HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-12, Page 4"age Fi ?, E HERALD 'Issued Wednesday noon fr.'ona the �... MBE HERALD. PRINTING QFFICE EEffeetive after Jan..let. 1920. Ssebeeeiptioxa Terms; $1,25 per year .aavaince; $2A0 may be charged it 'riot Seo paid. U. 9, aubseriuti- QQln $1.75 'strictly in advance, N'a paper discontinued sentil all ar- • tears are paid .unless at the option •uit the publisher, The date to schich every subscription is paid As denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN RATES • Display Advertising -Made known Ms application, - Stray Animals—One insertion Mc three insertions $1.00.. Farm or Real Estate for sale l$2 for first month, $1 or each sub- sequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding inch, $5 per year. Auction Sales, $1.50 for one in- sertion, $2 for two insertions, if not ower 5 inches in length. Local and Legal advertising not- ices, reading matter, 10c a line for +firat insertion and 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. Card of Thanks, In Memorials, 50c. Miscellaneous artielee of not wore then five lines, For Sale. To Malet, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25a, 'dil rens all communications to N• THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. BLAKE. Mother's Day services were held in Blake church last Sunday Therei was a good attendance and the services were much appreci- ated, which were conducted by the ?Pastor, Rev. Mr. Lundy. The boys and ,girls took their parts splendidly. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Zapfe spent the week -end with Friends in Tuckersmith. Miss Marguerite Douglas spent the week -end at the home of Mr. R N. Douglas. Miss Margaret McBride spent a few days last week with friends in Zurich. Mrs. Earl Weido called on fri- ends in the village on Monday. The Blake Choir motored to Exeter Saturday evening and see, exit a very pleasant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. Freckle -- ton. bASHWt)OD. Mr E. G. Kraft made a business trip to Chathanx last week. Mr. and Mrs..W. Hooper of near Exeter, spent Sundays$• v11,1a,e Ir. -an . eeeee se :yseseitt': e e' er has purchased a Gray Dort ear. Wath out for the. auctione:ering business now. Mr. Raymond C'allfas of Thed- yferU spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. E. Durr of Detroit is at present visiting with her parents. •' Mr. and Mrs. C. Lindenfield of Parkhill were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stire. and Mr. Fred Stire of Oshawa are visiting Bader .tate parental roof. Mr. D. Tiernan and family spent Sunday in London. Mr. Pedersen is visiting in Min- neapolis. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kraft and Mr. mad Mrs. W. Kleinstiver spent Sun- day in Stratford. LATE FREDER]CH BAKER There .passed away at his home in Dashwood on Monday morning, May 9th, Frederich Baker, aged 78 years, 9 months and 29 days. Deceased had not been enjoying good health for some time, and the end came only to releive his sufferings. He was well known in this vicinity, having been al- most a life resident here. The :funeral was held un Wednesday, afternoon, officiated by Rev. W. J. Yager of the Evangelical church, of which the departed was an adhetant. :.Interment being made in the Exeter ee'n-i tery. He • is survived besides his wife, two Sons; Samuel of Zurich and Rich- ars. of Dashwood. Also three daughters, Mrs. G. Weigand of the 14th con. Hay; Mrs. Godken of California, and MMrs. D. McCor- mick of Bridgeburg, who with a: number of relatives mourn his departure HAY COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Co- uneil of the Township of Hay was held hi the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, May 7th, All the mem- bers were present. The minutes re ' the pre tions meeting were re- ad and adopted. Py -laws No. 4 and 5, 1921, a,p- Irurinttz. Wm. Lamont Rosd Over- seer , f the TownshipRoads and Pre es erg for the expenditures on Township loads for the year 1921 were Vitally passed. and copies nr srTi•:i Velaws will be sent to. the Department of Public High- 'xvay:r, Toronto lo or.lell were pas-. isedt_ }. J. H.rbr+rer, auditor's fr^s $3,00 'W 1 1. )tie tll, ditto 3 00; W. G. s ca ar m t.t's 50.00; Municipal ;it4"or' r euenliee,' , 17 8.3; Serni:a 13r- ifige Co„ (beige and blades 58,65; I°•I tt, frail ht on drags 3.95; Prove, t is the Cross The Red CrOU In Ontario has: Thursday ,Kay. 12titar 1921 J. Continued its war work in military hospitals. - 2,. Contributed to the relief of disease. - stricken, sufferers and undernourish- ed children in Europe. 3. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle - silent Board in helping soldier set- lers in emergencies due to sickness in the family. Provided funds for three years for a course in public health nursing in the University of Toronto. The first class of fifty graduates in May. Provided eight nurses for child hygiene demonstrations under the Provincial Board of Health. 6. Distributed to civil hospitals equip- ment and supplies left over from the war. 4. 'S. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 We have seen a Canada organized for wart now let us have a Canada organized for good health. Enroll in the Red Cross and help create public opinion ite favor et sound health measures. Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch .or Enrollment *Committee, or, it there is none in your community, with the Ontafie Proyineial Division, 410 SHERBOURNE STREET. TORONTO. • ////i///i, a•UMW .uy. freeeeese : THINGS TO LOOK FOR - WHEN YOU BUY A 'TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT IT HAS ALL THE FEATURES ESSENTIAIL. TO ALL-ROUND SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY OF OPERATION. FOR INSTANCE LOOK FOR--- ; A kerosene engine so that you can use cheap fuel, thereby -'doing your work at the lowest possible cost. A throtle governor to regulate the fuel to the load variations, insuring uniform speed of both tractor and driven machine in addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when engaged inbelt work. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDER. MORE 'I. H. C. TRACTORS IN USE THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED. Canadian Red Cross Society L. A. PRANG, AGENT, ZURICH 7 Ontario Division 44.4'4.4.4-1.4-1.4.4414.+4.4.4.+4.4.++++4ae.:..e •eiee++444elele.4....5.+ 4444,1.4 Lumber Laths Shingles Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Building Material Custom Work our Specialty 3 Always in the market for saw logs I F. 0. KALtYLBISOI t PHONE 6n �atl R1C:H.:. aE• Y ,�.�,,.,,a..-���._..;,.ems..-.�-.......,.-.,� t.-e,,e vic+1Ft 4;.1;•+++4+4.+++4.4•+is++4.++++4.+4.4.4.+4.++++4 f4.4 inc'ial Treas. 'war tax tickets 40.00; Can Ingot Iron Co., road grader 0,;.64; J. Laporte grading and labor, St. Joseph to Lake 5.10; A. I'. Hess, part salary, clerk 100.00; S. Greb, draging road No. 6; 15.00; Day. Gingerich, drag road No. 8; 10.20; W. E. Turnbull, tile and labor, rd. No. 11; 2.60; E. Reichert tile and labor, rd. No. 7 7.00; Hy. Krueger, drag rd. No. 10 13,60, rep. cul. 1.60; Ross Johnston, vetinery act. re injury to horse 2.50; Hy. 'Steinbach drag read and rep. culvert 7.95; P. Deichert, Sr., gr- ading rd. No. 5, 21.00; T. Kyle drag rd. No. 7, 24.00; South Huron Agr. Soc. grant Hensall Spring Show, 15.00; Can. Ind. Tel. Co., supplies 94..3: Stromberg-Carlson Tel Co., =applies 77.76; North. Elec. Co., supplies, 64.66; Bell Tel. Co. 610 directories 91.50; L.D.T Feb, to March 63.10; .3 P. Rau hauling tel poles 1.50; H. Brenner ditto 1.75; A.. F. Hess, part salary 50.00; M. `esitz, labor, livery and batteries 47.60; T. Bailey tel. poles 70.00. The Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, June 4th, at 10 o'clock, a.m.., as a Court of re- vision of the Assessment Roll for the year 1921 ,and afterwards for g'eneral business. A. F. HESS, Clerk. EXETER Fred Ellerington, who left here over two months ago with ti num- ber of horses for the coast, re- turned home this week, , Get). Hill, who was stricken with paralysis some months ago, and who has been cared for there; by D. Richards and later by Mr. and Mrs. J. Simms, left for Dunn' Av- enue Hospital, Toronto, on Sat- urday last. A. very quiet wedding was sol- emnizedl at Main St. parsonage, ion Thursday, April 28th, at 6 ,o'clock, when Miss E. Mae Hodgert, el au- gherter of Mr. and Mrs, Wrn. Hod -a. gert was united in marriage to Mr. Roy CCoward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coward, of UUshorne, the ceremony being performed by the Ret', G. McAllister, ; Mr, %tn^l Mrs. Albert I'errott,who tett Exeter for Bristol, Peg., a- bout a year ago, returned to Can- ada last week. and carne here :from Lei - Ion on Sunday, after a very unpleasant journey across the At- i+antic. They left here with fulI intentions to make their future hassle in' thein native land, )'but •r'tivieg to the changed cmnrti'tions and other reasons, deetcle1 tri re- use to EEx^ter. HENSALL ; Cook Bros. are enlarging ,their, garage by the addition of 35 feet .The bowling green has been greatly improved by the addition of another green making the tot- al, of five. I i Mr. Blight, who spent the win- ter months here, returned to his hone at Portaeg La Prairie rec- ently. Hensall intends having a rbase- ball club this season, Thos. Sharpe, who recently sold his residence to David Foss, has purchased a blacksmith shop ix Seaforth and will move there with his family. . Levi Rand and sister Miss Rand on Monday moved into the house of Mrs. Bullard, which was lately,. occupied by Fred Simonds.. At the Court of ,ltevision� last Tuesday there was only one ap- peal against assessment for 1921 that of the Express CCo. e They were assessed $1000. This was reduced to $800. Last year's els- sessment was $500. r CREDITON Mrs. (Or.) Truemner and baby daughter of Chesley spent last 'eek at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Geiser Sam Wein took charge of the barber shop on Monday last. Sam's many friends wish him every suc- cess. He has engaged Wallace Irvin` of Hamilton 'to run the shop: for. him for a few months. One day last week, a heifer fell in the 50 -ft well on Sam. Finkbein- er's farm. Help was soon pro- cured and Ed. Fahner was lei down the well to fasten the rope on the animal. A team of horses procured and the animal hauled to the surface. It soon Walked a- round not much the worse of its experience. At the Council meeting held on Monday' last it was arranged that our Athletic Field be deeded to the Municipality, and that a bo- argil or seven directors he appoint ed to regulate;" the mana.gernent of the field. Two of the members are selected from. the Council and the five from local organizations rvh ch hese an' interest in the field. The property cost $850. This has now been paid by the funds on 1111.1 l in the Treasury of the local Remi C,.CJross Societyy and the Ath-. letie Association. Things are moving' nicely for our celebration on the 3ee•1 of J'u.ne.. des easyDoublesNikaAe as air 1 "` on Ccrslns�s ACR2 CUSHION INNER TIRE V Er RU t BI R COMPANYo'tm WINGHAM. ONTARIO. Iimeammemmeemi I have been appointed Agent for this -district for the above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And will be, pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and be convinced. John Hoy,Jr. - Zurich MARTI N .SE'NOUR IO'O PURE PAINT & VkNISHES "100% PURE" PAINT The paint for wear and weather. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It wears and wears and wears. "VARNOLEUM" beautifies and pre- serves Oil Cloth and Linoleum. "WOOD -LAC". STAIN Improves the new —renews the old. "NEU-TONE" The sanitary, wash- able Flat Oil Paint for Interior Decor- ation. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home as floors that are properly cared for; on the other hand, floors that are not protected are unpleasant to look at, are hard to keep clean, and become injured through wear. Don't neglect )'our floors, beautify thein and save them. Save the surface and you save all. MARBLE -ITE Floor Finish is the perfect treatment for floors of all kinds. It is the one floor finish that has a money -back guarantee attached to every can. In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard with a beautiful finish that will not show heel marks. It has a high gloss, yet is tough enough to stand any amount of wear without injury. It can be washed with soap and water and it will not mar nor scratch white. a We invite you to call and discuss this method of beautifying and protecting your floors. We can give you full details regarding this or any other painting or varnishing problem. We have a complete stock of MARTIN-SRNOUR Paints and Varnishes. For every purpose—For every surface. Melick & Braun) Zurich 10111111011111111111 � ili1lI11 ,11 ihi �geaaa onuum Iwo m m