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ommiwzasaand the worst is yet to come
Owner fs To :Blame.
That phrase in the aeltoMobile
wod "getaranteedioveti and so many
miles.," has been 4 %nave ens} a ,delia-
sloe, to many a mototrist, It IS apt to
give the :driver a a car the imerreseitm
that me matter how or where the auto
is driven nothing can prevent the tires
lasting that many roilee, :Didn't the
manufacturer put 'that guaranty on
his tires going that fee under the most
adverse conditions before he took the
lie* involved in his guaranty? And
if they don't go the prescribed dis-
tance isn't the manuf acturer end -not
the owner of the car the loser, since
he has to make his .guaraesty good?
No, the owner is the loser, if he
doesn't get, through good care of his
tires, every possible mile out of them.
A tee guaranteed foe 5,000 miles
ought to net its oevner 10,000 miles
under vormal conditions, The manu-
facturers win out if tires are not given
proper ,cere, since more tires na,ust be
worship, is said to he the beet thne
for wing the pressure gauge. If there
are twenty pounds a aix tp every hull
Of •tire diameter the ,owner can topo
ter a day ef rest' free from tire
tosiblest if not, he -will have just
enough time to add •the desired am-
ount of air while, fried wife is putting
the finishing 'touches on her Sunday-
go-to-rneeting ,gown. It pays big to
give the tires proper neurishenent. It
means fewer puneturee and oesequent
expensive operations and longer life
of the tires. '
Small injuries to 'tires need proMpt
end careful attention. A bruise in live
rubber means a dead spot. It should
be fixed before gangrene sets in.
Like humane, tires need a bath oc-
casionally. Cleantirsess is highly de-
sirable, and Saturday evening is reit a
had time to ,elean tires. Grease, oil
and gasoline, which 'ere frequently
conspicuous on garage floors, when
brought in contact with the tires thode
bought under such oirounisteaces. to deteriorate them,.
Yet the maker a tires prefers to Tires need proper ,thelter. The hot
have his product treated 'decently. If sun is not geoid for their complexions.
•hiS guaranteed tires at 10,000 miles Rain and mud are a handicap to their
instead of 5,000 the buyer le apt to be healthful condition. When not n use
so plea,sed that he becomes a perma- a. well-built, dry garage is the best
neat 'customer. If the tires wear less habitat,
than the allotediniles there is apt to A change in .scenery is .often highly
' be controversy and dissatisfaction in desirable. When a rear tire shows
the necessary settlement, which makes wear, let it change with a forward
the *customea vow that the next time One. Do the same from left to right
he buys tires it will be from another When the outsides show wear. A tire
concerm gets tired of always ,gtaing in the game
If the •owner, through carelessness, rut.
What Do We Plant?
What do we plant when we plant a tree?
We plant a ship which will cross the sea,
We plant a mast t6 carry the sails,
We plant the beams to withstand the gales—
A keel, a keelson, and prow and knee;
We plant a ship when we plant a tree.
We plant the houses for you and me,
We plant the pillars, the shingles, the floors,
We plant the Studding, the laths, -the doors,
The rafters and roof, all parts that be;
We plant a home when we plant a tree.
What do we plant when we plant a tree?
A thousand boons that we daily see;
We plant a spire to out -climb the crag,
We plant a staff for our country's flag,
We plant a shade, from the fierce sun free;
We plant all wealth wh en we plant a tree !
—Henry Abbey,
beard a dead thud, a whiae of engeish,
then Joe's voice muttering, gleefully:
"That's finished, him." Thee heard,
too, the metallic snap of, power -Ail
jaws as the wolves leapt time after
time to the attack only to meet the
keen edge of Joe's axe or to come
violently in contact with the wooden
walls of the shanty.
Artistic French Notes.
All the French notes were heaut •
fully decorated with Artistic • designe.
Even the paper money 02 the smallest
denominations had stile -11M figures.
A 50-Ceetime note of one department
carried engraved ,statuee. of Joftre and
Charles, Martel, thetwo nisei Who had
.How long the Struggle lasted they kept
did not know. To them it seemed an Bastille When it became apparent
eternity. Suddenly they heard a low that vermin was to be one of the turn -
groan and Joe's Voice whispering. ing pointe of the war engtavings of
hoarsely: "Mother! Mother!"
Heedless of the risk she was run-
ning, Mrs, Stherbrook threw the dom
open, and found herston cheeping to-
ward e it through the ,snew on ell
fours. At the threshold ley the body
teaerete of the brown and white wolf, its skull
Demons of the Trail.haven't been able tone e smeshed, while a little distance. away
But their adventure was by no
means ever. No sooner had the door
can't bring about complete destruction Sharp turns do more damage to closed than they distinguished the
within the prescribed mileage limit tires than sharp stonee. Don't skid, sound of muffled enai•ls outside and
and the tires go bad when run much turn 'sharply or stop abruptly, wean, the patter ot moving paws. • Evidently
wither; he 18 disappointed that his welt uertre-racking expeeleseges cat the ,wolves were taking stock of their
stroneueld. One of the brutes leapt
troubles came outside 'the guaranteed be avoided. Quek ,stops•are akin to
epn to the l'OCE, while another sniffed
limit and straightway decides to try collisions foe allearouod damages to
Aese round the edge pf the window.
another brand. So while the misase tires and the car in genera
'The window consisted of an eigh-
of tires creates a demand for more ,of skidding is tire ttestruction at per,
teensinch square cut in the log walk
them, the makers still encourage their The anatomy of a tire is made up
and over this aperture was nailed a
customers to apply common sense to of six major paets--the tread, which
stretch or transparent skin. which ha,d
the care of this important part of an is at the point Of contact with the
beeu burled in hardwood ashes to take
automobile. No tire is good enough
to score 75 per cent. against a driver's
indifference or neglect, and f olks who
make tires want their prodacts bo
score 100 per cent.
One cart .guess at the inflation in the
price of tires, if there is 'any, and, yet
be 'helpless to remedy the causes. But
no one need to guess at the inflation
of the air in his tires. A pressure
geaage has been invented to bake iihe
guesswork out of this inflation proh-
road; the breaker strip, which pro -
teats the earcasis against ruptures; the
oushion, which alesenhe shocks; the
side well, which 'protects the earcass
against gravel and, water; the carcase,
which carries the load, and the bead,
which holds the tire in place on the
rim. •
About one-third of the cost of run-
ning a ear goes into tires, another
third into gasoline and oil and another
third into general weal; and, tear. On
Off the fur, and then cured in sett
soap. The door, -eyes 'made of cedar
logs nailed together, and, instead of
being hung le thermelinaey way, was
pivoted at one end. There was no e
bolt; it was secured by means of:a, ..'
stake placed.at an angle between the •
lioer and the lower batten. The only
invulnerable part of the whole abode
was the chimney," which .was ' built M
stone, Joe's, father having been a
. . - maseu by trade. . .
,tem. A peeson may think that a lock tiles basis, a third of the, owner's at- Joe wiped the perspiration from his
at a -tire or si pound on it, with a. tette:to to his ear should be devoted to forehead and piled more Wood on the
minikey - wretch as a eg.00d enough the tires. Some .such ,proportion of fire. "Willeam was kicking at the doer
test, 'but it certainly isn't accurate, . Ville:A.?. ;tile tires would ,increase the eno..0,truitine,
Sunday eneraingt jest 'before StarE-, latie ittio.-:-(3e4:relit4 the ettPettae of. the wolves away-
g in tile hone of drivel%
ing with the family to attend divine ritteOring tremendoosly. tMothere' eWhispeted, . Joe: drawing
her aside, 'it' S that brown and white
a I m cettein ,1 saw a wolf sneaking .walh that. nearly finished Petrie, the
through the underbrush towards me minima" '
THE KING OF THE.. just now. ' Look!" _ To_Save His Mother.
WOLF PACK , He was kin pointing, but though the .
moon was shining brilliantly Joe-oould tha1 The widow
, _ .
looked more alarmed
. . g eg i ,
i see nothhhe at fiest. Then he dis- placed theni in the whitlow -ell, where -
Canadian timber -wolves will raretv coyered a faint shaelow moving along , upon the sniffing round the, framework
e hack huMan beings unprovoked. but the edge of the bush' towards them. It ceased. Althest immediately, however,
occasionally aa exeeptiooally daring was a W olf, without doubt. The brute one of the wolves started seratehieg War the presses of several European
animal LS rust with, aed a tragedy strolled oet into the Moonlight, regeed- at the door. working with such savage countries, particularly Germany, Atm-
btarties the oonneueity. ,_ ing them curiously. and Joe saw to hie energy that stile heavy structure vi -:''411a.', Russia and Turkey, have been
There are exceptional wolves, Just horror that its coat was shaded with brateth They could , hear the brute turning out pa.per money with little
as there are exceptional men, and broWn: Quietly he took nm his axe tearing away great pieces of wood aed ' regard for gold or any metal what -
sometimes a bold old wolf will gather and gripped. William's hand. ' bark With its teeth • then there was a *wee as a basis. To add to tnese woes
round him a pack ot particularly dar- "Wee" beet get eta et twee, be mut- . low growl, and appatently the other :ettie,s have rapidly disappeared from
lug •rollowers,,ewho soon earn for them- tered. ,"I dont like the looks of that wolves joined in. The littlentb he , circulation, so that other tokens have
brute." had to take their place—tokens with -
selves a bad name. oreased in volume and for some.
rt was a pack such as this that some • "Tbeow the axe at him," S'uggested ' minutes it eeented as though the gill-
. !out any more intrinsic value than tire
111 s wouldtear le door don. i e .1,„
:bushels of paper notes.
eears ago terrorized a certain. valley ' William. "That will fix him." 1 i. ul t • tl P ' -
in. New Branswiels, The leader, curt- ' Joe had' more sense, however, than ''sently one of tbein returned to the 1 rom, 1914 to 1920 there has been.
ously enough, was a white wolf with f to deprive hiteself of his only weapon : window and deliberately tore away a i 7 ----
brown fere-quarters. The story went He lin/stied out ot the timber tete the ' pOrtiOn of the parchment. The cold 1
that this -animal was uot a pure-bired open, wheye he felt sure the wolf . night air wafted into the cabin, male i
wolf ---that, indeed, he was one-quarter Would not follow.. •Just aoroes the ex- in,. t.he candles gutter and smoke.
the reek Dr Verdun beetime populen
Mast of these notes have been h.:Sited
TOT 110 years rer less, but they have
been renewed ntere thau once.
As a natural consequenee of the in-
crease in paper, there has been a
dearth of coins-. Fiance oece resorted
in her e,xtremity to the issulag of
"1 hardly expected it," Joe answer- a second wolf sat disabled on its lea.ther money, and postage stamps,
epee for you." .
The manager looked at the boy' dis-
• maiming three had drawn off to a re- relatsY.
haunches., whining miserably. There- have be.en extensively used as cur-
ed, quietly.
figured face and hie crippled bands. In Englend naper money was hardly
"Think you could manage to tun the known before the war. az there was
launch with those heads of yours?" he enough gold and silver coin for cur.
inquired. "There't four and a half dol- MKT, but during the war and sinee
' England has istated paper Dooley in
tars a cloy to it, ancl it isn't heavy
, ,"Guess I can try," auswered .Joe.
, This is a true story, and one ot the
few authentic cases on record of tim-
ber -wolves having made an unpro-
voked attack upon man.
All of Excellent Design .and
Workmanship but Lacking
in Purchasing Power.
International exchange 'in recent
months has been doing more 'slight of
hand tricks than the most skilled ma-
gician. This is largely because the
markets of the world have been flood-
ed with paper money to such an ex-
tent that currency values have lost all
Since the beginning of the World
dog and,the rept wolf. This was high- eanse of slot* gleamed ' the homely 1 Things viere now beginning te leek
ly probable, :since the Indians ine,ke a lights or the Shatity, where all was ! very ugly, and those laside the cabin 'me following notice was read out in
Preetiee of tying out their clogs to comfortable end safe; . anti Joe hod i knew well that there was small chance ea church In Englan.c1; "There will be
proceseiou next Sunday afternoon in
breed with the wolves, so as to pro- ueeer heard of a timber -wait that"; of outside assistance eg- Joe had the 'grounds of the Mouastery; bat if
. duce a therotigbly hardy strain of would auproadi a lighted hut. . 1 long intended buying- a gun, but hits
sled -dog. . . On ' this oceasion, however,. he was I :meagre saViege had never quite, run t 0 1 it .1a4xis in the afternoon, the peaces-
! sett. Wilt take Vitae in the morning."
A Narrow Escape, dealing with an excepthenai . leader. such extrevagence. Bitterly be ret i . A men arriving eery late nt, a ton.
At any rate; the tiews reached and an exceptional. peck, and.. what !greeted it now,but never had they con- li nee party
'Fratecolee Settlement that it • wiry lit- was his,. dismay Wheathe saw that not ; templated sech a centingency ae this,. I sten. ,, was overcome with confu.
; s i
ern). gee riate,e li`ei Elalett.ms.orry to be so shoekiegly,
Ile French gaide had been attacked on I Dray the brawn wolf was 'followh
ing i "Mather; e 'said, PresentlY,
. the trail by wolves, the leader (the them, but alto. tour eery large conelug out to maket fire. Those brutes
nd •itshite welt) leaping on to peptone, The brutes were drawn out meat). tearing the hat down," ' 'Th.e genial hostess, auxions to
brown aes-
his sled and toaltiots frantic endeavors . - I sure Wm that he was still welconie, re -
it the shape of a crescent bellied and You stay here," hie mother advised . plied, ,emphattcally; "Oh, Mr, ----4
to detach the load of caribeueneat. en either' side of theln, ,and in the "They'll go •away presently„,' 1 you„eane come too late."
inunediatety. a woltecare followed.. neateesiget Joe am,d walloal could4,see "Vtrill they?" aneweeed Jee. s4gaids1 .A prisoner who was under sentence
The children were packed oft to sehool the sparkling oryetale ot ice an their eantly. "They'd have gone away
he- 102 death. was taken serious's, ill on
in sledges, guarded by thew elder% cofttS. The two at once ealekened fore if they meant leavieg ste." ••
and`the old preset speat mita .or his their pace, when suddenly the piebaltil 'With this he snatched iip-a bunting
tithe persuading mothers that • there waif, which Was on their right, 'hound- 'faggot, and, holdieg it In his right
WAS liO•I'e.a.1 need for alarm. ed forward and got between them and hand and the axe ia hie left, he went
About four .or five utilise oat of the -the ea bin Nttallein pee a try of outside, Tile ' wolves retreated at
eettlement a widow -named Stoorbraoh alarm anst gripped tits brother's hand once, and, sOraPing ewer the snow moved from his cell tti the place of
and her these cella:ten lived iri e tine' tighter. jog raised his axe le readl- :toe shouted to the othets to throw oat exeCution withoet imminent danger to
weeder shanty by the shore of e small, nees, zeta, shonting et the wolt'lzept ot some kindling. They did so, but as he lite lite."
lake. The eldest of the family ewes, weft*: ahead. . • stooped to lay the foundatibus Some- A. singer who WaS due to appear at
lee, It lad of about .eighteen; the:n. To their horror tits brute seemed not thing leapt from the shedowe dashieg a concert. in Ireland met with an aced'.
mettle Ruth, aged fourtemis and Wiliam, move. It stood diteotly in front of ,the burn4ng ft .1 fromr his heed. I1 deets and the re being a Junior . among
.who Was. only Mae.These people had tbem, . regarding.tbent Wittfully, but wee' -the dreaded browe -end White the: pnblic that it would be impossible•
lived-in the forestSal their liVea. and as they dtrew .tilettitst He mane rose wort! ' tor him toopoear, en advertisement
had little fear aftevolvee. joe was the menacingly on ead. itt the meantime, Joe slammed the door, ,then steed. was inserted in a local aewepaper. It
bread -winner at the reality, and work-. pie tette renialnieig members ot the with Itte ,back 'against the wail,hie reati. "Signor --- has 'SO fet recover-
ed at the sawmill tor a miserable Pit- peelt had, stated themselveS te a circle het ting-kolfe it 031e band and 11151015ed that he will appear in three pleees."
tanee, oti Which tbey managed some- cuttlee off every way of escape, and in the other. 'The plucky boy had An attIV titan :tells of a chaplain
bow to eilet, . • from their attitude Joe, (Weld tell thet made imp 'hie mind to tight it mut with who lamented the fact that teeny Mel)
' .kt was deal/Slag near to the close Of the hrutes Tete deeperata end meant thsatvolves there and (Aim rather thau. spent their evetmingset the club, "tin-
, winter, atkei the Worteeare was almost hustneee, .. . ' 'take the mak of the brutes breakingdoubtedly," he .eald, -the elub is the
forgettee, when Joe eeturtted Nate They were no*, hoWeVer. within -a. into the shanty:and killitts those fornlstee ter a bechelor. It- is not right,
late one night to find his mother Pear- hundrell yertle or the cabin, and, put- •whom lie telt himself responsible, however, for A married man to poss
ly, Wilitain had Nett ont to chola the ting his bands to bis moeth, toe called Hie mother celled to him th conte in the ,eveuings away from hie home,
fieewoott bet he was ouly a very small to his mother to bring a 'sopa. Wil- but he shouted heel that they , were while' his poor wife sadly ('00125 the
boy, and: had tiot eit %vett onougn, so nani was. elroutleg et the wolves With to ,keep the dose' closed, and ONO; be cradle With one foot anti wipes away
. „
*after hie supper. Joe took UP His axe all the oleos. 01 hie young lenge, aed meant "teaching these waives what her tears with the other."
and Went ouL William accetneanYing fortune tele their united cries reached they were up agesinet." "Harty up," staid a wife, hens tient Let
Ithet te 'ieein Carry tild wised. the eharity; l'he door opeeled and their ,htor hall he rang to, wait, The greet ei lave. you never bratened a dress be-
, The two messed the lake. and Were mother appeared, -holding aloft a dem, brutee 'opened the attack &meet lin- hind betort?" .. •
busily at woiSte whee presently Wit- lug toreh ef hemp soaked in re$111.• At toediettelea snapping savagely at his "No.h replied ber hitsbalitl, also ine.
'liana ran beset to ilia brother, corryitig sight .of the gleenthig light the wolves legs and Wrists, _Hie mother end the nalleutly; "You haVe .. 'never WO e
' Wood. vvith one bandana' poiptitig With drew 11Auk- tted 10 two Minutes the two children listened with thumpingI 'dress that hellonea before behind„"
the: ethea. -Joe," he ,eitith ',exaltedly. lads heti setely hill ISO the %bin, hearts to , the scuffle Outslitic They 4 young 1,114)11 was ,gtiting a graphic
spectful distance, and with savage
side glances were watching the faint-
ing Joe.
Little William snatched up the axe,
and withangry eries ran towards the
wolves. Fortunately he had lacked off the denomination of one pound.
his snowshoes on first entering the Germauy has had malty differeet is.
hut, and he did net get far. Ruth and •stles of Paper money since 3914. Every
Mee. Stoorbrook hastily dragged Joe kingdom, grand duchy or other diva
into the house, and, calling the hot.. stole of the empire bee had Its OWII Is,
headed: William back, fastened the saes. tn addition numerous 1111111Np.
a-1 banke have issued note:5- of their
Paper money in Germany has been
issued in all sorts or denomiaatione.
Time smallest paper currency itt the
world --the pfennig—has been issued
tram German presses, The nate is
21,c4 by 1% Inches in size, and is now
in general cleculatioa throughout Ger-
door. Finelty the wolves diepersed,
but not before they had dragged the
remaining parchment from the win-
dow and eaten it.
POOT Joe had been •horribly mauled
and mangled, and to this day his
wriste, chest and face are covered with
scare. Thanks to his mother's care
and the generous hositality 'of neigh-
bors, however, he finally recovered, manta
and now suffers little from his terrible The city of Neuenburg quite recenely
encounter. iseuedpaper motley with artistic de -
A bounty ot tw-oImadred dollars had
• sighs illuetrating Gtaram's fairy tales,
been subscribed for the scalp of the S'e popular was the new money from a
piebald wolf, and Joe got it. When at!ictoral standpoint that It was bought
length Ire returned to the sawmill, up before it had a chance to go into
general circulatien, and -tr Amy saved
•Soine weeks later,htlee, ma.nag'er said,
in a curious tome of voice: "Sorry we by artistic and curio collectors,
no lees than 600 per cent. increase in Foreelain Coinage.
the paper currency of the world, while
It remained for Germany to istue
the gold reserve behind it has
the only porcelain coins; during the
creased only 40 per cent. The four war,. and. indeed, beemea paper, the
Central powers ---Germany, Austria- Only .subatityte for metal
001115 resort -
Hungary, Bulgaria and yurkeyeeshow
an advance if billionsed to by any government during the
But Central Europe is not alone be • war' Blit Gernla" w`, Pleb'ed
it,s excessive impel. money issues. /a for coins that porcelain, was "coiner
even though it had no intrinsie value.
eine year elect. the signing of the arm -
istice France has increased its paper porcelain (loins are issued iv
20 pfennig, pfeunig, 1 mark and fi
money by $1,000,000,000. Every city
mark denominations. The reason fot
and Wesel and hamlet that had its oWn
this issote that the mark has bank received permiesiou from the
precetted to sueh nu extent that it
government • to issue paper money.
Five and 20 franc detiontinatiohe have Crniq haret-E P"lo"'Intitt111134111"g
mere valuable than eopper or iron,
been most frequfint. but 50 centimes,
and porcelain seemed to be an ex:tel.
or half franc -notes, also have been is -
leer medium of exehange.
sued, and some honks even went to
In Russia. ruble values are so lew
the extent of issuing 5 and 10 centime
at present that the Bolshevik goverte
ment 11.0W issues 10,000 rebto notes.
These notes are already -considerexi
eaten ehauge and are carried around
in. sheets by shoppers, which is not
surpriebag, asthe price in Petrograd
Unconscious Humor
the evening before the day fixed for
his execution. The prison doctor was
called in. He sent a berried note to
the, Governor to this effect: "In my
op -Solon the, ptisoner eantot be re -
account of a narrow eecepe he had
had from an enraged bull. "1 seized
him by the tail," he exclaimed, "and
there I was. I was afraid to hold on
and 'I dared not let go."
"Between the horns of a dilemma,
as it were," ventured a listener.
"No," replied the young man. It
waen't between the horns at all; aad,
besides, be wasn't a dilentma--be was
sajelers'oery'd. a farmer was heard"rougbt
Durieg a very wet day after a long
to remark to a friend: An hour or
this rain ,will do more good in five
minutes than a month of it would do
it a week at any other time."
"Why didn't you come when 1mug,"
demanded a mistress, impatiently. "I
didn't hear the bell ring, ma'am" re-
plied the malt "Well, in future
when you don't bear the bell ring you
come and tell nes," said the nee -
An Irish woman. recounting the
troubles of her ohildren, saki:
"Lucky are the parents who have uo
ch ildren."
"Ile was speechleas &unit .and us -
lug awful hteguage" is taken from the,
evidenco of a Isondoe policemee.
. A stage :manager, directing a stage
crowd. called out to them:
ladies and gantlemee, 1 want. you to
do this simeltateously, one after the
"Sleepieg in iborch IS a sin people
etontnit 'with their eyee epee." is how
ah Irish pastor admonished his 'Soak.
The tollowieg adveti element appear-,
ed an lrish newepapee: "Wanted -
A gentleman to utderieke lime sale
of a patera mdicine, Tbe advertiker
guaranteee it will be profitable to the
undertaker." Willie attother emoting
tis °ltIll.:;111test,
lkId • i irri:e'
ovens owner hats betel in it ror'eeven- '
teen years,'
for two pounds of tea is 1,000 rubles,
and the price of one pound of butter
is 3,500 rubles.
tan luteresaing view of Russia's al-
titude toward paper money was
brought to this country receutly, Le -
nine, it is said, plans to manufacture
so mach paper that It will de,stroY
money's value altogether. He is ob-
sessed by a plan to do away with
money in the world.
"Hundreds of thousands of ruble
notes are issued daily by 'our tree.
sury" says henine. "This le done nol
in order to Write cotters of the state
with pre et cel ly wort h 1 ese paper, but
web the deliberate intettion of des-
troying the valne ot meney as a meane
.of paymeut. There is to instilleation
for the exieteace .of money in a Sol.
,sheistst etate, where the neeeettities ot
lite SIMII 1)ft paid for by work alone."
Rubles are so cheap now that they
axe 3gOld otmiy le five -ruble denouthia-
tiotes for five ceuts a piece, or a penny
ruble -one fiftieth of their previous
value, Pretty soon. it 'Levine is in
power, tie will brave his WIS,11.
will be kept only AS souvenirs, and
will be free for the asking Then they
may he cheaper than wali paper and
Just as pretty,
All in Good Time,
It was at u utile -Irene plonk:. and
they, Were playing xi farmyards, each
youngeler pretend:11g to be his or her
ter orite totintal. The woods 00110410
with grunting, barking, ate crowing
hot one little girl sat client.
"Why dent you play?' asked out! of
the leaehers,
• "Please, wise, 1 ern playit.e." she
-What are yon, theti?" •
"Meese. mise, , a bee,
laying se egg. When I've 0.
Shell t•tteltiet"
shed, I