HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-19, Page 2.:, .„: .. A . When you feel the c luiplications of a nearest island to Tris* fociety bearing too heavily and, the ttin Cunha Is nhabHe era This x• - ug cear of civilization too grievous to be ;sed bit of earth is 1200 miles the borne, pack Your luggage and hie to coast. nearest . art of the African Cga,9t. Xie - p Baker's' Island, There, 3,725 miles out ,tore the days of the Suez Canal it heal from San Francisco, you'll find soli- some commercial importance, but to fade such as even Robinson, Crusoe' day its excellent harbor shelters ves- failed to enjoy, for there will not be eels only while they are coaling, Its even a Man lnriday to bother you, ,As 10;000 inhabitants enjoy a most a matter of fact there is little of any- equable climate, the mean tempera - thing on or off the Island but gulls ture ranging throughout the whole. and rock, year from 66 to 71 degrees•, Out in the mid -Pacific fs another is- land, Fanning, which will appeal to Nauru, though only twelve. miles Ili the person of more sociable habits. It circumference, with its many beauti- Is of atoll formation inhabited by some ful lagooti,s which mirror its tall coral 200 persons, who doze and eat and pinnacles and cocoanut palms in life- ' doze again In the equable climate and like perfection, is a treasure. house of only bestir themselves.when the lard- millions, of•tons of rich phosphate of er is empty. Fish are plentiful and 13me, It is perhaps one of the most duck and snipe abound, which, taken livable of the Pacific islands; as the with tropical fruits, go to make up the promoters of the phosphate industry native's menu,have established free laundries, ice, In the British Empire the ,loneliest electric lights and refrigerators, for spot is said to be Tristan da Cunha, a the preservation of fresh foods. Em - volcano -formed island in the South At- ployees have their own lrotnes and lantle which rises to an altitude of there Is an almost endless, succession B000, of social functions to keep them alive There are only, 119 inhabitants on and happy, the island living in its twenty-two If there Is. a skeleton in your 'closet, stone thatched -roofed houses. Their rest assured that the few inhabitants wood is that which drifts in to them of Easter island, 2300 miles off the on the tide, they raise potatoes as the coast of Chile and the eastermost •in- food staple, they make their moccas- habited Polynesian island, will make Ins of soft bullock hide, they obtain a no effort to bring it forth into the fete clothes from an occasional ship light, as one traveller says of 4hem which calls there in exchange for that they are not curious enough to geese, fowls, milk sheep, eggs and turn around on the dock to look at cured albatross and penguin, skins, and the boat that calls there about once ter months in succession they do with- in eighteen months. Gigantic statues, out bread, tea, coffee and sugar. The stone houses and sculptured rocks, re- U/N�QL; 'a e �k' 6 • ,tics iJ, ;� , . --ax. �-•— �i'��Q4�I�JZl7bLM��'"�icf5r�p4w'�h t 2•'r�. y.,. `” � ��'tt'.� "-"'.. L" ' •. • -• ; a'w.mo>' �'"�' - :.« iia, yeas �i Items' of Interest. $ray -haired, they do become wrinkled Patching . all tubesevery. threw ,and cracked . , often chalky white in months, removdilg•- wilt igasoline all :appearance. olld 'patches, anti sbiekdnig on um The Rubric in ,an old tire gradually fabrie patches, on all vents', add -beco¢nes. brittle -and, hard, so that it dollars' worth of service to the:easing, ,break's easily. Like the bones of as well ass to the tube. c•ld people, it is difficult to lai t. The It cost me $7,255 'in cash; for brake' tire surgeon's work iancreases In di;f- lining, and'a half -day's time putting ficulty With the age of the °caving.' the lining'whrure it beloil;g d, to learn Those whoze.strength is coRnsery#1' that in stopping a truck it is not ab-; do not -so re'a:dily`•show their :age: The solutely necessary. to apply the brakeJiest..way to preserve their usefulness "1011 't: