HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-30, Page 4Pour uxr,, xr�u,:.,>'xkh4t dN.ipRANN!�L +, ur:}Fri!.' .zvR't; W I II;alkr D, Th THE HERALD resided Wednesday noon froln sthe THE HERALD PRINTING of iCE Effective after Jan, 1st, 1e20 ubscription Terms; $1:25 peg year Ise advance; $2,60 may be charged St Nee so paid, U. S. aaubscrilpti-" ' tem $1.75 st;rietly tun advance, Na Paper dissontineed sintil all as'- . nears are paid unless at the option cif the publisher. The date to /Well eh .every subscription is paid its denoted on the label.. ADVERTISIN x RATES • "Display Advertising -Made known len application. Vetray Animals --One insertion 50e three insertions $1.00. Warm or Real Estate 112 for first month, $1 or esequent insertion, Professional Cards not z inch, $5 per year. Auction Sales, $1.50 for one in- sertion, $2 for two insertions, if not aper 5 inches in length. Local and Legal advertising not- ice's, reading matter, lee a line for drat insertion and 5e per line for each subsequent insertion. • Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e.. Miscellaneous articles of not wore than five lines, For Sale,To 3peiat, or Wanted, Lost, Found; etc., ;each insertion 25a. !Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT.. for sale each sub - exceeding HENSALL Or;. T. B TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING • Stage leave Zurich _.. 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 _,_ _.- ___ 8.58 a.m. North, No. 163 _._ _-. __.10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON • Stage leave Zurich __. __.3.00 p.m.. " ;south, Ido. 164 .__ 4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 _._ --- ---.-6.14 p.m. Miltiner Clearing Sale of Spring and Summer Stock ALL TRIMMED AND UNTRIMhZ- r$D HATS TO BE SOLD AT ONE ?THIRD OFF REGULAR. PRICE DURING REMAINDER OF. THIS MONTH., SELECT YOUR HAT "NOW" WHILE THE CHOICE IS GOOD. Vl. E. Routledge INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- tADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures 'your Property without Premium Noce, and guarantees no 'medal assessment. THF WESTERN FARMERS' EATIiER INS. MUTTYAL Leo. paid $1i l UQQ loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 •7senta per X106 ofr 3 years. Prem- lum note 2 per cent. Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, - ONT. •411,.'NYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE WALES IN LIGHTNING RODE BLAKE. Picnic parties to the lakeshore are the order of the day. Dr. and Mrs. Schellog of Detroit, 2lecompanied by Mrs. Alex. Sp- arks and son of Hensall called on eriends in the village recently. Miss Clara Zapfe spent Sunday :With friends at Bayfield. • Quite a number from this tic - laity attended the Garden Party at Hillsgreen on Tuesday evening \of last week. Miss Marguerite Douglas, .Dou las, who taught schoo"I in Stnaley left on Wednesday for her home at Hyde Fart:. Mrs. Clarke and son, visited Sri- ends in Zurich on Saturday. of Mr. and Mrs. Eral Weido Zurich spent Thursday al,ternoon at the home (xi' Mr. and Mrs.. loss see h'nston. Miss Mary Gingerich is atpres- .ent visiting "rienee i,t this vicinity. 11t'11'' , tsoe 5' hevaetzen xte.l;er, Who 1.7 r ..., ..t Z•ey 1 ..,.1•i' `'l ltom, an 1 se feeling leseell • better, SPORTS What was termed by a good anan fax as the best exhibition of ball played on the local diam- ond took place on Tuesday even- ing when the boys of the Classic City played their first game here for 'Ihis season. The visit- ors are a good clean bunch of sports and certainly go in to' win and by looking at the score by innings, it looked as if they would Pun away with this game at the end of the third inning, as Ohlert our popular pitcher, had a night off and could not get his .slants and curves to Work. But it looked rather hard for "Dodo" Hoffman to step in the• box at the begins- ing of the fourth intneding to win the gm ae with the score 5-0, but "Dodo" certainly come across with the stuff, as he charged them in his old "Tiger Fashion" and their scoring season was done,for. Two homers, one by Henning and one by W. Braun and a triple by Ohlert and one by Braun were the striking . sensations of the !evening An immense attendance was pres- ent, and they certainly were ,well pleased with the brand of ball played. This includes the first half of the League games, our boys played one tie and lost one to Goderi:ch, winning the balance. * * s 1st. INNING Lavelle walked; Moore grounded out; Lavaile 2nd on. Henning's error Edwards singled to 1-1, Lavelle scoring; Richards flied out; Flan- igan flied out. C. Hoffman flied out; ;Siebert hit by pitcher; L. Hoffman flied out; Henning grounded out. end. INNING Dyer grounded out; McKenzie flied out to c -f; Edwards singled; Doughboro grounded out. Ohlert tripled to r -f; .F Brown flied out; W. Braun singled; Ohl- ert out at home; C. A. Hoffman fanned, • 3rd. INNING Lavelle walked; Moore ground- ed out; Laveell 3rd on Hoffman's error; N. Edwards singled; Lavelle scored; Richards doubled; Plan - igen doubled, Edwards and Rich- ards scored; Dyer singled; Mc- Kenzie singled; Dyer home on Hoffman's error; Edwards fouled out. Wurm first on Dyer's error; C Hoffman fouled out;; Siebert sin - •g Ieci; L. Hoffman singled; Henning faun?d; 4th. INNING Doughboro flied out to pitcher; Lavelle grounded out; Moore wal- ked; N. Edwards singled; Richaiiug hit by pitcher; Flanigan flied out. Oltlert singled, ,;F�1t� ,.!Brown 1st on R,ehari e error, 'W:'` Braun' tripled Ohlert and Brown scoring; C. A. Hoffman 1st on Richard's, error, Braun also- socring; Wurm' 1st on pitcher's error; C. A. Hoffman out at 3rd; C. Hoffman bunt; Seibert singled, C. 'Hoffman out at 2nd; j,. 13offn-an flied out. 5th INNING ' ' Dyer fanned, McKenzie singled; N. 'Edwards •singled; McKenzie out at 2nd; Donoughboro .flied out. Henning grounded Out; OhIert walked;. .P Brown singled;, and out at 2nd; W. Braun flied out. 6th. INNING Flavelle fanned; Moore singled; Edwards fanned; Richards singled; Dyer fanned. C. A. Hoffman grounded out; Wurm grounded out; C. Hoffman singled; Siebert doubled; L. Uoffmar Vied out. • . 7th INNING • r ' Dyer grounded out; MceKenzie singled; Edward:; grouclde:d ant; i Deugh oro tanned, eilning homer; Ohlert fanned: F. Brown doubled; W. Braun a homer bringing in .l+ Brown C. A. Hoffman flied out; Warm fanned 8th. INNING , Plavelle hit by pitcher:; Moore flieded out; Edwards singled; Rich- ards ards flied out to pitcher; Flanigan grounded out. C, Hoffman, Siebert and L. Hoff- man grounded out. 9th, INNING Dyer fanned; McKenzie ground- ed out; Edwards fanned. Stratford Lavelle, 3-b. :4ioore, '1-b, N. Edwards, 1-f Richards 2-b. Flannigan r -f Dyer es. McKenzie, c. W. Edwards c -f Doughboro pit., C. Hoffman 3-b Siebert, '1-f i, Hoffman, s.s, 'Henning;, c. Ohlert, p. Brown, F, c Braun W. re, Hoffman C."A.,.lets Warm 2-bw. Zurich Stratford Doughboro had 4 stet isem ts :t s vin -a. s s h14 7. 'oitehir' �Y Y • i' ..x !'. es .. .s' ' A.B.R.E 5 2 0 0 5 0 1 0 5 1 3 0 5 1 2 2 5 1 1 0 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 5'0 2 0 4 0 0 1 of weeklk examss gives the stand - 24 b 9, 4 ing of the pupils of the various 5 0 2 2 grades, for the last term of the 5 0 2 0 present school year. 5 0 1 0 Jr. 5th—Grace Turnbull 82; 4 1 1 1 Merlon Turnbull 81. 4 1 2 0 -;s. TV ;—Eddie Turnbull 69; 4 2 '1 0 iuUl Turnbull 68. 4 2 2 0 ,,Sr, IT.I--Nellie Kenney 82. 4.0 0 0I Jr, III;—Pearl Wolper 78; Joe 4 0 0 1 'Suter 72. 1. -Elmer Kelter 66; Katie. 39 6 11 4 TIJr,?r':'o1 n 63. 0'00 300 3Gx- 6 Part II; -Jean Turnbull 85; 14i:11''•1 Waiper. '84; Olive. Turnbull 104 00 Ol0 5 81; 1:t'rrbert Keller 83. t� T ,--1thinhart Keller 8i. ; Be- .ti-, 7s1: {Bili Weloei' 77. • , .•RhinItert Teselemen 82 ess 7' J. S. Delgaty, Weaeher. 1C. Roffman flied out; Wurn fanned; L. Hoffsnen, singled to centre; Henning sinled to centre; 'Ohlert a long fly to centre. No ttns, 2 hits, nos errors. Lavelle walked, 'Moore grounded. to pitcher; Flanigan an infield Sly; out; Richards singled; Lavelle Ito me; Edwards fanne;l, 1. rem 1 hit ea errors., . 2--13rown' 'singled to centre; 10. A. Hoffman walked, l'al! fas fan ned, Siebert flied out so right; C. Hoffman singled, J3rowe and Holfman scored; •Weans • grounded out. The Game at Stratford. • Edwards fanned; Dyer tussled; Clifford field out to ceotr•e, 3—L. Hoffman }lied'" to *.entre; Henning singled; ,Oleert fanned; Brown grounded out. I Riggs and Lavelle both fanned; Moore fouled out. 4-Callfas grounded out; C A.. Roffman fanned; Siebert fanned,, Flanigan got :a fluke double; Richards fanned; Edwards flied out; Clifford fanned. • • w 5—C. Hoffman 'rounded out, Wurrn flied out; Hoffman ground- ed out. C. Hoffman was under Rigg's fly; Moore grouaded, out; 'Piaui - an fouled out. • 6 -Henning and Ohlert siegled; Brown flied to centre and Ilenning scored after the catch; Siebert flied to right and Ohlert scored; C. Hoffman fanned. 'Moore and Flanigan leng'1ed, =La.- velle doubled; both came home;, Richards flied Out; Edwards str- uck out. fi—Wurm and L. Koffman groun- ded out; Henning sisieled to cen- tre; Ohlert doubled, Henning K- ering; Brown grounded out. Riggs grounded out; Lavelle bunt; Moore singled; Fiauigan sin- gled; Richards flied out; Edwards fanned. • B—Cailfas fanned; Siebert dou- bled to centre; leoffn'ilin walked; C. Hoffman flied' to centre and Siebert was doubled, at plate. Edwards tripled; Dyer sings - led and Edwards scored; Rigg doubled' and Dyer scored; La- velle grounded; Moore canned; Richards flied out. Game called on :account cf dark Hess. Zurich C. W. Hoffman, 3-b'. Wurin, 2-b. L. Hoffman', gee Henning, c. Ohlert P. Brown r. -f. Cal las, c.f. Siebert 1.f. C. A. Hoffman, 1-15. Stratford 'Lavelle, 3-b. Moore, 1-b Flanigan re: Richards 2-b. Edwards, 1.f. W. Edwards el. Dyer, se. Clifford c. Rigg, p. .,RLR H 5 01.E 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 1 0 4 2'4 0 4 1. 2 0 4 1'1 0 4 6 '0, 0, 4 0 1. 0 4 1 0 0 37 5 2 2 1 .1 4' 0 2 0 .1 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 4 2 1 0 4 1 2 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 0, 36 5 10 2' The vicar's name was Smith,and he had recently been honored by the degree of D D. The doctor of the village was also named, Smith. A stranger came once to the place and asked a native the way to Dr. Smith's house. "Which Dr. Smith do youl mean sir?" was the reply; "im• what preaches or 'tin what practises." , , • WAYBURN NEWS Mt: and Mrs. Isaac Hill of Cred- iton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delgaty last Sunday. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Palmer who have been visiting in Wayburn,, left for Hensall last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs; T F. Turnbull 11 spent Thursday night of last we- ek with Mr.. and Mrs. J. S. Delgaty The gospel services conducted by our teacher, J. S. Delgaty were brought to a close last Sunday evening. A. very large assembly gathered to hear Mr. Delgaty give his farewell address in Wayburn. These services have been well at- tended and we have reason to be- lieve much good lieve much glood has been done in this vicinity. Everybody expressed themselves as having beexi greatly 'Noosed slur ing these services. SCHOOL REPORT Following„ based upon a !series • ra y, June' 30th, 1921, -des eas-Y� . i ��m! M.,DoublesNlea e , ,. .. ... au- .r , CC7SI17 ' as air MSR® RUBBERCUSHIN.ON INNER Tin. B oMPANY...__» mmunsatassabassarn MAM. ONTARIO, sommaisimilifoilaa I hve been appointed Agent for this district fo r the above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Gall and be convinced. John Hey, Jr. - Zurich. Alb NOTICE TO CREDITORS ++4.4.44++++++++++++44++44+4++++i ++4.÷÷++++++++1.+++++++.4. ,4.14, .Sh-ingIes• Lumber Liths. 4.Everything in 4i4ci4. : 18- °'Combination storm and screen doors made to order;' 4. 4 t • Lumber and Building Material 4 i Custom Work curl S eciall t .e Y 4 i. 4 I Always in the market for saw logs I 4 . , SII r y r * . .C. KA BIL �J .....44. I: PHONE I _ b9 - ZURICH 4 "++++ + 44+4+44++4++44+4++44444 ! 4.. , NOTICE is hereby given pur- suant to the Statutes in that be- half that all persons having claims against the estate of Charles Wal - per late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Gentle; man, deceased, 'who died, on the 6th day of December, 1920, are required on or before the 16th of July, 1921 to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the -undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said cleceas ed will be distributed" among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, Dated at Zurich this 21st day of June, 1921. Henry Plaxbard and Andrew F. Hess, Zurich, ont., Executors of said estate. If a preacher is weary after preaching a long sermon, he at least has the heartfelt sympathy of the congregation. HENSALL. Laird Mickle made a business trip to Por 'teWilliamu last week. Mrs. Geo. Scott and 'daughter, Miss Katie, have returned from .visiting relatives and friends in Sliotoletoi A. number of our villagers are arranging for cottages at Grand Bend for the summer months. Milton McTaggart from + the west, is visiting his father, Mr. Alf. McTaggart. The death occurred on Tuesday, June 21st, of Harriette Heiden, belo'v''ed wife of Mr. Thos..Parimer Or., at the age of 69 year and 6 mionths, after a lingering illness. The funeral was held private, and took place on' Thursday afternoon to Hensall Union Cemetery. One 'of the old and respected pioneers of Hay passed away on June 18th in the person of Marg- aret Slater, aged 79 years and four months. ` The deceased has lived for many year's on the old home- stead, Lot 5, N. B., and is one of the old settlers. She its survived by her two brothers. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday for interment in the Hensall Union Cemetery, COUNTY NEWS John Getenby, aged 35, an em- loyee of the Electric Light Com- pany of Mitchel, was electrocuted while working in the Mitchell pow- er •house on Saturday last. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cann, of Usborne, on Wednesday June 15th, when their daughter, Marguerite S. \vas united in mar- riage to Mr. Earl D. Johnston of Granton. A. movement is on foot to pave to 'short piece of road at Grand Bend, from; Breener's Hotel.. to the lake, about 100 rods, on the boun- dary of Huron and Larnbton. The 'Huron County Council has been approached on the mutter. The corner stone of the new Me- thodist Church, in course of con- struction at Brinsley, was laid on Tuesday, June 14th. The services was conducted by Res; G. W. Ravers, B. A., : 13. D., chairman of the Methodist district. The pres- ident of the London Conference, Rev. J. Wt. Hibbert gave an . in- spiring address making reference to the ssplendid enterprise into which the community had entered so wholeheartedly, which was in- dicative of the place the church held in their lives. Two stones were laid; a Ladies' Aid stone and Et trustee ston'e(b 1 W. G. Medd of Exeter and S. C. Chown of Lucan. EXETER The Exeter baseball team has dropped out of the Junior Series at the N. W, B. A., owing to hav- ing Tethered d a 'man over age in I this' a :less .tel hav'ine woi rev-: Ieri.. • "' '7i.. :est 11't, nit'. Bayfield Garage An old stand under new management. First Class work by a competent:, mechanic. Gasoline, Oils, and accessories., Com p ete stock of - Genuine Ford Bepairs OPEN EVERY EVENING YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITE34- G _ E. TRETIIEWEY 1i4't" 44+40+++++++.4.414+444.1144444444,0444444444{M} $50 to $5,000 A YEAR FOR LIFE A 'CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT 4 4. 4 4. 4 —No better life investment available —No better security obtainable --Cannot be seized or levied upon for any cause —Will be replaced if<,lost, stolen or destroyed —Not affected by trade depression —Free from Dominion Tncome Tax -No medical examination required Anyone over the age of 5 years resident'or domiciled in Canada may purchase. Anytwo persons may purchase jointly.• P Y Employers may purchase for their employees—school boards for their teachers—congregations for their ministers. Apply to your postmaster; or write, postage free, to S. 'r. Bastedo, Super- inteadent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information desired. State sex and age last birthday. +444+4.04++.444++++444.14.4.414+444.444.1444 t Wnt. Newcome who has been visiting his mother and sisterhere for some weeks, left last Tuesday for his home ba ' Spokane, Wash. Mrs. T. Gregory and Miss Stella Gregory left Monday evening to spend a few weeks visiting the former's daughter in Chicago. J. C. Tom, of Golden', B. C., who was here attending the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. Torry left on Thursday last. /Mr. and. Mrs'. McDonald \ of (S•riinmell, Towa, and Margaret. 'Smith of Windsor are visiting with Mrs. McDonald's mother, Mrs, J. Snell t I Another .of the aged residents of Exeter passed away on June 14th, when Ann Swan, relict of the late ;James Airth died et the home of her daughter, Mpa. E. Coombs, Ex iter Nestle at thesage of 84 years and 9 months. Deceased fell o,,es a year ago and dislocated lees hin. This, together-. mit"•t 1' • -` IL) (y"'t'.X, a t 'Y : her den's", CREDITON George Lawson has recently puts -- chased the trotting mare, known as "Laura Watts" from,, Andrew. Murray of Wilton Grove, Miss Laving Smith is making fail ,progress, after having had her- face er face severely bruised in au auto. accident recently. Mrs. Edward Palmer inset with a, very painful accident last week, when' opening a can of chloride of line. It exploded burning her eye badly. ; The Orangemen of the Crediton;, lodge marched to the Methodist church on Sunday evening whey Rev. Brooke addressed them. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney,. Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Heist, Mr. and Mrs,' Jacob Schwarz and and it. 'V":tt..M ttoe a"•c . att'vifled the- 'uner-il tit a'eisi,ltener of the late Mrs. John Heist. ,,