HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-12, Page 8Page Eight ZURICH )ERALD S 1 A Springy and Summer Goods Wehave a fine array of uewl rens Materials on hand at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val. ues. Also new cotton Goods such as; Prints, gingha.m•s, galateas, shirtings; cottonades, etc., all at lower prices. Serges and r elours Fine Dress and Suit serges in various colors, 54 in., wide value at $2.50 a yard. Velours and ot- her wool goods for Spring coats at from $2.25 to $3.75 per yard. New Van and Organdies Figured and Striped Voiles in light and dark shades and new designs, also fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride in our .fine showing of these goods now on hand. Come and see them. ' f , it. MEN'S WWT A ; NOW is the time to order your new Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have a complete range of Samples to choose from, for made` -to -measure suits at,e right prices. i� WALL PAPERS Grocery Dept. A. new stock of Field and Gar- den seeds now in. Also Gardin- er's Calf Meal, Timothy Seed No. 1 purity at right price, also small i lot of Alsike Clover Seed Get See our new Wall Papers for our Prices. Spring. We made a special 01-1 fort to obtain the very newest I designs • in Wall paper and have, a good variety on hand to show 1 CLRIES ALWAYS ON HAND. A FULL LINE OF FRESH GRO-, you. J. GASCHO & SON Zurieh's Garage Just received a shipment of John ston's Clear -Ray Reflector's to clear at $1.50 We carry a complete Stock of Tires Tubes, Accessories and Genuine Ford Parts ALSO STOCK MOST CALLED FOR PARTS FOR VARIOUS AUTOS EsToax;oin-ILITE Battery Sales and Service Station EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTION ALSO CHARGING FIRST CLASS REPAIRING ANY MAKE OF CAR A SPECIALTY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. H, Mousseau. Zurich PHONE No. 103. ++++•II+++++++++ .++++fir+++++'3-4.44+ +++++++3r*+++++++++ � 4. Save the Surface4. and you Save all . .l• 4 ni; Wer. have a full line of the Cel- 4 • 4. �� , ebrated Sherwin-Williams ready •e. r 4.�""�;, ///. mixed paints, Stains, Oils, Varnish_ or 4. ���. \• es, White Lead, Floor Paint, Gr- :;. .p. . , wining Paints, Enamels, Auto and .s. .1. ~w �r a ,�. -�.- Buggy Paints, Turpentine, Etc.. Also a full line of common and 4. :a 4 All ferssrimn Wmuo itimr l Rubber Set Paint Brushes, New 4. .l .....,,,.. ,..,. Perfection Oil Stoves, Ovens and .g a 484 Wicks, Lawn Mowers, Screen Do- ' �` ors and Hinges, Window Screens, '� O ® ', and Screening, Poultry Netting, Front 'vire fencing, gates and Ste- 'fir' L ^y --,s; 4. ,a. 1 eples, Etc. - + -;. Garden and Farm Tools, fresh ( + car of .Best St. Marys Portland44 a = Cement, just here; C'Co.mplete4. .>r line of heavy and shelf hadrware + '' always in stock. .'iq. 1 Orders taken for Gold Medal Bin- + + der twine, • Evetroughing and 44 - 1 Plumbing and repairing of all 4. 4.`� ..kinds. 4, 4 1 PRE TER BLOCK CK • • WHETIDO +4. ZURICH +++++++++++++J++ "$+h Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOMT BROS. GENTS FUJ NISHINGS Ordered'. Clothing TROUSERS Dress, Work, and Outiiij Trousers for Men Youths and Boys Our Trousers aro to be had in staples an. d fancies in all wanted shades of dependable materials. The Prices, too, are in accord with condit= ions. Buy. now! D1101117w Produoo taken in exohango for Goods ITEMS 'OF LOCAL INTEREST Dirty motor license numbers are against the law. One is 'liable to a fine if his numbers ate not easily read. We give the utmost care to films brought to us for finishing at 1 albfleisc:h 8; Wagner, Studio. Those. fussy persons who object to short, skirts overlook how han dy they are when a woman has to get at her money.—Ex. The death took place in •Exeter, on Thursday last, April 29th, of John Jarrott, at the age' 01 82 years and 6 months. The deceas had been a resident of Exeter for a great number of years and had formerly lived near Hills Green. In an Australian egg-laying.con- test .a Black Orpington pulletlaid 339 egs in a year. The record by Months was ' as follows; A.pril, ' 27; May, 30; June, 30; July, 27; August 30; September 29; October 29;; November 25; December 28; Jan nary 30; February 27; March 27. A White Leghorn: was a good sec- ond with a production of 301 eggs. A. Toronto bur der declares that the day's 'work for a bricklayer is now about 450 bricks laid on a wall, as compared with 1200 a fe years ago. This goes .to shote that men on higher pay are no producing half the 'work formerly done on less than half the briek- layers' scale of prices not ver: - long ago. .A. further decline in the costof foodstuffs during the month .lot March is recorded in the current. issue of The Labor Gazette, 0 -• tawa, which states that the cost of the weekly family budget of staple foods avei.ged $13.23 at the beginning of March, as con). - pared with $14.08 in February, $15.98 in March, 1920 ; $15.77 in March, 1919, and $7.86 in March 1914. • Speaking at a prohibition rally at Ottawa, the other day, Rev: Wesley Megraw said;—There are enure persons hwo say that tob- accr 'rill be the next to go after liquor. This, however, is not the. issue at the present time. If that time ever does come the. toba•-•co question will be decided' cr, its. merits. If it does come the Iran inveterate smoker 'will be MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General,l wily he received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th of June, 1921 for hte conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, Six times per ween, over Zurich No. 2, Rural Mail Route, from the lst. October next. Printed notices containing fur- ther information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained • at the Post Office. of Zurich, Hensall and Dashwood, and at the office ,of ,the Post Of- fice Inspector; `. Chas., E., .1L' Fisher, Post ( Office. Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, Ont.,' 29th, April, 1921. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 50 Eggs ..f { 24 8 1.35 65 • 38. Buci.wheat 90 . Flour 4.75 5.50 Bran ; 30.00 Shorts 35.00 Potatoes per bag Live Hogs `w Dried apples Wheat .._ Barley t' Oats 'silting to sacrifice himself for the cause of the world. But • you need not worry about that; yet, you smokers. There are other things which have to come first, such as immodest dress. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of Room IV, for the month of April. Marks required 40 on each subject and 60 on total. Arranged in order of .merit. Sr. IV—.Marguerite Prang, Hon; .61adeline Me.idinger, Eleanor Du- r•harme and Ortha Melick, Rtliel D c trich and Milton Rey, Newell Geiger. Jr V•'-Veola Prang ,Greta For- rest, Muriel I-iowalcl, Dorothy Fr- itz, Lylyan Martin, Hon; Lennis n'Br:e•,, Mabel Preeter, Thelma Oswald. ' Sr. V.—Whitney Brokenshire, IIi1. da Neuschwanger, Euloine Geiger Rennie Weber Hon; Gordon Wal- per, M. C. Milliken, Teacher... ROOM II. Jr, n Poster :pier �'y'n Schw hit83,Martha H i- deman 77, Agnes Dietrich 73. Air vin Gatelike h 72 'Vittoria rl,r r Reichert 70, I-Tazel Be/lard 67; Gladyys iiek 54, I+'rAnees Dekeicla 10.00 aiee& Surerus 50, Marcella Farwell 32, Arson Keller 30. Eizar Mousseau 67, Wilke Neeb 64, Edward Brenner 60, Russell Du- charme 45, Goldie UUttley Middle II;—•Dennia Bedard 81, Wi lie Leibold 75, Kath'sen Wurnv 71, Floyd Poster 70, Bruce Koehler 61, Harold Faust 60, Grace Koeh- Sr. T1;—Vera Kalhfleisch 87; Lawrence Howald 82, C.arence Far well ;;1, Stella Califas 75, Dorothy ZEttle 70, Norman Fleieehauer 69, ler 51, Frenzy Kochems 54, Mil- fled -Wiley 48, Claire Melliek -12, Rose Albrecht -.absent. 0. O'Brien, Teacher. SPORT NEWS 011 BOYS! Let 'us all meet on the Zurich Diamond, for the first xnpsangs slur uosuas eqs 70 auirll evening at 5.30 p. ria.. Sharp. The committee of the North Wellington Baseball Association 'net at Palmerston on May 4th, and report that there have ent- erred 36 teams in the Senior and 13 ;in the junior series. The 36 a nior teams' are pat into 8 gro- ups, and jtlhe juniors are gouped into five. Following is the ,,date of the ga nrss where Zurich is en;;aL ed with; AT ZURICH May 241h, with Crediton. .Tune 1,Oth, with Goderich June 16th with Clinton . June 28th, with Stratford Juty 7th with Clinton. July 15th with Goderich Any 26th, with Crediton .Aug. 4th with Stratford. AWAY PROM ZURICH "isay 30th at Clinton ..une 3rd at Crediton June 7th at Goderich Jona •22nd at Stratford July Ala, at Crediton J u1y r'Oth, at Stratford iyl� . �tfly 22nd at Clinton. Maly 29th tkoderich.: 1 Thursday ,May 12th, .192t we °wash to draw your at= tention o a few Seasonable, Lines - Peerless Wire Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. Martin Senour line of 100 per cent. pure paints. .OE'INANEL LINE OP VA.RNISRES AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION FOIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS. POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOWERS, AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car Can. Portland Cement New Darrell of No. 6 Igo.. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAG•ONS,FULI, LINE O.k' BEDS, SPRINGS, AND MATTRESSES, CURT.' IN TOLES, WINDOW SHADESS, BASEBALL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. -WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE LINE OF MACHINE, AND CYLINDER. LUI3RUICATING OILS, POLARINE, AND MOB- IL -B., ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE OP OUR SPECIALTIES, NO J033 TOO BIG OR SMALL. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BINDER TWINE. The Store with the Liberal Cash Discount ME' le a 1.A PHONE 63 NOTICE. I am now in a position to do all kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and staining work. Also keep a large assortment of sam- ples off paper and can have same in short order. Satisfaction my Motto. —Carl Blumenstein, Walper House, Zurich. tf-39 OM Mry^' i� TIN COST-C.RA: EXECUTIVE srtteploshCook-keeperad Ony those for ad- vancement to qualify as accountant. Homestudr training,not interfering with your present occupy tion. Booklet free. We have trained more Certa. Ted Public Accountants than has 1ny other institu; tion. We have helped hundreds of others swum good paying positio' s We can help you. nfere.,tio';.'.A:conne'ntt 'c5't'• .710—Rgr7' 00te New Styles! New Cloths! New Prices! Springy and Burnmer The "BROADWAY' Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your measure for an up to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sam- ples to chose from Produce Wanted. BaterickFashions Phone 7 L. TURM