HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-19, Page 5Thursday May ;904 4921' 921' BUSINESS CARDS Proudfoot, Krlloren & THQLMES" 13arrister,s, ;,N4lariee, ?Weis, Ltc, Office on the Square, 2nd door trona Hamilton St. God- evict!. Frivate funds to loan at lowest rates. ,,,, W. Proudfoot, KC.' J. L. Killcx;ra? D. E. Holmes. 'Mr. Holmes will;... be in Ileesall on Friday of each week,- ANDREW eek,ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Coni miesianer, Conveyancing, Fire aind Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office. Zurich. Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At L'URICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICN — HENQ eLL, OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in, any part of the County. Char- gee moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh,P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer ungblut Beichert I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron -IA•nd am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13r. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool! I CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Beichert Bo NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish •to inform the public that I am in a .position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for tire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone 52 LIVE POULTRY WANTED 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl Ieame morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Pholne 9C Zurich We are now open for all kinds of Bicycle Repairing. No Job too big; No Job too small. Also Agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Call.. O'BRIEN & WALPER Office and Shop, first building south of Waiper House. tf-40 COAL. SPRING AND SUUMMER DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season "Which has almost ended, we have been able to render the consuming public of Zurich and vicinity, a fuel service which, we think, has not been equaled in any other part of the country. We will again during the coming season give of our best services in solving your fuel problems and subject to the ulsual conditions governing prices end deliveries. •We; are glad to announee we are' .again booking orders at the old stand where we are still doing brie- iness, enjoying the calumny of our enemies and the adulation; of our -friends, strongly fortified in our Eopje enjoying the eventualities of the fight, --Terms Cash. Phone -House 10W. Office COAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT PUT YOUTI'; Wants, Por Sale, Lost, •Foul d Notice, Etd'e.Ads IN THIS COLTJMN • FOR SALE IGood , second hand top buggy for sale. G. Holtzman, -Zurich. t4-38 NOTICE-._., Notice is hereby gi%en that all , accounts awing Dr. B. Campbell I must be settled at once. Other methods of collection will be used �n a 1 unpaid accounts after May .0th, 1921. A. F. IIESS, Zurich. t-41 FOR SALE I am offering for sale my barn in Zurich, size 24x10 and 16 feet high. Apply Wm. Siebert Zur FOR SALE' We have the following varieties of seed corn for sale; Imp. Le- afing, White Cap, Wise. No. 7. T. L. Wurzru. -42 EGGS FOR HATCHING` S. C. Anconal Eggs for hatch- ing from the Shepherd and Ratz Strain,—J, Gascho & F. B. Meyer. FOUND On the Bronson Line, an auto Jack. Owner can have 'same at Herald Office by paying for this adv, — -- 3e FOR SALE We have the following varieties of seed corn for sale; Wis. No. 7; White Cap Yellow Dent; Learn- ing, Early Bailey and M.S. Sweet. J. Gascho & Son. -41 FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and/ 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine,_ tank, belts, Etc„ one 9-h,p. Lister gas- olene engine.- For further " part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, Blake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 HENSALL GREENHOUSE Tomatoe, Cabbage and Cauliflo- wer plants for sale, also Geraniums Stocks, Asters, Salvia and Zinnia. Hanging baskets filled, A. nice assortment of Ferns, Beganias and Primroses, Chrysanthemums and Gladolia bulbs. Flower pots JOHN ZUEFLE, HENSALL, tf-37 EGGS FOR HATCHING I have White Rock eggs for hatching for sale. Bred from good stock. T. Mittleholtz, Zurich FOR SALE A good Manure Spreader, very cheap, for Sale. L. A. Prang. LOST On Sunday evening in Zurich, a gold ,hied wrist watch. Finder please lea ve at Herald Office. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Etc., will be held in Zurich on Saturday,May 28th. G. Holtzman, Proprietor 0. Klopp, Auctioneer —_~ - :- NOTICE —~ TOWNSHIP OF HAY COURT OR' REVISION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1921 NOTICE is hereby given that a. Court of Revision of the Asses- sment Roll of the Tonwship of Hay for the year 1921 will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall in the Village of Zurich on (Saturday, June 4th, A. D., 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 'A. P. HESS, Township Clerk. Dated at Zurich, May 17th, 1921. LOCAL NEWS Celebrate May 24th, at Zurich, Mr, Peter :Kopf has invested in a new Ford touring car, Mrs. W. L: Siebert and daugh- ter, Miss Leila, .were week -end visitors at Kitchener. Mr. Jos. Hagen.: of Stanley left for Detroit on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho 'and son Eli, of Pigeon, Mich., visited relatives here last week. Mr. Milton Johnston of the Town Line, left for New Ontario on Tuesday morning. New Garage T have opened up a Garage for overhauling ears and general Aut- omobile attention and repair work, In the rear of the Massey -Harris Implenment shop, at the old Garage stand. Motor and Transmission A Specialty SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES n Ir I. LET HENSALL 0N.. ,GXVE Us A CALL Phoeie 101 Z,IIIt B,lt.,A, L:•D. LOCAL WA•YOUR'N"' 1 WS NES W a - bu 12 zn school. united wikh No. Stephen to celebrate Enrpire ;Celebrate May 24th', at Zuikch, Glad to learn that Mr. Mat is'Day at..the latter school. Mr, Dan Oswald of the Brens.en els is visiting who has had an attack ofpaneasels g at Toronto. is able to attend to his farm dut- Mrs. F. 13. Meyer is attending' the ies. funeral of an' uncle at Mildmay this Mr. -Emanuel" Bauman spent the weak, weelt�end visit ng friends iia Dish_ Mr, sad Mrs, I, Hudson, and Wood, family o1 Seaforth were "Fl$itors l;edemptiori by ;Blood alone; in the' village on Sunday.- fa unday; r�ras the subject dealt with at our Miss Harness and Miss Porter of `f ospel service last Sunday even - Exeter were the guests of Mrs. ing, Wtiv would lik E. Oesch . the' past week, avail themselves of these free even - Watch "for the booth of home services given every made candy, beside the Post. Of - BLAKE at 7.30. lice on , Saturday afternoon and evening. Mr, and Mrs. Fend Schrader of Quite a number from this vice Dashwood spent Sunday with inity attended the Union meeting ofhis brother Theo of thhe Babyoln Wednesday the Wa � at n and last Line. afternoon and report Mie Garfield Brown left for a splendid meeting. Rots Johnston Elmira on Tuesday where he and 'ter retuo•_,ed home after his brother are o ening • a pleasant trip to Oshawa p g u p a and Toronto, shoe business. Rev. and Mrs. Miller of ew Mr. and Mrs. D. Mclsaac of Cr- York spent the past week with editon were Sunday . visitors at friends on the Goshen line. the home of Mr. and Mrs. .-.N. Mr. and Mrs.' Howard and dau- Meliek, ghter of Dashwood called on fri- Rev. Morris W. Ehnes of Ev- ends in this vicinity 'on Saturday anston, Ills., spent the week -end last. at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido Of A. G. Ehnes, Zurich spent Friday evening at Mr, and Mrs. C. Truemner and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and • Mrs. W. Truemner of the Johnston, 14th con., Hay are attending Sthe Mr. John Hey, Jr, of Zurich, funeral of a relative in Mihcigan. spent Tuesday at the home of Messrs. Lloyd Hey and his brother, Mr: Sam, Hey;, C. L. DASHWOOD. with motored to Milverton last hursday, Mrs. Smith and ,dau•gh- 'Celebrate May 24th, at Zurich. r, little Mae Ingold, returned Rev, and Mrs. Yager, J. K. ith them after visiting at that ringGetand R. Getz motored to-Seb- lace for five weeks, ring vele last Friday to attend the Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon funeral of their only surviving d son Hugh are visitingthe uncle, who died in his 98th year. Ile served in' the French army is mother.who is ill at Caledon during the reign of Louis Phillipe, ast. The Doctor also intends take in the Convention tivhihe and Naporeon Bonaparte, . Park - being held in. Toronto this Messrs. Thayler Bros, of park- eek. hill have opened a general store 's block and are hold- Messrs. Alex. and James Rennie, ing am tleauiction sale of merchandise �Trs. A. Rose of the Babylon Line on Saturday. nd Mrs. Edgar Broderick of Mr. Herb. Rinker of Sarnia sp- nsall, motored to Linwood Sat- ent Sunday with his parnets. day, to visit the former's bro- Mr. Fred White had a very- sur- er Mr. Thomas Rennie, who is cessful auction sale of his grocery ry Ill' stork last week, Willie Neeb, son of Mr, ver r Mr. Art. Weber and J ably conducted the sale all s. Hy. Neeb, east of the village afternoon and again in the even- t with a painful accident on ing. nday when in some way he. Mr. M. W. Shenck of Stratford off the land roller and same has opened a new grocery and sing over his head. Dr. O'- confectionery and bakery in Mr. yer was at once called and White's old stand, best of medical attention was Mrs. G. Nadiger and Mrs. Louis en. We hope to soon see Restameyer Sr,, are at present will out and well again. under the doctor's care We ur- the S T to p an D E to is w 1 a He ur th ve Mi rn e Mo fell pas Div the giv wi l SYNOD MEETING hope for a speedy recovery. The Ev, Lutheran Synod of Can-�chased Mr. cthe rshoeitz f bus,inclss has p ada will hold its .,59th -Annual-•1FIe:- eetate eo-f. the"fate John Kieft. eting in. our village next .• week, ' Mr. Wilbur G-raybiel of Woods - Between 65 nad 75 clerical, and lay ,tock 'spent the weekend at his delegates shall attend. 'On Tues- home here. day May, 24th, the candidates, for ' Mr. 0. Pedersen has returned the ministry shall' he examined by from Minneapolis. He was ac - the Examination Board of the Syn- companied home by his bride. We od, Five candidates among them extend congratulations. a local young man and one clergy- ' Mr. and Mrs. Normyle and Mrs. man who has applied for admis- Schultz of Michigan and Mrs. H. sion' to our Synod are the examin- Henderson of,p,..Blair are visiting eel. Wednesday various comm- their" mother, Mrs. Nadiger, who, is ittees .meet to do preporatory work ill. and in the( evening of the same day 'Messrs. F. Rinker, D. Bettschen the President of Synod, Rev. M. and W. Eveland of Sarnia spent Voelker, will conduct divine ser- tie week -end at their homes. vice. Thursday morning the for, 'Mrs. Mamacher and daughter Til mal opening of the business sea- lie: are visiting in Detroit. lions takes place. There shall be Messrs. Milton Haugh and Gar two' •sessions daily, one in the mor- net Willfong of the Town Line ning and the other in the after- were visitors to Exeter on Sun - noon. Below are the public ser- day 1 vices which shall' be conducted,and Mr. Garfield Witmer and sister to these the general public is core, Adell and Mr. Bruce Rose visited dially invited. friends in town on Saturday. Wednesday, 7.30 p. ra., Opening STEPHEN COUNCIL Service. The council of the Township of Thursday, 8.00 p. m. • Lutheran Stephen convened in the Town Brotherhood, Hall, Crediton, on Monday May 2, Friday, 7.30 p. ne Missions. 1921 at 1 nr, Confessional re p.m. All, members t he Saturday, 2.30 p. present. The minutes of the Service for Clergy and Mem- previous meeting were read and Sunday, 10:30 a. in. Communion adopted. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker and and Ordination Services. Mrs., Daniel Mclsaac, represented Sunday, 7.30 p. m. both Anniver- the different Associations interest- nary of Congregation, with two eel in the purchase of an Athletic sermons, one in German and the Field waited upon the Council and other in English. informed them that they were pre - The following clergy shall he pared to pay over to the Trees- the chief speakers at the public urer of the Township of Stephen services; Rev. M. Voelker, Peal- the suln of $850 for the purchase broke; Rev. Dr. Kasdorf; Rev. M. of the field situated in the Village Voss, both of Egenville, Ont;Rev of Crediton and requested that a 3, Langholz, Ayton; Rev. Prof, E. By-law be passed to purchase Hoffman, D. D., president of the the field in the name of the mune Er, Luth. Seminary, Waterloo;Rev, icipality and a Board of Direst-, T. Strempfer, Elmira; Rev. c. J. ors appinted. o Maass, ChesIey; and a few others The request of the deputation whose names will be announced be granted and a By-law was pas cater. f sed as proivded for be The Com- munity Hall Act for the purchase IN MEMORIAM of the 'land to establish an Athlet- ic .Field and that the following persons comprise rise [ p the Board of Directors, namely; Alex. Neeb, Reeve and David Webb, Deputy - Reeve representing the Township. Council; Ezra :Foist, President of The Crediton Baseball Club; E. t estreicher, Secy. of The Crediton AmAtuer Athletic Association; Mrs Chas, Zwieker, Pres, of the Wom- en's Institute and Chas. Zwieker and Daniel 'Mclsaac representing Crediton Police Village. The Court of Revision to con- sider appeals against the Assess- ment roll for the year 1921 be held in the Town Hall, Crediton on Tburaday, May 26th at 2 p,m, and that the proper notice of ,such court be advertised in The Ex-, eter Advocate, A number of -accounts were pas- sed, The council adjourned to meet again in the 'Town Fall, Crediton, on vhnt'sday May 26th at 1 pea. Henry Either, 'Clerk. ' In loving memory of Peter Ben- der who passed 'away one year ago, May 20th, 1020, This day brings back sad memory Of one who is gone to rest The ones who think of him to day Are the ones who loved him best No one known how much we miss him None but aching hearts can tell Earth has lost him heaven foetid him Jesus doeth all things well. What would I gi Fre his hand to clasp His dear face to see To hear his voice, to tsce him [smile. That meant so much to rue. That memory is! ,just as dear to -day As in the hour he passed away When days are clerk and friends • are few, Dear Father; how We long for you. Prom the ,Pan il,y, ge Children Cry for Fletcher'.. Five Fletcher's. Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, anld no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is CASTOR IA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric; Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It is pleasant. it contains` neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, aid by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ,CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Isom I IS 111 In Use For Over 30 ['ears THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Massey-Ilarrjs Farm Maohinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm Engines -an-dT.'rac to rs and can supply your wants for the com= ing season. They Rave Stood The Test They Have Es!ablished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRUAR, Zurich 3a1 New Overland . 4 O F. M. HESS & CO. OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE 0 ZURICH to STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars Conveyancing r --DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WILLS, ETC, Victory Bonds ----BOUGHT AND SOLD tAl ? + ,s k Fr :,,:' +: Insurance —ALL LINES OF AUTO AND FIRE INSURANCE HANDe t f ( Incoime Tax Returns ,---CAREFULLY PREPARED , 1 LED. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Agent for:—ITuron and Erie Mortgage Corporation; The Canada Trust Co