Zurich Herald, 1921-05-26, Page 4a ur THE HERALD Iseued Wedzsesday iooll from the VIM HERALD PRINTING ' OVpc: IN MEMORIAM Loving Memory of Elizabeth e11, whe died one 'year ago to - ay, May 31st, 1920; When a mother breaths her last farewell, The blow is more than tongue can teal, l]arth seems quite 'another place) Without the smiles of Mother's face. c !'Sleep on, dear Mother, and take your rest, For God hath called, when he' thought -e best. cur loss means pain, but 'four's means gain, In Heaven we, hope to meet a- gain. Gone,, but not forgotten: . Her loving Husband and Chile Vixen. WAYBURN NEWS ''The timely rain on Sunday ev- ening was welcome to all, espec- (tally the farmers.' Mrs. Mathers 1s, we are sorry to say, quite poorly, having had a siege of measels. Much sympathy is felt towards Mr. and Mrs. Math- +ers in their illness since coming to. 'Weyburn District. Miss K. Bauman, who has been visiting relatives in Parkhill and elsewhere, during the past week, has returned to her home here. Miss E. Guenther' of Dashwood, !sang a beautiful' solo last Sunday evening at the Gospel services here in Weyburn school. COUNTY NEWS 'The death occured at Sombre on Thursday, May 12th, of Annie cattery ,wife of Rev. Edward Jones ,Formerly of Exeter, at the nage of 28 yefers. Mrs: Janet Frazer, aged 102 yrs. died at her son's home. in Moorse-. -vine: on May 4th. Mrs. Frazer was beleived to be the oldest woman in the county of Middlesex. Stanley Mitchell of near Hensall who has been taken in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, suffering from lockjaw, and who was un- able to eat for three days, ret- urned home completely cured on Thursday last, a serum treatment being responsible for the .ret- - overy. • Arrangements arebeing made for the holding ..of. an Anglican Sum- mer Campat Bayfield this •year, the first part of the season being forboys and the latter part. for girls, t DASHWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dietrich ancl. Mrs. A. Stumpf of Waterloo spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Welton. Mrs. J.- Kellerman is at present under the doctor's' care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Pearl Wurtz of Zurich was a visitor in town last week. Mr. D.' S. Chilton was a week- end visitor in Ingersoll Mr. and Mrs. P. Schradez and family of Stratford visited here over the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Adams of Lon- don spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch of Dash- wood, Miss Roselle Koch of Cred- iton, Mrs, Elmore Thiel and chil- dren of Blake, motored to London on .Saturday to spend the week- end with Mr. and Mrs: -John M. lade. Mr. Peter Schrader and family of Stratford and •Mr. 'Geo. Hammer .and family of Listowell are visit- ing friends in and around Dash- 'wood. EXETER. • Mr. and Mrs._`Thos. Dayman left on Friday for their home in Out - Mk, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Ferguson, of Winnipeg, are visiting the latter's Barents, Mn and Mrs, C. Birney. H. 0, Southcett left on ll:onday. s'or TnrOnto, prior to leaving for 'the west. Dr. Ward has moved his family to Exeter groin London and is occupying a house on Huron St. Mrs. Maingy, of Ottawa, is mak- ing her home with her daughter, Mrs. Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Bray have zn.oved into the residence of the late W. J. Russell.. . The sad death took place ion Thursday evening last, May 12th, -tat Mildred Victoria Martin, wife of Mr. Sandy G. Bawden of lyd-, ease nion; in her 35th year. Dee - tree, 1 el n , her e fella Edramiton a env a ':t s " ).e e 1 two t relss prior 1,) her .lath boreire _ thre motixeI of a belly girl. cis atr TON ' • See Weir Ilse sold l'us barber tloi)to 1annie,xe'1 1,er n k15 Wi 1') tees, i poises -lion rl1 1 ,u.gnst 1st. .s ,•r + /,e' h s nrri,e:1 ltc iztt. r t' n ?7.ii , , it;,r fee t11 z pica t4.is++ c++' ' etel +ieees " e +F�iee+«l��D+44 r° �;.+ +iii• +++•i+.1*.V.H.i.. + 4 1 4, 4.Lurnber Latlis 4. 4. Everythilfig in 1 ++s made to order: +l' Combination storm and sea�een doors umber * L nd ]11>�ldilagiateril Custom Work our Specialty Always in the market for sawlogs KAL )viL AL, J 1 + PHONE * ._E 69 = ZURICH 44+4.4. -1- ••s• •.• •++4.+4,•.++++•L44•';++ 4.++++++•n ++++i<+++++44++++++ f Thaler eras. Store News DASHW000. Saturday Specials at this Store MEN'S OVERALLS Men's Overalls in black and . plain blue with Bib, Special; pair $1,50 Men'a heavy black striped Drill work shirts, Special at $I.25 $1.50 Men's Work Pants Men's extra heavy blk and striped Denim seek, pants reg3.50iat $2.48 Men's Worsted Trousers Regular $4.50, Special at -., ... :........$2:95, Staples In Dry Goods Yard wide factory Cotton, Specisd per yard 20c Yard wide Cotton, fine quality, Secial,; per yard ._ .25c Pure Indigo Prints, at per yard __-..- -- 25c Black and White heavy Shirting, Special, at per Yery. .,{ F:35e• GROCERIES Puffed Wheat per paekg. 15c Red Rose Tea, per polled ._. 50c. Yutland Sardines per tin 10c Fels Nap. best laun. soap 3 for --25e Slaughter Prices on Men's, Boys' Shoes and all Canvass Shoes. Eggs taken as cash. _.. Thalerhis Dash od While riding a bicycle the other rooms formerly occupied by • T. day Roy Schwartz tried to get Parimer. up on the sidewalk in front of the ;barber shop, with the result that he lost control and went head' first through the large window. Our Band is being reorganized• for the 3rd of June Celebration. Arrangeznezite have been made for Zurich to play our boys a double header. Albert Wolfe has moved into the house • he recently bought from his father and Geo. Mawhinney has moved to town and is occupying Albert Wolf's house. ' . quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the Evangelical par- sonage on Wednesday, May 18th, E. Drummond, while engaged in strenuous wor kduring the Erie of T. Murdock's livery barns, broke one of his ribs, but was unaware of it until some days afterwards, when mrdieal exam'nation revealed the cause of his pain. He is, how- ever, now going around quite smartly. John Mousseau of Hay Town- ship last Monday night )net with, a perculiar accident which might. have ended seriously. He was driving out of the church: sheds and on going over the sidewalk, the kingbolt broke, allowing the horses to continue with the • tw when Rev-. Hauch performed the front wheels, while the front of ceremony that united in marriage the rig dropped to the ground, John Merced Moir of Ushorne, and throwing him out. Mr. Mousseau Miss Irene Pearl Wolf, daughtell was given a bad tunable and re - of Mr. Chas: Wolf of Crediton: reived a few scratches. Both were unattended i NOTI GRAND BEND Fresh carload of cement just arrived. Pete. Eisenbach. Mr. Tedball of Thedford visited at Frank Tetreau's recently. Mr. Jacobe of Parkhill has rented Mr. Brenner's barber shop for the summer. Ware Oliver, while playing base- ball, the other day, had the mis- fortune to break his elg between the ankle and knee. He is imp- proving nicely, but it will be some time before he will have use oe the injured limb. e► I4ENSALL. Our local coal mer. chants last week received six carloads of coal McDonell Bros. are having a gasoline tan kput on the {street opposite their garage. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Sparks and son, Archie, who have spent the past year in the West, have re- turned to Hensall where they will snake their ,i�1ome in future, Thos. Parleter is at present car- rying his arms in a sling as the re- sult of a severe attack of rheu- matism. M elee7n o" Detreit, visited Ir .'! 1, ve il` e last ?.eek with het- or, :..r•c'T, 'efts, AC lee. a ..t week the Cr,uesii h1d workns.•ii puffins; the ho a ball diamond into 'Navies' shape, Cbok Bros. beet, ro,ce,ltly v?eSi- wed a shipn'i int o' three gal',oad,s o automobiles, ;' 1 IR Done ld on of '1'oeswater. who 1, "' ntly purely: eel the grocery ed eonfe ti $ li i ,v buten eS3 . f coni Fe, 11y1 1 n. Tie 1 e ` e ' e + - a.. , t:a Mei. CE. We the !undersigned business men of the Village of Dashwood , agree to close our places of bus- !iness every Thursday afternoon • at 12.30 o'clock until the following 1 day during the months of June, July and August, J. G. Weltin, Wesley 'Wolf, Rest- emeyer & Kleinstiver, Reid, Ed-. ' i ghoffer & Son ;, C. Fritz & Son; Clayton Pfile; Philip Fassold; P. Meisaac;, M. W. Shenk; L. R. Rutherford;; L. M. Hartleib; A, Timmer; Thaler Bros.; D. Tiernan E. Nadiger; Ed. Kraft. AUCTION SALE Ot Household Effects, Etc. At ZURICH, on Saturday, May 28th, Commencing at 1.30 o'clock, p•n1. sharp, the following; Top buggy, single bug.y, hue gy pole, cutter, chi1nee, 1 -man cut- ter,. wheelbarrow, light double hat, ness, steel trough, 2 ladders, hat - nese, new garde nculttvator, forks shovels and other garden tools. ROIJUSEHOLD EI?IPECTS;-- 2 I bedsteads with mattress and spr- ings, 3 rocking chairs, 6 kitchen eht'n, 6 cane chairs, 2 coal oil ee /melee, washstands, sere-. ; •• i l 715•; and sash, 2 venire tables, 121-11). se ale, extension table, writ - ,a d' Ik, 3-roons bird cage; sin - gree, grindstone;, carpenter 1 l'�1��`I, l I Ines, clamps, augers, home made c.irpets, wash •tubs, quilts; 1)1 a s t t s, pictures, 2 dozen seal - sneer stand, chamber set, 1 we l 0 r1 and numerous articteS. Ter n ; ; CASH, • IT °e n a i, Proprietor .x, 'Kpp Auctioneer ER D dad' Kay 921 THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHENYOU BUY A TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT Pe HAS ALL THE ,PEt1.TU.RES ESSENTIAII. TO ALL-ROUND SE-RVICE, EFFICIENCY' AND ECONOMY OF OPERATION. FOR INSTANCE LOOK FOR that — . A' kerosene engine so at you can use cheapfuel thereby doingyour our work at the lowest possible cost. A throtle governor to regulate the fuel to the load variations, insuring uniform speed of both,• tractor and driven machine in addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when engaged in belt 'work. HURON: COUNTY . COUNCIL PURCHASED : FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDER. MORS I. H. C. TRACTORS IN USE 'THAN ALL, ,OTHERS COMBINED. 1 L L. A. PRANG, AGENT, ZURICH 6isles et&I, z � T�bublesMlecA -s. pit ✓ _ „� � � ._ on Crx5r17s AERYp �CUSHION INNER TIRE e� �p�SJ�� CO�A.PAN '�a7MirED I have been appointed Agent for this district for the above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And will be pleased to give.a demonstration at any time. Call and. be convinced. John Hev Jr. urich e If you have delayed painting, your property has suffered. Do not put off any longer. Save the surface and you Save all. ' Look around -and you will find many places, both inside and out that call for a coat , of paint. Now is tit xi t><$e>e the time. Nature is re -decor. ' tin': get in line •and do the same. TThe most economical method is to use We guarantee the Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paint (except inside White and a few dark shades that cannot be prepared from lead and zinc), to be matte from. pure white lead, pure oxide of zinc, with coloring mat- ter atter in proportionate quanetties neces- saryto make their respective shades and' tints, with pure linseed oil and tur- pentine dryer, and to be entirely TREE from water, ben- zine, whiting and other adulteration, and SOLD SUBJECT To CriEMICAL AN- ALYSIS. the NAPM -SEN UR• 4 uR 100% PURE PAINT' AN ; VARNISHES Their covering power and lasting qualities are very great. It will pay you to insist on getting this popular brand. For whatever painting or varnishing you do, there is a special MARTIN-SENOIJR Product, each one guaranteed to best serve the purpose for which it is made Consult us as to your requirements. We have a full stock and complete information as to decorative schemes. Let us; advise you. Mell.ck & Braun, Zurich .•al! >°� 4.14 FIT,00"47