HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-30, Page 1Vol. XX I No 52 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 80, 19 21. Chester L. Smith, Publisher $L25 a Year in Advance sere IN Altith:M h, 412 ALAN Bri OX#A731GRa You know the lightness and comfort' cf Fleet -Foot shoes on Bowling green, Tennis Courts, etc. You get into your Fleet -foot just as you clip. on flannels or white ducks, Why not wear Fleet, Foot all day, right through the summer and enjoy ease, and com- fort, We have them for Men, Women and Children. Also a full line of white canvass, Oxfords, Ties, and Pumps. Call and see our display and get our prices. W. H. P'FILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS.' 49.0 �A. D pppd�da44004444P044d4P400�p000��4 IG SU 1 ,.;-00r— f,.1'/Clay, is July 1st, and a pub- ui holiday Mr. anclr, 3lMrs. Wm: O':Brien and Miss. W. C; Callfas were at Exeter 04 Sunday. and Mrs. Frank Bossenberry of Kitchener visited relatives in this vicinity the past week. ' H. 13. Happel of Kitcheeer, visiting at the horse of herpar- e?ts, Mr. and, Mrs. A. Heideman. Dr. and Mrs. Wes. Sehelog of Detroit and Mrs. Geo. Gram of ldensall, called in the village one day last week. m In order to clear up our entire Stock of Spring o� and Sumer Goode we have deeided to put on a week Clearing Sale. You know when we put on a sale it is 0 genuine, and this sale will show greater bargains than ,4 ever before. The sale will begin Saturday morning, o June 25th for one week only. -So be sure to call and get your share of the snaps that are going. p, House . Dresses .. • ladies' House dresses made of nice dark navy prints in sizes 36 and 38, to clear at only.-_ $1.50 Another lot good dark patterns large size, to clear each .._ _._$1.85 Plain Butcher blue Chambry dress with belt and trimmed with white braid, Sale Price... $2.00 A line of Girl's Linen Coats for .summer wear, sizes 2, 4, 6, 8,' years, Reg. 1.50, Sale Price 50c MIDDY BLOUSES We have a large stock of Womens and Childrens Middy blouses in plain white and white with color- ed sailor collars, also tan trimmed with blue and red with both long and short sieves in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Reg. 2.50 Sale Pried -_- ___ $1;50 Reg. 2.00, Sale Price -__ ._. $1.25 Reg. 1.75 Sale Price __. _ 1.00 Reg. 1.50, Sale Price _-. __- $1.00 Reg. 1.25, Sale Price __, .__ _.-75c Reg. 1.00, Sale Price' _-_ _ -_.65e Middiesi all short sleeves in sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. 16 years. Reg. 1.50, Sale Price .__ .__ $1.00 Reg. 1.25 Sale Price _._ ... __.75c Reg. 1.00, Sale Price ... ... 65c Reg. 75e• and 90e, Sale ___ _..50e Reg. 50c., Sale Pricey _._ .__ _.:35c SUMMER HOSE u>.4,•rlt'o,h1-.• of Lad. -acid Chit Hose -in bik col. go at big reduction Ladies' Art Silk Hose in Blk. and white, reg. 85e sale 3pr. $1.25 Ladies' Lisle in Blk. and brown Reg. $1, sale pricey 3 for $1.40' Lad. cotton plain blk,wht. at 25e Ladies' Venus Silk hose, the best silk Hose on the market in bik, brown, navy, a pair $1.50 Good quality silk hose, blk.,navy and white, .reg. 1.50, Sale 75c A larg stock of ,Childrens fine Ribbs, at a pair ... ___ ___ 25c L GROCERIES • Red -Path gran sugar, 1001bs $9.93 Cornflakes per box ... .. _ __.10e Roasted Coffee, 5 lbs for _ ..:$1.00 7 bars Laundry soap, and one box Rinso free, for ... .__ ...50c . 6 lbs. Oatmeal for _-_ .._ __- 25c Rice best quality 31bs. for __- ._25e. - Caustic Soda per tin' ... ... 85c Yeast cake per box ... ... -__ .._5c STAPLES • Fine blech. cotton 36 -in at .._ 15e Fine Grey cottons at ..: Oc Stand. shirting btu, bik, stip. 35e Good line of blu, bik, str. for 25c Steel clad Galateas to clear at 25e Good prints, It. patterns for ...20c " dark patterns for 25e-- Best 5c "'Best indigo and butcher blu, __.30c. Hats! Hats! ats! Mr, and Mrs. Theo. McAdams and fan]ily of the Bronson Line sp- era the week -end with relatives and friends in London. ' 'Tr. and. Mrs. J. W. Horner of the Ilt,h con., returned from a two *ales visit with friends in Mlhc- reap. While there Mr, Horner leadthe misfortune to fall and bleak his right arias between the eihOw and the hand. The frac- , e is healing nicely. NO -HERALD NEXT WEEK. As has been the custom, of the Herald staff to holiday the first Week in July, we will again ob_erve it this way next week. We do not intend to go far from home so that out.. job department will not be kissed-. This is the twenty-second. milestone of our weekly, and we have reasons 'L o feel proud - of the flourishing condition that we n., awntain. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS SUMMER HATS, CONSISTING OF PANAMAS, IN SAILOR, AND Q' FEDORA SHAPES; AND STRAW, SAILORS GO ON SALE AT HALF w n PRICE.' Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's and Boy's Straw Sailors Reg. 2.00, Sale Price) ...$1.00 Men's and Boy's Straw Sailors Reg. 1.00, Sale Price ... .__ -__50c Men's and Boy's Straw Sailors Reg: 75c. Sale Price _ -.- .. 38e Q A. Job lot of Sailors and snap rim at each ........... ...... _ _.- 25e Children's hats for small boys and girls all gat Half Price. Good heavy blk and white stripework shirts for men all sizes, 95e Good Heavy Blue Chambry Boy's shirts, 'Special _. '_,.._,. 75c Boy's Blue strip Overalls with bi&bb, Sale Price ___ 95c Youth's heavy c1u11. bine stripebibb, and plain bik, large sizes $1.65 Men's Blue stripe Bibb, good heavy quality Sale P'anamas Panamas Pau am Panamas and Boy's and Boy's R l p ce $� 0) Sale P'i.ca $2,00 eguar ri , •i Regular price $3:75, Sale Price --_ _._ -_. _. $1.88 . P Regular price $3.50, Sale Price -- ___ $1,75 Regular pace $2.75, Sale Price :_-_ - - _-:$1.38 ' Straw Sailors'Reg. $3.50, Sale Prices :_-�.-_ __. $L75 0 Straw Sailors Reg. 3.00, Sale Price ..- ___ .__ $1„50 'hone 59 FETE . -. ✓,. ✓,- n r. /�'�: . "7. r^..,4.. 9' `y1 ?'!,'`6?r `e, Produce Wanted OM1? ,✓l' . e? epee "Fc f7., + /y : , 4'74,04.G' •, G +: -',,:,•w. •- '- Vii `�4 SUNSETI ` CAMP Registrations. are now Being Re= j e ived for' The Boy's Workvas Irrain,ng;, Can +fi y, ''' aJ 1C '.Wixw.w� •'^,".'-s•+�.M .- .:: Registrations are being receil- ed..by`';W.`N. Meikle, Sec. of the Sunset ,f°Training Camp Committee Bex 537, Goderich, Ont..; for this summer training camp for boy's work leaders and prospective le- aders, . which will be held at Point Farm, near Goderich. Point Farm has an unrivalled. bathing beach and ample grounds for any game, fact,, it would be hard to im- aginea more ideal spot for the camp than] just the spot selected The ' camp is intended for Sun- day ?School Superintendents, tea- chers' and leaders of boy's classes, lovers of boys .who want to learn something of a boy's' nature and methods of character building; and also for boys, aver 17 years of ag; who_may want to learn how to become Trail Rangers or Tuxis leaders. This is one, of the Ont- ario Summer Trading Camps, and is promoted by a co-operative committee in alliliation with the Ontario Boy's We Board, com- posed of representatives of the Protestant communions of On`aro, the Ontario Religious Educational Counleil orf. the Y. M. C. A., and is designed to serve the counties of Huron, Perth and the southern part of Bruce. This will be a real camping ex- perience, combined with,pr'ictical demonstrations of how to conduct Boy's Organization Classes along the lines of the Canadian Stand- ard Efficiency- Training program, and features of the camp will be ;Bible study, methods of boys' ijvork athetios, agatuics, hikes, ga- apes, lecture., campfires, sing -songs learning how to do by doing. There will be a staff of er iicnet leaders -for instructional and sup- ervi.3ory work; in addition to the following camp leaders, , Rev. S. S. Hardy, Go 1 Wr:eh, Anglican repres- entative and camp director; Rev. T. Atkins, Parry Sound Baplist representative; Rev. T. Bole, Til- sonburg, Methodist rep.; Bev. W. R. M ernta h, Lo'e-loa Presbyter'a.n representative; Rev. W. D. Flet- cher.,' Toronto, National Boy's Work:T3oar. d. The dates of the camp are from July 4th to 11.th, 192,1, and the fee is $2 for registration, and *7 - for board and tent lodging. Regis- ter today, `bt'y sending in your ap- plication to Mr. Meikle, Goderich. Arra',igemente will be made to arse et you at the train and convey you to the camp, QtI1 ;6/.* 7,7;/ f#r /1 "SME .4.. �� a1 til ilt F.773=-7777 //%�� /�/ /. ff 1 1 a Community Plate SILVERWARE Most suitable for Wed- ding Gifts, etc. Latest Adam and Grosvenor designs. W. G. HESS I�1 JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 111 1855 THE OLS S BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The cost of living'is falling, iso the price of food stuff, This necessitates increased production, Produce more and deposit your surplus iza The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call anct yet be earning interest. Wpm W. B. COL LES Manager Zurich Branch tee Va.emOoa eaeo*4*100®*40oe. i< 44.4,e+o.4 1••44.4.4 .4e.e,e,edse 0 4 a 4 4. 4. A 0 a 9 P 4 4. 4. 0 4. 4. 4. 4.34 4. 4. Th 4L 4. 4. .4 4. Your Hose Requirements We are offering • the following seasonable Horse requirements at greatly reduced prices: HORSE "BLANKETS; RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS,: HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC.' SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS A.,T A BIG R EDUCTION. 4 We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single • • harness, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTYEL., FRED THI.. - ZURI 040. 44- 4441' 4,4404++++4444+4.4.++++4 f -1•44+�F�ya- a -1''' ` Shoe For one week only, commencing on Saturday, July 2nd, ending July 9th Wonderful reductions in alllines of Footwear at our Zurich Branch Canvass and Summer Footwe .yr, prices Slashed to pieces SEE :BILLS FOR COMPLETE P UkTICULARS C. FRITZ & SON OE MERCHANTS ®ASHWooD .. e..4.J ++ 1s +4.4 4. 4 - ,l„ 4.444.4et"ti etee R 44+4: + +-i'': +++" + II".44-e-e eeia la'4� a , ZURICH 4. 4 41, 4 4 4 4 4. 4. ÷--- CASTOR1A For Infants and Children In Use For Over3OYeares (� sways gars seeeeereec 4,44 ° »asci j .,u 4. 4.— • PREWAR PRICES THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE PRE- WAR PRICES ON A GREAT MANY OF THE LINE; WE CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. AND GROCERIES. We have 0 good shirting at 35 cants per yard, A good Denine at 50 cents per yard. A good Denine for boys suits at 50 cents per ya Cottons at 15 cents per yard enol upwards, Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards, Men's Shirts were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.25: Men's Overalls, per pair from $1,25 to $2.00 AND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACcO:BD- INGLY, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND ,SEE FOR YOURSEG')! TER BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. Fresh Groceries fiti,VnYr . St ao ISA R. M....r 1" ---;'HONE: II 97