HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-07-21, Page 8U:+ e, Dight,.. ZURLCR' RERAI.0 Q VALUES For a short time we , are offering special extra valueF in all lines of merchandise and advise the•needy buyers to come early and get first choice Prices greatly reduced , on Summer Goods just when you are in need of them: Special Reductions on the following: immommosuM FINE VOILES SILKS OF ALL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINGHAMS LADIES' UNDERWEAR MENS' AND BOYS' SUUITS MEN'S PANAMA HATS MEN'B FELT HATS CAPS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS SOME LINES IN GROCERIES GASCHO & so Zurich's Garage Our Garage is a refuge to rhotorists in trouble; because wa make repairsthor- oughly and carry a most complete line of Genuine Ford ,Parts • 'A1SO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR F.AKTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS PItEBT--O--LITE, Battery Sales and Service Station A complete line of 'Fires, Tubes, G;re- ases, Oils, Etc. We need. Your Business, Satisfaction Assured H Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. ++ +++++++II+d•++•Adl++++dF++++ ' +++++++ +++++ r++++++4++++•k ' Save the Surface 4. k . A .' 4. 4. � and you Save all4. '` We have a full line of the Cel- 4.+ 4. ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready /� mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- +1• + f t � es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- 4. • `? �1.'' ' aining Paints, Enamels, Auto and a s, 1. r -�1), Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc. e4. a, A13o a full line of common and ee d^• t / Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New + Perfection 011 Stoves, Ovens and Wic` ee, Lawn Mowers, ,41' ® x ors and Hinges, ,Window Screens, et 4 I — 4 _",_— and Screening, ,Poultry Netting, p. ' Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- 4 Etc. I Garden and Fano Tools, fresh cnr of Best St. Marys` Portland .a'1', = � Cement, just here; CComplete 4. line of 1e • heavy and s he lfr rad rw y are l fti ' ( always in stock. Orders taken for Gold Medal Bin- 4, 4. 4 der twine, . Evetroughing and ' eP Plumbing and repairing of all 4. kincds. , Tr.Ssrtiwr' viuwmi,r IAtlAU(o 464GOON Screen Da- y epics Et 4. .,.........- sTA PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH +++++++++++f++4" '4+' ,44++".8"4 + r ++++. " + f+++. 44„4„ , 444 Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENQMY BROS.. GENTS FURNISHINGS Better.. Clothing For en IT DOES NOT PA.Y TO BUY "CHEAP" CLOTHING. IT WILL .1 NOT GIVE SATISFACTION. YOU NOT ONLY LOSE MYIONEY,' BUT ALSO THE SATISFACTION OF BEING WELL DRESSED. LET US DRESS YOU UP IN ONE OF OUR STYLISH, WELL- TAILORE D "PALM BEACH" USUITS AND YOU WILL , BE DRESSED FIT FOR ANDY OCCAS- ION. Ordered Clothing DE2TOM7 Bitos. Produce takes in exchangeforfoods DASHWOOD. Mr and Mrs. Stuckhardt and fam, ily of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs..Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs, Sitter, Mrs....Corn- ish, Ida and Manley Sitter 'of Sar- nia visited with. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder on. Saturday. Miss Anna McDonald and ,Miss Ar.na May and Hazel Haugh of Br- ecefield visitedfriends here this week. Miss Evelyn Howard. spent a few days in Brucefield this week. Children desiring mounting pa- pers, pins, etc., for the school fair may get same 16Y calling at .•the Principals'. Mrs. Strange °of Sarnia isVisit- ing her mother, Mrs. H. Bender. Mr. and, Mrs. Shirey, Mrs. Done - hey and Mr. L. Gates of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mr. J. K. Gates. Mrs. Pedersen is sufferMg from an attack of appendicitis. We hope for a speedy recovery., Several from here attended. the cireu3 at London Nast week. Miss Tillie Miller and Mildred Shore are visiting the former's. mother, Mrs, M. Miller. Mrs. P. Humble and family of Sarnia spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. C. Finkbeiner. D. Hartleib spent a few days in Port Huron. Lorne Preeter and Courtney Eidt of Detroit are visiting in this vicinity. Missionary services was held in the Lutheran church last Sunday and- was largely attended.. Miss Clara Kuntz of Detroit is spending her vacatiorieat her home here. Flax pulling is the order of the day. Miss Alma Cook of Detroit is visiting her parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Kellerman of Kitchener spent Sunday with Priend9 here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt of Forest, Mr. and .Mrs: J. Eidt oe Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade. of Zurich, Mr. and Mr3. Wm. Stade spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade. Mr. Homer Guenther of:' Forest spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver and family, Mrs. Fassold and Mrs. Geiger senpt Sunday and Monday in Port Stanley. Mr. Sch^nit has purchased anew Grey Dort Special. Mr. and Mrs. L. Schumacher of the 14th con: spent Sunday with Mr.,„,and Mrs. Gao. Merrier, Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Elsie of Sarnia visited in Town on Sunday Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Otterbein 'Ind Mr. G. Nadiger are Visiting at Kitchener at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters of near Hensall spent Sunday at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. H. Neusclwanger. The death occured here early on Tuesday morning, of one of the old residents, in the person of Mrs G, Nadiger. Mrs, Nadiger was in her 70th year, and had been ailing tor some on e tite n She is survived by her husband, 3 daughters and two sons. Interment took ,place on Thursday afternoon to the Lu - ^'•nn cemetery. Rev. Graupner officiating. While crossing a creek during the recent flood a farmer near town lost a roll of bills, valued at $100.• The roll fell into the water and floated dawn ,stream•, a considerable distanee, f; atet -on the bills were picked up by a nei- ghbor, same hanging on chocks of grain, some on Clots of Dearth and game on the fences. The. finder returned the Winey te/ the loser. The result of the judging of the plots in the school garden is as follows; ROOM I Ist, Melvin Schlundt, 2nd, Zeta Nadiger 3rd, Melvin Restammeyer Herbie Schlundt ROOM II 1st, Eugene Tieman 2nd, Grace Guenther 3rd, Anna -Tiernan •r ROOM III 1st, ' Laura Reid' 2nd, Evelyn .Howard 3rd, Alice Hoffman. PORT :NEWS Well, God,.erich,' how do_ youlike the Zurieh 'battery now. Stratford plays at. Crediton this 4-4 Friday evening. Goderich claims Zurich has an imported pitcher. How about Goderich? They have three, and yet find it hard to win. •II— Q• Our team leaves this morning, Wednesday, for Blyth Tourn.tme^t, After dinner they will lock. horns wtih the strong undefeated Wing - ham team. and then the winners of this game will play the winners of the morning game; Goderich vs. Teeswater. 4-4 Well, we gave the Purity Flours alr their own way, yes, gave them everything they wanted, but the game, and this we won by super- ior playing. A rumor going • about that Cred iton has defaulted and dropped out of the series, is false, as office rs of (that team advise us that they will stay to the finish of the group No. 6. 4.—. It apparently seems 'a hard pill for Goderich to take; the County Town, and over ten times the pop- ulation of Zurich, that they cannot produce a ball team supreme to our boys. 4-4 The game between Zurich and Stratford at that place, this Wed- nesday has been postponed on account of the Blyth. Tournament. Brighten up, Pu• rities, next game we play Ohlert will likely use Put- ity lfour on the ball and "dough" it all over you're. • AT ZURICB May 2lth, Crediton;' won 15-5 June 10th, Goderich loet 4-7 June 16th, Clinton won 17-2 June 28th, Stratford, won 6-5 J'ul'y 7th, Clinton won 26-9 July 15, with Goderich, won 2-1 ' Jury 26th, with Crediton Aug, 4th with Stratford. AWAY FROM ZURICH May 30th, at Clinton won 18-1 June 3rd, Crediton, won 2-1 June 7th at Goderich, won 8-1 Jane 22nd at Stratford, tie 5-5 July 5th, at •Crediton, won 19-3 July 20th, at Stratford July 22nd at ' Clinton. July 29th at Goderich. Played and: 'von 5 Exhibitions, d+--4 HOW THEY STAN)) AN)) Won Lost P,C, 0 1 900 6 4 600 3 2 500 6 .400 0 8 000 Zurich Goderielt Stratford Creditan Gliutnn 1 ' Thursday, July 21st .1921 We wish to draw your at- tention to a few Seasonable Lines Peerless Wire Fence (all "Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. Martin Senour line of 100 per cent. pure paints. CHINANEL LINE OF VARNISHES AICD STAINS NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS. POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERS, AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of No. 6 Ign. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,FULI: LINE OF BEDS, SPRINGS, AND MATTRESSES, CURTAIN F OLES, WINDOW SHADES, BASEBALL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE L'INE OF MACHINE, AND CYLINDER LUBRUICATING OILS, POLARINE, AND MOB- IL -.B., ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BINDER TWINE. The Store with the Liberal Cash Discount , MELICK&BRAUN PHONE 63 Ueraid Job Departmout Isaal vays at your service for GOOD PRINTING,• Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling,Cards,. Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop-. es, _ Check Books, Posting Bills a= specialty. igMi dSummerSa1e� Monday, August ist we will com- mence our annual stock taking. in order to have as little stock as pos- sible, we will put on a big Reduction Sale commencing.Satnrday July 16, ending Saturday July 30th. Special Bargains every day. BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS. SPACE WILL NOT PER- MIT US TO PUT AL LBARGAINS IN THIS ADVERTISEMENIT. Lmoleums at aper yard ... ... 4$.00 Men's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE Feltex Regular •2.25 Sale Pr'ee $1.70 Ladies' Waists Regular 3.50 for$2.50 Regular $2.25 Sale ... $1,50 Children's Straw Hats at HALF PRICE All -woo lserge 10 in. wide yd. 95e Light Prints per yard ... ... ._. 19e 1)ark Prints par yard ... ...... 25e Dress Voila Regular 1.25, 1.50 $2 per yard Sale Price ... 85c GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS House Dresses and Aprons at Big Reductions. Mill Ends in Shit'tings, Galateas, Chambrays. Don't forget to look at these Snaps Ladies' Summer. Underwear at Prices Away Down Ladies' White hit Cotton Night Gowns, Reg. 2.00 Sale ... ... $1.50 twearaecramillernemommumminiiimmommurtou Job Lot Middies .for Girls at 50c mIrmommemonneme Men's Dress Shirts at HALF PRICE' Produce wanted. Phone frr $7 L. Big Reduction in Overalls and i Pants Felt Hats at HALF PRICE. Men's and Boy's Caps at HALF PRICE Ladies' Middies Regular 2 50 at$1.25 Ladies' White top skirts Reg. 4.50 $5 and $6, Sales Price :...,.... $3.0tk: antaffe Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns, Regular 2.75, Sale Price $2.09 All Curtain Goods at a BIG REDUCTION,' Towelling at per yard ...... ... 15e' , GROCERIES' Rice 3 -lbs. for Laundry Soap 4 bars for 25e Yeast Cakes per Box ,., .-. ....5e Broken :Biscuits per' pound ... 10ef Palm • Olive Soap 3 . Tor 25 lbs. Calf Meal it r ..... $1.25 t Fruit Jars, pints dozen ... $125'x';; Fruit Jars, quarts per dozen ...$1.40 Fruit Jars, 'half -gallon doz. , . $1!9p Matches per box... :..... 1Ur,° Cheese per pound 22d;> Castile Soap 7 bars for Buterick Fashionsv;