HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-02, Page 8Page Eight ZTJRicIi PiERALD •fr ler< fur -y aria Vt-anda 4th 6th. Prices greatly reduced on Summer Goods just mrhen you are in need- of them. Remember the date, two days only, COME EARLY Special Reductions on the following: FINE VOILES SILKS OF ALL KINDS CURTAIN SCRIMS A.ND, NETTS CURTAIN DRAPES CRETON CHINTZES PRINTS AND GINCIPIA'AIS L &DIES' UNDERWEAR *MEMAND BOYS' SUUITS MEN'S PANAMA HATS MEN'B FELT HATS CAPS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS SOME LINES IN GROCERIES See Bills for more- particulars. SON urilc s Gar e Just recei VC d a shipment of John ston's Clear -Ray ItellectorS to clear at $1.50 We carry a complete Stock of Tires Tubes, Accossories and Gonne Ford. Parts IteLSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS STEM:IWO RiMgea 4Ft1 ZSI • ;L.'S. 7 Battery. Sales ani Service Station EXPERT BATTERY ATTENinoN ALSO CHARGING FIRST CLASS REPAIRING ANY MAKE OF CAR A SPECIALTY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 111 Morisseau• Zurich PHONE No. 103. Ready -to -Wear Clothing .DENOlfrifir BROS. GENTS- FURNISHINGS Ordered Clpthing attar le r I • IT DOES NOT PAY ITO BUY "CHEAP" CLOTHING. IT 1,VILL NOT GIVE SATISFACTION. YOU NOT ONLY LOSE MONEY, BUT ALSO THE SATISFACTION , OF BEING WELL DRESSED, LET US DRESS YOU UP IN ONE OP OUR STYLISH, WELL- TAILORE D "PALM BEACH" USUITS leND YOU 'WILL BE DRESSED FIT FOR ANY OCCAS- ION. . • e.914. Rel r.4.116 elReA elte 2X061.1.100 taizen in exchange fozi Gooao ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Let everybody patronize the Ladies fifteen -cent lunch.next .Sat- urday night. • Mr. Alex. Rannie and son Wil— liam motored to Leawdoo, on Tuesday, May 24th, to attend the funeral of the former's brother,: Mr. Thomas ,Ra:nnie. Norman Garfield, who shot and kided Ben. Johnston at Woodstock and 'who escaped jail last week,. has been re -captured and. eSeen- tenced to haler'sto-day, Thuile/tee. June 2nd, at Woodstock. 6 ,Neee, Miss Ruth Pirt, of- Uxbridge, will speak to the ZZurich Woriteres" Institute en the Ladies' Halleoe afternoon, -June 10th at 2 pr,tnIL, Her subject will be motheroed I teaughter. All ladies are 'toed - jelly invited. 'fre eve • ••••••••••••11=••••••• — — and three sisters, Mrs. Jacob Ge- iser of Shipka, 1VIrs. Win, Schade of Dashwood, and Mrs. Joseph Kaereher of. Lansing. The . funeral was held Monday afternoon from the Evangelical church. From out o tow e there attended Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Link and son; Mr. and Mrs. Con- • Thursday, June 2nd., 1.94 t einramesorappeinnsawassios wensiness.mssmerataisfessawasmannimq . . . We wish to draw your at tention to a few Seasonable Lines el Peerless Wire Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc, Martin Senour line of 100 per cent. pure paints. CUINANEL LINE OF VARNISHES AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS dt, ALL KINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN" DOORS, AND WINDOWS. . POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERS, AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of No. 6 Ign. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,FULL LINE OF BEDS, SPRINGS, AND MATTRESSES, CURT I TOLES, WINDOW SHADES., BASEBALL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LIN S LINE OF MACHINE, AND CYLINDER LTJBRUICATING OILS, POLARINE, AND MOB- IL -B., ROOFING: AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE OFOUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL. ORDERS TAKEN -FOR BINDER TWINE, The Store with the Liberal Cash 1 iscount Nra 221329:41.7=151==ent,:=, NOTICE. I am new in a, position to do all rad Truemner and Mr. and; Mrs. kinds of paper hanging, painting, William Truemner of Zurich; Mrs. graining and staining work. Also Wm. Schade, Dashwood; Jacob keep a large assortment of sam- Geiser, Shipka; Mrs. Joseph Kaer- plea of paper 'and can have same cher, Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. in short order. Satisfaction my Davis Flint, and Herbert True- Motto. —Carl Blunfrenstein, Walper tf-39 mner, Elkton. L The man who will help save our ;river banks, our valleys, our high- , ways, who will help purify soggy morass and swamp land, and bring shade to the sun -parched pee: aerieS. Planting trees in Canada. ;is a duty towards Canada. We !should plant, plant and nein !plant trees. Plant trees for the' district,. for the community, • tor private pleasure. --- r ee+++++++++++++++++++++++++1-+++++++++++++++++++++++++,i: + + e,.. Save the Surface ..1-. 4. ,..- ,,,-. and you Save all 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4% We have a full line of the Cel- + ebrated. Sherwin-Williams ready • + 4.mixed paints, St sin% Oils, Varnish- + 4.•1 it"-' Or'. • ,.*:: + + , ; = , . ea, 'White Lead, Ploor Paint, Gr- e - e..... e.,, + 0... Y, I, ,4 ,, aining Paints, Enamel.% Auto and + ,\ +.e,. Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc, + .14 ' ''s, ....., " 4 + Aho a full line, of common and + + + 1 0 Rubbee Set Paint Brushes, New 4' + hitsrawitiwatworto mv.ow+ Perlectioe Oil Stoves, Ovens and + 464 - Wicks. Lawn Mowers, Screen Do- 4- + + ..,. + ------tr;..: ors and Hinges, Window Screens, l', 4. 7.7.4- and Sere:ening, Poultry Netting, 1 + Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- 1: ..,... LATE IDA TECUR (From Elmira Signet)* There passed - away on Thursday, May 19th, at the home of her par- ents, in Pinkington Tp., Miss Ida Mary 'l'hur ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Thur, aged. 22 yeara, 7 months and 21 deys. Miss Thur had earlier undergone an operat- ion for appendictiis, from the shock of Which Oil euceumbed. She was a lin 14 ea t d br'gh' and intelligent young woman, whe. was esteemed by a. wide circle of friends. e Her last remains were laid to rest on Sundey afternoon There was a brief 'service at her: hoose P1 iegto I aetee whichths fueeral proceeded to the North Woolwich Evang.. Church foe ter: eices. Interment follewed in the North Woo:wich cemetery. Bev, Bean officiated. Many relatives and friends attended the funeral, and paid their last respects to memory, A. number expres- sed their sentiment in flowees, eples, Etc. Garden and Farm Toole, ftesh carr of Best St, Marys Portland Cement, just here; CCorriplete line of, heavy and shelf hadrevaee always rn atocic. Orders taken for Gold Medal Bin- der twine., Evetroughing and Plumbing and repairing of ali kinde . ' SPORT , NEWS e.Ceive• our boys your .support on Friday, June 3rd, et Crediton. That stronly advertised "Zurich Imported Battery" by the Clinton team certainly -showed up well on Monday eve., and is worthy , of comment. Of course, when Dodo pitched the last two innings and 'fanned' five out of six of their batten, our "Horne Brews" as they call it, are also too, much for theirs. . ISTADE , + + + * PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH I ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++, +++++++++++++++++++++++44 LATE JOHN TRUEIVINEll Zurich team goes to ,Crediton on Friday, June 3rd, where they will play an exhibition game in the morning and a League game in the afternoon. That all-star pitcher,•. Ramsey, who won the tournament here last Labor Day, and. who is forinerly of Toronto, and this year plays with the Goderich team, took a fine chance to look over our boys at Clinton on Monday eve., when he accomadated himself by acting as umpire. But our boys have some „stuff tha the did not catch on, and this will be shown next weak when on Tuesday Our boys go to GOdeliCh and on Friday eloderich' plays here. +—+ On ball team motored to Clin- toe on Monday evening to play their first League game with that team. The. game though only -a seven- inning one, was by the general reflection of the score, a one-sided atfair, as Clinton made its only run on an by the Zurichteam, team, • Seemingly the CrneDs bey,. have 'had no batting 'practice, ares greatly fall down there. ' Butwe have all the coefidenee that Clin- ton will 1030 their streak be bad I hank and mike some of the other House, Zurich. (From Sebewaing Blade) teams go some. It sure was their John T , for many ruemmer, years nig ht off. We, notice in their Hee- a resident of Windsor, Pp., and up that an old Zurich player, Mr. eiC. Eilber is with the Clinton boys. Schiffeibach Curhessen Germany, ' g ' since aely i pring of this year living in Sebewaing, eyes born in Followin is the line-up; july 91h, 1856, and dee) departed his Wenn after a lingering ill- ness, on Friday' May lath, near the close of his 64th year, When oely six 'weekis old he came with his parents to Amerita, settling in Ontario. In 1883 he came to Michigan, locating on a farnenear Kilmanagli, Mr, Truemner was twice married, his first wife, Cattle erine Ortwein and one son, pre-, deceased him, On, December 9, he wee united in marriage to Catherine Schultz who 131.1rViteS hill. To this union were 'horn three son, Herbert of Elkteleand teara, and Wesley on the old Nein, Theee 'With two stepdaughters,Vlis .8, Heist of Windsor. Tpe atid, MrS. Davis of Flint, renieiti to knotarti his loss, together With nine grand - Children, tWo brothers, Conrad. end William Truentner of 4.ronzeb, 0 COST-C.P.A7EXECUTIVE The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only tito:z wishing for ad. vancement to qualify as accountant. Home studsp training, not interfering with your present occupa-* tion. Booklet free. We have trained more Certi. fled Public Accountants than has any other instttu. tion. We have helped huadrcTis of others secure. good paying positions. We Ln l.elp you. 'nf lion' A :cenntr nt Flo-AA2 Trrontal. Zurich Clinton 11. Ohlert 11 • Buttler A. Henbing q, Cooper r., W. Rodman , (feraper Clay, Hoffman 1-b* Tasker T. L. Wurne 2-b IV,IcCaughy Clar. Hoffman 3-b Tulrord WP Braun r -f Holler L. Callfae c -t Welsh A Siebert1-f C. Eilber Score by' Innings; Zurich , 443 411. 1-18 Clinton 001 000 0— 1 The Zurich pitchers, a, Ohlert and Clar. Hoffman had 13 etrike- oute and gave 1 base on balls, and • 2 -base hits; While the Clinton pitchers, Butner, Tasker and Levis struck out 8n -setae gave base on balls; 2 2 -lease hits and one 3 - •base, hit. 1.1nipire, Hamso of Zioderich. 01•11•111.4111110 New Styles! Nevi Cloths! New Prices! Springand Summer The "BROADWAY" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your measure for an up todateSUlT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sams - pies to chose from Produce Wanted. ButerickFashions Phone