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Zurich Herald, 1921-06-16, Page 5
.i.,WNW41 WK hal+ko.d.,.'N*.4I,14/4000/#*0#1110lmml7Nll.16010100FiiY ;�,k i.Tl �' N.M fv,IN•%M.4 u u ...., ... ,.. .. Thursday, June 16th, 1921 .E"J5I iESS CARDS . Pro udfoot, Killoran & HOLMES, lierristcri;, Sulic•;tcirs,. !*Iotaslea, Pill li ., Etc. Office on the Sgixiu e,, end coon irony Hamilton 3t Ct,d- Wich, .i•-rivate funds to 1oai.n at - lowest vales. W, 1'Xoudfoot,K.C. J. L, Killoran D. Ia B;oinms,. Mr, Holmes will be in Hensel). on [ i,iday of each Week, • m 4'Nnae,waonw..rrev+N+ s....4F+Nawmsro.M'.M.Vnw ,ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public Com missiosaer, Conveyancing, (Fire and Lite Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust I Co, 'Herald Office, Zurich, Dr. E. S. Hardie �,e DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASR'WOOD EVERY -THURSDAY MAIN OFF'IC1 _ - HEN° JLL, OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- linty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. , Several fine farms have been plaeed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. O. Phone 18 -93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out. Auctioneer' , License for the County of Huron Ind am in a position to conduct , any kind of Auction Sale. Give mei a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13i. %Zurich mere MARKET , , Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price ft or Wooll I CASH FOR SKINS & II1DEa r12, 'i at, i�1l14' k'd ,. '" '� 'a 1 De:o�.t _a...,a NOTICE i IAs I have recently purchased the t livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this .line, Am also. a licensed Chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46 tf. GEO. J. THIEL Phone 53 Zurich. I _LIVE POU L'T R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.ra. Do not feed fowl same morning e when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH °FOR-- Cream and Eggs.. „ W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich o v I AY^ri 1 kinds No Job of tf-40 . rk ,, \.! Y iii We are now open for a o; Bicycle Repairing. too big; No Job too small. Also Agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes Bicycles. Give us a Call. O'BRIEN & WALPER Office and Shop, first building south of Walper House. SPRING' AND SUUMMEP. DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season which has almost ended, we have .been able to render the consuming public of Zurich and vicinity, a fuel service which, we think, has not been equaled in any other part of the country. We will again during the coming season give of our best services in solving your fuel ;problems' and subject to the usual conditions governing prices and deliveries. We, are glad to• announce we are. again booking orders at the old stand where we are still doing bus- iness, enjoying the calumny of our enemies and the adulatioils of our friends, strongly fortified in our Kopje enjoying the eventualities , of the fighteeTerme Cash. Phone -House '10W. Office . 10J T..�.._ Cariteora. COAL & PRODUCE 1VIERCEANT ZURICH EF ALD' PUT 'YOUR Wants, Its, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN TII S C01.,VMk�T IC NOT E The \Watkins Retailer.is working. in this district 'with a -hill line of. old reliable Watkins products and will call on'you,-Wm; Andrew Salesman, Pieter, pnone 43. FOUND In Zurich on May, 24th a ladies' green co:oa' coat, Finder can have seine at Herald Office by paying this adv. FOR SALE THRESHING • MAOHINE, ETC, Consisting of one -Sawyer-Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9-h.p. Lister gds- oiene engine. For further part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, '.;lake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 FOR QUICK SALE About 250,000 of good bricks at second hand brick prices. Price $8 per thousand on premises. A salesman will be on premises at Midland Wrecking Co., St.Joseph T. JOSEPH, Terme, Cash. FOR SALE Fine residential Property • in Zurich owned by estate of late H. Schnell,econsisting of Com ortable brie kdwelling, frame st- ble and one acre of land. Nic- ly located and in good repair. or further particulars apply to hs. J. H. Schnell, Henry Stein- ach or A. F. Hess, Executors 47-3 NOTICE -Take notice that any 1;e sonfo- rnd clumping rubbish or tin cans, tc., on the Township roads will be prosecuted: • By Order, A. F. Hess, Clerk of Hay Township FOUND On the Sauble Line near St. oseph, a man's rain coat Own - r can have same.from Mr.Frank effrey by paying for this' adv. LOST Two logging chains. between 14th on. and near Drysdale. Finder gave at_ Herald Office . or notify, onrad C. .Sehilbe, 15th :coda. Hay. 1 . 2 0 i4 Year: Of • _NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT. for the London Life Incurance Co. Office; -, London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During' War Period Maintained through Epidemic see , 'Period Continued in high cost period , n unparelled Reward. C. A. Hoffman, Agent New -Garage I have opened up a. Garage for verhauling cars and general Ant - mobile attention and repair work. T. the rear of the Massey -Harris tnplement shop, at -the old Garage stand. Motor and Transmission A Specialty SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES R. OHLERT GIVE US A CALL Phone 101 INSURE YOUR DAMAGE PROPERTY AGAINST BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO, Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid ,$lift 000 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000.. Rate 45 dents per $100 ofr 3 .years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Ain also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHIN'TN FIRE INSURANCE 7..1'4 SAL"- i'; ; i:.l I,'.`.ii 1.\ 1.1.3'li , IS '3 RODS LOCAL NEWS Let's all attend the picnic oil Friday, Mrs, ' H. Gellmanis visiting ro- !selves at London. Mr, Will, Braun spent the week- end at London. • Father Stroeder was in London on Tuesday. Miss Lila Meliek of : Brueefield, spentSunday at her home here. Mr. Jim, Carlin of Seaforth eel, led •in •the vil'lagel on Saturday. • Mr rm. Lainont is visiting fri- ends and relatives in Michigan. Our team of soft ball played at Dashwood and won score 49-44. Mrs Frank Uttley of Seaforth is spending the week at his home here, Mr. Herb. Mousseau was a bus- iness visitor to London on Thurs- day last. Mr: S. E. Faust of Goderieh• cal- led in the village! on Monday ev- ening. c Mrs. A. Egn'aw and;sister,. of Clinton, are visiting with Mrs. A,. G. Ehnes. • t. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ohlert, Messrs. A. Henning and A. Siebert spent the week -end at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. 'A.. Melick and Miss Ethel Williams were at London last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rau, (Briday Couple) left for Detroit on Wed- nesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. R Ohlert are tak- ing up rooms for housekeepingat the home of Mrs. L. Jeffrey. Mr. and. Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, visited the ,latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnson. over Sunday. Quite a number from the •vii- lege attended ;the Strawberry Social at Dashwood on Tuesday evening: Mrs. L. Geiger and Mrs. C. Hey- rock, Misses 'Elva Heyrock • and Newell Geiger were visitors to Goderieh on Sunday. A few carloads of the villagemot ored to Goderieh on Monday ev- ening and . took in the moonlight exeurtion on 1 the _Greyhound. Clinton ball team plays at Zur- ich this Thursday eve. at 5.30 o'- clock. They say they will wing lets all go and see them db it. • A. girl encourages. a young man to stay out late during courtship and then kicks because he keepe it up after marriage.. The choir of St. Peter's Luth- ei:an church, . motored to Kitchener Wednesday to attend special se glees in the Lutheran &Tear at that place. Mr. J. Hey, Sr., and Mr. • Hy. Flaxboard. both of the east end of the village, have greatly im- proved the appearance of their dwellings, with a new coat of e paint. ' While loading gravel at thepit on his farm in Tuckersmith, on Monday, Pair. Henry Volland slip- ped and suffered a fracture of the leg. We sympathize with Mr. Vol - land ' with his mfs ortune'"and hope for a speedy recovery. The strawberry social held on the lawn of the Lutheran parsonage on !Monday evening was in every -way a decided success, although the 'weather was cool, the attendance was all that was expected and the eatables were abundant and of the very best. AUDITOR'S REPORT ' HYDRO ELECTRIC DEPARTM- ENT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ZURICH ' January 1st, 1921, EARNINGS Domestic light ... 881.70 Commercial Light es 991.52 Commercial Power ... 2773.80 Street Light, ordinary .. 1080.00. 'Total $5727.02 EXPENSES i - Power purchased, minus H.E.P.C. Surplus 3424,54 Distribution System oper- ation and Maintenance 9.70 St,& light Op., maintenance' 81.79 Gen. office salaries, exp'. 312.20 Interest and fixed charges 312.11 Total Expenses • $4140.34 Gross Surplus.1586.68 Depr fciation Carge 262.00 Net Surplus $1324.78 ASSETS Dist. Sys. Overhead Line transformers. Meters i Street Light equipment Miscel. Construction Exp, Old plant 3639.76 1991.96 1047.41 395.77 273.30 150.00 Total Plant 6498.20 tank and Cash Balance 2474.77 H.E.P.C, operating acct. 1662,.50 Total Assets $10635.47 LIABILITIES ' i l Debenture .Balance 5422.07 RESERVES • Debentures Paid 169.54 Depreciation Reserve 732.00 Total Re erVes ( $901.54 Surplus r 4311.86 Tota ' ' l 1 ' $10,635,47 STANLEY TOWNSUII';, ,C<ixrfarmatiuxa eery ee 'will beheld. in the- Anglican church, Goshen on WIC) -lid. y Juno 2Oth at 10.30 a. in. The i6ie1iop and 'eevera.t clerj yinlan will bp present to ',take hart in the serv'ices, i3e j, L. Foster acid Mr. Ralph Sitapholaeoaa have returned home fiot'.Loticion whore they wore at- tending; Conferenee. Mr. Foster is ietuk'ned to .Muria circuit for an- other year. The Goshen Sunday School held their 'ainrttl picnic to Bayfield on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs,; J„ Tiplady of Clin- ton spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs: C. H. Keys. Mr. and Mrs, W. U. Stogdiil of Sutton and Mrs, Oscar Wright and family .of Kennelworth are visit ing at the honre' of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dawson;. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and daughter of Sask., are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 'Armstrong. We ;are sorry to .state that Mr. Eobt. Armstrong of Clinton, for- merly of Stanley, is not enjoying good health, and is again confined to his bed. We hope that he ;may soo dragain his visual health Mr. aid Mrs. John Bryne have re- tuaned;eto London after spending a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. ; W. Arnestrong. Miss •'Eliza Robinson who has spent the past three weeks at her home here, returns this week to her duties as nurae in Victoria Hos pital, • London. , l FARM FOR SALE A choice. farm consisting of 100 acres, for sale. There is on the premises' a large bank barn 80x56 feet, silo, pig pen, hen house and dir:-e shed,- alsoa good supply. of; 'water, a comfortable frame house heated. by furnace, About 50 acres in crop,. 7 acres of fall wheat, 5 acres beans, ;5 acres cord. Will sell with crop or without and im- mediate' possession or in the fall. For fieteli r particulars apply oe thy,. preinises, Lot 34, London Road, 1 mile north o•' Brucefield to Mr. Amos Cartright, Brucefieid. -50 • The 'Ontario Government is .a- bout to:11 yr tui enty-two mi I'o•r dollars more, and it is thus the debt of Ontario is going up by leaps and bounds. A number of the large borrowings of the past have nat yet been absori,ed i e - the buyers of bonds, and as a consequence it will be necessary.to go to the United States for the money, this costing the province Thousuxis of dollars extra owing to the Ipeerniron on American mon- ARE BROTHERS IN TREAGHERlt American Indian at His Worst, and the Hun, Shown to Have Qual- ities in Common. The German is not the originator of the "Kamerad" ruse, 2ecoriling to Rd IIouston, a farmer living uortu of Junction City, Kan„ who followed all uccounts of battles in tlie big war very closely. Mr. Houston says that the Indian was an adept "at crying "Iiainerad," in his oWn'tongue, of course, Jong be- fore the German empire was formed, and cites an experience of his own to prove it. Mr. IIouston' was a member of Troop G, Seventh cavalry, the -regi- ment commanded by the gallant 001. George Custer, for eight years. Un- der Captein Edgerly he went to the scene of the Pine Ridge troubles. The troops lined up to disarm a band of Indians that had given themselves up. They included the chief, Big Foot, and a large number of braves, as well as women and children. The captives were herded together and soldiers formed a hollow square around them. Batch Indian more his blanket `:draped over his shoulders, and, with.^arms folded across the chest in the customary Indian position, maii>tained a su,cai silence. It was known that a nuuabei of the Indians carrier! .guns, but no treachery was suspected. Suddenly, apparently without a given signal, one Indian opened fire on the surprised' troopers. Instantly all of the other braves followed suit, and even the Squaws and older chil- dren joined in the attack upon the soldiers. ' Little. Indian boys with sawed-off shotguns• taught until killed and the bailee was a bloody affair. It ended when there were no more Indians, be- cause the soidiex•s, angered at the trickery that had been shown, gave no quarter and the Indians asked for none. The following day the Seventh went to Drexel Mission, where another bat- tle took place. After 'tie Pine Ridge trouble had been stamped out, the regiment .returned to its station at Fort Riley, where, Mr. Houston con- tinued in . servibe'for a number of years. A Great Oak Tree. Z Audoben !lark, New Orleans, claims in, the Watiihington oak the largest tree of its species in the world. Its wide. spreading branches are festponed with tunical Sp_naialimeee e... page Fillet ,,.r..K:++rr,Mxn,w,nwxr lf1 8I1' )ln.i4 ‘i e te "Fletcher's Castoria is striotiy a remedy for Infants and Children.' Foods are specially propared for. babies, A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are .not interchangeable, It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the 'public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 ynrs has not proven.' Whatha 9. i :s Castoria is .a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 1t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.' For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and. Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a,,,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's ,k'riend. GENUINE fCASTO R IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY se rseas 1f ..0 1,e.'ji,• r.4:.4ri . F / :. te,. • assey-Harris chi a er We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Masseyof stns Farm Implements and Farm Engines aj d1r actors,and can supply your wants for the corn= ing.season They fav© Mom! The Test They have Eslahlished a Repaifafikn Give us a call Before,purchasing elsewhere J. RUE, - Zurich 411►s Overla et We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for one L) Year and find that it is easily the best riding and ,ee driving car on the road. COME ALONG AND LET US PROVE IT TO 'k OU. HONESTY IS OUR MOTTO :e- READ NEXT WEEK'S AD FOE SPECIFICATIONS 0 F. M. HESS a, Co. 0 CD ZURICH Cs) OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Cverlaa- d Cers EC TI =AUTOMOBILE OW ,E FS INSURE YOUR AUTOIVIO.BILE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE .CAU 111 ! (; t 1, 1. 1 1 8E0 BY Fire a n d Transit Fire arising from any cause whatsoever, anywhere in Canada or U. S., including explosion, self ignition and lightning. Theft THEFT, ROBBERY AND PILFERAGE Public Liability Against your legal liabilitiy for injuries or death caused by, 1 the use of your automobile. Collision Damage to your . automobile as al result of being in an aecidentaj collision 'with another object, Property Damage Against your liability for damage to property of others. Rates very reasonable. Get rates on any of above classes Andrew F. Hess, . . Zurich r1 ai 4 • .,