Zurich Herald, 1921-05-19, Page 8Page blight ZURICH HFIRALD FASHIONABLE S.pring an.d Summer Goods We have a fine array off newDress Materials on hand at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val- ues. Also new cotton G-oods such as; Prints, ginghams, galateas, shirtings, cottonades, etc., all at lower prices. Serges andVelours Fine Dress and Suit Berges in various colors, 51 in., wide value at $2.50 a yard. Velours and ot- her wool goods for Spring coats at from $2.25 to $3.75 per yard. New Voiles and Organdies Figured and Striped Voiles in light and dark shades and new designs, also fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride in our fine showing of these goods now on hand. Come and see them. MEN'S WEAR Now is the time to order your new Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have a complete range of samples tp choose from, for made -to -measure suits at right prices. WALL PAPERS See our new Wall Papers for Spring. We made a special ef- fort to obtain the very newest designs in Wall paper and have a good variety on hand to show you. Grocery Dept. A new stock of Field and Gar- den seeds now in. Also Gardin- er's Calf Meal, Timothy Seed No. 1 purity at right price, also small lot of Alsike Clover Seed. Get our Prices. A FULL LINE OF FRESH GRO- CERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. J. GASCHO & SON Ziirieh' s Garage Just received a shipment of Johnston's Clear -Bay Reflectors to clear at 51.50 We carry a complete Stock of Tires Tulles, Accessories and Genuine Ford Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FQ.c, PAE(TS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS £33T --O ..-LITE Battery Sales and Service Station Ready -to -Wear Clothing D NOME' BROS. GENIIS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Better Clothing For Men IT DOES NOT PAY TO BUY "CHEAP" CLOTHING. IT WILL NOT GIVE SATISFACTION. YOU NOT ONLY LOSE MONEY, BUT ALSO THE SATISFACTION OF BEING WELL DRESSED. LET US DRESS YOU UP IN ONE OF OUR STYLISH, WELL- TAILORE D "PALM BEACH" TJSUITS AND YOU WILL BE DRESSED FIT FOR ANY OCCAS- ION. ' 1 DEOMT Bios. Produce takes in exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST EXPERT BATTERY ATTENNTION ALSO CHARGING FIRST CLASS REPAIRING ANY MAKE OF CAR A SPECIALTY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. Celebrate May 24th, at Zurich. Mr. Alfred Sreenan of Stanley has purchased a new Ford touring car. Don't forget the date, May 21st afternoon and evening, for a treat of real home made candy. __ Mrs. P. Bender left for Watford on Monday where she will make her future home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Gascho son Samuel were week -end iters to Kitchener and Baden. ENHIBITION GA)vIE. 1.0..3Da, m!. i41r, and Mrs. Herbert Hey and ' family of London spent the past • CREDITON VS ZURICH week with Mr. and Mrs. Hey :on Ieneral Admission 25c. €"hildren the Babylon. The Zurich Y. P. A. entertained uzrder 15 gears, 15e. War. Tax the Dashwood Alliance to a soc- ezztra. ial eve on Tuesday evening.' A. large turnout was witnessed and, a good time reported. Mr, and Mrs. John Bender- and little Garnet, of near Exeter, so- ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W; B. Battler, Babylon Line. and. vis-,' SPEND May 24th in Zurich Two Baseball Games Mr. Garfield Witmer and sister, Adell and Mr. Bruce Rose of the Babylon were visiting at Dash- wood on Sunday. The annual business meeting and election of officers of the Zurich Womens' Institute was held at the home of Mrs. F. B. Meyer last, Wednesday evening, May 4th. A short program was given, after which the election of officers took place which resulted as follows; Pres., Mrs. J. Hey, Jr.; Vice -press Mrs. Wni. Siebert; Sec Miss Iaa Routledge, Treas. Miss Irene Lip- phardt; Press -con; Mrs. E. Weido; Organist, Miss Lelia Siebert; Dir- ectors, Mrs. Routledge, Mrs. Mac Kinnon. Auditors; Mrs. Fritz and Mrs. P. Manson. The meeting was then closed after which Mrs, Meyer served a dainty lunch, enjoyed by all. LATE JOSEPH H A.YTER At P.M, FIELD SPORTS, FOOT RAC3`igS, BICYSLE RACES, BOXING CON- TESTS, ETC., E,1'C. '04+++++++++++++++++++++++04444++++++++4444+++++++++44: 4++++++++++ r+++++++++fir++0 444+4++++ ++i ++444 4+++fig+++i'++ ` Save the Surface 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .x. 4 4 t +i. and you Save all • We have a full line of the Cel- ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish- es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- aining Paints, Enamels, Auto and Buggy Paints, •Turpentine, Etc, Also, a full line of common and Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New Perfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and Wicks, Lawn Mowers, Screen Do- ors and Hinges, Window Screens, and Screening, Poultry Netting, Frost wire fencing, gates and Ste- eples, Etc. Garden and Farm Tools, fresh clr of Best St. Marys Portland. Cement, just here; CComplete line of heavy and shelf hadrware always in stock. Orders taken for Gold Medal Bin- der twine. Evetroughing and Plumbing and repairing of all kinds. , nE ¢"NI PRE TER BLOCK ZURICH fa+444+ 44+++++++++++ Sri+++rNi fr++++++++.++ M .1.141.44. r 4. 44 44 44 44 44 44 4. 4. a�. 4. i• Thursday May .1:9th, 1?I2t' gip _ _mim 1 We wish to draw yout at- tention to a few Seasonable Lines Peerless Wire Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. .Martin Senour line of 100 per cent.‘'pure paints. CHIN ANEL LINE OF VARNIS1t11S AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS. POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERs, AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of No. 6 Ign. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,FEPI.Z: LINE OF BEDS, SPRINGS 4AND MATTRESSES, CURD 1N TOLES, WINDOW, SHA]YF BASEBALL • BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE LINE OF MACHINE AND CYLINDER LUBRUICATING OILS, POLARINE, AND MOS - IL -B., ROOFING AND BUIL I LNG PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS GINE OF OUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL.. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BINDER TWINE. f 1 The Store with the'Liberal Cash Discount MELIIC& BRMJN PHONE 63 NOTICE. I am now in a position to do all kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and staining work. Also keep a large assortment of sam- pies of paper and can have same in short order. Satisfaction my Motto. —Carl Blumenstein, Walper House, Zurich. tf-39 �CCOUNTIN COST C.P.A: EXECUTIVE The Beat Paid Pregetaion Book-keepers wanted. Ono ' those wishing for arm vancement to qualify as accountant: Homestudy training, not interfering with your present occupa- tion. Booklet free. We have trained more Cert%. fled Public Accountants than has any otherinstitt - tion. We have helped hundreds of others secure. good paying positions. We can help you. .� ', l ro-tio,a`A eo intr nt: eoc'.t Ro-5 2Tnronta New Styles! New Cloths! New Priced Spring and Summer The "BROADWAY" Brand IAT 4 P. M. N. W. E. A, LEAGUE BASEBALL CREDITON .VS ZURICH Do not miss seeing these two Teams play. Both Teams are much stronger than' last year. General Admission to afternoon Sports and Baseball Game — 25e. Children under 15 years, 15e. War Tax extra ZURICH ATHLETIC 4SSOC, Irl the passing of Joseph James Hayter, Stanley Township loses one of its old residents. He de- parted this world on Wednesday morning May 18th at the age of 70 years, 10 months and 21 days. Having been ailing for some time with cancer of the stomach, the end came to releive the sufferer. Mr. Hayter was well kn?wn in Zurich and community and had many close friends. His wife having pre -deceased Lim one year ago to the: day hw:ch is remarkablq ing game with Kirkton. The Deceased is survived by onebro- visitors seemed somewhat effect - Rev. Father Rondott is at pre- sent attending the fourty-hours devoVon in Zurich. Mr. Remmie Denomy, while run- ning from the barn to the house, fell .and. hurt his shoulder on a stick, and will be laid up for some time. Mr. Wm, Denomy is quite with a sore throat. ill SPORT NEWS The baseball (season opened up last Thursday afternoon with ev- erybody shivering with the cold weather and wishing for 'their fur coats. However ' an unexpected large crowd witnessed the open- Cher, Justus Hayter of Stephens and one sister, Mrs. Lane of Mich- igan; two children, Harry Hayter on the horns farm and one daugh- ter, Mrs. Johnston of Varna. The remains will be laid to rest on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Bayfield cemetery. ed by the .chilly drive from their town to here and could not get rightly. limbered up, consequently 'our boys tallied the biggest score —6 to 1. Dr. O'Dwyer pitched the first .part of the game and R. Ohlert .finished. Both pitchers showed marked ability and had the hits well scattered, while A. Henning; the cathcer, always had his eagle eye on the bases and with his quick peg -shoots put several Kirktons on the bench. The line-up; ZURICH K1RIKTON Clay. Hoffman 1b. Diver T. L. 'Marra 2-b. McCurdy Clar. Hoffman 3-b. Miller L. W, Hoffman s.s. Wisner B. Siebert 1-f. .Balfour L. Callfas c.f. Gettler W. F. Braun r: -f, . Shute Dr. O'Dwyer. p. Berry A. Henning c: Sheave• R Ohlert, p. C. Chilton played for L. Callfas in last 3 innings: Phone Zuriclx 013 200 xa--5—G- ' ' t I:kIMClb ; -4- DRYSDA,LE. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ohlert of Zurich called on Miss B. Mousseau one ev- ening last week. Mrs. John Bart and twosons, Paul and Elmer, of Stratford, vis- itt'ri friends and relatives herelast week. 1 • While eoming from church one evening last week, the young son. Raymond, of Mr. Philip Denomy,. met with an aecident, Mri. Dennis Duchartne was riding on his bicycle quite lively and _ he did'nt see the little fellow and 'wining into him( broke his ieg above the ankle. The boy was tnkeni horse and Dr.oMacKinnon of Zurich Vag called 10...,a e„nd ,::the. Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your measure for an up. to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sam- pies to chose from Produce Wanted. 'Buterick fashions rw TJ