HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-12, Page 5Thursday ,May 12th, 1921. BUSINESS :"CARDS"—",, ;IProudroot, Killoran & HO.LMUaS,' Barristers, Solicitors, • Netariea, Pubic r, 4 Ltc Office ons, the Severe, Ind door:•eseitte 1Sarailton Sf. God trice, 1 oleate fuels ` to, 1crztt at lowest rates:° • ,., ..= Proardtoot, LC, 3, L, Killoren D. I>~ Holmes. ear. .Holmes ij�jbe. `iii Hensall ,on Friday of each week. se ,ANDREW F. HESS, Netery Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire Wed Life Insurance; Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. IIci ald Office, Zurich, Dr.E. S Hard,' e DENTIST • IAt ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY IlASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFVIeR . - HENe i LL OSCAR KLOPP` Liceareed Auctioneer for the Co- tenty of 'Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges rrrederete. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurreh, P. 0, Phone 18-93. Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's `License for the County of Huron And •am in a position to conduct any (kind of Auction Sale. Give mei a trial and I will assure you Ilatistaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 1$, Zurich Meat MARKET. Fresh and .Salt Meats Boiogna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woulj CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Yuugbsut &,i Do.chert� NOTICE ,Ae I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform 'the ;public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for 1j►iSe.. Anything done in the team- ing 'line 46-tf, GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone :5g L I VB POU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do riot ifertd fowl same morning when broureat in. HigIet Cash Prices ---GASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. • Zurieh Wr are now open for all kinds o; Bicycle Repairieg. No Job too big; No Job to small. Also ,agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Call. O'BRIEN & WALPEIt Office and Shop, first building eolith of Walper House. tf-40 COAL SPRING AND SUUMMER DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season which has almost ended, we have been able to render the consuming public of Zurich and vicinity, a fuel service which, we think, has riotbeen equaled in any other part of the country. We will again during the coming season give of our best services in solving your fuel problems and subject to the usual conditions governing prices' and deliveries. 'ttVe, are glad to announce we are again booking orders . at the old stand where we are still doing bus- iness, enjoying the calunny of our enemies and the adulations of our !friends, strongly fortified in our Kopje enjoying the eventualities of the fight. --Terms Cash. Phone -House 10W, Office 103 ICOAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT 'Our. Walltsf i OM' :0s"'Iler.Llost, Fou n�,Notice,�tcAd! JL L E$'0OLVMN FOR SALE Good -soepnl h6n.dtop •buggy for sale eee ' G. Holtzman, Zurich.t,38 • FOR SALE .Seed potatoes; Green ],Viotintain, grown frarn .certified' seed, also some Irish Cobblers: Hy. Krueger, R.'R 2, Zuriolx, t40 NOTICE. Notice is hereby': given that all accounts owing Dr. B. Campbell roust be settled at once.. Other methods of collection will be used on all unpaid accounts after May 2Oth, 1921. ^:' A. F. HESS, Zurich. t-41 FOR SALE I am offering for "sale my barn in Zurich, size 24x40 and 16 feet high. Apply Wm. Siebert• Zur- FOR SALE ' We have the following varieties of seed corn for sale; Imp. Le- arning, White Cap, Wise. No. 7. T. L. Wurm;, -42 FOR SALE A quantity of good onion Seed for sale, Apply to Mrs. J. H.' 5chnel1. tf-36 EGGS FOR HA+CHINc S. C. Anconas Eggs for hatch- ing from the Shepherd and Ratz Strain. -J. Gascho & F. B. Meyer. FOUND On the Bronson Line, an auto' Jack. Owner can have same at Herald Office by paying for this adv, 3i1 FOR SALE We have the following varieties of seed corn for sale; Wis. No. 7; White Cap Yellow Dent; Learn- ing, Early Bailey and M.S. Sweet. J. Gascho & Son. -41 FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9 -hoe. Lister •gas- olene engine. For further part- iculars apply to John Thirsk, Blake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 HENSALL GREENHOUSE Tomatoe, Cabbage and Cauliflo- wer plants for sale, also Geraninms Stocks, Asters, Salvia and Zinnia. Hanging baskets filled. A nice, assortment of Ferns, Beganias and Primroses,. Chryeentl emums and_. Gladolia bulbs. Flower pots JOHN ZUEFLE, HENSALL. tf-37 HOTEL FOR SALE First-class Hotel, situated at D.:.shwood, on the main road be- tween► Exeter and Grand Bend. Buiidings all in first-class shape, 'with good stabling accomodation. Good seasons for selling. Will be sold very reasonably. For par- ticulars apply to Wm. Zimmer; Doshwood. t-45 NOTICE Notice is hereby given the We, the undersigned, have decided to prohibit bicycle riding on the side- walks, also the coasting with wag- gons and roller skating on the main streets of Zurich. Parents should •see that their children do not. indulge in these practices. Anyone di' ob'y:ng , these lawa. Wi'l be delt with severely by prosecut- ion. We also request that every- body clean all such rubbish, ash- es, etc., from in front of their pro- perty. ZURICH POLICE TRUSTEES t45 New Garage I have opened up a Garage for overhauling cars and general Aut- omobile attention and, repair work. In the rear of the Massey -Harris Implement shop, at the old Garage stand. Motor and Transmission A Specialty SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO MODERATE CHARGES R OH LERT GIVE US .k CALL Phone 101 BRUUCEFIELD NEWS A. Contata entitled "The Mes- sage Eternal" and consisting : of sacred solos, duets, quartettes, and choruses, interspenced with in- strumentals, music and readings, Will be, given' ay the Blyth Choral Society hi Union church, Brucefi ell, on the evening of Thursday, May 19th. , Blyth has a well-trained choir of. 45 voices and we are assured of a splendid evening's entertainm- ent as their Cantata has been tho- roughly enjoyei ettelt time it has EN SALL 0 N r,,", poen given,. Mr. Fri�e"i' (Grown 1ei'i for> fir#- chen'er on Wednesday, nrurnini;,,. 'Mr'. W. P..Braun made' a 'biieins- ess trip to Losedeii thee Week. Mrs. P. Bei)der is renewing acq- uaintances in Zurich at present.. Mr. Chas,'' eainan of -.Stanley left for London on •Wednosclay morn- ing. Mr. Southe'ott, Editor'of the Exeter Times, called in the village last Friday; Messrs., 0. Passmore, and G, Ch- esney of Ilensall were in' the vil- lege on Monday. Mr. Robt. McLirichey of the Go, shen north, spent a few days in London this week. ' Mrs. (»r,) B. A. Campbell and son Keith of Toronto, were visit- ors in the village on Sunday. Mr. C. Fritz and son Ward were at the Bend on • Monday, ; doing some repairs to their cottage there. Mr.. and Mrs. B.:13ossnell of God-, erich were 'week -end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, Kipper. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy of Sea- forth visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Wurm on Sunday. OH . BOYS! Let us all meet on tee Zurich Diamond, • for the first game of the season this Thursday evening at 5.30 p. m.Sharp. Mise Ruby Erratt, a promising young pianist will render ,several piano solos at the W. C. T. U. me- eting next Wednesday evening. The Young Ladies' •'Bible !Class of the Evange;ical Church will hold a sale of horns made candy on Saturday, May 21st. Watch for particulars next week. As stated last week in our col- umns, that the Evangelical Ladies Aid were at Crediton. This sho- uld have read, the Womens' Inst- itute. r ...1 Mr. John Laporte of the Sauble is enjoying a new Ford, and Mes- srs. Yungblut & Deichert of the village have purchased a new Ford runabout for their butcher business. Mother's Day was observed . in the Evangelical church on Sunday. A fine program• was rendered in the . evening by some of the chil- dren giving recitations and songs. The churhc was filled to its ut- most capacity. On Thursday evening at 5.30 o'- clock will the first ball _game be played! on the Zurich Diamond be- tween the local team and Kirkton. Kirkton is in the southern groupe of the e N. W. B. A., and promises us. es goa3-'game exe trxcy iravc-^-o` choice lineup. Come, support the boys, and ' spend this pleasant time time with us and enjoy the first game of ball in the 1921 season. Figures issued by the Depart- ment of Customs and 'Inland Re- venue, covering the fiscal year 1920 -21, which closed March 31st, show an increase in the revenue from customs duties, excise, luxury,sales and manufacturer's taxes amount- ing to approximately fifty million, doll rs, as compared with the pre cedibg year. The total revenue from all these sources during the financial year ending today was $491,586,229, as compared with $2- 42,339,249 in 1919-20, making an in- crease of 849,246,980. The application of the sales tax to the job department of week- ly newspapers was made the sub- ject of representation to theMin- ister of Inland Revenue by the Canadian Weekly Newspaper As- sociation, and a final answer has been received that job printing plants and departments must col- lect the 2 per cent. sales tax from their customers. In future as far as Zurich is concerned the sal- es' taxes collected by all manuf- acturers most be remitted mon- thly to the customs collector at Goderich, not at London, and by a new law passed on Monday by the Minister of iFannce the sales tax rate will be 2 per cent. BORN Masse -In Stanley on May 5111, to Mr, and Mrs, James Masse, a daughter, Walper-In Stephen on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weeper, a son. Becker -In Stephen on May 9th, to Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm. Becker a daughter. WAYBURN NEWS Mr. Mathews ,the new citizen, of Wayburn, is down with the mea- sels. A' few of the neighbors gathered and helped him out with the seeding. The attendance of the Gospel services is small, owing to the pre- valence of measels. An auto' load from the Bron' on, Stanley, motored to Wayburd last Sunday evening to attend the services here. Mr. Wrn, Bauman was a visitor. at Mr, Zerk's last Sunday, Children's day was observed in Grand Bend Presbyterian Sun- day School last Sunday. Mr, A, Hodgins of Fairfield paid our ;school a visit last week. 'A, carload of cement just arrived -Pete Eisenbach. . i• LinleSulphur,With Arsenicals,ter the Orchard , Combined Fungicide an4 Irrseeti- tido-•-Cot the 'Bight Arsenate of :Lead,, -•-•, Stgwaeh. worm Lose Proven table. • (contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) The time is again at band for lay lag plans for the 'summer care of the orchard 'and garden and nothing that can' be done will be found to give better paying returns thanthe careful control of insect and fungus attacks. It has been computed ' b.Y reliable authorities that an annual toll of 10 per cent. is taken by the inroads of these enemies of the farm- er on his various crops and that this loss increases many fold where pro- per precautions are not taken. In extreme cases complete destruction of, some • crop has sometimes been known to occur through failure to give care, or through neglect ofthe right steps at the right time. In this connection it will be found that there is nothing that can be done that Will give more satisfactory returns- on the investment than a small outlay in money and time on spraying and dusting. But It must be done intelligently ' or time and money will be squandered; and the leading essential here is the choice of the proper remedy and the correct compounding and applying of .it. One of the most outstanding and effective remedies in use to -day is the lime -sulphur solution mixed with an arsenical This combination gives a combined insecticide and fungicide effect, a team play which is very fre- quently required during the growing season, insects and fungi often giv- ing trouble at the same time on the same plant. The advantage of mix- ing the two and applying them together ` is obvious — the cost of application is exactly one-half what it would be had they to be separately applied. But care in making this combined spray must be exercised. Some arsenicals cannot be mixed with lime - sulphur. Paris green, long the most popular bug exterminator, and still extensively used where quick results are desired, will destroy fully 35 per cent of the efficiency of the lime - sulphur wash if mixed with it, and, what is far worse, this mixture will badly damage leaves and other ten- der parts of plants. It follows, there- fore, that Paris green, though a powerful poison insecticide, cannot be used along with lime -sulphur wash as a combined spray. On the other kand arsenate of lead has given de- cided satisfaction in this respect and it is quite probable that the newer arsenical, calcium arsenate, is also suitable ' to combine with lime - sulphur. But thechief purpose of this arti- . -ie -to "-111%."VrAttention. to the, hitherto little recogiiizeil" race 7Tr connection with the use of arsenate of lead along with lime -sulphur that there are two kinds of arsenate of lead, chemically, one of which is more fitted for combining with lime - sulphur than is the other. Acid ar- senate of lead destroys nearly 30 per cent. of the efficiency of the lime - sulphur, whereas -neutral arsenate of lead, the other kind, only destroys 9 per cent. In other respects, these two forms of the lead arsenate are equally useful to combine with lime - sulphur solution to get a dual pur- pose spray.. If, however, when using the acid arsenate of lead, 3 1i pounds of finely sifted, and fresh hydrated lime be mixed into the lime -sulphur solution along with every 1 pound of the arsenate used (which is us- ually 1 pound to every 40 gallons of the lime -sulphur solution) the de- struction of the efficiency of the lime - sulphur' is reduced to 8 per cent. (practically_ the same as -the neu- tral). If this practice be followed when the acid variety of the arsenaik is being' used it does not matter which of the two forms of this ar- senical • is, used in making lime - sulphur arsenate spray, as equally satisfactory results are obtained with either. This precaution in connection with combining lime -sulphur and lead ar- senate becomes especially important in view of the fact that practically all the lead arsenate now put on the market is of the acid variety. It is therefore recommended that when- ever using arsenate of lead and lime - sulphur as a combined spray, unless the kind of arsenate is known to be neutral, the practice of using hydrat- ed lime along with it be always followed.—E. L. Fulmer, O. A. Col- lege, Guelph Stomach Worm Loss Preventable. Animal husbandry division men at the University of Minnesota Farm say that sheep owners of the state have suffered great losses among their flocks by reason of the stomach worm. • •The lambs , stiffer the most. "The best preventive and the one most easily given," says Philip A. Anderson of the division, "is copper Sulphate or blue stone, as it is often known. Make a 1 per cent. solution by dissolving one-quarter of a pound of the blue stone in a pint of boiling water, adding cold water to make three gallons, being sure that a clear solution is obtained and always us- ing an earthenware or a wooden receptacle. The dose for lambs, ac- cording to 'size, is three-quarters of an ounce to ono and one-half ounces; for older sheep, two and one-half ounces to three ounces. Au ordinary tablespoon holds one-half ounce. "A veterinarian's syringe can be used, but care must be exercised in not flushing the plunger of the syringe too rapidly, as the solution may eater the lungs and give trouble, This treatment should be repeated in ten days or two weeks, or, 12 the dock Is ballly infested, two or three trines during seasons at intervals of days," Children Cry for Fietchd..r s. Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies, A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not, interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, an- no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven.. What is CASTO R IA? 1 Castori a is a harmless substitute for Castor. Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains I neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, NA by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of n Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY Massey -Harris Farm Machinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm Engines and Tractors, and can supply your wants for the com- ing season. $'' aS n. They Have Stood The Test They Have Es!ablished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRUAR, - Zurich 171 S., (1) F. M. HESS & CO. New Overland 4 2 ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars CD Conveyancing --DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WILLS, ETC. Victory Bonds --BOUGHT AND SOLD Insurance -ALL LINES OF AUTO AND FIRE INSURANCE IIAND. I I Income Tax Returns y { i LED, --CAREFULLY PREPARED + Andrew F. Hess, Zurich AbMortgage nt for. Hu on ani Erie Corporation; The Canada Trust Co.