HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-26, Page 8se. e • Page Eight meeee 111,11411,11111111n-- • Z T.'S RICH JR ft A. L D Spring and Summer Goods We have a fine array of newDress Materials ori .hand at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val- ues. Also new cotton Goods such as; Prints, ginghams, galateas, shirtings,‘ cottonades, etc., all at lower prices.• Serges awl Velours Fine Dress and Suit serges in various colons, 5 in., wide value at $2.50 a yard. Velours and ot- her wool goods for Spring coats at from $2.25 to $3,75 per yard. New Voi ad Organdies Figured and Striped. Voiles in light and dirk shades and new design, aleo fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride • in our fine showing of. these goods now on hand. Come and see them. • MEN'S WEAR Now is the time to order' your new Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have a complete range or samples to choose.,- frost, - for , den seed, now in. Also Gardin- made-to-measure suits at right'. er, s Calf Meal, Timothy •Sed No. prices. Grocery .A. new stock epti. of Field and Gar - WALL PAPERS See our new Wall Papers for Spring. We made a special ef- fort to obtain the very newest designs in Wall paper and have a good variety on hand to show CERIES ALWAYS ON you. H 1 purity at right price, also small lot of Alsike Clover Seed. Get our Prices. A FULL LINE OP FRESH GRO- HAND. o Just rc.,ceived a shipment of John ston's Clear -Ray Reflectors to clear at $1.50 We carry a cdmplete Stock of Tires Tubes, Accessories- a-nd Genuine Ford Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED POR PARTS FOR V...A.ItIOUS AUTOS Battery Sales an Service Station EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTION ALSO CHARGING FIRST CLASS REPAIRING ANY MAKE OP CAR A SPECIALTY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 11. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. -4.44÷4.4.4444.1.44+++++4.44+4.4.4•44ei..1444.1.4.4-1-1.4-1-ee.++++.1-1.4,÷4.+4e's 4. 4. 4. 4* 4. 4. 4. 4' 4' 4' -46 4. - 3: PREETER BLOCK Terawiti-WituAm Eve 115tPARTO unto 464 WAY e-seeee e.essesee. • Save the Surface and you Save.all We have a full line • of 'the Cel- ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready mixd Ninth, RIMS, 011A Varnish - (13, White Lead., Floors Paint, Gr - *irking Paints, Enamels, Auto and se Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc, Aleo a full line 'set common and Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New le,rfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and Wicke, Lawn Mower, Screen Do - ore and .mnos, Window Screens, nnlSereening, Poultry Nettng, :Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- eplee; Etc. Gard e and Par. -n 'Tools, fresh cee oe Beet S. Marys Portland ft Cement, just here; CComplete • ../e, line of heavy and shelf hadeware Orders: taken Cor Gold Medal Bin- der twine.- Evetroughing and :re Plumbing and repairing of all kinds. t alwaye in stock. s 44 4. 4. 4' ZURiCH ; ee+++++++++++++4seee++++++ lefeetseme++4.41-1-444.4.+44+4444.4-1-0,e` 4. Ready -to -Wear Clothing ugNonly BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing .4 " Thursday 1.Ifay 27.th, 1.921• WOIPIPM(*.WWwwwww•mor...•••004 011.110•11111/18.1...pippeo.* We wish to, -.(1,raw-- yo1,4 at IT DOES NOT PAY TO BUY "CHEAP" CLOTHING. IT WILL ee NOT GIVE SATISFACTION. YOU NOT ONLY LOSE MONEY, BUT ALSO THE SATISFACTION BEING ,WELL DRESSED. es LET US DRESS YOU UP IN ONE OF OUR STYLISH, WELL- TAILORE D "PALM BEACH" USUITS AND YOU WILL BE DRESSED PIT FOR ANY OCCAS- ION. Peerless Wire. Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. Martin Senour line of 100 per cent. pure paints. CHINANEL LINE OF VARNISHES AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS. POULTRY NETITING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERS: AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of No. 6-Ign. batteries BOYS' COATER WAGONS,FULL LINE OF BEDS, SPRINGS, AND M.A.TTRESSES, CURT,' 1 re TOLES, WINDOW sprApg4, BASEBALL liATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. • WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE LINE OP MACHINE, AND CYLINDER LUBRUICATING OILS, POLARINE, -AND MOB- IL -B., ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE 'die OUR SPECIALTIES, NO 3033 TOO BIG OR SMALL. - O.RDERS TAKEN FOR BINDER TWINE. Produce taken in exchange for Qcods ITEMS OF LOCAL. INTEREST Mr. Harry Randall -of London called on friends in Zurich last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge of Centralia, spnet the holiday in the vfflage. . , Rev. Henderson .of the Alliance, Toionto, will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church next Snn- day morning. • 'Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Horner 14th, con., returned from London last Wednesday ,a:ter spending a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rookeand son Can ane. Mrs. J. KerersOieendson Joe,, visited at the hoitie .:OfMr. and Mrs. .3 Hartman, GolehenLeae south, over Sunday. The Lutheran Synod is in session in Zurich this week. Sonic • 60 Ministers- and delegatee are nres- ent -and it will be a fine devotion- al gathering of church workers, ReV. 'Rivers, of, Hensell, occup- ied the pulpit in the Eeesugelical church on Sunday evening, while. Rev. P. B. Meyer. conducted ser - V''%1 in. the Methodist church Hen- sall. Word was received last -week of the death of Miss Ida Tour, of eear Elmira. She was known to many in Zurich, having stayed: at the Even:Tercel narsenage forseme time.. More particulars next 'We- ek. Last Friday, •Mr. Jacob Schwartz entruber of the Bronson Line left for London, and upon being ex- ainined on the X -Ray efound that he had a cancer in the inteetinee. They intend to operate. on Tues- day of this Week. • Mr, and Mrs. Garnet, Deters of Hay Township spent a few days last week. at New Hamburg, as- sisting the forneer'e parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Daters of that - place in moving theie household effects into the dwelling they recently purchased, Mr, Peter 'Coerivean of St. Jos- eph, known as "Steeple -Jack Pete' is painting the high' tower of the Lutheran church: We are toki that Mr. Corriveiu has an en- tirely different method of cleat this work to form.* 'painters, in stead of Using a large trustle work Mr Corriveau has a rope at- taehment to the top, of the steeple and has a small carriage hanging thereon which holds the painter and by swinging around and let- ting hitnelt up or down at his leisure, Mr, Cotriveaticae do this work at a very rapid rate atepeed LATE LAURINE STEMON On Thursday . Miy 19th, the Anglo o death entered into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sie mc,n, •Hay Townehip, and re- moved thole beloved daughter, Laurens, age 6 years, 6 months and 13 &nes. Deceased had been ill for a Fa hOrt time with inflaniatory rhuematiem, this enlarging the heart' to such an vx.tentIthat death elone could releisse the sufferer. The funeral Which WA.9 COndllet.g (1 ley Ply, H. Bembe ors Sundae' af- ternoon to the Goshen Line c.,enr- etery, was one �( the In tee es t wit - ns! s eel for some time, coneiderable over 100 autos being in the Poese neseion. 'This is evidence of the Vgli esteem Mr, and Mrs. Si6r0011, and family are being held an -11 )wlf.1 the sympathetic :reeling of tb sir many friends awl relatives.] • SPORT NEWS The Store ith the Liberal Cash Discount FOR GIRLS Foot race 13 yrs. and under, G. Surerus, R. Surerus and G.Melick. Foos race, 10 yrs. and under, `Sur- erus, S. Callfas, A. Surerus and C. Wmen. Three-legg•ed race, Rader and Deeller, Melick and Howald, Sure •-erus and Surerus. FOR BOYS Foot race, 13 yrs, and under, L. Surneus, t. 'Yungblut, P Feist. Foot raee, 10 yrs. and under, D. Geiger ,L. Prang, 0. Witmer. Three legged race; Surerus and Se- Praese• and Hey. Pie eating conteit, Hey, McAdams, .Prb.ng. C Fritz, manager 4-4. •MORNING EXIL GAME • Zurich Crediton W. F. Braun c. Arnestronce A. Henning p. W. Motz L W. Hoefmare s.s, G. Kennon Clay Hoffman 1-b 33 :Fahner R. Ohlert 2-b TT. Palmer Car. Hoffman 3-b. E. Beaver '1 S. Chilton r -f. H. Brown L. Callfas c -f. K. Fahner !eel e Seibert c -f. [Schenk core by innings; Zurich 00/2 01e x-16 Ceediton 20 4 010 0- 7 A Henning pitched first 2% in- nings for Zurich and Clar. Hoff- rnan the balance allowing, only one leen and henning acted as catcher ..vhlie Brown retired. W. Mote, retched first three in- . nings ear-sCrediton and IT. Down finishing. AFTERNOONs LEAGTJE GME Zurich Crediton R Ohlert p. 1-1. Down A. :Henning c. Armetrong, T W Ho`fin.en s.s. G.Anderson Clay. Holfraa.n 1-b. B.lealerier T. \V. Wennu 2-b, H. Fahner Clay. Hoffman 3-b. Harness W.F. Braun r.f. K. Fahner 1's. Callfas c.f. W. 'Motz Babe Siebert 1-f C. 13e,aver Score by innings; -Zurich 228 0; 0 01x-15 Crediton 012 120 001- 5 R. Oh'e:'t the Zur:ch pitcher bad 13 etrike-outs, and gave 3 bases on balls. While the. C'reditoii pit - chore, Down and Mote had , 6 strike -outs and give 2 bases ion bees. Hite of Ohlert 7, of Cred- iton 14. Jerry Boyle at Exeter umpired both gamel and gave good eatis- faet;on, 4,-4. In the first League (seine be- tween Clinton and God%rich on Tueeday, Goderich won, score 5-0 Goderich ilea its first game with Creditori, this Thursday evening, at Crediton. Mayor Elliott of Wiegham pit- ched the first' ball in the firstborns game of the 'North Well League laet Wednesday afternoon. The fixture was between Brussels and Wir;gham and the latter team the, winners of last yeir's penant, de- feated the visitoes by 11 to 3. Both teams played good bail and 'Brussels( has no reason to feel couraged. 4.e•-•44 A game of interest was played between the Dashwood and Zurich juniors last Friday ovenieg on the Zurich Diamond, the home teethe having considerable the best bf the argument. . 'Keep at it toys! Yoti will be the players ot the coming time, when our' present stars *re out roe the game. • PHONE 63 11/4;50321ESEIALIGNIMIC=1. Mina 133=1306:31,ZgrmagillIZIN. ..11755rarzza====.. NOTICE. am now in a position to do all - kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and staining work. Also keep a large assortment of sam- ples of paper and can have same in short order. SatisfaCtion my Motto. -Carl. Blumenstein, Walper House, Zurich. tf-39 a 11 CO5T-C.P.A:EXECUTIVE The Best Paid Profeason Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for a vancement to qualify as accountant. Homestu training, not interfering with your present occup tion. Booklet free. We have trained more Cfled e PtbIic Aeoountants than has any otherinstit tier!. We have helped hundreds of others secu jpod paying positions- We an Mgr you. Thi try' ' - - New Slim! New Cloth! 4'10 1j PAU pring and Summer The,"BROA WAY" B.. Correct Clothing for Men cI Let Us take you measure for an u to date SUIT Cothes, 71 • Or Stylis ver Com:: %-vth uuaratiteici Fit: 'Hundreds of Satn... • • • - ' pks to..cIpoeitrOtIl. Produce Wanted.- Buterick ashion Phone .87 -4,