HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-07-21, Page 1Vol. XX I 1 No ZURICH P THURSDAY INIIIIIR FLEET --FOOT You know the lightness and comfort cf Fleet4`oot, shoes 9n Bowling green, Tennis Courts, etc. You get into your. Fleet -foot just as you slip on flannels or white ducks. Why not wear Fleet Foot all day, right through the summer and enjoy ease, and con fort, We have them for Men, Women and Children. Also full line of white canvass, Oxfords, Tics, and Pumps. Cali and see our display and get our priees. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS. ►FINING, JULY 21, 1921. Chester L. Smith., Publisher $1.,25 a Year In Advance $1.50 1N A.R.13 1RS, $0 MAY 13L+` UHA.R xBih rff7;4i rk ii moi% Zi: F"'', ,,,err ...r . Mrs, W H. Bender of Detroit is visitngi relatives here. 'seers. 0. Ehnes of Calgary is vis- iting with Mrs. A. G. Ehnes, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade were visitazs at Dashwood on Sunday. � Mr. `Frank Bossenberry of Kit - 1'+ teener called in the village on Sun - 'day., . Mr.. and Mrs. .S E. Faust of God- erich, accompanied by Miss Ruth Hartleib,were in the village on Friday. - , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber motored to :ondon over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Neeb and Mrs. J. Sararas of Mitchell visited friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Oliver of belhi, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz, on Sun- day, L'day. , a e e41e ! Rev. S. M. Huach' of Crediton con d\acted prepratory services in the lel E`aanoelical church on Friday ev- .;ypebiti'oening. 0 oc000000ccd000000aoaooa000�•-Q�'0,. Q444.44.0.44•G'O.O•.44.4..'•4.4.4'4'40`=x\ \1! BIG SUMMER arin o In order to clear up our entire Stock' of Spring.,, o and Summer Goods we have decided to put on a large; 4Clearing Sale. .You know when we put on a sale it is p 4 'genuine,.,, gains ,than enu�ne and this sale will - show greater bar veg before. The sale will begin ..Saturday -morning, ..-. June 25th fora- limited time. to cLan Scouts ` [ Messrs, Lee, Clarence and. Clay- iton Hoffman, Alvin. Surerus and Eldon Howald were visitors to De- reit over the week -end. Misses Alice and Susie Johnson returned home after spending a ew weeks with friends in Kitch- ner. e : our s def 4tle snaps House Dresses Ladies' House dresses made of nice dark navy prints in sizes 36 and 38, to clear at only $1.50 Another lot good dark patter..ns large size, to clear each _v .._$1.85 Plain Butcher blue Chambry dress with belt and trimmed with white braid, Sale Price e. $2.00 A line of Girl's Linen Coats. for • summer wear, sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, years, Reg. 1.50, Sale Price 50c MIDDY BLOUSES We have a large stock of Womens and Childrens Midday blouses in plain white and white with color- ed sailor: collars, also tan trimmed with•'blue and red with both long and' short sieves in sizes 34, 36, 38• 40 and 42. f • Reg: 2.50 Sale Price ... ...' $1.50 Reg. 2.00, Sale Price ... ._. $1.25 Reg. 1.75 Sale- Price ... ... 1.00 Reg. 1.50, Sale Price ... $1.00 Reg. 1.25, Sale Price) ... ... ._..75c Reg. 1.00, Sale Price ... ... ..,65c Middies, all short sleeves in sizes • 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. 16 years. Reg. 1.50, Sale Price ... ... $1.00 Reg. 1.25 Sale Price ... ... ...75c Reg. 1.00, Sale Price ... ... 65c Reg. 75c and 90e, Sale ... ...50c Reg. 50c., Sale Price ... ... ...35c • pare o. .., F. �rnwKugcar«r SUMMER HOSE Our Stock; of Lad. and Childrens' Hose in blk col. go at big reduction .Ladies' Art Silk Hose in Bik.;and white, reg. 85c sale 3 pr. $1.25 Ladies' Lisle in Bik and brown Reg. $1, sale price 3 for $1.40 Lad. cotton plain blk,wht. at 25c Ladies' Venus Silk hose, the best silk Hose on the market in blk, brown, navy, a pair $1.50 Good quality silk hose, blk.,navy and white, reg. 1.50, Sale 75c A larg stock of Childrens fine Ribbs, at a pair ._. ._. ... 25c L GROCERIES • Red -Path gran sugar, 1001bs $9.93 Cornflakes per, box ... ... ... ...10c Roasted Coffee, 5 nibs for .. ___$1.00 7 bars Laundry soap, and one box Rinso free, for ... ... .._50e 6 lbs. Oatmeal for 25c Rice best quality 31bs. for ... 25e Caustic Soda per tin .. ... 85c Yeast cake per box _• ._.5c STAPLES Fine blech. cotton 36 -in at __. 15e Fine Grey cottons at .._ ... ...._.10c Stand. shirting blu, blk, strp. 35c Good line of blu, blk, str. for 25e Steel clad Galateas to clear at 25c Good .prints, It. patterns for :._20e " dark patterns for 25c Best indigo and butcher bin, ...30e Hats! Hats! Hats! OUR ENTI:RE STOCK OF MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS SUMMER HATS, CONSISTING OF PANAMAS, IN SAILOR, AND FEDORA SHAPES; AND STRAW SAILORS GO ON SALE AT HALF PRICE. Men's Panamas Regular price $1.03, Sale P.ice ... ... ...... .__... $2,0 Men's Panamas Regular price $3.75, Sale Price .._ ... _.. $1.88 Men's Panamas Regular price $3.50, Sale Price .__ .._ .__ .___. ,$1.75 Men's Panamas Regular pr:ce $2.75, Sale Price .._ __. .__ .__ ...$1.38 Men's• and Boy's Straw Sailors Reg. $3.50, Sale Price .._ ._ -__ $1.75 Men's and Boy's Straw- Sailors Reg. 3.00, Sale Price .__ .._ .._ $1:50 44: Men's and Boy's Straw Sailors Reg. 2.00, Sale Price _.. _._ ._-$1.00 Men',s and Boy's Straw Sailors Reg. 1.00, Sale Price _,. .•. ___50c Men's and Boy's Straw Sailors. Reg. 75e. Sale Price .__ ... ... 38e A Job lotof••Sailors, and snap rim at each, .._._.._.... s. 25c Children's hats for small boys and girls all go at Half Price. Good heavy bili and white stripework shirts for men all sites, 95c Good __. Heavy Blue Overalls ... Chambry Boy's shirts, Special .._ 75c Boys Blue strip with bibb, Sale Price 95c Youth's heavy qua1. blue stripe Bibb, and plain !ilk, large sizes ._. $1,65 Men's Blue stripe Bibb, good heavy quality Sale Priee.__ ....., .__ $1,75 Pho id 9.. J. PREET Produce Wanted :, �«p�,+«�te�ll'• i«r^ :rte. .e7.�re0•r..lt.0$?•, �.�. «W -1VIr. Will Colles recently made a business •trip to Chatham, and points in Michagan. While away he purchased a fine Oakland Six y; l , gg; car ref#. 41716Fiber and Ally "'of 4,71.A`1" jfVf4cKrl. week at the'home of the formers• ' vv.,br, . other, Mr. C.' Haller. tiLg Mr. G:o. Vol and, Marry Ma;eand Eldon Snell, who had been vis iting here for some time, return- ed to their homes at Detroit on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Colosky, Mr. Wendel Colosky and Mrs. J. Al - 0 larecht, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Cook, at Hensall on Tuesday. ' Mr. Geo. Lilley of Seaforth, ac- cemp'an:ed by Mr. reel Mr Amos Lehman and Mr. Lyas Lehmen of Stovel, were in the village on Mon day- renewing old acquaintances Mr. and Mrs. Casper Aberer of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Voll and Mrs. Keiis of Stratford and Mr..V Neeb of Mitchell were Sunday vis- itors at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Ily. Waiper. Mr. Geo.' Witmer of the village was stricken with a paralytic st- rok eneo day last week. He was removed to his. some Sylvan.Ys Wit- mer, of the Babylon Line, and is imisrovin'g. The recent rains have made won derful growth to almost everyth ing, potatoe's especially look like a good crop again this year. Oats are ripening fast and very soon the 1921 harvest will be garnered into the barns. The 10th Division Court met in the Town Hall, Zurich on Thur day July .14th..- Judger Louis of God- •erich presided. Two cases were up; the .first, "Brown vs .Bender, was settled out of court during the intermission for noon hour. The second, Smith, Silverwoods vs Can. Expre..s Co., was ad•;ourn- ed. for further evidence. There passed away on Tuesday Jully 17th at her home at Hensall, Lena Coloskey, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Cook, at the age of 5bfyears. Deceased had been sick for some time suffering from the dreaded cancer, had lived in Hen -all for aver twenty 'yea s and had won many warm friends dur- ing this time. She is survived by her husband, two daughters Mrs. Goriock, Detroit; iMrs. Thomas Appleton, of Exeter, four brother: Wendell and John Coloskey o� Elkhardt, Ind., Sampson o2. Dash- wood and Cyrus Colosky' of Zur- ich; one sister, Miss Leah Co:osky of Indiana. The funeral which was largely attended, was he"•d on .?.$ day afternoon to the He..sall Union cemetery. CASTOR ror Infants an4 Children In Use For Over 3OYea 'Always bears the Signa3;urc.af IV A Community Plate SILVERWARE Most suitable for Wed- ding Gifts, etc., Latest Adam and Grosvenor. designs. W. G. IIESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 195s nit MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000. Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling, iso the price of food stuff. This necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch. 000000000's00000004.00000004 00000000000000000000000414• • Your Horse Eequirernents O 0• We are offering the following seasonable Horse requirements at greatly reduced prices: . a .0 HORSE BLANKS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS,,; It o• HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. , SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MENS MITTS AT A BIG R EDUCTION. Harness, S1ng1e . -4 0 We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy ees:'r,: -harness, se O 0 &RAI�r A FRED THIE 000000000000000.000000000000000000000400001000044441 40:' ;4.+4, r• 4.•,'-1-e•3••1•++ i 44 •'s.•3..i.•A.i,004•II•.l.• 4 s + i'•A+ +.1•.l•,a.+•II..II-H &'i. SeC44* 0 real Shoe Sa + s •IIS 4. 4. 0 4. 4. 4. • After our successful one week's sale I: wefind that we have several lines left that we will sell at wonderful raduction s at our Zurich Branch. Canvass and Summer Footwear I prices Slashed to pieces 4 ee 0. FRITZ & SON t SHOE MERCHANTS nn ZURICH i 4,0+++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++÷++++++++++,4•++++4.4K-14 0 FRE -WAR PRICE THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON A. GREAT MANY OF THE LINES WE CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS .AND,SHOES. AND GROCERIES. We have a good shirting at 35 cents per yard. A good Denine at 50 cents per yard. A. good Denine for boys suits at 50 cents per yard. Cottons at 15 cents per yard and upwards. Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards. Men's Shirts were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.25. Men's Overalls, per pair from $1.25 to $2,00 • AND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD- INGLY. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YO0RSET4 THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. Fresh Groceries always in Stock N. DOUGLAS • PHONE 11 - tE3LAKE 4 ,0.