Zurich Herald, 1921-06-23, Page 5Thursday, ,Tune, 2brd, 1921, S14ESS CARW'W " Pruutlieet, 1C:1llOrarr & HOLMES, Bare/elms, So1ieitors, Notarlea, Ltc, Office on the Srival P, 2nd dour ir.�om Hemllton St, God- erich. sod er'ich. Private.. funds: to .lo,ae ,at ..lowest rates.' W, Proud:foot, K.C. J. L, Killoran D. E, Holmes. Mr. Holmes . will be in Hensel]. on Friday of each week, ;ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conve'yai Bing, 1'1~ire and Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office, Zurich. ;........ "FUS? YQTY4t ., Want , p�For Sa�o,, Lost, Found,YM o'tk. e, Etc. Ads,' IN TI•IIS COLUMN NOTICE IThe Watkins 'Retailer is working in this district with a full line of : the old reliable Watkins products I and will call on you.—Wm. Andrew Salesman, Exeter, phone 43. i � FOR SALE An Oliver Riding plow, also a scuffler, both are se i-1h.,r1 _T Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST AtEURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY WAIN OFFICE - HEN 1.LL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co - linty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- gee moderate. Satisfaction guar- rrnteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been paced in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. O. Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me'. a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 1 , 1 ig Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc '.Highest Cash Price for Wool!' CASH FOR SKINS 8c HIDES 7't.Ylgbiut &0Reichert NOTICE laI have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensedchauffeur and • have an auto. -ror Lire. Anything,,.aone .in tkaetea 46-tf. GEO. J, 'THIELZurich. ing line Phone 58 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 (Meek p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning When brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR-- Cream and Eggs W: O'Brien Phoine 94. Zurich We are now open for all kinds of Bicycle Repairing. No Job too big; No Job too small. Also Agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Call. O'BRIEN & WALPER Office and Shop, first building south' of Waiper House. tf-40 COAL SPRING AND SUUMMER DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season which has almost ended, we have 1 een able to render the consuming public of Zurich and vicinity, a fuel service which, the think, has not been equaled in any other part of the country. We will again during the coming season give of our best services in solving your fuel problems and subject to the .usual conditions governing prices and deliveries, • We, are glad to announce we are again booking orders at the old stand where we are still doing bus- iness, enjoying the calumny of our enemies and the adulations of our friends, strongly fortified in our Itepje enjoying the eventualities of the fight. --Terme Cash. Phone -hoose 10W. • Office 1.0.1 w' 111/frV YQ�id�iYi.i )COAL & PRODHCE MERCHANT ' r -c `" S.ALL G A•T A. Prang, Zurich, tf51 FOUND In Zurich on May, 24th a ladies' green color coat. Finder can have same at Herald Office by paying this adv. FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9-h.p. Lister gas- olene engine. For further part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, 131ake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 FOR QUICK SALE About 250,000 of good bricks at second hand brick prices. Price $8 per thousand on premises. A salesman will be on premises at Midland Wrecking Co., St.Joseph ST. JOSEPH, Terniu Cash. NOTICE Take notice that any r'e'son fo- und dumping rubbish or tin cans, etc., on the Township roads will be prosecuted. By Order, A. F. Hess, Clerk of Hay Township FOUND On the Sauble Line near St. Joseph, a man's rain coat. Own- er can have same from Mr. Frank Jeffrey by paying for this adv. We have in stock Primisory Note Book blanks, 25 to the book, also a quantity of vest pocket receipt book blanks, for sale. Herald Office. FARM FOR SALE A. choice farm) consisting of 100 acres, for sale. There is on the premises a large bank barn 80x50 feet, silo, pig pen, hen house a rad drive shed, also a good supply of, water, a comfortable frame house iieeterl.,Rbyelutriare. -;> A.bout'504a"ties' m crop, 7 acre' of fall wheat, 5 acre beans, 5 acres cord. • Will 'sell with crop or without and im- mediate possession or in the fall. For fiirther particulars apply -en the premises, Lot 34, London Road, 1 mile north of Brucefield to Mr., Amos Cartright, Brucefield. -50 FARM FOR SALE In St-n'ey Towns'k're consist•rig pf 100 acres of good land, Lot 24, con., 12, l% miles! from Bayfieldr,e' There is; on the premises a good frame house, bank barn, goo'dl stables, ot;chard, two hard wat{e' wells, about five acres of bush Will be sold on easy terms. Pos4 session giefen at /noddle, of Octob er. For furthler particulars ap u ply to Margaret Campbell or W. Delgaty, Bayfield, 1920 • t4 Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the �,,,e London Life Incurarice Co. Head Office; London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period , An unparelled Reward. C. A. Hoffman, Agent New -Garage I have opened up a Garage for overhauling cars and general Aut- omobile attention and repair work. In the rear of the Massey -Harris Implement shop, at the old Garage stand, GRNUINE FORD PARTS Motor and Transmission. A specialty SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES OHLERT LOCAL NE Zhr�RlfI3 HER ALD Mrs, W. L. Siebert is o the week at Detroit, ef. 1i:. c% Press spent(a few days at Detroit last weep, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster ?spent Sunday at Listowell. Mr. Eldon Snell of Detroit visiting with his parents here, Miss Roxie Silber visited f e-' ends at Monkton on Sunday. Miss V. Seibert took tn' the Greyhound excursion to Detroit last week. Mr, and Mrs, Herb: Bloch of Sea - forth, spent Sunday with relati- ves here. i `;1, 1 s Mr. and Mrs. Tl. Gettus bridal couple,1 eft for Detroit on Tues- day morning. Mr. John Schluchter, whho' Lad' been visiting down east, returned to this vicinity on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Knechtel and family of Kitchener visited at the homes of J. Preeter and W L. Siebert over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bosnell and °fain-. ily of Goderich, visited at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Leno Kipper, ov- er the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo;, Lilley of Sea forth and Miss Mae Forsyth, nurse of a Toronto Hospital, called in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont of Stanley, and Mr. W. Braun, of the village motored to London on Sunday. Miss •Margaret Lamont, who had a position in that city for some time, and who is on the sick list, returned home' with them. Mr. and Mra. Nich. Kennel, who had been visiting at Baden for some time, returned home on Mon ` day. Mr. John Gingerich of St- anley, hwo had also been visiting down east, and Miss Nancy Gin- gerich hwo had been for a couple of months at Petersburg, returned with them. ..-At the recent annual meeting (4. the W. C. T U. the following ofe fivers were elected ;—Pres., Mrs. Carrie Heyrock; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Care of Weanlings v.tid the Flock Generally, hpecbal Alteration Vays -- Frequent Change of Posture Beneficial -..-- How to 't 'servo the Fertility of !Manure. (Contributed by Ontario Department et Agricultee% Toronto.) - For best results lambs sbftuid be weaned at between four and live months, It has been found that under conditions prevailing during the hot dry months of rnid•summer the ewes will drop off considerably in their milk flow. The lambs receive comparatively little nourishment, and it is better for both ewe and lamb for them to be separated. When the lambs are removed from the ewes they will miss little the small amount of milk they would receive, and will soon learn to depend upon pasture. They should receive the very best pasture available. Nothing fits in better than a patch of rape sown at the proper time, so as to be ready for pasture when the lambs are weaned. Care should be exereised in turning the lambs on the fresh rape to avoid bloatini and probable death. Turn them in during the mid- dle of the day when the rape leaves are absolutely dry and allow them to become accustomed to the change. A field of grass adjoining the rape pasture will give better results than the rape alone. If no rape is avail- able fresh clover seeding or second growth clover will give satisfactory results. In addition to pasture a feed of grain once a day will push the lambs along to a good finish. At no time should it be necessary to feed over one=half pound of .grain per day to each lamb while on pasture. Frequent change of pasture is beneficial to, and relished by, all classes of stock, and this applies with special emphasis to the case of sheep. It is true for two reasons. Sheep are subject to parasitic dis- eases which may be prevented to a large extent by not pasturing on any one area for too great a length of time. In addition to this they are possibly more fastidious about their food than are some other farm ani- mals. It is not practicable on every farm to arrange for a succession of pastures during the grazing season. However, the same area will sustain considerable more sheep if (Rev.) MeM er, Cor. -Sec. Miss May- arrangement is feasible. Ryesuch me Lamont, Rex -See., Miss Elva early in the fall furnishes a good de an wn al of pasture in the late fall and early spring. After the rye Is eaten off in the spring rape may be sown, on Heyrock; Treasurer, Mrs. , Lydia Geiger, Pianist and Chorister,Miss Elizabeth Rennie. Following are the appointed Superintendents of •this land and will come along for Departments.—Evangelistic, Mrs,.',' .r d cloverre in June satisfactory July.Alfalfa and (Rev.) Meyer; Systematic giving, red are pasture crops and will: serve until the rape Mrs, L. Geiger; Temperance in -;,:Q.,, es ready. An annual pasture consist - Schools, Mrs. J. Heyes chic rf lit;p , stee fi r one,:bush:al„.eaeh-.of;;wheat;. oats, Mrs;" • W.. SieUert; Press; Mrs. A`,' .and barley together with eight Meliek • Parlor meetings,, Mrs. HO; pounds of red clover provides a good 'man;• Mips. Fritz, Mrs. O'Brien; :pasture for the early summer Miss Annh Hess, Miss Pearl Wmtz, Anti Narcotics, Miss Olive O'Brien; months,intheautu, andmthenwcloverillgive cominganice along pfck- Moral Education and Mother's me- ing, This annual pasture may be etings, Mrs. Carrie Heyrock. sown any time early in May. With- out a great deal of additional labor A, , . '' 'IFYYMENIAL' '"" ,, fit is possible to have a succession of A very quiet, but pretty wedding y fthepentire seasorady for n ee dinP throughoutSackville, was solemnized at the home of Cd: A. College, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Kipfer, Parr Line, Hay, on Wednesday, June 15, Ts Preserve the Fertility of Manure. when their youngest daughter, 1I•n fresh manure the plant foo Miss Pearl, was united in the bonds materials are not in as available co of Matriimony to Mr. Jaaeb Ging- dition for growing plants as in wel , erich, Goshen Line south. Rets! ratated manure. In the, storing of C. Schrag Performed the ceremony rianure, however, to get it well rot - in -the presence of the immediate tell considerable losses of plant food relatives of the contracting par- ee nr unless the manure pile is pro - ties. They will reside on the fine peTly packed. farm of thegroom'sIf the quickest returns are not parents, Go-shen Line, where they have the hnwa' and ufoeowing the application thetheof best wishes of a large circle of manure to the soil, then the rcra- uigre may be added in the fresh con - friends. The Herald joins in con-, dition. If this is done in warm wea- gratulations. ,1• 'P'• tiler the manure should be ploughed Avery unique event was celebr- in as soon as possible after applica- tion. The total plant food materials 18th, at 9- naevi: in St. Junen_ present in the manure will thus be added to the soil where they will be Lutheran heureh. It being the prepared by the soil bacteria for use celebration of a double, matrimon- by the growing crops. - al event, when two daughters of The '/rain objections to putting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weseloh were fresh manure on the land are: First, nited in marriage. Miss Gertrude it is not always convenient to do so; to Mr. Thomas J. Gettus of. De- second, weed seeds may be numerous roit; and Miss Selma F. C., to 'in the fresh manure, consequently a u t Mr. William• Schroeder, son' of Mr; heavy weed crop may be expected; and Mrs. Jacob ,Shcroederof third, its action is not so rapid as in near Dashwood. -• The ceremony the case of well -rotted manure, but being publicly conducted in' the it is active over a longer period. church, hence a large number of Where manure is to be stored in witnessed the preceedings, which plies or pitsountil it is ripthenened, or g , until it is convenient to use, the were officiated by Rev. H. Rembe, greatest care is necessary to prevent pastor of the church, and also was losses of plant food materials from it. a form of showing the esteem the In the first place the bottom of the young people are held in. ' pile or pit should be impervious to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howald, on water so that leachings from the pile London, sister of the 'brides, as- will not occur. Second, it is well to listed both couples during thehave a layer of old well -rotted ma - ceremony, and while the signing pure at the bottom. Third, the ma - of the the register took place, Miss /lire as it is piled up should be well pre - Lilian Weseloh, sister of the brides vempaxted oro tramped downgto very ably sand "The End of a vent Fourth,excess It should from getting i into Perfect Day." Arta^ the signing,but t wt it ca keptomoist the happy couples returned to the more oparticularlystor horse omans ure, home of the brides' parents, leav- which is loose and comparatively dry. ing the church with: the strains of Unless this is kept well packed and "General Lee's Grand March" p1- moist, loss by fire fanging is certain. ayed very acceptable by Miss This is an oxidation process, or for- Pearl JOhn'ston, organist, where) a /notation, set going by certain species ery dainty repast Was partaken of bacteria in the manure, If cow or with, i , pig manure is available it should be The brides were both attired the ,nixed with the horse manure in the Lame their' haridsorne dress co/isle- pile, ands these are very wet and:envy ting of white Georgette, wearing pact wholewlgive a good consistency. the usual bridal vel, trimmed with to the mass. The rr t,n re eg t , to be,remenubered are: First, prevent orange blossoms and carrying a leaching; second, keep it well pack- coursage of Ophela Roses. The ed down and moist. --D. Il:, Jones, bridal couples left in! the evening O. A. College, Guelph. for a short honeymoon in eastern on' parts upon, their return, Mr. Alsilrb vCo+"er 1d most at home In and Mrs. Gettus will reside at De- northern latitudes' or at high alai- troit, white Mr. and Mrd. Schroeder tudelt. It thrives beet In e. cool, motet will reside on the( groom's fine cilraut*. fart/ near Dashwood, wherd they The le talIelt $Aire Sorra Soviet* 0 ►',; ?hone 101 have the best wishes of a large boo n tb. tiAC i' „cite or �y1disitlr ir•irW!^ of frie On. { I C i.11. *Q. i* MM S teas e ' vc 5IIarwmMouni on nuAI m n6lm� mauunominnammniumuuramou Uumnut TltePrpprietworPArontlfelicine. ,AiVe¢efablePteparatiafforAS ,srtnilrrtingttteroodbyl�l;ula Lingthe'Stornacbs andBcrveti ot?d ... bITA'NTS _'Cl 1Ll4y ITheretrypmmot;n tD gestin + ClteedulnessandRest.cen'a0; 1 Adler Oppi_unt,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT•NAIiiCOT11 AWL Senna IIA-Acik,rita 4nfses,''d Fe rt. , Sda ainrd' Wib priwifif.wr AhelpfutHemedyfor t. CbhstipafionanaDiatrhoe8. and Feverlsfdtess'and Loss OF SLEEP resatting1here3'to f f�'2 Facsimile For Infants and C ildrert, ". Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NLW YORK CITY. Massey -Harris • rrls Farm Maohinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known. Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm Engines and Tractors, and can supply your wants for the com- ing season--. They Nave Stood The Test They Have Es'ablished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRUAR, - Zurich s. New Overland 4 We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for one Year and find that it is easily the best riding and driving car on the road. COME ALONG AND LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. HONESTY IS OUR MOTTO READ NEXT WEEK'S AD FOE SPECLFICATIONS F. 0 CIA M. HESS & CO. - ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATIQN Overland ., Cars! Overlar d Cars PROTECTION .FOR- --AUTOMOBILE OWNERS INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE GAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE CA 1 1, 1; (I t. 1, t ; SEDABY U Fire and Transit Fire exiling from any cause whatsoever, anywhere in Canada or U. S., including explosion, self ignition and lightning. Theft THEFT, ROBBERY AND PILFERAGE Public Liability Against your legal liabilitiy for injuries or death { the use of your automobile. Collision caused by, Damage to your automobile as• al result of being in an accidental—a. collision with another object. .Per Property Damage Against ''your liability for damage topro ert of "T Rates very reasonable. Get rates on any of above classes `r ironw,l (Andrew F. Hess, Zurich K. t