes Kaercher. Mr. and 1VIrs. Allan„Eosler left for' their home at Forcena, Sask., last Mr. John Galster, who is empl- oyed at Kithcener, was a. recent visitor at his home here. Mr. R. J. Kalbfleisch of the Mol sons Bank staff, Forest, is vac ating at his home here. Mr. Nesbitt Woods has return ed from Guelph, where -he took ' course at the 0.A:C. Miss Jessie Buhcanan of Clinto was a recent visitor at the hom of the Misses Lamont Miss Hazel Finkbeiner of Strat ford is the guest of her cousin Miss Mildred lieffinan, Miss Bessie Schluchter of •Chat ham is visiting at the home of Id and Mrs. W. B. Cones, Miss Mildred Shore of Woodbr idge is the guest of her Cousin Leila Witmer, Babylon Line. Mrs. Wm. Battler abd, Mrs Jac Battler and little Winnifrel, ver visiting at Dashwood on Wednes a rl' e, r DASHWOOD: Mz', and urs. 3. Smith and hell- d.rea Of Wind4or care visiting With Mr. and Mrs: Jonas Iiartlein, Mr, Howe of Toronto is, reileV- ing at the• bank, while Mz'. Ruth- erford is away on his vacation. Miss liklmeston and her mother, are at present visiting et Myth, Miss Eller!: of Tavistrnk visited at thee home of, Mr. and AL's, di, Sehrbetier lest 'week. Mr. and Mrs, 'Berenson and Miss 0,11a Zimmer of Detroit and Mer, B, Betenson of Cleveland are cis- iting With, Mr, and Mrs. Wrir. Zina- Mer;58 Luella el.. NIIVI.ner is on • the sick list, we hope for a speedy re CQ very, Rev and Mrs. Yager visited in Kitchener ' and Waterloolat week,'‘ and IVIrs, Wm. Snell spetn Sunday in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, 3. Hessenaur and family of Rodney visited with Wm Ehlers over Sunday. Mr, Elgin Schatz has returned from Guelph where he attended the 0: A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doan of Thecl- ford spent Sunday in Town. Xr. Herb Rinker and friend of Sarnia, visited with his parents!, 0 er, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mcisaac and Mr and -Mrs. Wm, Hartman are tak- ing in the excursion on the Grey - Hound .to Detroit this week. Kap Irene Pope of Toronto is visiting relatives here. HAY COUNCIL , The regular meeting or. the Cl- amed- of the. To wnshi to of Hay was - held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on , Saturday, August 6th, at the us- ual hour. All members being pre- . sent; „ Minute 3 of previous meet - e ing were read and adopted. •-• By-law NO. 8-1921, relating to Special assessments on lands a '..e.cted -by Zurich Drain South; By law No. 9-1021, relating to the mat- ter of having all taxes paid to the following chartered . bnaks; Ido - orri Bank, Zur'ch; Molsons Bn ik Molsons Bank Exeter; and the •Canaclian Bank of Comm- erce, Dashwood; By-law No, 10- 1921, authorizing the collector o7 taxa to send tv . notices through the mal were read three tirn7s and finally passed. BY -law No. 11-1921, fixing rate), to be levied for the war 1921 was read three times arid fin -ally passed. The following'rstes Were struck; County Rate 3 7-1.0.mills; County R�14 rate 2 iniiit; Trownship rate Statute laboi 2 3-10 milts General School rate 3 9710 mills; Dashwood Police Village rate 5 mills; Special school rate No. 2, 2 ,7-1.0].mills; No. 14, 3 1-1,0; NO-., 3, 2 940,•mills; No. 6, 3 3-10'inilis; NO. 6710; No. 8, 4 1-10; No. 4, 4 12, 4 ; No. 11, 4 Mina. IL:No.:.13, 5 mills; N. 9. '3-10 nill."4'; U. No. 16:5 *6-10; U. No. 1, -oa-,111: U. No, 151'7,710 mills; Sep. N').!1. 3 mills. f , B,,--"1,:ow No.- 12-1921, relating to i-susing ot debenturesto th9 iint of 43067.05 to cover cost of iiinns'to the Hiy Municpial T'-'11-niaone -,Systern was read thre-, ti-ne and finally passed Mr. Rhinehold Miller was ap- pointed tax collector of Hay To- wnship for the year 1921. at a sal - :of $45.00, and that he funrish bonds for itio same amount as are usually furnished by the coll- ector. and that a by-law be p`re- pared confirming appointment. f01.10)/Ving orders were pas- sed;— • Inspector of Prisons. Woodst- ock,' fos C. Rupp to Sept. 1921, 156.00; Pedlar. People, three cor- rugated Culverts 870.35; Geo. Thiel teaming culverts 12.00;.. J. Decher Jr., con. work road 8, 265 00; H. Krueger, teaming cement gravel for culverts, rd. 10; 23.50; C, Eilher grading 33.25; C. KellE.,r, cln ditch 50; O. Miller, mowing weeds 20.01; J. Laporte, opening ditch To d17 10.00; Chas. Keller, rep. eulv. rd. 11 1.25; G. Kellermank' Planfor cut 9.00; Alf. Reichert coin. writ rd. 5 19100; Art. Sreenan, coin. 'wrk N. B, id, 18 153 20; Art Sreenan von. rd. 9. '23.00; a sr..,hilue fees and postage Noxous Weed Act 6.13; W. J. Northcott. com. wrk rd. , 235; W. 3. Northcott, com wrk. day. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vinkbeinerof Stratford visited at the hofne of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoey and son George of Toronto visited at the home of Rev. F. B. Meyer. over Sunday. Mr. Oliver Davis, .of Toronto, a former member of the Maisons l3ank staff here, called on _friends in the village this week. Mre. M. Geiger Mis'i Anna Hess 4nd 'Mrs. A. Hendrick recently at - :tended the fundral 6fthe formerls 2:ister, Mrs. Wm. Voelkk. ..Flint, Mich. Peaches seem to`;be a pretty 'Fair crop in this section, as some of the early varieties have already been marketed, and the quality is gxcellent. The miction sale of household effects of the estate ofthe late J. H. Schnell on Friday iYas very largely atarided and good 'prices were realised. Mr. and Mrs. E. Snyder; Sauhle Line; Mr. and Mrs". Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line and Miss Susie Jacobs of the village were Sunday visit- ors at Woodham. Three ball gapibs were played on Sunday, one at . Windsor, on at Sandfvich. and one at Ford., This is something new in Ontario and •will be some work for the Lord's Day Alliance o look up. Mrs. Church and two daughters Ruth and Ruby; Rev. and Mrs. H. Becker and child of Elmira, Ills - and Dr. H. Klopp and wife ofAm- herstburg, are vistiing at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klopp this week. At the meeting of the Police Trustees held on Tuesday evening the tax • rate to be.levied on the assessment of Zurldh for Police Village purposes was fixed at 6 mills. This is 2 mills lower. than last year's rate. BORN Flaxbard—In Zurich on • August, 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flax - bard, 'a daughter. 13aynham—At Grand Bend, on Aug ust, '7th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Rus- sell Baynham, a daughter. • Laporte—At Sauble Line, Hay, on August 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. i1W- fred Laporte, a daughter. iisiJaE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WLND -OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no ipeelal assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $1.14 600 loss in the November 1919 wind storm,' Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per .cent. Am also agent for several other Wind insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, - ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS rt 13; 10.50; Bell Tel Co. tolls May -and , June 115.00; ditto June and .July' 199,15; G. Johnston, fare and express re eablemen 7.00; 3. Kipper supplies 1.50; G. Thiel tea- ming -tel., poles 22.00; C. Walper, • :a15118 for cablemen 7,60; StrOmh- erg-Carlson . do. supplies 31,34; North Elec, Co. supplies 101 52. J. Wein labor, eulverts, rd. 920.00. The council adjourned to meet again on ;Sept,- 3rcl, 1921 at one o'clock, p. A. F. HESS, Clerk. Threshing Machinery I am agent of this district for the celebrated Waterloo Mfg. Co. machinery and :Medley tractors. Parties interested will do well to see me. .11aVe sold the following machines, this season with absolute satisfaction in every sale; Steckle, -steam, outfit; John Erb oil tractor and small fieparator; Menno Steekle also a tractor out- fit, Por further information kin- dly see any of these user'S, tf5 pnrBB, KROPP, Agent, Zttrich, • • Di9 79 40. . eProirietary 01'4014)10644 II, .AVeOefabIelteposgicaref.451 1 !sitniiatingtheFoodbyRegalaii! ii.lnis,tileStomacliSsadBowelsof, 1' Thereby/komotintDigesiloi GtieerfulnesstadRestkentaini ineither Opitun,3forphi0enei Mineral. Nolo NAnco.rid ReajmarMIDI:SridWardlill I .Procarit,Yea Xenna Rpthello Salts A1113'8 Seed .Pappprmid .8117erbotrateScd0 ItOnt. Sae agthredSiorre 71:±Lel.e._,Hert.A! AlielpfutRernedyfer I, Goilstipalimand'Diarritoes and Feverishness and II Loss ov, Sx,rEp 1, tesultitigiherefroveinhiancy: Tae-Siaule Signature of .1 1 ar,4?j,647. L Tnir. CVPrrAUR COMPart, MONTREAL tP.Q. TO For Infants and othors Know That enuino Castoria Always Bears the Signature of in Use For Over flirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. ME CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK C/TY. atitREVEMEWEEMSEWEJJM assey-Harris arm i aehinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm Engines and Tractors,and can supply your wants for the COM= ing season. :They Have Stood The Test They Have Es!ablishet a Reputation . Give Us a call Before purchasing. elsewhere .1 • J. E. DRITAR3 - Zurich 42=mimmtrimIM=E=WMM ,MMIMMtraMM=IMM New Overland 4 1111.-• CI We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOTJR for (...) Year and find that it is easily the best riding driving car on the rcad„ 9:1 COME ALONG AND 1,E' US PROVE IT TO YOU. HONESTY IS OUR MOTTO • READ NEXT WEEK'S AD FOE SPECIFICATIONS 1: F . M. HESS one and CO. ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlasrd Cars PR OTE TI N AUTOMOBILE OWNERS iNSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE CAU SED BY Fire and Transit Fire arising from any cause whatsoever, anywhere in Canada or U, S., including explosion, self ignition and lightning, Theft THEFT, ROBBERY AND PILFERAGE Public Liability .Against your legal liabilitiy for injuries or death caused bz the use of your automobile. Collision Damage to your automobile as a result of being in an accidental • collision with another object. Property Damage .A.gaipst your liability for damage to property of others,1 Rates very reasonable, Get rates on any of above classes from; • Andrew .F.. Heis,... -Zurich