HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-30, Page 8• Wage: Eight ZURICH HERALD E1( For a short time we are offering speoia1 extra values in all lines of !merchandise and advisetheneedybuyers to come early and get firstohoice Prices greatly redaced on Suer Goods just when you are in need of them. Special Reductions on the following: J. G FINE VOILES SILKS OF ALL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINGHAMS LADIES' UNDERWEAR MENS' AND BOYS' SUUITS 'MEN'S PANAMA HATS MEN'B FELT HATS CAPS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS SOME LINES IN GROCERIES CHO& a urich's Just received a shipment of Johnston's Clear -Ray Reflectors to clear at $1.50 We carry a complete Stock .of Tires Tubes, Accessories and Genuine Ford Parts Ready -to -Wear Clothing DII NOM'( BROS. . GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing fetter Clothing For. Men IT DOES NOT ,PAY ITO BUY "CHEAP" CLOTHING. IT WILL 1 NOT GIVE' SATISFA:CfiTION. YOU' NOT ONLY LOSE IVIONEY, ]3UT ALSO THE SATISFACTION OI^ BEING WELL 'DRESSED.,:,, LET US DRESS YOU UP IN ONE OF OUR STYLISH, WELA, TAILORE D "PALM BEACH" USUITS AND YOU WILL , BE DRESSED FIT FOR ANY OCCAS-, ION. DE1101,1 mos. Produce taken in exchange for Goods - ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Rupp 'Of tie- troit are visiting relatives here. Mr. and. Mrs. A. Melick were visitors to Hensall on Sunday. Miss Erma Brown has "returned to Kitchener aster visiting with Miss Mabel Preeter. Mr. and Mrs. B.edinger and two little daughters of Detroit, are ' • isiting in Zurich: Mr. and Mrs. C. Ide"of Kitlieener visited with Mr. and Mrs. J.. Pre- eter over Sunday. ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS • STLI-OzmuilescITE Battery Sales and Service Station That offering of $3,000,000. from the Christian, churches 0.1 the.' Un-• ited<.. States for• the famine, fund in iChin'a is one of the most practical demonstrations o.f m:ss'onary work ever clone in, that country for the eastern world. DASHWOOD. 1Tiss' Dell'a Neeb and Mrs. Earl' Neel) : and baby of Pontiac, Mich,, are visiting. realitves here at pros,. ent.. , 1411 and I[rs. Wm. Gassman, sp- ent Sruidray in Kitchener. For real bargains in footwear Mr; Raymond •Callfas of Thed- call at Fritz's oneweek bargain. ford visited at his home here; on Slrlod':ay: Miaiid! Mrs. F Gossni n of Pt. Ilruron,',Ili.. nandMY9 "Chas Gass man of Dayshield, Alta., are vis-. siting;" a latives in this vicinity. MiSs ' Hill- of :Crediton, has been, nursing Mrs. J. Kellerman who is still seriously ill. IMIr. Jacob Schroeder. has moved into Mr. Jack. Eidt's residence Mr. Rozell of Crediton is presid- ing- at the exains. being held hers,. this week. Mr. J. W. Gray1i8eil underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hospital London, last week. We hope For a .speedy recovery. Mr3. Tyfany of :Buffalo visited .. The Lutheran Sunday School her uncles, Messrs. John and Jacob Weido the past week, •1VIrs. C. Fritz spent the past week at :Daahwood with her sister Mrs. J. Kellerm_in, who continues sale at Zurich. Mass S. Beacom of. Goderich is s isiting at ..tha horse:'of Mr. 3os Gashco. • . .r Mr. and Mrs: Victor Appel oh the west called on relatives` here last week. M,. Alfred Pfaff of the :Bind confined to the bed with rhe- umatic fever. Mr. J. W. Ortwein of Hensaliwas' a y isito_• to the Evangelical., Sao-- bath ,school on Sunday. A nu•nber of our ball farts at- tended. the Saginaw vs, London ball game on Thursday, quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Jacobe and son Harvey of Chiselhurst. spent, EXPERT BATTERY ATTEN now ALSO CHARGING Tuesday at the home. of Mr. and ` Mrs.Sol, Jacobe. 'FIRST CLASS REPAIRING ANY MAKE OF CAR A SPECIALTY. Re`, H. Remnbe conducted sere b ATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. t ices in f`hs Auburn Lutheran ch Rev, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. P. Knopf. motoring to that place, Mousseau . Zurich Mr. and MN. Garnet Daters and Mr. and Mr3 Wilfred Weido' and. so.3 of Hay Township, motored to New Hamburg and spent Sand ay at the home of Mr. Harm Deters. PHONE No. 103. d•+++++$ +i++++++++++1++++++++4r t''+++++444444•4444÷44++++++4. . +F+ .p ÷ 4. + �' 1'it t �Save the. Surface 4. `'iE�ShfiQiVlN•WN1AC.7 W ATCMRCQ ito 4. and you Save all We have a full line of the Cel- ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- aining Paints, Enamels„ Auto and Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc. Also a full line of common and Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New Per:ection Oil Stoves, 'Ovens and 4. 4. .4 Wicks, Lawn Movers, Screen Do- ors and Hinges, Window Screens, . and Scr4ening, Poultry Netting, Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- PIP 44 4 4. +SII+ +F+ +'r +Y+ 44 eples, Etc. Garden . and Farm Tools, fresh car of .Best St. Marys Portland Cement, jet here; CComplete Tine of heavy and shelf hadlrwai+e always in stock. Order.a taken for Gold Medal Bin- ,.ler twine. Evetroughing and vtl•nbb g and repairing of all kinds, I l DE WEIID picnic held on Thursday last was well attended and was a decide. success in every way. SPORT NEWS Thursday, June 3Qth', 1921' 1 witearswpoweowsnagampppowipmapop We wish Go' draw your tent on to a dew Seasonable Lines Peerless Wire Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. Martin Senour line of 100 per cent. pure paints. CHINANEL LINE OF VARNISHES AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL FINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS. • POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERS, AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES+ Freshh car Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of N o. 6 Ign. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,FU L LINE OF BEDS, SPRINGS,. AND MATTRESSES, CURIAN TOLES, WINDOW SHADES, BASEBALL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE LINE OF MACHINE, AND CYLINDER LUBRUICATING O1LS,t POLARINE, AND MOB- IL -B., ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' ,HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK TN GENERAL IS ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL, ORDERS TAKEN FOR BINDER TWINE: The Store with the Liberal Cash Discount MELieK .4tJN_: PHONE 63 11'I E J �-.feral t i 1 Department Is al.vays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announnenaents, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envoi ear Check Books, Posting Bills a specialty. Tees\vater won from Wingham on Monday evening score 6-5, This is tlie. 11th game Wingham played and the first one lost, and makes the ninth win for Tees - water. Goderich lost to Crediton on their own grounds at the County , Town, last Thursday, score 13-7. Some of our fans were present and report the Purity Flours as havp- ing played "some game." I,1t Wm: Bro'tvn attended the f Zurich plays at Crediton next Cr, wi1Lon vs. Goderich game. On Tuesday evening, July 5th, and an exceptional fast game is expected as they gave our boys the ,best, game of the season on June 3rd, at Crediton, Clinton. plays at Zurich on July 7th. i 4—. Messrs. J. Gerber and R, Sch. Our team plays at Goderich on war •:•zri''rab r o: the Bran o i were! July lat at the Tournament, neon- at Loridlon oa Saturday. Mr. Jac, der will they land the bacon. ob Sc'hwartzentruber, who had bee.i for severalweeks at the hospital there, returned with thein and is progressing favorably in The annual election of officer's 9.E th; Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church w;13 he'd on June 21st, and resulted a3 lollowsl—Pres. W. Ti P.:,10; Vice -Pres., 0, O'Brien; Re- co,din• Se -y,, K. `Pout edge; M, • Routledge; Corr'.-fBeeyt :E. Geiger; Miss, Secy 1VL Preeter; rithing- S.cy, P. Wurtz; Organist E. I3'yi+o:k; Assir:-'Ji•g, 1, Pout••e4 ; Choi iter E. Rennie; Librarians' *atria M+el.liek, Eld?a Caflfas. A pretty June wedding was ;Cel- ebrated in the Lutheran church on Wednesday, June 22.idd when Miss MoCiinrhey, • daughter of Mrs. D. S. Mee i iehey 02 $ an•ey was un- ited inmarriage to Mr, Warren Scbilbe, son of' Mr, :arid Mrs. Cor - Thursday evening, Bill was sung. poled to act as umpire, but this diel net meet Goderich's approval. Mr. M. Weber, census taker for Zurich and vicinity has completed his obligations, and reports that tie. a i� a population of 471 1 in: the village o Zurich. AT ZURICHt IXa'y 24th, with Crediton. June 10th, with Goderich June 16th with Clinton June; 28th,: with Stratford July 7th with, Clinton. July 15th with Goderich Jury 26th, with Crediton. Atilt 9th with Stratford. AWAY FROM ZURICH May' 30th at Clinton Str'ne 3rd at Crediton 3 nue.' 22nd at Stratford July 6th, at Crediton July 20th, at Stratford June 7th' at Goderich July 22nd at Clinton.. July `29th at Goderich. FIO W THEY STAND Won Lost P:C. Zurich 8 1 857 C� u 1 Ciodc rirli 5 3 625 BLOCK'" ZURICH p by aC Crctlititln 4 4 500 Strakferd 1?l 3 400 i'lr�;:ttt n1itl111 iIgor to tri 1 + e`' tCr"CYCyiwlijYLl:in nrf v .ifrj,+ ,l es1ti s1+ New Styles! New Clat ! New Pric�sI Spring and Summer The "BROADWAY" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your measure for an up to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish. Over Coat with Guaranteed Fit. uradreds of Same.. Ales, to chosefrom Produce Wanted. Buterickrashions Phone