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Address communications to Aare/lomat. 72 Adelaide St. West, ironta
How I Remodeled My Old Poeltry are of the roll type. They are eel-
Housedom used except during the two or
egnen 1 1,,.8.1.d my tam in south_ three severe storms that come from
ern. Optario i eontained only one the 90Uth every winter. Very heavy
poultry houee of the semi -monitor storms from other directions do not
type. It was built of matched lumber cause the snow to blow into the house
on a stone foundation, and had an and ereosecluentlY the eurbalns do not
open fame. have to be lowered. .
We could find no serious fault with I find that there are mariY Poultry
interior was not modern. It was not '
because a faulty equipment. The
give good service
the outside of the house. But the houses which do not
arranged for the satisfactory mane actual needs are so small in that res -
agement of poultry. The roosts were
nailed to the walls of the house. This
furnished an ideal breeding place for
mites, and when the roosts were pried
out we found plenty of them. They
hung in clusters beneath the roosts.
We painted the old roosting poles
with kerosene, then added the roosts
to the kindling -wood pile, to make de-
struction doubly eine.
The house contained no dropping
boards, which made the condition of
the floor bad, and reduced the scratch-
ing area. So we built a dropping
improved Seed.
The Dominion Department of Agrie
eultute, throoglo the Seed
works in active co-operation :with the
provinces in the matter of improving
grain and field seeds. Money es pro-
vided to pay prizes in. sbanding field '
erop competitioaa sed far ande
provincial seeds exhibitions, aud in
combined seed erop and cleaned seed I
competitione. The last denied is a
recent introductien. It has two dise:
tiled phases, the first. consisting of al
standing field erop .eampetition and'
the second of threshed and '
eeed in which, the Peed' prodaeed:from
the fields of the first phase is 41,14ged
in the granary of the :competitor. The
'm '
competitions 'must have at leapt fif- '
teen entries hi oath, and the fourala- '
don seed need must be of •approved
origin. The minimum quantities of
peet that it pays to build the necese cleaned seed that competitors must be
sary portable equipment. Then reap prepared to soonat to gooey , foe
the steady reward for your work,
which is bound to come if you have
a laying strain of hers and feed them
Tip Burn of Potatoes.
A trouble which is widely distri-
buted and very prevalent in some sea-
sons, and to which the name "Tip
Burn" has been. given, is to be found.
among our potato crop,s. This trouble
takes the form of a gradual burning
platform of smooth lumber along the and drying -up of the leaves of the
back wall of the house, Roosts were plants, often commencing at a com-
made by planing the upper edges of pareatively early stage in their
two -by -three pieces untilthey were
rounded and smooth. These roosts
wore then nailed in sections of three
rousts each, and eaoh section was
hinged to the back wall of the house.
A hook placed in the middle of each
section permitted the roosts to be
raised easily, and hooked to the ceil-
ing when the dropping boards were
cleaned. It also made it easier to
paint or spray the roosts on the under
side, where red mites are not likely
to appear.
The nests were boaes tightly nailed
to the wall. Now, I have found by
experienoe that nests must be loose,
so they can be taken outside the
house for emptying, followed by sun-
ning and spraying. Nests that are
tightly fastened to the wall form
breeding places for mites and lice.
I find also that open fleets may lead
to the egg -eating habit. In winter
the birds may scratch in the litter
of the nests after eggs have been laid.
Eggs kicked against the side of the
nest are apt to be broken and then
eaten. Open nests also become un-
clean from the hens roosting upon
them it night, or sitting on the edge
during the day. In remodeling my
house I built the nests in portable
sections. If the top of a section
slopes sufficiently, the birds will not
roost upon it. If the top does not
have enough slope it pays to stretch
aaki,stripieof poultry wire above- the
nests in such a manner that the hena
cannot roost there.
Poultry nests must be so built that
the eggs will be clean. An egg that
is washed loses the film provided_ by however, to be disputed by the fact
nature to help keep it fresh. Dirty that the trouble is not found in the
eggs look very bad, and the producer hot regions of the Western States
with a select trade cannot include where the temperature often becomes
grovrth and, in mi
any eases, f allow-
ed to go unchecked., slowly but surely
involving the whole of the plants so
that they die down a considerable
time before the tubers are fully de-
The appearance of this trouble in
the fields is often mistaken by grow-
ers for Late Blight. There is, how-
ever, a marked distinction between
the two, for Late Blight may com-
mence by attacking any part of the
plants—leaves and stems alke—has
a darkawateresoaked appearance and,
in its early Stages, is damp to the
touch, while Tip Burn invariably com-
mences at the margin or tips -of the
leaves and has a decidedly dry ap-
pearance and touch with the excep-
tion of after rain. It also appears
much earlier in the season than Late
Blight has ever been recorded and
does not cause the death of the plants
so rapidly. Nor has it ever proven 60
destructive as Late Blight, although
evidence has been obtained that in
seasons when it is severe and where
no effort is made to check, a consider-
able reduction in the yield of market-
able tubers due to the premature
death of the plants f-rom t'his cause,
may result.
• Investigators of this trouble are not
yet in agreement as to the cause. The
observations of eonee have led to the
.belief that a periekrof hot dry weath-
er : dutleg the igie e Inge season causes.
"the' leaves to throw off moisture more
rapidly filian it can be furnished by
the plant, the result being the appear-,
ance ef Tip Bunt This theory seems,
them in filling orders. If the nests
are slightly darkened and the nesting
litter kept clean, the eggs will be
clean with the chalky freshness which
customers expect when they pay a
premium for fresh eggs.
I find that a small wooden table is
useful in a poultry house. It should
hold the water pail and a crock or
two of sour milk. Then litter can-
not be scratched into the water and
milk, making them a possible source
of disease.
If there is no time to build hoppers,
the grit and oyster shells can be plac-
ed in earthen crocks on, this low plat- extremely prevalent, we had several
forrn. I find that hoppers are best, plots to which, for the purposes of
hoierever, as they hold a larger supply experiment, Bordeaux mixture was
and. need filling less often. Hoppers not applied. These plots suffered
excessive and the air is especially dry.
More reeent investigations lead to
the belief that this burning of the
leaves probably follows the depreda-
tions of sucking insects. These in-
vestigations are not yet complete, but
enough evidence has been produced to
serve as a warning to potato grow-
ers to keep these insect pests thor-
oughly under control in an endeavor
to avoid Tip Burn.
We have found irk OUT experimental
work with potatoes that Bordeaux
mixture will to a large extent control
this trouble. In 1918, when it was
for dry mash can easily be made of
small packing boxes. Sketch the out-
line of the proposed hopper on the.
sides of the box. Then saw out the
box to conform with the sketch, and
use the material removed to board up
the front of the hopper. Make a sort
of lip in front so that the hens cannot
waste it on the floor.
It remodeling my house I found
that the curtains were 'hinged to the
top of the windows so they could be
pulled back and hooked to the ceiling.
I also fouled that the hens had been
roosting on the curtain frames mak.
ing them dirty and infesting them
with mites. 1 took these curtaine out
and burned them. The new curtains
from a severe attack of Tip Burn and
the plants were all killed down, by
the second week in August, while
other pilots on the same land, and to
which., for the control of Late Blight,
Bordeaux mixture was regularly and
thoroughly applied, suffered, to a very
slight extent only, the' plants :remain-
eng green until frost came. Bordeaux
mixture acts as a repellent to the
Leaf Hopper, as well ae a protection
to the plants. Many ether eases, in
addition to that referred to, have
owns to our atte.ntion, beaming evi-
dence that regular and thorough
spraying with this mixture will ree
duee to a minimum the ravages of
Tip Burn.
• Grow Perennials.
July is an ideal time to sow the
seeds of such hardy plants as pinks,
columbine, perennial larkspurs, felt -
gloves, pansies, sweet-williatos, Shas-
ta daisies, and many there. These
wili intake a nice growth in the fell.
teed bed, and will bloom at the regu-
lar time next spring, The clumps
will not be quite so large as those
from seeds sown in May, but the
May -own plants will not bloom, the
first year, so there is not meth gained
by plattieg them. You oari plant the
ll -sown plants somewhat thicker,
'arid In traxisplanting have Wale
chance to ettt etit inferior plants,
Most of these plants like a loose
mellow IdEtal 'thab will not pack, or
!, pun, Woods sail with plenty of leaf
mold le ideal. Sow the: 5:elide in rovve.
to not arowd the taws. The "seeds
should be ceereted not Over a cparter
half an inch, and kept Moist until
; up, which Will take ten days or two
' Weelae let moat a thoe oariltiOn Vat-
SO,Phe areeloWer to germinate
and older seede ate slower than fresh
ones. Thin the pants in the *rows
if too thick, but a half-inch space will
serve until transplanting time, except
for such strong growers as hollyhocks.
•The seed bed should be well culti-
vated to give the little plants a.
chance to make a good growth. As
cold weather &ales near, let them
get pretty dry to harden them up.
Water the bed well before giving pro-
tectior, if it ie not already moist. This
mulch can be any coarse material, but
tree leaves are probably best. Straw
free from fine chaff will serve, or
coarse hay. Anything that will pack
Will shut off to much air A good
water -tight of should be placed
over all. The bed should he high
enough to secure good eireliage. With
the packing kept dry, there, is little
danger of evinter-killingt have ket
theni by turning ari ein 1*y box of*
them, making the bottom, of tho box
tight ero it would eted the inter.
A little care Will Wake your Weide
-thrift, arid they will rewata you with
aletnalatt bloom •next opting and
awards are: wheat,. barley, peas,
buckwheat and corn each 100 bushels,
oats 200 bushels, field beans
25. bush-
els, clovers and timothy 15bushes,
and potatoes. 150 bushels. The awiares,
except in the ease of potatoes, are
made on a basis of 65 per eent...en
the bin score and 36 per centi.on the
field score. In the eaee of. potatoes
the method is reversed, theeeweirect be
ing based on 35 per cent. on th . bin
score and 65 per cent. on the field
score. All agricultural aseociations
are eligible to conduct these eiempeti-
tons, provided the, association enter-
ing does not conduct a field crore com-
petition in the same season with the
same kind of crop. To the prize
money under subvention agreement
the Dominion eubseribes $200 in each
instance and the province $100.
North America has a white popula-
tion of 100,000,000.
,liata for.. the Kiddies.
Simply adorahle are the little am -
mer hats for the kiddies made a white
pique. What child would not love one
eepeeially if it were deeorated on the
eppee brim with a row of Pack
Mg daeks or Chirping ohickens This
is a Splendid way for 4Mother to use
up the odd pieces ef white pique or
rep, The hats are simple te make,
They fit the head well and are decided-
ly praetieal..
TO make the brim cut two circular
pieces of ' pique eaeh 12 inches in
diameter. In the centre of each of
these circles cut another circle 6
inches in. diameter, The inner circle
may vary according to the child's
head -size. (It will be best to cut paper
patterns first.)
Turn the right sides of the brim to-
gether and baste and stitch the outer
edges. taking a lee -inch seam. Turn
the brim, baste the outer edige, and
stitch again on the edge.
The :crown is made from a :circular
piece of pique, 10 inches in diameter.
Face the crown and fasten to the :brim
with they butanes and buttonholes.
The quacking ducks around the up-
per front edge of the brim are em-
broidered in outline stitch. Six -strand
"embroiderer cotton in Copenhagen blue
is used for the dueks and yellow floss
for the bills and eyes. Brine is em-
broidered before it is attached to the
There are tvro ways of getting a
better cow. • One is to put one's hand
into his pocket—deep, in these days—
and pay for her; the other is to grow
her. The last way is the best, the
first the quickest. Raise a cow and
you understand: her and she knows
you. • You make a better team, and
team work in the dairy is what counts.
Better Lawns Make Better Homes
There are many mistakes made in
the establishment of lawns and in
their subsequent management. In or-
der to make a good lawn the soil must
be fairly fertile or it is necessarY that
it be made so by proper fertilization.
The regular use of suitable fertilfzers
is also necessary.
Tht best time to insure a good soil
for a lawn is at the time when the
excavating and the grading are done.
Frequently a good site that is natural-
ly fertile is made unproductive or un-
desirable by covering it over with
sub -soil taken from another location,
that is, from basements or sections
that are moved in grading. Not infre-
quently building rubbish, ashes, cin-
ders, cans and other debris are cover-
ed with a thin layer of soil, Alia re-
sult being a very unsatisfaitery, pro-
duction of desh;e4e_grai, ees. )100'61
gotartaine-rd7bIlliev Is, keep at least
six inches of rich soil on the 'Surface.
This six inches or more of soil should
quently overlooked is that the new
land should be permitted to pass into
the winter with a cpnsiderable growth;
In other words, it should not be mowed
very closely in the fall. This is done
in order to protect the young grass
roots during the winter.
Many of the most successful lawns
are rolled. Especially is this desirable
.in the case of a new lawn. 'Phis Is
done to • compact the soil and cause
the grass roots to take a firm hold.
Frequently the grass roots are loosen-
ed by the freezing 'and. thawing during
the winter season and rolling is neces-
sary to overcome this condition. • In
other instances angle worms leave the
lawn in a roughened condition and the
rolling overcomes this.
• Mistakes are sometimes made in
watering lawns. It is better to thor-
-oukhltWeliti the soil by laying the hose
on the ground and permitting the
water to flow freely. on one part for
an hour or so and then move it to an -
be fine in texture or a loam or clay other place. The sprinkling method is
loam material, inasmuch as they, are satisfactory if -continued long enough,
the best for the production of moat all but frequently this Is not done. The
grasses that are grown on lawns. They
dry out less quickly and retain added
fertilizers to much better advantage
than do the sandy soils.
Where drainage conditions are not
good they should be corrected by the
laying of tile at proper depths with
suitable outlets. If the subsoil is very
heavy or impervious the surface soil
Is likely to hold too much water or
become waterlogged, resulting in un-
sanitary conditions, and usually an un-
satisfactory growth of grasses.
•If, on the other hand, the sub -soil
is very porous or sandy, the lawn muse
be watered very frequently and fertil-
ized more often than if it is heavy in
texture. In the establishment of a
lawn, if it is available, a generous ap-
plication of well -decayed or rotted
stable manure is desirable. This
should be worked well into the soil,
the application consisting of about
four hundred. to eight hundred pounds
per square rod. The use of well -rotted
manure is advantageous because there
Is much less danger of the introduc-
tion of undesirable weed seeds, some
of which may prove objectionable
later on. •'
After the manure has been applied
either, hydrated lime •at the rate of
about fifteen pounds per square rod
or air -slaked litne,-or finely pulverized
limestone at the rate of about twenty
pounds per square rod or dried Marl
at the rate of about twenty-five
pounds per square rod should be add-
ed to the soil, and worked into it when
the land is prepared for seeding. In
addition it is advisable to apply four
pounds of sixteen per cent. acid phos-
phate per square rod.
When the seed -bed haa been ex-
tremely finely pulverized and •leveled
down the seeding may be blade. As a
general rule the Kentucky bluegrass
makes the most popular and most sec,
cessful grass, forming an excellent
turf. Sonia seed a mixture of' grasses,
however, such as the bluegrass and
the English or Italian rye grass.
Where three parts of the bluegrasa
and one part of the English rye grass
Is used in the mexture, about halt a
pound is usually seeded on a square
rod. A mixture of bluegrass and White
clover is also a very popular one. Pre-
eautione should be taken in all cases
to obtain grasses whose percentages
ot germination are high. la some in-
stances mixtures of low percentages
are plaoed oh the market. ..
Following the eetahlighineet of the
'aim for beet results lthouid be care.
fully handled and not negletted. •A
very good rule to follOw ts tO never
permit die lawn grater to go to seed,
internal% atil this taw to cause it 16
deterlorate, and row In a pent or un-
satioactooilawati nt that la frt.
soil dries out with the exception of
the very shallow layer at the surface.
Only surface aoalicaticoes of fedi',
izers to establish lawns are made.
Where stable manure is used it should
be applied very early M the spring. In
some instances mistakes are made by
applying fresh manure in too large
quantities, there being toe much solu-
ble material added for the grass, the
result being either the killing •out of
the grass, commonly spoken of as
burning out, or a decided setback to
it. If fresh manure only is available
It should. be applied very uniformly
over the surface at the rate of one
hundred and twenty-five pounds per
square rod. As previously stated, how-
ever, the rotted manure is better on
account of less danger of the intro
duction of some of the troublesome
weeds. The manure should be care-
fully removed from the lawn shortly
after the grass beginsto grow in the
sprihg. Where the manure is not
made use of top -dressings of nitrate of
soda at tb.e time growth begins may
be used at the rate of from one-quar-
ter to one pound per square rod. Pre-
caution should be taken to spread it
uniformly over the -surface and when
the grass is not moist, or when the
dew is not on it; -otherwise, the leaves
of the grilses may be burned or in-
jured by the nitrate. Subsequent ap-
lineations of similar quantities may be
made as the lawn demands it. In some
instances the nitrate of soda is dis-
solved in water and sprinkled on the
lawn; usually, however, this Is not
Ammonium sulphate should not be
applied to lawns that are growing
bluegrass or White cloyer inasnluch as
It will cause theta to clisahear and
other less desirable ones may come in.
It should not be overlooked, however,
that if the soil is limed about every
four years, topdressings of araraonium
sulphate without lime drives out the
injurious effect to these plants. In-
vestigations on the use of ammonium
Sulphate and sodium nitrate on lawns
over a period of twenty years or more
•shoW conclusively that the use of am-
• monium sulphate without lime drives
out the bluegrass and clover, as well
as several other grasses, "and also a
number of troublesome weeds that
may core& into the lawn. /1 on is de-
siroue of growing such grasses as the
red -top, bent grasses and sorae of the
fescuei, the annuoniura sulphate
should be used and the aoil left aced• ,
Acid pboaptate should be applied to
the lava aloOnt eyery twg rears at the
rate of three hundred pioulade pet
acre, altholegh finely ground lirnestone
tts 6. e'arrier Of phoephoras may be
used about twice at the rate or fiVa
pounds Per square rode
The Wefare of the Howe
Making Friends With the Birds ---By S. Louise Patteson.
Oneday last spring, a little girl
asked nie if it were true that robins
liked to eat other things thau worms.
I replied that robins would eat fruit
when they were thirsty If they could
find no water. •
"Oh, just when they're thirsty," she
exclaimed in a tone of surprise, "Then
I had better give them a basin •of
water, because , father gets terribly
provoked at the robinsawhen he sees
them In our cherry tree or In the
strawberry -patch,"
I told her that in the strawberry -
patch robins were much more likely
to hunt the grubs and cutworms that
injure the roots of the vines than to
•eat the strawberries, but that they did
like cherries. I asked her if she would
like to make friends with the birds
and fix a place in her garden where
they could drink when they were
thirsty or bathe and splash about in
warm weather. She was delighted
evith the idea of making something
useful and wanted to •know haw to
build a bird bath. I gladly promised
to help her make one and accordingly
I went to, her home one morning soon
after our conversation Together we
gathered several baskets full of small
stones from a vacant lot near her
home, then we selected a spot iu an
open space in ter garden where we
set up a pyramid about three feet
high. After we had finished it we
filled a big flower -pot saucer with
water and placed it on top of the
When the warm weather came, the
birds used this bath so much that the
water had to be changed several times
a day! ,But the pleasure of watching
the different birds. that Came to the
garden to quench their thirst and
splash about in the cool water more
thaxi compensated for the slight
trouble of filling the bath. The other
members of the child's family became
as much interested in their feathery
friends as the little inasen who had
built the bath, and the practical father
observed with satisfaction that his
fruit trees Were less •attractive to the
• Some of the other children in the
neighborhood became anxious to be-
friend the birds and one of the best
results of their new intereet was that
the small boys were less temptee to
rob nests for the sake of collecting
eggs, which were perfectly useless to
them, and they became more interest-
ed to care for the mother birds ia the,
nesting season and to protect thelr
young, for all the children had be-
come anxious to have as many bird
neighbors as possible frequent, their
•gardens. •
• One of the small boys was an only
child whose hobby had been the col-
lecting of minerals and quartz. •He
decided to make a practical use of
leis most treasured posSassion, four
hexagonal blocks which had been
brought to him from the Giant's Cause-
way. With his father's help he piled
these heavy blocks of basalt one on
top of another and made a perfect
column about two and a half feet high.
On top of it he kept a large brown
flower -pot saucer filled with water;
thus the use of what had been a
souvenir of questionable worth helped
to make • a refreshing bath for the
birds and added a real ornament to
his mother's garden. • And what is
more important, his parents were
pleased to observe that the chilcVs old
desire to collect and possess mineral
specimens was becoming secondary to
an active, sympathetic interest in the
beautiful little living creatures that
enjoyed coining to the garden; and
deeper love and greater consideration
for all dependent creatures became
evident. Thus the tender, cherishing
instinct was developed in several
children through a little girl's interest:
in. the fare of robins!
The Children's Hour.
There was once a wise Indian chief
who had a brave little son. The boy
was loved by all the people of the
tribe. The little brothers of the wood
stopped often to play with him, and
the birds sang their best songs to
him. He had a kind heart, and he
loved to make everything happy.
Best of all he loved a certain, little
brown bird that had a tiny nest built
high up in a tree and lined with the
softest down from fuzzy cat -tails.
The 'bird was smaller than other birds,
and it could not sing; lout all clay
long it stayed near the little son of
the chief. The Indian boy had an idea
that its - wings Triode music, aria so
he ealled it, "The bird with. the sweet
wing song." •
One clay the wise chief had to send
a message to afar -away chief. The
message was that the Green Corn
Moon was now in the sky, and so it
was, tine to give a feast and thalik
the Great 'Spirit for all the fruit and
grain that the harvest had brought.
Would :his friend come to the feast?
the wise chief wondered.
The wise chief called the little chief
to him and saki, "You must take a
message to My friend who is far
away. Twice the sun will set and
twice it will rise before you reach
hirn. But the trail is plain; the little
brothers of the wood will play with
you; the birds will sing to you; the
Moon Mother and the stars will guard
you; and all night long the little
Stara -with -Wings will give you light.
Go, my son, and prove that you are
the heave eon of a brave chief."
So the little chief started. Over his
head the bird with the sweet wing
song went gayly flying.- All through
the day the boy journeyed. Whenever
he stopped. to rest and to eat berries
the little brothers of the wood came
stealing out to play with him. That
night he slept safe and sound in the
friendly wood. The west wind sang
him to sleep, and the Stars -with -
Wings stayed near to give him light.
When he came to the edge of the
wood he found two trails. One led to
the chief who was the friend of his
father; the other led far away to a
chief who never took the trouble to
thank the Great Spirit for the har-
vest. The little Indian boy could not
tell which way to go.
He :stood still for a while, thinking,.
Presently he said, "Go, my bird with
the sweet wing song, and find the
trail to the friendly chief."
The bird flew off; in a moment or
two it was out of sight. All through
the day the little thief waited, 'and all
through the night At last, just as
the Moon Mother was putting the
'stars to 'sleep under the white -cloud
blankets, the tiny bird came back. For
a long time the birdd and the boy 'talk-
ed together; then they took the teal
to the far -away chief. It was a long
way to travel, but the boy did not
mind, because he knew he was on the
right trail. The chief .was glad to
see the little son of his friend, and
he promised to come to the feast.
Afterwards the two companions set
out for their own lodge fire—the little
bird leaddag the way. When they
reached the -end of the home trail all
the braves eame, eut to meet them.
As they led the boy back to camp the
little bird, 'swift on his little brown
wings, flew' above 'them. The , wise.
chief was proud of his brave -little .
son, for the bay had aho-wn, that some
day he, too, woukl be a wise chief,
able to lead his people.
The boy told his father that the
bird had helped him find the way.
"0 wise ,chief, my father," he said,
"the little bird is very plain, as you
see. Let nee show my love for him
by giving him a wonderful suit of
The chief was glad t� reward his
son, and the boy eet to work at owe.
He gathered some flowers and
grasses that were growing neae at
hand, and pressed the color 'from.
them. Than with the yellow and
orange and red that came from the
flowers and the green that came from
the grasses he painted the sober Coat
of the little brown bird.
How beautiful the new suit was!
Ali the other birds were envious. As
for the bird with the sweet wing .song;
he was so proud that he flew happily
sound the little son of the chief,and
louder arid clearer than ever he made
a humenin,g sound with his little
wings. Fie= that time on be hum-
med :constantly. Because of the music
that he made with his wings he came
in time to he called the humming bird.
If the roses or other plants beeorne
infested with plant lice, dust the at-
tacked portions with pyrethrum pow-
der, coating the insects in the opera-
tion. Tobacco dust is good also.
• The outlook is for continued
low prices. •Ship your lot
now and get spot cash. You
will be treated right.
Wm. Stone Sons, Limited
•Established 1870.
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