HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-08-04, Page 440t•
Thui'sday, August, 4th, 1921-
Isenammussiseineeteleardersareloanallexaaleatoeseassiesernatunns ern
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ThOTTED over 100,000,000 acres;
-L' of forest, 1,000 men, organized
in the employ of the Government of
Ontario, are, this summer, passing back
and forth over the canoe routes end along the
railways, watching out for the tell-tale smoke
which is the sign of fire. Regardless of hot
weather, black ilies, mosquitoes, discomfort,
loneliness or monotony, the Fire Ranger mak9s
his rounds, preventing'quenching or fighting -
fires in Ontario's forests, paying his own living
and traveling expenses, and receiving $3.00
per day for his services.
All in all, the Ontario Fire Ranger is entitled to the help
and co-operation of everyone. He deserves all the support
the people of Ontario can give hint. His work is of vital
importance. Heed his warnings. Do what he asks.
ave FOreStS
They're yours
The Ontario Fire Ranger, during the danger
period of the dry sununer, is constantly on patrol to
catch fires while they are small. He cannot prevent them
starting, as a rule. Be is at the mercy of all types of care-
lessness. Thanks to his vigilance, however, two-thirds of
the forest fires in the last four years did not spread beyon.d
five acres and of these, half did not exceed one-quarter acre.
Most of Ontario's Fire Rangers are northern woodsmen.
Contrary to connuon belief, only five per cent. of them are
students, and these are experienced Fire Rangers or returned
Rangers travel Chiefly by canoe and in pairs over a.elete
. "beat", the length of which variesaccording to the degree
of danger front fires.
Others travel up and down the forested railway sections
an hand velocipedes, following trains to put out fires set by
steam locomotives. • In all, 2,100 miles of railroad are patrolled
steadily all summer.
Two men devote their whole time to examining locomotives
to see that screens and ashpans will not perthit the escape
of sparks and live coals. In the clay belt, a large force of
Rangers supervise settlers' fires in land -clearing operations.
Don't blame the Fire Ranger if he asks you to be careful.
Don't think he is too particular. He knows the risk. Ontario
is poorer .by untold millions of dollars through
forest fires in the past. Help the Fire Ranger
save the increasingly valuable forests, that
Or...tam Forestry Branch
Parliament Buildings. ,
eeeeeet,L. et:tee' „ 555,5
teasel ---feeseever
414., y • ,t
' Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer•,
Vow is the time to buy your Amelia Schnell, H. Steinbach, ' A.
?supply of Honey for the year: F. Hess, Execs/tors Estate of .1, H.
We are in a position to supply Schnell.
:eseaer needsof No. 1, Extracted
...-teover Honey at 20e per lb. We
swill fill your containers. Also a
intted quantity of fine comb Hen
7.e..y. For prices • on large quanta-
• of honey write of phone No.
111. on 59; 3.Habe.rer & Sons, Zn -
Th Ont
---- •
Of Household Effects, Etc., The
undersigned auctioneer has been
instructed to sell by Public Ane- and Mrs. E. S. Hardie and family
-lion •at ZURICH on Friday Aug- 1 Mr. and leers. Dan McEwen, of
'lest 5th, at 12.30 • pan, sharp the London • are spending a few days
- • visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdoch.
Bell organ, piano case with Mr. and Mrs. Conley and son
stool; 3 bedroom suites with sp- and- daughter who have been via -
rings and mattress; 6 pair large iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs
'fellows, 2 liamber sets, 2 feath- McEwen and other friends in
er beds, comforters and other bed- and around town, left last week
,ding such as quilts and bad spr- for their home in Winnipeg. They
steads, 5 -piece parlor suite; •2 made the trip by wet° through
jerdinere stands, 3 good leather the States and will return the
treckers like new, round extension same way.
table good as new; 2 couehes, •
,aseburner; steel range; coal oil DASHWOOD.
stove; coal oil heater, sink, cook-
ing utensils of all kinds; kitchen
itifele, armchair, 4 kithcen chairs;
New Raymond sewing machine go-
e.d as new, lounge; 12 cane bottom
'1)airs; bureau, 2 centre tables; 4
rocking theirs; about a dozen
Victures With frames, bedroom rug
'ironing table, clothes horse, lest -
Ora. doors; 2 alarm clocks; 2
:kitchen elocks; mantle cloek. Ed-
ison phonograph with about 2
dozen recrdso; 52 yards good
lornemade carpets a • dozen
Frank Manna of Brantford is'
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Manns.
Mr. and Mrs. G.' F. Arnold, of
Buffalo motored here and are the
guests of Harry Arnold.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd • of
Niagara Falls . are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McArthur.
E. .V Tillson, Mr. Parlow and Miss
Miss Margaret Parlo'w, of Tillson-
burg paid a flying visit with Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Graybiel
of Woodstock are -visiting the for-.
mer's parents.
Misses Verde Merrier and Sisie
Schaefer of Parkhill spent Sun-
day in town.
Mr. Eldon Goetz who has . spent
tbe past few years out -west, is
Visiting his parents, ••
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lineweber and
family, and Mr. and Mrs', Smith ,of
Stratford were Sunday eesitcas at
the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Hy,
homemade rugs; 20 yrea, home- Schade. •
'made eerpet in ',ley& strips; 8 The Misses Frieda, Schroeder
lards 'Sthir carpet; 4 pair upstair and. Adeline Rader attended a Y.
tains, 5 .pr. living room curtains P. S. Convention at Toronto this
pr. parlor curtains, dirmer ret; week.
..s paltes; cups, and saucers; fruit Mr. Wilbur Ehlers of Indianap-
- tunboard; empty jars all sizes; ohs is at present Visiting his par -
egg crete;. 3 5 -gallon tracks, chug ents.
rn, butter dish and ladle, jugs, Miss Dora Kraft of ' leendoli is
•teocree, a mum tans; e reareet bag- •,,'3iiting• under the parental roue
kets; 3 or 4 cords good hard dry Mr. and Mra. Twitcher. of Lon-
-wood; 5 -gal coal oil can; cream , don spent the week -end with re -
pail, wash boiler; Washing machine !atives in town.
wash board; lard an; jars i A number of the young people
Vent; pots, pails, pans, potato ' met at the home of Mr. Sam Mil -
fork; 2 Onion siestas, 2 tea kettles, ler, Monday night and spent a
eoesnre•s wagon, 3 barre's; Verge very enjoyable time to-gether.
iron kettles, lawn mower; neW Purer,- the eveniroe a piesentat-'
.hrple5 pream separesor, Lampe, ion was made to tr. Otto Schatz
forke, hoes; rake, syctit, coil4eeeeeit, who le haese an ins
t.C.1`; 2 potato sprays, enrinkling, holidays,
0.7.31, oat box, dozen grain bags, Mr, Otto Schatz;—
lanteen, parlor rug, single bed With We, your friends and as-
eler1nee awl mere s and numerous ei-e-des levee met with you to-
areelees. lvIvervihitve must be eight to extend to you many hapy
"seeld, as Mrs, •SQlme11 is,going returns helm this, yoer birthday.
fretieete 1 Ak , Wnen we look beck over the
years that are gone we recallinaw,,,,
many pleasant associates of our
ycuth. Each year brings its
changes both pleasant and un-
It also brings its partings and
re -unions, as each year passes, we
find ourselves growing older and
meeting -with new and sterner re-
alities of life which we must' face
We are glad of this opportunity
of Meeting you, again and we
wish to make it be remembered.
To this end we ask you to accept
this fountain pen as a slight re
membrance from your old chums
at home.
The Young People.
i3 Doubies-Afile,05e
ide,,s easy'
Q3 air —0/7 Geteen s.•
Whk.„16> UStalik‘' IgeSiiiitialitia WI NOI-letee . ONTARIO. moraosevespegoeole:Ii
I have 'been appointed Agent for this district for the
above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And will be:
pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call, andi
be convinced.
John Hey, Jr.
Miss Laurette Holtzman return-
ed from Port Bruce Monday last.
Rev. S. M. Hauch attended t he
summer schoo lat Guelph last
c Mr. and Mra. Schluchter of Pig-
eon, Mich., accompanied by son and
wife visited at the home of Got-
tlieb Brown. !
MMr. and Mrs. W. Sambrook
have teturned home after a few
weeks visit with friends, in Toron
The Evangelical Sunday School
had their annual picnic at Grand
Bend on Thursday last. A fine
line of sports was run off. Spec-
ial mention must he nsa.de of the
Tug-of-war between the city and
country, resulting in the city be-
ing 'winners by a good e margin.
Rev. and Mrs. Otto Brown and
family of Fremont, Ind., motored
here and are visiting their parental
ReV. Brown preached very accep-
tably in the Evangelical churchelle
is another of our ,boye who is
making good awe, from homeq
Mra. S. Lawson of Flint,. Mich.,
is visiting at Jos. Lawson's
Mra. C. Zwicker and Master Ger-
ald left Monday to spend two
weeks at the Elgin House, Musk-
oka. • •
1? P
"Fare Going 7.-115 tg WINNIPEG. "Faro Roturning"—S24J from WINNIPEG.
14 cent per mile Winnipeg to destination.
M cut par mile starting pint to Winnipeg.,
From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line
AUGUST 8, t and Havelock Peterboro Line.
and From Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive.
From Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound, inclusive.
From Station, Drannel to Port McNicoll and Burketon, to Bobcaygeon, inclusive.
From Stations South and West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont.
From Owen Sound, Walkerton. Orangeville, Teeswater, Elora, Listowel, Goderich,--St. Mary's,
AUGUST 22. Prom Station, PortliuTrworeolln, taonad St. Thomas Branches.
and North to Bolton, inclusive.
Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto,
The heaviest fine ever handed,
out in the local police court, God-
erich was registered by Police Mag
istrate Reid on Friday last, against
Chas. Learning and E. McIntosh of
Corunna. and Port Huron, respec-
tively, when they pleaded guilty
to having liquor contrary to the
O.T.A. Learaing was fined $1000
arid, seven clays in jail, the latter
sentence being for. driving a car
under the ingluence of liquor. Mc-
Intosh was also fined $1,000. 1
Spontaneous combustion is sup-
posed to have caused the destru-
ction by fire of the barn and en-
tire 'season's crop of Daniel Mor-
rison, near Parkhill last Saturday
A Grand Bend boy has beaten'
the record of the Detroit boy in'
swimming around the pound nets
at Grand Bend. The Grand Bend
boy' made the trip in three -.quart-
ers of the .time it took the Deu•ott
boy it is said.
Ruth Jory, daughter of Ma
and Mrs. S. Joey of Stephen, when
eaking,„„fiay, experienced a yeti -
away in which she was &egged
some distance, but was fortm11-'
ely only s.ornswhat brueseedler 4
A product of Huron in the,ehape
of a huge 'steer, weighing 3,7670
pounds, and named Sir :Douglas
Haig, is on exhibition in Winghani
It is a grade Durham, alreost
thoroughbred, has a girth. of 10
3f inches, and ,801t1 for $5,000
it will exhibit at many of the was swrit in that township.
leeire this fall. ( ' s
John Singular and son, Thos. of
Clifton, Kansas, are here visiting
with the former's ssiter, Mrs. Wm.
The Offieial Board of James St.
Methoslist Church en/etere el 1 szel
d-celed t p ..1! hi et a Wanes Un-'
eeipe Organ freths the arreWn
Co., of lerocedstocle at' a cost of 1
Master Russel' Colw11, son of
Mr. John Colwill, north of Exeter
had the misfortune to fall from a
tree, on , Tuesday last, fracturing
bothbones of the right arm at the
wrist. '
Mr. Peter McKenzie died at
his home here on July 4th, aged
63 years and 7 months, after an
illness extending over eleven we-
Mrs. Shirey, nee Ida Ballewel is
visiting relatives in and aroundEx
eter. She is now visiting with
Mr. John Gates, a relative, near
The frame work of the new flax
mile in North Exeter has been ra-
ised on the site of the old one,
destroyed a few months ago. The
new mill ewill be 36x56 and •will'
soon be ready to take care of the,
season's crop, •
The pro pMts for a po`aeocsop
in this section are the poorest in
years. , One party dug up about
ten rods of potatoes and failed to.
find a single one, either email or
big. Others report a few pot-
atoes to the hill but very small.
Mrs, McEwen and M'ss Ruby Para
eons, who lett here, for the Mayo
Hospital, Roehestee, Minn., under-
went operations for goitre. Both
patients are progrening favorably
The death took ielace on Satui-
ordey last, Exeter North of Thoe.
Olce, For some • time deceased
has been in very 'poor health, Mr.
Oke was born at Hampton,. Dur-
ham Co., Merele 8, 1814, thug he was
ie his 78th year. Seventy years
ago' the family moved to Usborne
and the greeter part of his life
4 .
$50 to $5,000
—No better life investment available
—No better security obtainable
--Caimot be seized or levied upon for any cause
—Will be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed
—Not affected by trade depression
—Free from Dominion Income Tax
—No medical examination required
Anyone over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada
may purchase.
• Any ;two persons may purchase jointly.
▪ Employers may purchase for -their employees—school boards for
• their teachers—congregations for their ministers.
• Apply to your postmaster; or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Super -
t intendent of Annwties,,Ottawa, for new booklet and other information desired.
State sex and age last birthday.
_ +41
for Farm,
. The better the roofs oft your farm buildings, the
better figure the farm would bring. Repair your old..
roofs with Neponset Paroid Roofing and get quality at.
its very best. Neponset Paroid makes your buildings
weatherproof Rain, snow, heat, cold can't affect it..
It is made for years of wear and gives it, without re—
newal. It keeps repair bills away.
Big farm owners use it for barns, stables granaries,
"loteds, cribs, pens and poultry houses. The railroads
buy it.for its real economy. Its weatherproof surface
niakes t resist tine and wear. It is fire -safe. Colors:
ted, grey, green. Your money can't buy better value.
Cottle in and talk over your roofing job with us.
BIRD & SON, LIMITED, Hamilton; Ontario
FretL C.
ibfl is