HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-07-21, Page 5J. A TI radayr . 'QIy 21st,; 1921 BUSINESS CARDS' Proudfoot, Killoran & HOLMES. Barrietere, Solicitors, .t utaries, Pulp:, rate, Office an the Square, 2nd door tom Hamilton St. Goes- erich. Private funds to loan at lowest rales. W. Prouclfooe, K.C. J. L. Killoran D, E, Holmes. Mr. Bolmes will be in Hensen on Friday of .each week,moortmeopereemmosimmi ANDREW F, FIESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust j Co Herald Office, Zurich. Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFF'ICF — HENc %LL, OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zeirieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County 'bf Huron And am in a position to conduct any . kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat :MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woad 1 CASH FOR 'SKINS A B1DES 'Yanghl'u,t Reichert NOTICE. As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all 'requirements a- long this line, Ain also a licensed " cbaufreur °'and"have an auto ,'; for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL • Zurich. Phone 58 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken 'every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien • Phone 94. Zurich We are now open for all kinds e. Bicycle Repairing. No Job, too big ; No Job too small. Also Agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Call. O'BRIEN & . WALPER 'Office and Shop, first building south of Walper House. tf-40 GOAL SPITING AND SUUMMER DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 ' During the past Coal Season which his almost ended, we have been able torendet the consuming public of Zurich and• vicinity, a fuel service which, we think, has not been equaled in any other part of the country. .We will again a during the coming season give or sour best ,services in solving your fuel problems and subject to the usual conditions .governing. prices, and deliveries, We are glad to announce we are again booking orders at the old stand where we are still doing bus-. ?ideas, enjoying the calumny of our •enemies and. the adulations of our a.friends> strongly fortified in our. :Kopje 'enjoying, the eventualities tot the fight.—Terms Cash. 'Phone-11ettse 10W. Office 101 y am + carpe .t= i3COAI, & PRODTJCE MERCHANT HEN ALL ONT ;.w PITT mut . Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN LOST In Zue;eh last Saturday, a purs?, containing a sum of money, Suit- able reward given to finder. 'Le• ave at Herald Office, Zurich. NOTICE TENDERS WANTED Applications will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay for the position of tax coll- ector for 1921, ups to 1 o'clock p. m Saturday, August 6th. Particul- ars as to duties, bond, etc., can be se'eured from the Township Clerk. A. F. HESS, Clerk of Hay Township Dated at Zurihc, July 13th, 1921 -3 ____— at FOR SALE An Oliver Riding plow, also a scuffler, both are secondhand.—L A. Prang, Zurich. t151 FOR SALE A Standard 9-h,p.' gasolene en- gine, or will exchange for a sinal - ler one.—Geo. Brisson, St. Joseph FOUND In Zurich on May, 24th a ladies' green co:or colt. Fin1ee can have same at ._Herald Office by paying this adv. FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 • h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9-h.p. Lister gas- olene engine. For further part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, 13iake, R. R. oN.-- 2, Zurich -31 We have in stock Primisory Note Scolc blanks, 25 to the book, also a quantity of vest pocket receipt book blanks, for sale. Herald Office. FARM FOR SALE A -choice farm consisting of 100 acres, for sale. There is on the premises a large bank barn 80x56 feet, silo, pig pen, hen house a nd drive shed, also, a" good supply of, water, a comfortable `frame house heated by furnace. About 50 acres in crop, 7 acres of fall wheat, 5 acres beans, 5 acres codr- sell with erop''or'without and lin mediate possession or • in- the fall.' For further particulars apply on, the premises, Lot 34, London Road, 1 mile north of Brucefield to Mr. Amos Cartright, Brucefieid. -50 FARM FOR SALE In St ney Townsh•p con^'st'n;; of 100 ace=s of good land, Lot 94, con., 12, 134 miles,' from Bayfield. There is on the premises a good frame house, bank barn, good stables, orchard, two hard water wells, about five acres of bush. Will he sold on easy terms. Pos- session given at noddle of Octob- er, For further particulars ap- ply to Margaret Campbell or R. W. Delgaty, Bayfield, P.O. 1920 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Incurance Co. Flead Office; — London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholclers was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic -Period Continued in high _cost period An unparelled Reward. C. A Hoffman, Agent New Garage I have opened up a Garage for overhauling cars and general Aut- omobile attention and repair work, In . the rear of the Massey -Harris implement shop, at the old Garage stand. GRNUINE FORD PARTS Full Stock of Tubes, Cas. Mugs, Accessories on hand Motor and Transmission A Spec laity SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES R . °FILERe' GIVE US A CALL Phone 101 a Mr, 7Dav, 1Vlero was at Henaall on Friday. Mr, W. P. Braun visited at ,Crede item on Sunday. Mr.. and Mrs. A. Melick wereSun- day visitors at C'red'iton Mrs. Dan, Koehler of Kftchener is visiting in •tyle village. Mr. M C, Milliken of Parkhill, visited in Zurich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walper are 'alp ending the week at Beucefield. A number of ball fans accomp- anied out team to Blyth on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fleas and son of London, visited in the village last week. Miss Helen Foster is visiting at Landon with her uncle, Mr. ' Hy. $iernon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hy.. Volland." of Usborne visiteIld friends here over Sunday. Mr. Less Benedick, who spent some time at London, has return-, ed here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kekoa od Lon- don were recent guests of Mr. and. Mrs. E. Oesch. Mr, Ed. Lague of Chatham sp- ent the week -end at the home of' Mrs. L. Jeffrey. . Mr. C. McAlpin of Woodstock, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. C. Weber. Mr. Gideon Bechtel and family of Baden spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. S. Rannie. Mr. and r31.,. John Weido ret- urned from a pleasant visit with relatives at Buffalo. Mr. F. C. Brown, who spent a few weeks at Ahmerstburg, re- turned to Zurich on Tuesday even- ing. iilr. C. Fritz- is this week re- planting his acre of cellery, owing to the recent flood, this was neces- sary. Mr. Will Frank of Waterloo,,ae- companied by his two sisters, were visitors at the home of Mr. C. Eilber on Sunday. Mr. .J F. Moritz, who had Vis- ited at Guelph and Kitchener,the last few weeks, returned toZuricli on Monday evening. Prohibitive railway rates and the inability to obtain special ex- cursion privileges,: plans for the„ '_Farmer's excursion to the Exper_ imental Farm at Guelph in Aug- uIt -are said to,,ba.off:.,` Miss Crissie Braun, Mr. and Mrs:; Daufne'r of .Lansing, Mich,; wer y visitors at the home s*,.. -r -.-,and. evIrs. -;;F Preeter•, one day last week. They were the guests' of Mr. W. F. `Braun, the former's sister. Inventors employed at the Krupp works, Germany' have brought' out,, a new metal, known as -platinum stee,l which has been used suc- cessfully as a substitute for gold platinum ands, silver in the filling of teeth. A heavy wind storm swept over ''red Varieties of Oats, Barley and neat. l[n Actual (Jonrpetition They Lead All Iiivals---'This Means an Annual Gain of Millions of Dollars to the Conntuy.. , (Contributed by Ontario Department of a, Agriculture, Toronto.) Approximately five million acres are devoted annually to the grain crops in Ontario. About three-fifths of this acreage is used for oats. field Oats.—Although there ar one hundred varieties of oats in general cultivation ' in about two-thirds of the en crop consists of two varietie the Banner and the 0. A. C. The Banner variety of oats troduced at least two score ye under the name of Vick's A Banner. It was the leading of oats in4Ontario for a num years, and is still prominent 1 localities, . • The 0. A. C. No. 72 variety originated at the Ontario A tural College from a single s 1903. It has been included •regular College experiments f past thirteen and in the co-op 'experiments over Criteria in e the past seyen years. ' The a results for the thirteen -year pe bushels of grain per acre per a has been 86 for the 0.•:A. C. and 75 for the Banner. In e the past nine years the 0. No. 72 variety has given a yield per acre in the average r than any other kind with r,wh was tested throughout Ontario. in .the past four,years the sta crops of the 0. A. C. No. 7 have taken from three to four as many first prizes as those Banner variety in the Field Competitions throughout On The grain of the 0. A. C. No. 7 ety of oats has taken the Cham hip prize at the Ontario Prov Winter Fair in each of the pas ears. The 0. A. C. No. 3 variety of s about ten days earlier the anner, produces a medium I f straw and grain which has a 1 ercentage of hull than any arned variety tested at the Col is partic'tilarly well suited for g with barley when it is desi grow these two grains in, com ion, a practice now being foil y many stock farmers throug province. Barley—Forty years ago the on Six -rowed barley' was g most exclusively , in Ontario. 89 ;the Mandscheirri barley sted at the College for the me. After proving its • worth i periniental way it was distrib ,t11. yl the of the';Experienental Union, came generally gi+d'wn over the nee.` This was a decided impr nt over the former variety. The 0. A. C. No. 21 barley o ted at the „Ontario Agrieult liege from a single seed in 1 the then popular Mandscheuri Improvement over the Com -rowed so 'the 0. A. C. No. 2 improvement over the Ma euri. Largely through the in etion of these varieties the aver s� ,d per acre of barley_ has increased ,per cent. in the last eighteen rs as compared with the eighteen rs previous. pring Wheat.—The Wild Goose iety of spring wheat which has n grown in . Ontario for• many rs is a high yielder of grain. It however, a durum wheat, and is e suitable for the manufacture of aroni than for bread production. he Marquis variety of spring at is a hybrid. which originated he .Central Experimental Farm, wa, from crossing the Calcutta d Red and the Red Fife. It is only a good yielder, but it is a at of excellent quality for bread uction, and one which is increas- substantially in the Western inces and in Ontario. In the riments at Guelph it occupies th place in average yield per acre welve'varietles of spring wheat n for flour production over a d of six years, inter Wheat.—The Dawson's en Chaff variety of winter' wheat started from a single seed in , and has been grown exten- y throughout Ontario for ma.y It has a stiff straw, beardless ' red chaff, and white grain of Medium quality for bread pro_ on. It is, however, a high yielder as been very popular with the rs 'of Ontario, e 0. A. C. No. 104 variety of wheat originated at the On - Agricultural College as a cross en the ISiywson'a g9lden C1u ft le ulgariaii varieties. It pos- a tall comparatively stiff s:raw, ii head, red chaff and red grain od quality. It is a vigorous r, and in the experiments at has given a larger yield per nd has killed out less in the than either of its parents. In operative experiments through - Mario for the'last four years provod decidedly the most pop - the five varieties tested, and acted the list in yield per acre of these years. generally recognized that in aratively new country such as o there is a tendency for a decrease in crop production e owing to the natural delete. soil fertility. It is interest - suggestive to note, however, Cording to the best iirforma- tainable there has been an nerease of from ten to twenty t. in yield per acre of three rincipal farm crops of Ontario last eighteen' years as com- with the previous period of years. This increase in yield for these three crops, reeks inarket prices, has made 'an d increase in money value of e hundred and thirty million Prof. O. A. Zavi'tz, 0. A. �llaell)h, t e about grown Ontario fhe oat s, viz., No. 72. was in - ars ago merican variety ber of n some of oats gricul- eed in in the or the erative ach of verage riod, in nnum, No. 72 ach of A. C. higher esults ich' it With- nding 2 oats 'times of the Crop tario. 2 var- pion- incial t five oats n the ength ower other lege. mix- rable bin - owed shout Com- rown In was first n an uted and pro- ove= rig - ural 903. was mon 1 is nd- tro- a T i s 0 p n It in to at b th al 1s to • ti ex t d'Yu lie yl me Ina 'Co As an rsch the • district of the 14th con. and NY,iei the Sauble Line on Monday even- 120 e, only minor accidents occured Y.ea ch as trees blowing over, fields yea stooked grain tossed about.Par S r. Albert Hendrick of the Sauble bee as on his way to the barn with a yea ad of wheat, it being overturn- is, and damaged the wagon con- mor derably, as to buildings, we have viae t heard as any damage being T ne. ` whe Some time ago, a demonstration 'ettt "Fire Foam", a .liquid to dis- ;'ui;h fire was given on the of lage square by Mr. Geo. Lil'ey, whe neral agent, of Seaforth, and a prod resentative of the Company. Ing rrels soaked with oil and gaso- Prov e were ignited and after sev- Expe 1 attempts made with water four d other chemicil>, a small bot- of, of "Fire .Foam" Winadminister- grow which extinguished the fire im, perio diately and surprized the spec- W ors, Mr. John Hey, Jr., has Gold n appointed •.,local agent for 881' s wonderful product. No home duel place of business should be years hout a. bottle of "Fire Foam" head, Mr. Hey an'd purchase one only once. duct' LD HOME WE -OK IN GODEE- and h farrraei Th winter tarso bete and tl sesses beards of go growe Guelph acre a winter the co out O it has filar of has he in each It is a comp Ontari gradual per acr tion of ing and that ac tion oh actual 1 per cen of the p for the pared eighteen per acre owed at estimate ever on dollars. College; su •>1 M l0 aid no do of tin vil ref Ba len ra tle =d 7I tat bee this wit See 0 ICH, AUUGUST 7-11, • Goderich is preparing for a re- union of her Old Boys and Girls to be held August 7th to lith. The sons and daughters of the town by lake Huron are being in- vited back for a week of enter- tamm3nt in which both visitors and home folks will renew their youth and revive the friendships of happy by -gone days. <,ue interested and desiring info.r- -nation with regard to the event ,hould write the secretary, Mr. W. S. Bawden, Goderich. FOUND At the ball grounds on Friday evening, a parcel containing seve eral pair of stockings. Owner can have same at Herald Office by pay ins this adv. t-2 An auto marker, No. 46-878. Oiv- nerecan have same at Herald Of- fice by paying this adv. 2-t FARM FOR SALE sale, Lot 15, con 4, Stanley, Wing about 99 acres; about es from Bru:cefield; JZ mile School. About 65 acres ble land, balance rough pas- Iots of water, good bank and frame house: Apply to yden, Clinton, or A. T. Scott, field, 2t6 For conta 9 mil from W-arka tare, been W. 13.r 'Bruce i1UIyIMIISIWIeSIvI II I .,ao ai rmaao;n i',s:,nnnnypmnn m' a The' Ptoprietaiyorro fatentI�i ethane .ffireeefable Pi epluationforkp 'sin>iiatinglheroodbyllegular { lingthe'Stomad s andBowels OI' CASTORI For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castorla Always Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASIO I Massey -Harris Farm Machinery, We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implement and Farm Engines and traCtors, and can supply your wants for the com- ing season. They Nave Stood The Test They Have Es!ablished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRIJAR, - Zurich New Overland 4 L. cts ces We hive tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for one Year and find that it is easily the best riding and drivel.; car on the road. COME ALONG AND LET US PROVE IT TO YOU, •HONESTY IS OUR MOTTO READ NEXT WEEK'S AD FOE SPECIFICA.TIONS OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlord Cars CD PR OTEC TION wAUTOMOBILE OWNERS INSURE YOUR .AUTO1VIOBILE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE CAU SED l3Y Fire and Transit Eire arising from any cause whatsoever, anywhere in Canada or U. S., including explosion, self ignition and lightning. Theft THEFT, ROBI3ERY AND PILFERAGE Public Liability Against your legala liabilitiy for injuries or death caused by, the use of your automobile. Damage to your automobile as a result of being in an accidental collision with another object. Property Damage Against your liability for damage to property of others, Rates very reaeonable. Get rates on any of above classes frotu; Andrew F. Hess, Zurich