HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-06-02, Page 5Thursday, June 2nd,, 1921 BUSINESS .CAM:1S :Praudfoot, Killoran & ' ROEMER, ?smelters, Solicitors, Ncitariee, Public Jf:,'t.c, Office on the Squats, 20d door from Rainiltoe St. God- '4erieh, Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. 1'roudfoot, K,C,• J. L, Killoran D. k.. Holmes. N1r, Holmes will be in l_Iensall on Friday of each week, ° ANDREW W F. IIESS, Notary Public Cees missionee, 4Conveyancing, Fire aind Life Insurance! Agent Corporation and Canada , Trust Co. Herald Office, Zurich. Dr.E. S. ilarale DENTIST tLt ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DA HWOOD EVERY THURSDAY SIAIN OFFICE HENQALL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed . Auctioneer for the Co- %anti- of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- lenteed or no pay. .Several 'fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zirrieh, P. O. Phone 18-93 Licensed .Auctioneer 1 have taken out Auctioneer's ?License for the County of Huron am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you Satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, .- Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich 'Meat ,MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna. Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woui9 CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES Tuinglolvit & Beichert NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position -to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for Lire. . Anything done in the team 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. lug line 'Phone .58 LIVE POULTRY WANTED 'Waken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. ' Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH-FOR-- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone , 94. Zurich We are now open for all kinds tor: Bicycle Repairing. No Job too big; No Job too small. Also Agent for the Well-known Red laird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Call. O'BRIEN & WALPER Office and Shop, first building eolith of Walper' House. tf-40 SPRING AND SUUMMER :DELIV- ERIZIS, Season 1921 During th, a past Coal Season which has almost ended, we have been able to ,redder the consuming ;public of Zurich, and vicinity, a fuel servipe which, we think, has not been equaled in any other part of the country. We will again during the coming Beason give of bur best' services in solving your fuel problems and ,subject to the usual conditions governing prices and deliveries. . We, 'are glad to announee we'are again booking orders at the 'old stand where We are still doing bus- inees, enjoying the ealtininy of our enemies and the adulations of our friends, strongly fortified in our 1 opje enjoying ,the eventualities of the fight. ---Terms Cash. Phone—Rouse 10W, office 10J y � out, & PRODUCE MERCHANT r PUT Y01/124 Wants, For sole, Lost, Found; Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS ,COLUMN FOR SALE I am offering for sale my barn In Zurich, size 24x40 aid. 16 •• feet high, Apply Win. Siebert ‘Zure FOUND In Zurich on May, 24th a ladies' green color coat, Finder can have same at Herald Office by paying this adv. . EGGS ,FOR HATCHING S, C, Iheonas Eggs for hatch- ing from the Shepherd and Ratz Strain,—J. Gaseho & F, B. Meyer. FOR SALE THRESHING MAOHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9-h.p. Lister gas- olene engine. For further part- iculars `apply to. John Thirsk, 131a1te, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 NOTICE. Is Hereby given that no per- sons are allowed to crawl over fences atethe Fair Grounds. Also_ that all gates mast be kept clo- sed. Zurich . Age, Society. 47-2 EGGS FOR HATCHING' I, have White Rock c-ggs for hatching for sale. Bred from good stock, T. Mittleholtz, :Zurich FOR SALE Fine residential Property in Zurich owned by estate of late 3. H. Schnell, consisting of com- fortable brie kd\yelling, frame st- able and one acre of land. Nic- ely located and in good repair. For further particulars apply to Mrs. J.+ H. Schnell, Henry Stein bach or A. F. Hess, Executors 47-3, NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HAY COURT OR REVISION OP THE ASSESSIVIENT ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1921 NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Asses- sment Roll of the Tonwship of Hay for the year 1921 will hold its first sitting in the• Town Hall in the Village of Zurich on Saturday, June 4th, A. D., 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M. A. F. HESS, Township Clerk. Dated at Zurich, May 17th, 1921. • MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chambers, Goder- ich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1921. All accounts against the ,Count must be in the ha&ls of the ClEek not later than Monday preceeding the meeting of the Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk - Dated Goderich, May 20th, 1921 New Garage I have opened up a Garage for overhauling cars and general Aut- omobile attention and repair work. In the. rear of the Massey -Harris' Implement shop, at the old Garage stand. Motor and Transmission A Specialty SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES R OHLERT GIVE US A. CALL Phone 101 INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. ORN-L&DO. TEIE HOME INSURANCE CO. Ensures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Ce. paid $1.111 000 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. e Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years,, Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies.. G. Holtzman ZURICH, - ONT. ANYTHING IK.F:1RE INStTPANCD. y..� y 1;0.0• JRIC11 I1EItALD LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jos,' Druar 'are vis iting friends at St. Clemens, Mr. Heys of Elmira, visited the week -end,. at his home in •Stanley. Miss M, E, Routledge was a bis- ness visitor to London on Tues day. Mr, and Mrs, Alex.. Mousseau we- re Sunday visitors at Grand Bel 1 !. Children's Dayobserv- ed will be o - t ed in the E v -angelical church( next Sunday, Come to the Ladies Hall ati'd enjoy the good things next Sat- urday night, Mrs. Geo. Merner of Daslwo"o4 visited at the home of W. C. Cal- li~as, one day last week. 1. Mrs. J. J. Barry, who 'spent a couple of weeks visiting here, returned! to her home on Friday. Mrs. Wm. Truenrner of the( 14th con., attended the funeral of a relative at 'Stratford last week. We have a quantity of bran and shorts on hand, our own make, see Local Markets for prices. Zurich Flour Mills. Mr. and Mra. Fred. E. Hess, and son, Jack, of London, spent' a few days at the home .of Mrs. F. Hess, Sr., this week. Dont forget the fifteen cent lunch in the Ladies' Hall, two doors north of 'the Herald: Office, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Sipped of El- mira spent the week -end at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weber, Bronson Line. J. Gascho & Son are holding a two -days ;special sale, Saturday, June 4th and Monday, June 6th. These bargains will be well worth looking up. When .a girl looks as though she had fallen face forwards ip a flour barrel, you have no right to conclude that she was helping mo- ther with the baking. Those .attending the 1Iv. Luth- eran Synod here 'were treated to an outing to a motor trap to Grand Bend on Sunday afternoon to see this great summer resort. Rev. Meyer occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical Church, Cred- iton on Sunday morning, while Mr Dunkin of Toronto served in his place here. Mx. and Mrs. David Gingerichof the Goshen south, returned on Monday from a week's visit with friends at Kitchener, Hambutrg, Tavistock and Stratford. Mr. Morris Weber of the village has been appointed enumerator for taking the census of 1921. Mr. Weber will start on Wednesday, June 1st, 'and his district includes, the village of Zurich. e Owing to bad roads, an auto. overturned near Forest on Mon- day and killing three occupants, and injuring one, they are, Mrs. Stanley Wilson and two children killed, and Mr. Wilson injured. Mrs. J. B. Dennis of Galt spent a few days with her father, Mr. G. Holtzman. We understand that, upon her return to Galt, they intend to move to Kitchener, where Mr. Dennis has purchased a business. Dr. O'Dwyer was in London last. Tuesday,. to assist' in theoperation of Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber, of the Bronson 'Line. We are ple- asncl to rgport that good hopes are entertained for Mr. Schwart'z- ent:ruber's recovery. e On the evening of May 25th, a meeting was held in the Y. P. C. A. building, Exeter, for the pur- nose o•' forming a Basket Ball, Soft Ball and Lawn Tennis League. Representatives were pa: ‘sent from Zurich, Centralia and Crediton. The following teams entered for the different sports; Lawn fie/nil—Ur:eh, Ctntra'ta, Crediton and Exeter. Soft Ball—Zurich, Centralia Cr- editon, Exeter and Dashwood. Basket Ball—Centralia, Crediton, Exeter and Dashwood. The following schedule was ad- opted; i SOFTBALL June6—Exeter at Zurich; Centr- alia at Crediton: Tune 13—Zurich at Dashwood; Cr- editoti at :Exeter. June 20—Exeter at Dashwood, ,Co- 1.`ralia at Zurich. June 27—Crediton at Zurich Dashwood at :Centralia June 30—Dashwood at Credito July 1—Exeter at Centralia July 4—Zurich.,at. Exeter Crediton at/ Centralia. July 11—Dashwood at Zurich . Exeter at Crediton. July 18—Dashwood at Exeter Zurich at Centralia. July 25—Zurich at Crediton Centralia at Dashwood Aug. 3—Centralia at Exeter Crediton at Dashwood. LAWN' TENNIS June . 24—Zurich at Centralia. Crediton at Exeter. July 7 --Exeter at Zurich ICentral,ia at Crediton. July 14 -Crediton at Zurich Centralia at Exeter July 21—Centralia at Zurich Exeter at •C.redi'ton. July 27 --Zurich '4 Exeter July e9—Crediton at Centralia. Aue, 5—Zurich at Crediton-. teeter at Centralia. SPRAYING OF POTATOES Vete Absolutely Necessary to Prevent Blight and trot, Uoiv to fight Theso Fungus Enemies ---,Directions for.. Spraying --Must Be Timely and. Be !i'horoughly Done. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto,) Potatoes are sprayed to prevent, such fungus diseases as Early Blight and Late Blight and Rot. Efficient spraying depends upon an under- standing and appreciation of what fungus diseases are. ., Fungus diseases are caused by plants known as fungi, These plants, unlike ordinary flowering plants, have no 'Veen coloring matter (chlorophyll), and are unable there- fore to manufacture their own food. All their nourishment must be ob- tained from decaying animal or vegetable remains or . from living animals or plants. Those fungi which derive their nourishments from living plants injure them in so doing in various ways, and thus give rise to what are known as fungus diseases. Late Blight and Rot is the most destructive disease of potatoes .in Ontario. In wet seasons it frequently destroys a very large proportion of the crop and causes a loss of many thousands of dollars to the farmers of the province. This is to a large extent, a needless loss, for Late Blight and Rot can be prevented by timely, thorough and' intelligent spraying with Bordeaux mixture. This has been proven by numerous field experiments both in this country and the United States. Spraying every year is an insurance. Can you afford to neglect it? Directions for Spraying, — Spray with Bordeaux mixture,, strength 4 to 6 pounds of copper sulphate (blue= stone) and 4 pounds of lime to 40 gallons (imperial) of water. Com- mence spraying with Bordeaux throughout the season. Forty to 100 gallons of the Bordeaux mixture will be required for each application, the amount to be used depending upon the size of the plants. Take special care to see that the spraying is very thoroughly done if the weather is at all damp about the 15th of July, as Blight•often+aegins at this time. Add a poison when necessary for Potato Beetles—arsenate of lead paste 3% pounds to each 40 gallons of the li- quid spray or Paris green 2 pounds to 40 gallons or a mixture of 2 pounds of arsenate of lead paste and 1 pound of Paris green to 40 gal- lons. From three to seven applica- tions should be 'made, depending up- on the season; the wetter the wea- ther the larger the number. Do not pint off spraying because it looks like Furst ;' Ii the •spray' is on the plants half"an hour before the rain comes it will be dry and sufficient of it will stick ' to prevent infection, which takes place' during or soon after rain. Spraying as described above should prevent not only Late Blight and Rot but also Early Blight end Potato Beetles. For Late Blight and Rot only, it is not necessary to com- mence spraying until about the 10th of July, but in Ontario it is usually advisable to spray for all three. A hand puhnp barrel sprayer can be used for small lots of potatoes. Most men who grow any consider- able acreage of potatoes consider that a power potato sprayer is a good investment. The best results from spraying are obtained with ma- chines fitted with T -joint attachments so as to insure covering both sur- faces of the leaves at each spraying. Efficient spraying of potatoes depends; 1. Upon the use of the proper fungicide.- Bordeaux mixture has so far proved to be the only satisfactory spray mixture for potato diseases. 2. Upon timely and repeated spraying, Spraying should be com- menced when the plants are froiu six to eight inches high, and repeated at intervals o1 from a week to ten days throughout the growing season. From three to seven applications Will be required, the number depending mien the weather, the wetter the weather the more frequent the spraying. 3, Upon the liberal use of Bor- deaux mixture. Thorough spraying canonly be. done when sufficient of the spray mixture is used. From 50 to `150 gallons of Bordeaux mixture should be used per acre at each ap- plication. When the plants are large not less than 100 gallons per acre should ' be applied. 4. Upon thorough spraying, which means' the covering of every portion of the plant. 5. Upon spraying before rather than after prolonged rainy periods. Infection of the plants takes place during or soon after rain. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to have the spray mixture on the plants w.hgn the rain conies. If the spraying is completed half an hour before rain sufficient of the Bordeaux will stick to prevent infection, If the spraying is left until after prolonged rain in- fection will take place before the Bordeaux can be applied to the plants. Putting off spraying because it looks like rain is one of the most frequent causes of failure to obtain results from potato spraying. -3. E. Howitt, 0. A. College, Guelph, Dig out borers from trunks of peach trees, Spray underside of rose leaves with nicotine sulphat to kill Leaf - Hoppers. • Grass, clover, alfalfa, or fall sown rye are usually 'ready for pasture how. Watch carefully pear trees and young apples trees for Blossom Blight, Break 'orf infested part. Re- peat every second day till danger is past. Dts1nE8Ct.. tools, laud any cuts Page Five �i�.5#�f15 ;Mrt eeer Le 4,4 Fi Children Cry for F1etcher's M)1,1, :' +letcher's Castoria is sti ctiy a remedy for Infants and Children, ]?bods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that. its use for over 30 yc�ars`has not proven. What is CAST ? o Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric,. Drops and Soothing Syrups. • It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been .in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, aid by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Ftiend. GENUINE .CAST Bears the Signature of" AL AY In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY assey-Harris Farm Machinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implement, and Farm Engines and Tractors, and can supply your wants for the com- ing season. They Have Stood The Test They Have Es!ablished a Reputatien Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere' JIE.DRUAR, - Zurich New Overland c' We have tested the NEW OVERLAND FOUR for one U Year and find that it is easily -the best riding and driving car on the TO ad. C, COME ALONG AN' LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. R3 HONESTY IS OUR MOTTO • 3. READ NEXT WEEK'S AD FOE SPECIFICATIONS 0 F. M. HESS , CO. - ZURICH 2 OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland C rs! Overizi- d Cars 1 --FOR-- AUTOMOBILE OWNE s INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE CAU 1 i 1! t, i ,, 'SED BY Fire and Transit Fire arising from any cause whatsoever, anywhere in Canada or U. S., including explosion, self ignition and lightning. Theft. THEFT, ROBBERY AND PILFERAGE Public Liability Against your legal liabilitiy for injuries or 'death caused by i the use of your automobile. Collision Damage to your automobile as aj result of being in collision with another object, 'roperty Damage Against y our liability for damage to property of others, I hates very reasonable. Get rates on any of above classes from, an accidental A e •Huss, .. Zurich