HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-09, Page 6i• wand the worst is •etto.c0:41F Viliat"Great?. • • .11oly to Increase Life of Your Tires. Tires form one of the greatest single items f)f expenee in motorcar Upkeep They are, therefore, worthy of the most intelligent 'attention) on the part of the automobile owner. Tire conservation has a great deal to do With raeclieme-weight 'ear design. Their balanced construction, even dis- tribution of right weight, affircl un- usual mileage from each shoe and tube. And they are equipped at the start with high-quality tires. They are built to stand long, hard weal!. Like every other essential part of the •car, they are especially selected for the Sunebion they perform. But by practicing proper care you „ can obtain even greater mileage. You can cut tire costs to a sninimaen•. In the first place, tires should always be kept properly inflated. Twenty pounds pressure to the inch is a good rule to f ollow. For insrbance, in the 3% -itch tires, seventy pounds pressure should be maintained; in 4 -.inch tires., eighty pounds. TOO much pressure 'creates an over - grain from within as well as without. Aside from discomfort to the passen- ger, it results in greater wear and tenr from each obstacle encouraered. Tco little inflation causes the 'side wall of the tire ---its weakest part—to bend back and forth until it cracks and breaks. The correct amount of air insures distribution—uniform resis- tance at all points. • • In driving, keep your eyes on the road and your mind on the 'controls. Guard against sudden stops, quick starts and skidding. Avoid 'severe jolts and sheep Obstructions. You know these things cause blow- • outs, also stone bruises that clo not always show on the surface. Theashock of them often breaks an inner layer of the fabric. By preventing these things you will escape most of the common tire troubles. When they do occur, tread cuts and sand boils should be quickly cleaned out and re- paired. • Otherwise they will expose the in- ner f abric to air and contact with the road. Dirt and oil will 'collect and enlarge them. Small bruises may be temporarily 'healed with mastie. Grease, oll..anct acids should be rem,ov- ed from tires at once by means. of a cloth moistened in gasoline. It isetanportant to the life of a tire • that you should keep wheels in align- ment. If the wheel is out of line the whole tire is distorted. Strain at all points results. Moreover, a wobbly wheel causes friction from several di- • rections instead oftthe direction pro - The greatest wear takes place on the tread—it is .built to withstand it. The sides of a tire have only a thin • 'coating of rubber to protect the fabric. Care should be taken to guard them. Be sure that nothing on the ma- chine scrapes the tires as they revolve. Save the side walls by keeping out of ruts in the road. Above all, •do not drive it ear tracke—they 'eat ski the •. way eround the *e. You Have experienced the need of. • spare tires he an emergency. Protect therm • Carry the tubes in a beg. Pro- vide eoveriag for shoes. Be Careful it applying new tabes. Be sere they Ap: in flat* them '.slight- • Ly beforehand and see that they are snugly in place, ••••••4,,••••••, After the First Trip. After the first trip in your car make a careful inspection and note that everything is as it should be. The engine parts should be given special attention, fox the slightest defect in them result in trouble. Make your inspections frequently for the first thousand miles then you can relax yone vigilance 'a bit. • Make .a thorough .stud k of the in- struction book. Look at the luibrication chart and familiarize yourself with the location of every grease �p and oil bole, then see that they are kept properly filled. This will insure you against worn parts or scored, bearings and, incidentally, allow oyu to learn the lubrication system. When= auto- mobile is built, the engine has been run but little, and every part is fitted tight to make it snug after the rough- ness has worn off. Consequently the oar is very stiff and will not •shoW much speed until these parts wear 1. So do not exceed; 25 miles an ham until your speedometer registers 1,000 miles. By so ;doing each part will "find itself" and you will be perfectly safe in exceeding 30 milesan hour. If you force a ear before it has run 1,000 miles the result may total a noisy engine and premature repairs. Drain off the oil every 500 miles and replace it with fresh. -You will be..sur- prised at the quantity of grit end dirt that 'acmes from the crankcase. The bearings and pistons throw •ofsmall particles of metal which, if you'd() not remove with the old oil, will work into the bearings and cause 'serious re- sults. Perhaps your meter will show a tendency to overheat when mew. Do nit permit this to worry you, for it is merely the friction of newness. Give it plenty of oil and water and soon this trouble will disappear. Every now and then the new car should be jacked up, the wheels shaken and the looseness removed. As the bearings become accustomed to their work the need for adjustment will go away as do the other ills. Be carefui. of your gasoline adjust- ment.. the dash. - Do not?leeveit - "rich" any lengek then'ieece,sary, for this allow an extra ,amount of gascilane to get into the engine base, which will thin the oil. The 'body cleaning should be done very carefully for the first month or so. Use a Simple flow of water, with- out .spray or force, so as not to mar the finish. The longer you drive with- out unnecessary cleaning the harder the varnish will becoxne. Be Kind to Your Neck, If only people would be kind to their necks there would be far less trouble in the world. Tight collars are very bad for the health. They obstruct the ilow of blood to the head, and increase the flow of money to the laundry. The men who invented stiff collars' ought to have been shot at dawn. But very likely there was no need. If he didn't cl. ite, he prabably fell down in a fit, ana by the time, they had sawn six laches off his collar he was dead. Watch, as you walk along the street, what a number of people wear spec- tacles. Eye specialists are of opinion that stiff collars have much to do with our low standard of eyesight, Therefore, if you are a wise person you Will be good to your neck. Give it room Don't wear a collar that's too small for you. To be disappointed in love is, e cruel blow, but to be 'disappointed in .mar - liege is a •continuous performance. NoAregian 'Government experi- mentee:e'. have succeeded in producing a loreattentainting 20 per cent of fish. Some men carry con- quest in their very pres- ence; they .win our confi.-. dence the first time we see them. We believe in their power because they radiate it. Too Good to Be True. Wife—"John, a man called this af- ternoon and said he would supply us with enough electricity to light our house, do all our cooking and run the washing machine for only $1 a month. What do you think of that?" • Hub—"You should have told him that when we want current fiction we'll get it at a bookstore." Population of Paris. According te the Le Petit Parisien, the present population of Paris is 2,- 856,000, which is an increase of only 16,000 over the figure for the year 1911. Canada's Co al Situation Canada created a record for coal produotion in 1920, when she produced 16,968,658 short tone, as against 13,- 919,096 Short tone in the preceding year, or an • increase of 21.9 per cent. The previous high mark as set in 1913, when the output totalled 15,532,878 short tons. Exports increased to 2e 558,223 tone, as compared with 2070- 00, but this was counter -balanced by the increase in imparts from the • 'Chatted States, from 16,982,773 to 20,- 815,596. The total value of production • i estimated at about $7,0000,000, With only one exception, that of e Saskatchewan, every presence of the •• Dominion exhibited an in:crease in pro - (faction, during the year over the 1919 figures. A 'particularly interesting feature of the year was the wrestling trona kl'ove, Scotia by Alberta; of the boner of premier producer, the West - eta province leading the austerit by lowly four per cent, Alberta ' Pro, at lauded 41 Per cent. of the total output, orrOughle 6,700,000 tons; NOVA .80otia, • ler-et , • •• ammodker. 37.8 per cent., or 6,500,000; British Columbia, 18.3 per cent., or 2,550,000 tons; Saskatchewan, 1.9 per cent., or 330,000 tons; and New Brunswick, 1 per cent., or 170,000 tons. The reduc- tion in Smtkatchewan's output iseet- tributed to the , greatly increased use of Alberta, coal in Manitoba and that province. A both interesting and gratifying feature of the Coal situation in 1920 was the increased use of native deal, especially In the Prairie Provinces. The war. which Out down shipments of anthracite Erten the United States to Manitoba, gaite Alberta her opportuni- ty to introduce her product, on the qualities of which there was a lack of education. She was not slow to hate her way, and is maintaining .the posi- tion assumed with every indloaton of increasing her market. This is 'shown very deerly in the shipments efeoal from Alberta eastward, which In 1920 totalled about 500,000 teas, tie coin - pared with approximately 250,000 tons in 1019. Fihning 100 Tons of Molten Steel A most remarkable moving picture was recentiy taken by the United States Bureau of Mines. In reprodur- ing the various processes in the -manu- facture of iron and steel sheets at the plant•Of a large A.mericau company it was desired to show not only each me- chanical step but the actual making as well as the handling of the molten steel or iron. When pig iron and scrap steel are subjected to a high temperature in au open hearth fur- nace, using producer gas or oil as fuel, the iron and metals gradually melt until an immense liquid bath, like a small lake or pond, is formed, which boils like water at a temperature of over 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit. The actual melting and boiling of .the met- al is interesting as seen through blue glasses, but a close up view is not possible because of the heat. The promoters of the moving pic- tures referred to conceived the idea .inena not already known were reveal - that the value of the picture would be ad by this achievement it is conies - decidedly enhanced if it were possible- tured that with the use of the speed to take a moving picture of the acteal camera., involving the slowing down meltingetatiel boiling 'of the steel. In ot operatiens and with probable ini- this case they had to deal with an provements in the camera itself, new open hearth furnace holding 100 tons facts Of vital value to industry may or 200,000 pounds of metal melting some time result from. the application down to finally boiling. The result of of the moving picture to metallurgical their efforts was the production of a operation.s. From an educational point picttre of this process, which has of view the making of such pictures is never been aceoutplished before. of almost inestimable value. •••••11111•=••• A regular •moving picture camera was so fitted up that it was water- jacketed—that is, encased in a water cooled fireproof box. This was placed just Weide the furnace. The opera- tor of the camera wore an asbestos stet and stood just outside or almost •in the door of the seething furnace. The attempt was eminently success- ful, and a picture has resulted which is 'a revelation to behold. Not only is the hard metal, the pig iron and the steel, seen gradually melting, together with the formation of the slag which floats on top, but the actual boiling of this 100 tons of molten steel is seen in all its phases. It is a beautiful sight and an instructive one. The metal boils like water on a stove, the bubbles growing gradually larger and larger. ,While no actual scientific pheno- . WIRELESS SERVICE • IN THE DOMINION SECOND TO NONE IN THE WORLD. Being Successfully Used Not Only in Navigation but in Forest and Fisheries. • Wireless is coming to be the world's great transmitter of news and method of rapid communication, and a nation desirous of keeping pace with world progress in all respects mutt laity con- tinuous attention to bettering their systems of this most modern. method of long distance conversing. Canada has not been slow in recognizing the importance of wireless in her econo- mit existence, in her shipping and trade, even in, her forests and fisheries and in the bearing of this important factor on the hole of future Dominion development, and she has kept well to the fore in this regard. The wireless service on the Great Lakes, in the Gulf. of St. Larence, and on, the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts is second to tone in the world in the opinion of navigators. The Canadian trans-Atlantic wireless service, in com- petition with the cables, which has been. in operation for seine thirteen years,has been very successful, and is still improving in, speed and accuracy. Autherities consider that no series of verelessidireetion-fincling stations have given such help and satisfaction to mariners as that established by the Canadian Government pn the Atlantic Coast. Scope and Object of Service. Government wiveless in Canada, comer under the Radiotelegraph. Brandi ot the Naval Department which, hawever, whilst owning the station* has let several by contract, far opera- tion, to the Marconi Wireless Tele- graph Company of Canada. The primary object of the Governmeet ser - Vice is to provide facilities for emu- municatlou with ships at eea, and thus assist in their navigation, and the safe- guarding of the lives of the people they °area Incideutally, the service undertakes the handling •of col -tenet - dal Messages with ships and also pro. aides Mealsof communication with ....mgmWegocarmawq point's not reached by existing land telegraphs, :an instance of the latter being the Queeu Charlotte Islands in Brittsh Columbia. The total number of stations in operation in the Dorainion and on ships registered therein in 1920 was 563. Of these, twenty-seven are lo- cated on the east coast, and have ranges of.from 100 to 1,500 nautical miles'; eight are in Ontario, an the Greet Lakes, having 'ranges of 350 nautical miles each; ten in British Columbia -on the west coast have ranges of from 150 to 350 miles; two public commercial stations in. Cape Breton and ane in New Brunswick have ranges of 3,000 miles and 2,500 miles—the third being for reception only; two in Hudeon Bay have a range of 750 miles each; elevea private com- mercial stations 'with ranges of from 100 to 200 miles; and there are teirty- Mee Canadian Government steamers equipped with wireless capable of transmitting from. 100 to 400 miles. With the exception of the small sta- tion at Pictou, Nova Scotia, all of the forty-seven coast stations in the Do - ,minion are owned by the Government. Those on the Padfic Coast, Hudson Bay, Barrington Passage, Nova Scotia, and the three direction -finding stations on the east coast, eixteenstations in all, are operated directly by the De- partment of ,Naval Service. The sta- tions on the Great Lakes and the re- maining stations on the east coast, thirtytone in all, whilst owned by the Government, are operated by the Mar - core Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada, under contract, and under the terms, of which the Company receives a total annual subsidy of $89,200 and retains all tolls collected on messages ;except on Governmeat meesages, which are handled free. The Government-owned and operated station at Barrington Passage, Nova Scotia, maintains a commercial sea vice. with Bermuda. The Marconi sta- tion at Glace Bay has a continuous trans-Atlantic commercial service with Clifden, in Ireland, and, as far as act- ual handling of traffic is concerned, is considered .one of the best traits -At- lantic circuits. The use of the Hud- son. Bay stations is in suspense until the policy respecting the Hudson Bay etailway is decided upon. The s•ta- tioia on the 13ritisb. Cole/tibia coast are unceasingly in touch With Pacifie boutel Steamers, eix Million Words Transmitted, A total of 341,833 luessages, con. A sunbeam failing upon a sheet ok paper wUl make it Wartn, but it will never bring, the paper to such a heat that it begins to smoulder, It however, we bring all the rays of the sunbeam to a single Point by rueens of a naagnifying glass, we can produce heat great enough •to set the paper on fire. All that we have done is to foeus or concentrate these rays', with the result that, we obtain vastly Increased power. It is just the same with the mind. If we can concentrate all our energies upon the work that is in hand, we shall do it far more easily and quickly. Concentration demands a great et - fort, and me e who have this power would soon be worn out if they had not also the gift of resting their minds at times by 'throwing off entire- ly their cares and woeriee. Really great men have the power of focusing their minds upon the subject that demands attention at the mo- ment; but when the work is done you will fled them playing golf as if they had not a care in the world., or laugh- ing at an amusing play. Those who are always concentrating become, absent-minded; they are quite unable to take a mental holiday when necessary, with the result that they lack vigor and freshness. Allied with concentration is will- power. Many people iniagin•e that the strong man, is a kind of cinema hero who bends others to his will by the steely glatce of his flashing eye. Such men do not exist iTh real life! If they did they would be unpleasant crea- tures whose unpopularity would soon bring about tlitete' downfall, . - The secret Of IMa'!" hd strong-willed is that he uses his will to make him- delf do the thingshe ought to do, We are all 'laterally lazy, potting oft everything that we possibly can till the to-merrow that never comes, The strong man 11,2,0Shis' will to overcome his natural laziness; once he has sac- eeeded in this he is able to make others de a,s he wishes, simply be- cause he call make up their minds for them. Concentration can be developed by anyone who will tette the necessary pains. Here is a simple method, If you are reading a "dry" book, you will find every now and then that your at- tention is wandering; you have read a paragraph or a page, and after do- ing so you have not the least idea of what it was about. When you reach that point, stop. Lay aside your book and think of something else. 1)o not go back to it until you feel sure that you can give it your whole attention. Do not attempt too much at first; concentrate on quite a short passage, then take a rest. In this way you will soon find that you can give your whole mind to a subject for longer and long- er pentode. Half an hour's concentra- tion will produce more result hen a whole day of rambling, inattentive work. Wu:I-power and concentration run hand in, hand, for concentration de- mands an effort of will, and there can be no will Without concentratioa. In these two allied qualities lies the whole secret of success and happiness in life. taining 6,128,990 words, were handled at all the stations in Canada in the year 1920. The total revenue collect- ed during the year amounted to $50,- 822.29, as against $44,288.77 in. 1919. The Canadian Marconi Company has received its bigge•st expansion from the Canadian Government Mer- chant Marine, which has placed about fifty operators on its vessels, all of which are equipped with wireless ap- paratus manufactured entirely in Canada. A school for operators is car- ried on by the Government, at whilch about forty pupils are being trained continuously, whilst many of the oper- ators on the Government vessels are returned soldiers', who reached their positions by way of vocational courses in the Deparment of Soldiers' Civil Re -Establishment. Steps are under way at the mesent time to dot the expanse of the Do- minion with a series of wireless eta: tions, which will effectively cover it from coast to coast, renderng the most effective communication from the At- lantic to the Pacific. This is part of a seheme of the formation of an All Red system of wireless communication which Is to belt, the British Empire and link up all the Dominions. A sta- tion at Newcastle, New Brunswick, teken over by the Marconi Company in 1919, is to be used as the connecting station with dose -Atlantic stations, and licenses have been issued to the same company for point to point sta- tions at Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, and other locations, which will act as feeders fOT the trans-Atlantic service, and at the same time carry on a com- mercial service between these Advantage In Forestry Operations. Wireless within the Dominion itself is undergoing a continual -expansion and branchng ,out at the hands of both provincial governments and business corporations. A very fine service has been built up by the forestry service of the province of British Columbia as part of their precautions against forest fires and to keep rangers In in- stant touch with each other and head- quarters. A system of stations is ad- vocated for Northern Manitoba to put this region into communication with Winnipeg. Several pulp and paper companies have received licenses to ferAIMMOTYPIfi'd 0., • on....rhmaltormars, The habit of dwelling on difficulties and magnifying thean weakens the charac- ter and paralyzes the initia- tive in such a way as to hin- der one from ever daring to undertake great things. The man who sees the ob- stacles more clearly than anything ,else is not, the man to attempt to do any great thing. operate systems, and last year the Shawintgan• Water and Power Com- pany at Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, re- ceived a License to operate a station there to communicate with their head office at Montreal, a distance of eighty-two miles. The innovation of the Canadian Pa - dee Ocean Services in starting a Canadian news service by wireless to their liners in the North Atlantic has, cre,aed intense interest in Canadian, United States, and British shipping • ciroles, as bringing 'Canada into, that select circle el nations which. gossip by wireless. Not only is the news of the Canadian infurkete, Dominion pro- • grees, and general Canadian happen- ings received by the Company's pas- senger liners at sea, but Wireless eta - tots situated elsewhere pick up the messages, and Canadian news vies be the importance of its appeal with that of Great Britaia and the United States. A review of the wireless situation in Canada gives gratifying evidence of the Dominion's progress with the times, and of its recognition of the necessity of keeping abreat in .the ex, tension of the usee of this great in- vention. It is being successfully used in connection with Domixtion fisheries and forests, and will undoubtedly in the future be utilized to a greater ex- tent in, bringing the rich regions of the hinterland into touch with the governmental and industrial centres. Canada's fire less is very heavy— $27,000,000 hi 1920, or $3.42 per eaeite on an eight million population--ins of the heaviest ,of any country, partly due to .carelessness. Marten and Fisher Ranching The accession of Canada to her logi- cessfully breed these animals itt cap - cal place among fur markets of the world, by reason of her prominence among preduceest has resulted in an impetus and a greater devotion of in- terest to other phases, of the fur in- dustry, and in none, perhaps, so mach as the domestic rearing of fur -bear- ers. Success had been achieved, covering many years, in fox ranching and other branches of fur farming, the absolute feasibility of the venture in Canada proven, and all that had been accomplished justified confident hone of expansion. Thus has come about a widening of the field, not only as re- gards the establishment of ranches but in the variety of animals so rear- ed. Canada is the natural habitat of nearly every species of marketable fur -bearer, and has, the finest if cli- matic conditions for producing the richest, gloseteet, and heaviest furs. The trapping of fur -bearing al -dames in• Canada 15 a profitable industry, but it must be borne in mind that the do- mestic rancher has the advantage over the trapper, inasmuch as he is able to kill his animale, when the furs are prime, and thus realize the best prices. There may' be a very peofita,blie fut- ure le %store for pioneers in the breed- ing of fisher and marten, a, field which as yet has scarcely been entered. As the best fisher pelts are selling for $100. each, whilst marten. May bring $50, there is every induct/tient to an tee into the breeding of theeeoWild cot/eine." Up tothe present; it has been found somewhat dfflcU1t te Sue- . . . • • -. . , . . tivity, due, it is thought, to lack of provision of facilities for exercise. A successful beginning, however, to a marten ranch is to be found at Louis Creek, British Columbia, where G. H. DeLey, as reported by the Commission of Con.servation, has succeeded itt raising two generations of the animals. From a pair of wild martens, he raised a litter of three, two females and one male. When one year old, die young fernutles gave birth to two •and, four young respectively, and all of them have been successfully raised to ma- turity. • Success in the rearing of marten and fisher itt the past would seem to have been largely, if not wholly, de- feated by lack of general knowledge of wild- animal breeding, whichresult- ed in a failure to provide conditions and environment correspondng to the natural haunts. Large rune MItSt be provided, with obstacles and hiding places such es hollow lags, and, in general, the animals permitted to live their natural life. Unlike foxes, mar- ten do not thrive so well when the wild state is left behind, and they should not be induced to become tame. Fisher and marten raising is in the experimental stage, through which the breeding of Other 'wild animals, had to pass before prosperous issue was reached. There is ho reason to doubt but that the causes which have hithea to res led in failure will be overcome; and the domestic, breeding of these profitable little emir/tale be placed on, the .tame sueceseful tooting as that of other ter -bearers in Canada, • •