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Zurich Herald, 1921-05-19, Page 1
ZURICH Tw..r.w..r.r AM"mnno.� trel HERALD Vol. XX i No _A6 ZURICH, THURSDAY MO NINE. MAY 19, 1921. Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance $1.50 1N $RRL.] S, $9 MAY 13E °FFAitf •I Smart, Snappy, Facinating Such words careen, adequately describe the good features of our YEW SPRING GOODS. Our New Poinps and Oxfords 'for Ladies are the prettiest styles. It has been our pleasure to show. They are certainly the hondsoraest Shoe creation that ever adorned a pretty -,toot. We are proud of our display. We want ladies to see them. All the newest shapes, leathers and colors for Hien. A peep at our window will con- vince you that the right place to buy your foot- wear is at; W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS caOOOoOc,po'ooa000aoc�. o ;•. :ST000'o•o 'o�•oacs�ve7Se7•'` � d 4 4 O.OY!•O•G'•l!•4•�7.0.0 t7.O.O.4.0.0'O'•P •O.0 4 �J•4.0 0 0.O•!1!! �? Oos�� d • 4 For One Week beginnin Sat. May2Ij We have decided to give you an opportunity for one week to purchase your /supply of Summer necessities at pre=war prices and it will pay you to visit our store during this time and see what we are offering, as we cannot numerate all the lines and prices here. Prints and Shirtings -Many Prisntia in aa�nt.Ta:,#{swr•a:.wn rantee Indrgo.:dyt!! at per yard 30e. Lilacs and `lightcolors at ._.' ... 25e ' Bik and white stripe, shirting 28 inches wide, per yard. 30c CURTAIN SCRIMS A large assortment in all shades and patterns. See our spec- • ials at per yard ...... 35c DRESS SILKS We are showing a special line of Dress Silks 36 inches wide in the following shades. White, Cream, Pink, Hetio, Rose,, Navy, Black, Red, Special Val- ue at per yard... $1.25 Also another line same width at 98e We also have a nice assortment of Heavier quality silks at reasonable prices. Tricolletts in the leading shades Fancy Dress Voils In order to clean out the ball- ance of ear stock of fancy Dress Voiles we have reduced the prices so they will move out quickly. If you have not already got your Veil Dress for the summer, here is your opportunity, so be early, to make your choice. Regular prices 75c. per yard for 45e Reg. 85c. line for ... _.. ...55c Reg. 1.00 line, for ... .._ ._.65e Reg. $L25 to 11.351 for ... 98c Reg. $L40 to 1.50 for $1.00 Reg. 2.25 line. for .._ $1.25 Reg. 2,50 line for ... ... $1.50 Phone 59. +; G LADIES' DRESSES AD ' R Dark Navy Prints, Fancy Pat- „•;,vr•-r.••,�n••, kt ., T,t'c�.va4?. lir o. ;� ses, Large,s�z'en eaeh1,• :another line.,,pf Butcher Blues . trimmed with Braid, each $2.00' A new lot of Large work Aprons at SPECI_4L PRICES All our Middy Waists on sale to clear at prices from 75c up. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Men's and Ladies' Summer '7Un- derwear; Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose, Men's Socks, Etc., at a Big Reduction' in Price. Ladies' Fancy Figured Sateen Underskirts each $1.50 WALL PAPERS! Beginning with this sale we will give a special discount of 20% on all our wall papers, so if you have not already secured your supply, don't send away and be delayed, but come and pick out what you want and take it with you at much less money. a FLOOR RUGS J'ust arrived a new shipment of tapestry and Wilton Rugs in all sizes, ranging in prices from $18.00 up' to $50.00 for the large size. Grocery Specials Best Red. Gran'. sugar 1001bs. $11 Best Red. Yellow sugar 1001b.10.50 Canned corn, peas, tomatoes Per tin .15e Good. Salmon pound tins ... ...18e Lifebuoy soap 7 cakes for ... 50e All Laundry soap 7 cakes .._ 50e Mb. tin Caustic Soda ._ .__ 85e Roy.ti Purple chick feed lb. .._ 5e " ]Calf meal 251b bag ... $1.40 Mensa rid Boy's CIothi PRICES ON MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING AWAY DOWN • Celebrate May 24th; at Zurich. • Mr. and Mrs, Earl Weide visited friends near Bayfield on Sunday.I Mr. Andrew P. Hess is enjoying a new Chevrolette touring car. Miss Louisa Howald of -London spent the week -end under the parental roof. • Miss Annie Jessop of Toronto, has returned home after visiting With her friend, Miss Laura, Oeseh for the past two weeks. The dwelling property and the land at the east end of the village owned by Mrs. A. G. Ehnes, has been sold to Mr. George Farwell of Zurich, who gets possession in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Truemner,. Mr. and Mrs. M. Schweitzer, Mrs'. P. Haugh and Mr. John Moritz atten- ded the funeral of the late P. Baker at Dashwood last Wednes- day • The Young Ladies' Bible. .Class. of the Evangelical church will hold a sale of home made candy on Saturday afternoon and evening, •! May 21st. The booth will be on the south side of the Post Office. Mr. C. Fritz has purchased the stock and shoe business at Dash- wood of the estate of the late John Kraft,- and has taken pos- . session this week. We under- stand his son Ward, will conduct this store. Messrs. Ferd. Howald and Lloyd Ralbfleisch of the Waterloo Sem- inary • retarned to Zurich on Mon- day, the former having complet- ed his -terra and will be ordained int • , the mtnstre next wer;k st.•th,e 'muff e ea here. VUO• Johnston's Clear Ray'Refl- ectors. Price 51.50 GOVERNMENT APPROVED No need of changing your plain glass. Gives a wider spread and 1-3 more light than 90 per cent. of all the patent Lens on the market. • W. G. IIESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN . PHONE No. 74 Incorporated, in 1835 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,00 Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling, Iso the price of food stuff. This necessitates increased production, Produce more and deposit your surplus ant The Moisons Bank where it will be ready for any call •andl yet he earning interest. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch e........'0............w...6,,•......,a.....O.,..,,,* . . . . . . . °s . 0 . . • a full Line of Heavy • harness, Etc. O Winter Horse Requirements We are- offering the following seasonable Horse requirements at greatly reduced prices: HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT A BIG R EDUCTION. We also carry in stock • 4 • 4 • • �h i Harness, Single 1- *, • REPAIRING A SPEC!AL�.•- FRED THaF::.: .URI .cd . a o aid A' . , int success • to r, �,...w.;. .eon � �-. 1 in his calling. A•,►ai.«sa �� y►.►�• CELEBRATED GOLDEN' WED- DING; A very pleasant event took Q i ` place on' Wednesday May the llth, at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. © r' Johnston, it being the Fiftieth © 'nth Anniversary of their wedding Their children; Mrs. E. Stoskopf of. Kitchener, Misses Matilda, Alice and Susie at home presented them with presents of Gold. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have been residents ''of this village over forty years. Mr. Johnston having carried on a woolen mill and furniture business until the las tfew year when het retired. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. are both enjoying good health. They left the same day on an ex- tended trip to their daughter, Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf, Kitchener, and other eastern points. The Herald joins their many fri- ends in extending best congratu- lations and wishing them many i more years of good health and • :happiness. S•• 4. QVY IF ANYONE TELLS YODU THE PRICE OF CLOTHING rHASe* NOT COME DOWN, IT GOES TO SHOW THAT THE IND1VIDUA.,4' WHO TALKS THAT WAY HAS NOT BEEN IN THE RIG.H'T PLACENI "HE SURE: HAS'NT BEEN HIRE." CLOTHES ARE A PROBLEM! But the probel.m is easily •solved. if you consult us. If it is for work, for Sport, for ordinary every- day wear, or for dress occasions, we are here fully prepared to. fit you in the correct style at pre-war prices. See our specials i.n Men's Suits .at $20.00 kr 6 SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. Men's Heavy work shirts, all sizes Reg. $1.75 for ... ......$1.25 Men's Heavy Blue Stripe Bibb Overalls Reg. $2.50 for $L75 Men's Plain Black bibb Overalls, Reg: $2.51 for ... . _ $1.75 Boy's Blue Stripe 'Bibb Overalls at 95e Youth's Plain Black Overalls, at $1.65 IREETFJt Produce Wanted n • �uV ^. �-.•"yam' �a'`� >�•'�;'�wc. �.!�s: "�t•'�:+ �.''G'`•'. ' e•,• +.. �3�. rs', �a^'SS'b"'� ?�. 4�; +.... •:43!'4. C:s `.� `*�' a�'S`.!+`�.. •�s?w�, . �. � �i,^.ce w •'lel•.•i•.II•oo+•II•.II••y+•II••3••F•'F••f• +•e•.II/•F..II•++ i•r.II••f•l..,ar•1.•g••Q••II•.D••g••j••F•.II•+4••F•i.4•4444-1. 1. 4. + 4. Ladies! • • •�. • ••' You use great care in selecting 4- a new Hat -Why should SHOES .r: 4 4.• be less important? Come and d� + see our line of . • ' 4. New Spring Footwear : . 4 Which consists of • all the latest 2t. styles and shapes in the finest "b'J 4' Kids, Patents and other materials ) 4. .t• equally as tasty. A very classy' , , x¢ 4- ÷ line all through, with prices right. -�% r ` Also a fine assortment in Men's -!G� j � 4. and Children's Footwear. Call �4.��`�_ �� ,Tr. A fine program of baseball games and sports is being arran ged for the 24th 'of May in Zurich. Crediton will play two games here one at 10.30 a. nil and the other at p. m. Many interesting and novel garnes are on the list for the young folks. Bring the whole family to .Zurich next Tuesday for an outing. The program of Sports con- sists of the following; FOR MEN Batting baseball Running Jump Standing Jump Running hop -step -jump 100 yard dash, open Seek Race. Fat Man's race over 200 -lbs. Wheelbarrow Race. Putting Shot FOR, CHILDREN GIRLS Foot Race ,13 yrs. and tinder. Foot race, 10 yrs. and under. Needle Race Three-legged race. Backwards race, 15 and under, BOYS :Foot rate, 13 yrs. and under. not race, 10 yrs. and under. Three-legged .race. Pie eating contest. And many other interesting sp- orb. C. Fritz, manager of sport programme. See large posters tor full particulars. CAST° R IA 'For Infants and Children En Use For Ove30 Years Always bears the �" y` i �'+?•itrrt of . r d m� and see them, and if we have not what you want, we will try and get them for you. R AND EGC4S EWANTED 0. F R I T Z OUR MOTTO SATISFACTION THE SHOEMAN do • • 4 ti41...:•.g.:•.,o.g..g.>o.Y••,;••g + i••'E••i••F••i••1•+•F•• **:* x..1+4•, 14 II• : o`3•.k••F••g••i..l•• '•€•+•d4$•`r•3•• +.4°+ •1• SEEDS! SEEDS! Our stock of Spring Seeds has ar- rived, and e never had so fine a showing of Seed Conlin all. thelead- ing vanities. Mangold and. Turnip Seeds. Also every kind of seeds for the Garden, Etc. ,A call is always appreciated Fresh Groceries always in Stock R N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 -07 a K