HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-09, Page 8sir iht • X RA VALIIES For a short time e We are offering.ecial � xira values! in all lines of merchandise 01� andlse and advise the need buyers y to come early and get first choice Prices greatly reduced on Summer Goods just when you are in need of there. Special Reductions on the following: FINE VOILES SILKS OF ,A -LL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINGRAMS LADIES' UNDERWEAR MENS' AND BOYS' SUUITS MEN'S PANAMA RATS MEN'S FELT HATS C IPS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS SOME LINES IN GROCERIES J. GASCHO & SIN Zurich's Gara:�.,.. Just received a shipment of Johnston's Clear -Ray Reflectors to clear at $1.50 We carry a c0mplete Stock of Tires Inbes, Accessories and Qenuino Ford Parts LLSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR FARTS b'OR VARIOUS AUTOS PnESTlismilOrmaiLIT Battery Sales and Service Station EXPERT BATTERY A•TTEN+TION ALSO CHARGING ,H'IRST CLASS REPAIRING ANY MAKE OF CAR A. SPECIALTY, 35ATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED H MousseauZur�.' ch PHONE No, 103, 71+7+ 4.+1~ti++i;+d+3++++f++A+ ++II++1++;++II++II^+3+++II+d++i+ : +++++++++++++++++++++++++;: Save the Surface • . 4. +II+ 4. + and you Save all: We have a full line of the Cel- ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- aining Paints, Enamels, Auto and Buggy faints, Turpentine, Ete. Aho a full line of common and Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New Perfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and Wider, Lawn Mowers Sc Do- ors and Hinges, Screen Dow ges, Window Screens, and Scr;:ening, Poultry Nett'ng, Fro ,t wire fencing, gates and Ste- eples, Etc. Garden and Farm Tools, fresh car of Bast St, Marys Portland Cement, just here; CComplete line of heavy and shelf hadrware always in stock, ' Orden taken for Gold MedalBirr+. der twine. Evetroughing and • PlUTthing and repairing of all kinds, • fSTAD.E , t PR 1E .aLo k Ready -to, -Wear Clothing Better Clothing For 'Fen GEN2IS FURNISHINGS IT DOES NOT PAY 1TQ BUY "CHEAP" CLOTHING. IT WILL NOT GIVE SATISFACTION, Y'OU NOT ONLY LOSE MONEY,- BUT •. ALSO THE SATISFACTION OF BEING WELL DRESSED. LET US DRESS YOU Up IN ONE OF OUR STYLISH, WELL- T.A.ILORE D "PALM BEACH' USUITS AND YOU WILL BE DRESSED FIT FOR ANY OCCAS-; FON. • Ordered ClothingAr, DEITOVE7 131103. Prod,uce ta.`��ea iia exchange f� Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Room II, for monthi of May, Jr. III; Helen Foster 85/, .4 nes Dietrihe 83, Mervyn Schwalm 79, Martha Heideman 78, Victoria, Deihcert 73, Alvin Gascho 65, Gl- adys Melliek:. 64, Rosaleen 61, Hazel Bedard 60, Franc rich 52, Marcella Farwell son Keller 40. Sr. II; --Dorothy Zettel 82, Vera Kalbfleisch 82, Clarence Farwell? Stella Callfas 77, Elzar Mous Willie Neeb 70, Laurence 68, Norman Fleischauer 67, Brenner 81, Russell Duchar Goldie Uttle.y 5 T L: Wur 2-b. A Si bar: it 1!.'Falan er 1:�• Atidersan Zurich r 0�2 000 000 2 R 6 g 3 Crediton 000 000 001--1 4 5, R. Ohlert had 10 strikeouts to hos credit, while Johnston, the Cr-. editors pitcher had 8, T. I,• urerus Wurm' made a. double play un-• is Diets assisted. Zurich team hacl six hits 51, Ar -.'and iCrediton four. JJ p Shorty' Cantelon EVENING, EX.R. GAr1TE $eau 3' J C. Chilton HowaId�A. Siebert el% Nopper Edward L. wV. Eaffman eti Armstrong me 60 A. Benning 1-b cA Fainoa ' .i-. O'Erien B Fahner Clay Roffman 2-b H.Fahner Cl F. 3-b. Johnston Braun . r -f Mott > r Callfas c -f Ciar. Roffman 1-1 M"a�'er ZuL ich Hanlon Crediton 203411 4 hllton •Q13 8rx4 pitched the first three innings and Henning :Finished and Iay, had 7 strikeouts to their . credit,, Rosa while the Crediton pitcher, No la - n Ra- per, had 5 strikeouts to his credit Frieda On1Y six innings were played. 486, Umpire -"Shorty" Cantelon a Ho, Goderich team lost at Stratford 35, I last Saturday afternoon, score 8'....0„ htvalm t Clinton and Crediton la +--3'+ p yid at Clinton oni Tuesday evening, isc- ore 2-4 in favor of Crediton. Stratford: plays at Crediton this Thursday evening. «The Goderich Signal says; - O" t ae Zu ich I3'erald claims that Benning of the Zurich tenth. are the strongest battery in this group. Zurihc will play in Goderich next Tuesday, hwen we shall find out whether the Herald is correct or not." Surely bro- ther Signal, you should know by this time, The Goderich, Pur;ty Flours cla imed they will 'grind' up the Zurich. team. Well, it looks like hard grinding! Our ball than has played sever! games this season and won them all,• Three were exhibition and tour league, • Middle II; -Willie:, Leiboid 81, Dennis Bedard 77, Ijfathieeen Wurn,f 76, Franey Kochem�s 66, FFloyd Fos- ter 56, Grace Koehler 53, Claire . • Melliek 48, Bruce ' Koehler 48, Mil fred Uttley 41, • 0. M. O'Brien, Teachers Room III, for month of 11 Jr. IV, (435-60°%); LIyunn 544, Lizzie Leiboid 521, Lylan der 520, May Sehwahnl 508, Deichert 503, John Kochems Edwin Gascho 476, Lulu Alb 471, Garnet Walper .452, Idell maid 445, Austin SchwaIml 4 an Yungblut 434, Gordon SA 123, 'Lida Callfas 308, Gilbert charme 242, , Sr. III;--Evelina Ducharme Mildred Geiger 531, Irene D 493, Leonard Prang 487, Rayi Fisher 486, Claude Meidinger Fenner 446th , Lu'elia RoeWer eichert Lhy Austin Bey 410, Ethel fess Wesley Callfas 381, Leonard W ner 371. Freda Ealbfleiseh, Teacher. SPORT NEWS 534„ ocher, pond 465, Br - 439, 396, ag- On Friday, Jun 3rd, it being a big celebration at Crediton, our baseball players and most of out; fans were at Crediton. An ex- hibition game was to be the morning played ie g, but owing; to the heavy 'fall of rain the night, thisyas prevlaye until a:;ter six 'o clock in thenot pea en ing. The afternoon Was eelebr.• ated by v-arious sports, after' Whieh` the scheduled League game of ball was played• between and ;Crediton teams. This is y ZnI'islr said to have beer, the best exh ibition of baseball played in this grou.pe this season, and ,Crediton with their team greatly strengt r'ned by outside help, gave o a keen argument, The o recliton got in was lnade tnth innin the two runs of Pahner in the It e Znri( were scored by ;Clay. Hoff and L. .Callf<as, in the thir Possibly the -host excitin of the game was in the la when Crediton had a Ina Bond base, and Herb. .Fah 'editon's best batter, Wasup r' distinguished pitcher 'Ray 1e `pill' over so fast filet u91. boys run C %'•" 3ct While team n,a•n inning period i"ruing >a se but ou pet tl this h . ,ire cloud riot conneet with same, and the second League gars,: b •t+veen these t'iva Kwon by Zurich, teams vas Folio living is the line -.up and a brief report of both games. LEAGUE GAME • Our team• played their :ehedu'e-i game at Goderich with the Purity Floury on Tuesday eve, and as will be seen bellow, the game was vary lr-1 tight until t1i Zurihe boys start- ed to 'score in" the fifth inning; and• ur 1 th' 1 kept on bittin;; Lhid��ay hard ne to the finish, The one run that by was nmde by Goderich' was made g• bn an overthrow to third base, cb otherwise they would. have had '- complete shut -out. The Purity'; d Flours . are however, thr�eate nine g vengenee on Friday evening when st they play the retur;i ., n Z rich Diamond, s sh ' the ti This shoo d b� ` one of eflte bet games of , season, the The line up; Zurich , R. ' Ohlert A, :Benning Clay, 1'to; fnt:an 'r, 1.. Worth Zurich .Cr ditors Ohlo.rt p Johnston A. 1I,.ming e. r ,i` rmstrong L. "i't''. He ffmitn s.s. Hanlon (1 rr, Iloffn1lu 3-b. NoPper faun r".f, R G'E'ahner Matz Unten 1-l'. B, +'abaner ZURICH . yy + ++++++++++l+ ++++ 'l•+ hg Bxa allBfoa Goderich.., p Lindsay Bissett+ 1-b Cooper Clar. Hoffm t;o 2,1b Parns.iy L, W. 11 ffnl�i'n l3is2tt Dr. O'Dwyer s r. 1, Stu W eb b I•. Callfas Webb A. Siebert c.f. Hart 1.f• Priclham, Zir iib R H 000 032102-8 13 4 C^derncc 0000100011-•1 3- 'S 'Um,pire, ..�eynolds and I3'awkiria, n'1Y'rt had 111: strikeouts, andL. 3rniisay. had 9,, Isiitq .Gade1'ich 3ur;elt tL'ak�I rzrade� • Thursday', 9th, 1921 ......... . Wp *ish to drawer your at- tention to a few Lines , Peerless Wire Pence Gall Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. Martin Senour line of 100 per cent. pureain CHINANEL LINE OF VARNISHES A p tS, NEW' PERFECTION OTL AN STAINS STOVES AND OVENS i FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS SCREEN DOORS S AND A.SSCESSQR Fresh No. 6 Zen batteries B ASEBA FOLES SCREEN WIRE, CLOT$ 1 , • i'OULTRY NETTING AND FENCING ' WND WINDOWS. AUTO TIRES, flUEE LAWN 14IOOWERS, IES, resp car Can, Portland Cemen 1�Tevv Rarreil of ,� - t BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,PULL AND MATTRESSES, CUR,Tr 1 L LINE OP BEDS, SPRINGS, LL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLSI WINDO W SHADES`; WE ALSO CARRY A FULL C }MINDER CARRY ICATING LINE LINE OF MACHINE, A INE, AND IL -B.}I ROOFING OILS, POLARINE, AND MOB- , HAR- DWARE, AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' $ „ W , AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE - OF OUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL. ORDERS TAKEN FOR .,BINDER TWINE. , The Store with the Liberal Cash Discount RL!ek& BRiUN PHONE 63 • NOTICE. • I a n LIMY in a position to do all kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and staining work. Also keep a large assortment of sam- ples of paper and can have same in short order, Satisfaction CCO COST-C.PA: EXECUTIVE Book-keepers The Best Paid Pro essioa Ozer those wishing for 44. vaaftment to qualify training. not interfc-.ng witho accountant. en meama"a tirte,n. Booklet free, We have our prevent mama" Otto' -Carl glumenstein y J fed Public �lccout,tants than has trained tithe nsEltu Rouse, Zurich. ,Walper pod aon. Ye have helped hundreds of others securer tf-39 a Ying positions. We can he! ni ere -1.110-v' A :count ate qoc°et v. Ryou, ? Tnroatr New Styles! New Goths! New Prices! Springy and Summer The "BROADWAY" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Produce. Phone 87 Let us take your rneasure for an u; to date S X11 T Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with Guaranteed At. hundreds of Salm. pies to chose from r anted. Buterick Fashions,