HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-09, Page 1ZURICH HERALD 'Vol. XXI No, 49 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1921. Cheater L, Smith, Publisher, $1.25 a Year In Advance $1;51) IN ARREARS, $2 MA X BE CHARGED giumpumNimanimaissmery mob. FTh. •DOO•O•C�300� OOOd�P0 000 CSP OO�Od•G7.4 �• Ont4•d!U•00.0•0'•O•C!•P•444.0'•4.O•G'• •0•40.00•O• •0'.0%,:7`.::%".!"•G7.41:=•••Oeo• _•-� Let us show you our Special Prices that we are offering We have decided to give you an opportunity for a short time to purchase your supply of Summer necessities at pre=war prices and it will pay you to visit our store during this titne and see what itie we are offering, as we cannot numerate all the lines and prices here. Prints and Shirtings Many Prints in neat Patterns ware ran -teed Indigo dye at per ,yard 30c. Lilacs and light colors at._... --. 4?e . • Rik and white Stripe shirting '28 incites wide, per yard 30e CURTAIN SCRIMS A large assortment in all shades and patterns. See our spec- ials at per yard ... ... 35c DRESS SILKS We are showing a special line of Dress .Silks 36 inches wide in the following shades. White, ,Cream, Pink, Hetio, Rose, Wavy, Black, Red, Special Val - ear at per yard $1.25 SIso another line same width at 98c We also have a nice assortment of 'Heavier quality silks at reasonable prices. Tricolletts in the leading Shades. Fancy Dress Voils In order to clean out the ball - Race of our stock of fancy Dress ,Voiles we have reduced the prices so they will move out quickly. If you have not already got your 'oil Dress for the summer, hereis •your opportunity, so be early to r hake your choice. Regular prices 75c. per yard for 45c Reg. `85e. line for ... ... ...55c Reg. 1.00 line for ... ... ...65c Reg. $1.25 to 11.35; for ... 98c Reg, $1.40 to 1.50 for $1.00 Reg. 2.25 line for ... .. $1.25 Reg. 2.50 line for ... ... $1.50 Phone 59 "'a�•� Ce. '�• ` :Z• LADIES' DRESSES Dark Navy Prints, Fancy Pat- terns atterns Heavy quality House Dres res, Large , sizes .. aoh Y .. $1 5 a.nother..line :of . Butcher .Bi 9tes ;'' hl ` tr�imriied with Braid, _each --.$2.00 A new lot' of Large work Aprons at SPECIAL PRICES All our Middy Waists on sale to clear at prices from 75e up. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Men's and Ladies' Summer '7Un- derwear; Ladies' and iChildren's Cotton Hose, Men's Socks, Etc., at a Big Reduction in Price. Ladies' Fancy Figured Sateen Underskirts each ... ... $1.50 WALL PAPERS Eeginning with this sale we will give a special discount of 20% on all our wall papers, so if you have not already secured your supply, don't send away and be delayed, but come and pick out what you want and take it with you at much less money. FLOOR RUGS Just arrived a new shipment of tapestry and Wilton Rugs in all sizes, ranging in prices from $18.00 up to $50.00 for the large size. Grocery Specials Canned corn, peas, tomatoes Good Salmon pound tins ... ...18e Lifebuoy soap 7 cakes for ._. 50e All Laundry soap 7 cakes .._ 60c 51b. tin Caustic Soda .. .. 85c Royal Purple chick • feed ib. ._. 5c " Calf rural 251b bag $1.40 ti Men'san i Oyss clothingr, PRICES ON MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING AWAY DOWN IF ANYONE TELLS YODU THE PRICE OF CLOTHING HAS NOT COME DOWN, IT GOES TO SHOW THAT THE INDIVIDUAL WHO TALKS THAT WAY ,HAS NOT BEEN IN THE RIGHT PLACE,* "HE SURE HA.S'NT BEEN HERE." CLOTHES ARE A PROBLEM! But the probelm is easily solved- P th if you consult us. If it is for work, for Sport, for ordinary every- day wear, or for dress occasions, e are here fully prepared too fit you in the correct style at pre-war prices. See our specials in:W Men's Suits at $20.00 SHIRTS AND OVERALLS Men's Heavy work shirts, all sizes Reg. $L75 for ... -.....$1,25 Men's Heavy Blue Stripe Bibb Overalls Reg. $2.50 for $1.75 Men's Plain Black bibb Overalls, Reg. $2:50; for _ .,- $L75 Boy's Blue Stripe Bibb Overalls at . 95C ,Youth's Plain Black Overalls at . $1.65 J. PREETER cif s r ?•" Produce Wanted Com° �.i't..:•�a'�?c''t:-„•r`V.;, A. large number of ball fans, ac- companied our team. to Goderich on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tack Routledge of, Centralia visited at the home of; the former's parents, over Sunday Let us all see the Goderich vs Zurich Baseball game '8n Friday eve. and see these two champions Mr. and Mrs. P. Sipple and son, Alvin of Milverton, visited relati- ves in this vicinity over the week -i end. Mr. Samson Coloskey of Dash- wood spent a :ew days in town last week. , Mrs. L. Jeffrey, hwo had been employed at St. Joseph Hospital, London, returned to her home here last week for the summer. Mrs. Mose Litwiler and family and Miss Sarah Brennernaan of Peters- burg were recent visitors in this vicinity. We are pleased to report that) Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber of of the Bronson line, and who rec- ently underwent a serious operati on at London, is improving very favorably in health. Mr. C. Hartleib of London, cal- led on his was to Goderichin,Zur ich last Friday. Mr. Hartleib is moving his household effects to that place where he has recently purchased a residental dwelling. The Uniform Promotion Exam- inations for the Public Schools of Huron will be held on June 24th and 27th. Teachers should at once send to their School Inspect- or the numjber of papers requir- ed fc4 _II, III and IV classes. The fifth session of the 13th Par izieei. ' Wee; ani d'a "carpet to i en'd Sdteirday aevnidiege ''Veien the 'governor -general' delivered his speech from the throne in thee Senate chamber at 6.30, and pub. liiyc said .farewell to the members of the Commons and of the Sen- • Work is being commenced on the International suspension bridge at Windsor and Detroit. 'It will have a single span of 1800 feet, long stretching from' shore to shore with a clearance of 110 feet for veisels. Construction is expected• to take six 'years and the cost will be sixty million dollars. REDUCTION IN, LOCAL HYDRO, RATES Notice has been' received from. the Hydro -Electric Power Corr - mission of Ontario dating from May 1st, 1921, that the hydro rates effective in Zurich will be as fol- lows; -Domestic lighting, 6 cents and 3 cents with 3 cents charge for floor space and $1.00 minumum monthly' charge. Commerci it lig: ting, 12 cents, 6 cents and 1.2 cents with mininum monthly charge $1.00 Power 6.8; 4.6 cents e -and 1.5 cents. The street lights will be $15 per lamp yearly. The above rates show a very decided; reduction in comparison with the rates in force last year and brings hydro within the reach of all. The street tights now cost $75.00 per month instead of $90 per month or a saving of, $180.00 per year. Dashwood street lighting rate has also been reduced to $15.00. SUMMER MEETINGS QF WOMENS' INSTITUiTES A4 series of Women's Institute meeting I will be held at the fol- lowing points in Huron Co. during 1 the month of June, speaker to be j Miss Ruth Pirt, Uxbridge; a Crediton,, June 6th. Exeter, June 7th. Farquhar, Juee 8th. Hurondale, June 9th, Zurich, June 10th. Blake, June 11th. Londesboro, June 13th Blyth, June 14th Win ham, June. 15th. St. Helens, June 16th. •St. Augustine, June 17th, .};. Bluevale, June 20th. Brussels, June 21st. Belgrave, June 22nd Walton. June. 23rd. Ethel, June 24th. Molesworth, June 25th, Wroxeter, June 27th, Corrie, June 28th. Community Plate SILV.ERWA.RE Most suitable for Wed- ding Gifts, etc. Latest Adam and Grosvenor designs. W. G. HBSS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling,. iso the price of food stuff, This necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. -COLLES Manager Zurich Branch eee44.4•444444444444444.444 ea 444+4444++444444444'®4444 I WinterHorse Requirements4 We are offering. the following seasonable Horse • requirements at greatly reduced prices: • p HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, : • • HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. 4 A SEE 'OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT • O A. BIG R EDUCTION. 4 • 4 4 We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single • • • harness, Etc. • • • • REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4 ,4 4: 4 #. . 4 444444P044404444,AI.44444®4441,40 4.44400••••••••••••••4 4,4,44++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++44-44444-44+44-' Ladies! You use great care in selecting •II• • a new Hat -Why should SHOES ' fig. be less important? Come and '!• ▪ see our line of • New Spring Footwear •II• Which consists of all the latest e; • styles styles and shapes in the finest e Kids, Patents and other materials ,§, equally as tasty. :.A very classy' "�� . � l`i 4• line all through, with prices right.. e- • Also a fine assortment in Men's • and Children's Footwear. Call ^l+ • and see them, and if we have not • what you want, we will --try and get 'y thein for you. .q. BUTTER AND '• <JFRITZ ■ OONARMATECUS WANTED t THE SHOEMAN •••«`•!•,•:•,l,•4••g••••,••F.•l.•p••F••ff•.gse..l••p.•p•.g•or.• ;•*•;•oo•: •: •g•:^••••g.oa•!•.g••i,.g.•p.•g•+•l..¢.^yF+.i.•g+•fr 14: I For T"nfaiite aid ChildrC;1 En Usol7Ce2 011'44' o Yenro •c• iu rt • 4•9.2 u atslxofLts i,m,?R�,,4 • PRERWAR. PRICES THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE Pli•E- WAR PRICES S ON; A GREAT MANY OF THE LINES \ E1 CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOJIS, AND GROCERIES. We have a good shirting at 35 cents per yard. A. good Denine at 50 cents per yard. • A good Devine eor, boys ,suits at 50 cents per yard. Cottons at 15 cents per yard and, upwards. . Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards. Men's Shirts were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.2&. Men's Overalls, per pair from. $1.25 to $2,00 AND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD- INGLY, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. f' reC::I g - - t't 5ct' 'i c . always in aft 1+ , . ''' = yr n �,i_, I�Bowling //i J 11 '�' .� 4 i....r.... iIm, "" �'.',4 FLEET --FOOT You know the lightness and comfort cf Fleet -Foot shoes on gecen, .•Tennis Courts, etc. Your get into your Fleet -foot just as you slip on flannels or white ducks. Why not wear Fleet-, Foot all day, right through the summer and enjoy ease, and com- fort. We have them for Men, Women and Children. Also a fort. full line of white canvass, Oxfords, Tics, and Pumps. Call and see our display and get our prices. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS. akr 4%, •DOO•O•C�300� OOOd�P0 000 CSP OO�Od•G7.4 �• Ont4•d!U•00.0•0'•O•C!•P•444.0'•4.O•G'• •0•40.00•O• •0'.0%,:7`.::%".!"•G7.41:=•••Oeo• _•-� Let us show you our Special Prices that we are offering We have decided to give you an opportunity for a short time to purchase your supply of Summer necessities at pre=war prices and it will pay you to visit our store during this titne and see what itie we are offering, as we cannot numerate all the lines and prices here. Prints and Shirtings Many Prints in neat Patterns ware ran -teed Indigo dye at per ,yard 30c. Lilacs and light colors at._... --. 4?e . • Rik and white Stripe shirting '28 incites wide, per yard 30e CURTAIN SCRIMS A large assortment in all shades and patterns. See our spec- ials at per yard ... ... 35c DRESS SILKS We are showing a special line of Dress .Silks 36 inches wide in the following shades. White, ,Cream, Pink, Hetio, Rose, Wavy, Black, Red, Special Val - ear at per yard $1.25 SIso another line same width at 98c We also have a nice assortment of 'Heavier quality silks at reasonable prices. Tricolletts in the leading Shades. Fancy Dress Voils In order to clean out the ball - Race of our stock of fancy Dress ,Voiles we have reduced the prices so they will move out quickly. If you have not already got your 'oil Dress for the summer, hereis •your opportunity, so be early to r hake your choice. Regular prices 75c. per yard for 45c Reg. `85e. line for ... ... ...55c Reg. 1.00 line for ... ... ...65c Reg. $1.25 to 11.35; for ... 98c Reg, $1.40 to 1.50 for $1.00 Reg. 2.25 line for ... .. $1.25 Reg. 2.50 line for ... ... $1.50 Phone 59 "'a�•� Ce. '�• ` :Z• LADIES' DRESSES Dark Navy Prints, Fancy Pat- terns atterns Heavy quality House Dres res, Large , sizes .. aoh Y .. $1 5 a.nother..line :of . Butcher .Bi 9tes ;'' hl ` tr�imriied with Braid, _each --.$2.00 A new lot' of Large work Aprons at SPECIAL PRICES All our Middy Waists on sale to clear at prices from 75e up. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Men's and Ladies' Summer '7Un- derwear; Ladies' and iChildren's Cotton Hose, Men's Socks, Etc., at a Big Reduction in Price. Ladies' Fancy Figured Sateen Underskirts each ... ... $1.50 WALL PAPERS Eeginning with this sale we will give a special discount of 20% on all our wall papers, so if you have not already secured your supply, don't send away and be delayed, but come and pick out what you want and take it with you at much less money. FLOOR RUGS Just arrived a new shipment of tapestry and Wilton Rugs in all sizes, ranging in prices from $18.00 up to $50.00 for the large size. Grocery Specials Canned corn, peas, tomatoes Good Salmon pound tins ... ...18e Lifebuoy soap 7 cakes for ._. 50e All Laundry soap 7 cakes .._ 60c 51b. tin Caustic Soda .. .. 85c Royal Purple chick • feed ib. ._. 5c " Calf rural 251b bag $1.40 ti Men'san i Oyss clothingr, PRICES ON MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING AWAY DOWN IF ANYONE TELLS YODU THE PRICE OF CLOTHING HAS NOT COME DOWN, IT GOES TO SHOW THAT THE INDIVIDUAL WHO TALKS THAT WAY ,HAS NOT BEEN IN THE RIGHT PLACE,* "HE SURE HA.S'NT BEEN HERE." CLOTHES ARE A PROBLEM! But the probelm is easily solved- P th if you consult us. If it is for work, for Sport, for ordinary every- day wear, or for dress occasions, e are here fully prepared too fit you in the correct style at pre-war prices. See our specials in:W Men's Suits at $20.00 SHIRTS AND OVERALLS Men's Heavy work shirts, all sizes Reg. $L75 for ... -.....$1,25 Men's Heavy Blue Stripe Bibb Overalls Reg. $2.50 for $1.75 Men's Plain Black bibb Overalls, Reg. $2:50; for _ .,- $L75 Boy's Blue Stripe Bibb Overalls at . 95C ,Youth's Plain Black Overalls at . $1.65 J. PREETER cif s r ?•" Produce Wanted Com° �.i't..:•�a'�?c''t:-„•r`V.;, A. large number of ball fans, ac- companied our team. to Goderich on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tack Routledge of, Centralia visited at the home of; the former's parents, over Sunday Let us all see the Goderich vs Zurich Baseball game '8n Friday eve. and see these two champions Mr. and Mrs. P. Sipple and son, Alvin of Milverton, visited relati- ves in this vicinity over the week -i end. Mr. Samson Coloskey of Dash- wood spent a :ew days in town last week. , Mrs. L. Jeffrey, hwo had been employed at St. Joseph Hospital, London, returned to her home here last week for the summer. Mrs. Mose Litwiler and family and Miss Sarah Brennernaan of Peters- burg were recent visitors in this vicinity. We are pleased to report that) Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber of of the Bronson line, and who rec- ently underwent a serious operati on at London, is improving very favorably in health. Mr. C. Hartleib of London, cal- led on his was to Goderichin,Zur ich last Friday. Mr. Hartleib is moving his household effects to that place where he has recently purchased a residental dwelling. The Uniform Promotion Exam- inations for the Public Schools of Huron will be held on June 24th and 27th. Teachers should at once send to their School Inspect- or the numjber of papers requir- ed fc4 _II, III and IV classes. The fifth session of the 13th Par izieei. ' Wee; ani d'a "carpet to i en'd Sdteirday aevnidiege ''Veien the 'governor -general' delivered his speech from the throne in thee Senate chamber at 6.30, and pub. liiyc said .farewell to the members of the Commons and of the Sen- • Work is being commenced on the International suspension bridge at Windsor and Detroit. 'It will have a single span of 1800 feet, long stretching from' shore to shore with a clearance of 110 feet for veisels. Construction is expected• to take six 'years and the cost will be sixty million dollars. REDUCTION IN, LOCAL HYDRO, RATES Notice has been' received from. the Hydro -Electric Power Corr - mission of Ontario dating from May 1st, 1921, that the hydro rates effective in Zurich will be as fol- lows; -Domestic lighting, 6 cents and 3 cents with 3 cents charge for floor space and $1.00 minumum monthly' charge. Commerci it lig: ting, 12 cents, 6 cents and 1.2 cents with mininum monthly charge $1.00 Power 6.8; 4.6 cents e -and 1.5 cents. The street lights will be $15 per lamp yearly. The above rates show a very decided; reduction in comparison with the rates in force last year and brings hydro within the reach of all. The street tights now cost $75.00 per month instead of $90 per month or a saving of, $180.00 per year. Dashwood street lighting rate has also been reduced to $15.00. SUMMER MEETINGS QF WOMENS' INSTITUiTES A4 series of Women's Institute meeting I will be held at the fol- lowing points in Huron Co. during 1 the month of June, speaker to be j Miss Ruth Pirt, Uxbridge; a Crediton,, June 6th. Exeter, June 7th. Farquhar, Juee 8th. Hurondale, June 9th, Zurich, June 10th. Blake, June 11th. Londesboro, June 13th Blyth, June 14th Win ham, June. 15th. St. Helens, June 16th. •St. Augustine, June 17th, .};. Bluevale, June 20th. Brussels, June 21st. Belgrave, June 22nd Walton. June. 23rd. Ethel, June 24th. Molesworth, June 25th, Wroxeter, June 27th, Corrie, June 28th. Community Plate SILV.ERWA.RE Most suitable for Wed- ding Gifts, etc. Latest Adam and Grosvenor designs. W. G. HBSS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling,. iso the price of food stuff, This necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. -COLLES Manager Zurich Branch eee44.4•444444444444444.444 ea 444+4444++444444444'®4444 I WinterHorse Requirements4 We are offering. the following seasonable Horse • requirements at greatly reduced prices: • p HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, : • • HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. 4 A SEE 'OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT • O A. BIG R EDUCTION. 4 • 4 4 We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single • • • harness, Etc. • • • • REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4 ,4 4: 4 #. . 4 444444P044404444,AI.44444®4441,40 4.44400••••••••••••••4 4,4,44++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++44-44444-44+44-' Ladies! You use great care in selecting •II• • a new Hat -Why should SHOES ' fig. be less important? Come and '!• ▪ see our line of • New Spring Footwear •II• Which consists of all the latest e; • styles styles and shapes in the finest e Kids, Patents and other materials ,§, equally as tasty. :.A very classy' "�� . � l`i 4• line all through, with prices right.. e- • Also a fine assortment in Men's • and Children's Footwear. Call ^l+ • and see them, and if we have not • what you want, we will --try and get 'y thein for you. .q. BUTTER AND '• <JFRITZ ■ OONARMATECUS WANTED t THE SHOEMAN •••«`•!•,•:•,l,•4••g••••,••F.•l.•p••F••ff•.gse..l••p.•p•.g•or.• ;•*•;•oo•: •: •g•:^••••g.oa•!•.g••i,.g.•p.•g•+•l..¢.^yF+.i.•g+•fr 14: I For T"nfaiite aid ChildrC;1 En Usol7Ce2 011'44' o Yenro •c• iu rt • 4•9.2 u atslxofLts i,m,?R�,,4 • PRERWAR. PRICES THEY ARE NOT COMING, BUT ARE RIGHT HERE Pli•E- WAR PRICES S ON; A GREAT MANY OF THE LINES \ E1 CAR RY. ESPECIALLY THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOJIS, AND GROCERIES. We have a good shirting at 35 cents per yard. A. good Denine at 50 cents per yard. • A good Devine eor, boys ,suits at 50 cents per yard. Cottons at 15 cents per yard and, upwards. . Flannelettes at 25 cents per yard and upwards. Men's Shirts were $2.50 arenow selling at $1.2&. Men's Overalls, per pair from. $1.25 to $2,00 AND A GREAT MANY OTHER LINES REDUCED ACCORD- INGLY, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. f' reC::I g - - t't 5ct' 'i c . always in aft 1+ ,