HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-05-12, Page 1ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY12, 1921. Smart, Snappy, Facinatin'g Such words cannot adequately describe the gond features of our, e'EW SPRING GOODS. Our New pomp and Oxfords for Ladies are the prettiest styles. It has been ;our' pleasure to show. They are certainly the honel'somest Shoe creation that ever adorned a pretty foot. We are proud of ` our display. We want ladies to see them. All the newest ,shapes, leathers. and. colors for men. A 'peep at our window will con- vince you that the right place to buy your foot- wear is at; W. H. PPI LE, ZURICH - SHOE MER;CHA:NT AND REPATRS �DPo•�w�Oo•�o;�odo•�vvvovdoov�w�o•�oo�ovooa� 00" �b0 VP ti w rs �gQ i ss eci � � ti" � '"' rif The spirit of Spring is revealed in the Splendid showing of all that is New and Attractive in wearing apparel, etc. Tricotine Suitings 5 We are showing an exceptional range of 54 inch, fine quality 0• All wool Tricotine the popular' cloth for Ladies' Suits for ,,\I p• Spring at $5.00 per. yard. another line not quite so wide at $ QQ WE I3AVE THE ABOVE LINES IN ALL POPULAR SHADES S1RG1S We have a beautiful range of all -wool serges in Black, Navy, and Brown. Also line Botany Serges at very low prices. BROADCL OTI-I1S We are also showing a nice lot of Broadcloths in Suit Ends. These make up a very neat suit. TRIMMINGS Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming the. above mentioned Cloths in all shades, also silk Dress Girdles. to match, at reasonable prices. New Spring Voiles We are showing an exceptionally fine range of printed V'oiles this season these have just arrived and you should loose no time to make your selections, as these Goods are liable to be scarce later in the season. Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard ...... .. 85e Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard .._ _.. w_ $1.00 , per yard from $1.35 to $2.50 Service, Tissue etc., at ........... r �.D SUITS SUITS AT. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Again we are ready to show our New Line of Mens' Suits for old and young ranging in sizes freim 31 to 48. • So come along you BIG MEN, We feel 'satisfied ye have something here to suit you as Well as fit you. "REMEMBER" These Suits are splendid Values Smartly Tailored, at greatly Re- daeed Prices. '"No need of paying $50 for a . Real up-to-date Suit." '"See ours at hall that Price." SHIRTSHATS CAPS OUR STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY_ , House Furnishings WALL PAPERS We are showing an eligent range of new Wall Papers, All our 11 OW Papers this season are 22 -in. wide, so you get that extra value yb buying your papers from us. We have a splendid range of patterns to choose from and at all Prices 20e. 221Ac, 25c, 30c and 3Ncents a . Roll. LINOLEUMS A nice lot of 1 -yd. wide Linol- eums at $1.25 a square yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS A big range of Scrims with Lace and Insert ion and. Plain in differ- ent Shades. Also a nice lot of colored Marquetts from. 25c to $1.00 per yard. RTES Some pplendiid values in Float :'hone 9 J. .VR}ETER Produce Wanted egt eeee • • Q . F:a'l i.4ays ;bears : ee Will Brown: was to Creditors conn Sunday,. •Ee e W. and J. Fry of Tllinoise, conducted devine services in. the Bronson Line Mennonite church. lastvee7r. 14 i?and MS. Thos. Johnston left fax eastern points on Wednesday morning, ` where they will visit for some tine. e. 011 BOYS! Let us all meet on the Zuwich Diamond, for' the first game. of the season this Thursday evening at 5.30 p. in, Sharp. etre. P. Geenttner, who has spent the winter months with her da^itghter, Mrs. E. ()ascii, has re t•u; ;nedeto her home in Dashwood. Mr. hnd Mrs, John McBride,Mrs. S. McBride, Sr.; eel's. S. McBride, Jr., and Mrs. Stephenson of Stan- ley, attended the funeral of a re- lative at Stratford, on Tuesday. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. UU. will meet at the home of Mrs. S. Rennie, on Wednesday ev- ening, May 18th, at 8 o'clock. Rev. P. 13. Meyer assisted Rev. W. J. Yager at Dashwood io con- ducting the funeral service of the late Frederieh Baker on Wednes- day afternoon. Owing to nomarket for the fibre of the flax, the two mills in Zurichhavdeti ded not to sow any flax this spring. This means a great loss to the working' peo- ple, of „this vicinity. A Panorama and Song Service •of many a Man, will be given by y the t,M day evening ier, assisted nn the rirelcome. E ,1:ytod • Mr; C. Eilber the local appoin- ted Health"Inspector, will begin his annual inspection on May 15th. All parties take warning and have your back yards as well as your front yards cleaned up, all out- houses, pig pens, stables, etc,, in a' sanitary condition. Cheater k Smith, Publisher - $1.2b a Year In Advance• fir,L51G+fN ARREARS, • 2 MAY 1317 f;ZIARl 0n: IIIII�1111ilIIIIIINIIIIII I;1 Johnston's Clear.Roy Refl- ectors. , Nice $1.50; GOVERNMENT ABPROv:E No need of changing, ypnr.plai , glass., Gives a: wid.er spread and 1-3 more li,ht than: 90 p.er-' cent. of all the patent Ideas; ore the market. GHFSS. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE; No. 1t4 Incorporated in 1835 THE MOLSONS BANK !Capital and Reserve $9,000,000' Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling, Iso the price of food stuff. Aria necessitates increased production. Produce mora and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it wilt he ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch 0.00.4..4®......Q+d>.....~.1 Winter Horse Requirements I We are offering the following seasonable Horse: requirements at greatly reduced prices: *: HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, •Zg HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. ee SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT A BIG R EDUCTION. qt We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single harness, Etc. a et REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PRS® THIEL -ZURICH • . •. 0 •O •4 e e 0 • 4 :e++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++444 4 Ladies! .S The new uniforms for the base- ball team have arrived, and cer- .g tainly are a credit to our team.. They are of a grey color, very tasty' and neat, and with out a doubt will help our boys to win the admiration of many a ball fan As the game will be played this summer as never before in this district. And we wish our boys the best of luck with these new attires, The Ontario Flat Mills, located in Exeter North, were destroyed by' fire cn Monday morning. The loss is estimated at $10,000, inclu- ding machinery, stock on handand buiidin2. The blaze, it is i el- ieve originated from flying sp- arks that fell on a pile of flat straw.. Twenty-five people are thrown' cut of work as a result of the burning of the factory. There is to be no' \veaking of the new Adolescent Act, which re- quires that after Sept. 1st next, children shall be kept at 80booi until they are 16 years of age ace' cording to announcements. by Hon. Mr. Grant,. minister of education. "But we .will be reasonable and enforce it gradually," intimated Mr.. Grant. "Children who are 15 years of age, and who have been wo; kin s 10.. a ye r, w;1' not, be for- ced. back to school. We expect the people of the province will ,co-operate. On the basis of the $1,620,000 set aside, in the estimates to pay the expenses of the decennial census beginning on June 1st, next, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics ev- idently expects the total cost to be about 18 cents for evyer man, woman' child. and.� in the Dom�'nion z , it the population proves to be up to or over the nine millions, con- fidently predicted by many gov- ernment officials. The p'ay far the enumerators is so much for ev� ery name about wh!ch in'ormat on is obtained, with an allowance per hen 71. )d Armes, diffrer'ng w:t.i the various provinces, for the expen- se of driving. , CASTO ,F i .A. Per bfitats'and Children An) For Irrver 3OYea w You use great care in selecting a new Hat—Why should SHOES be less .important? Come and see our line of New Spring Footwear Which consists of all the latest styles and shapes in the finest Kids, Patents and other materials equally as tasty. A very class';' line all through, with prices right. Also a fine assortment in Men's and Children's Footwear. Call and see them, and if we have not what you want, we will try and get them for you. EGGS EW ANTED Or R 'IT BUTTANDi SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO THE SHOEMAN . .1-:•004-14+++++++++++++++++++.144+14+++++++++++++++++.140' ete a ete • 4 - SEEDS! SEE 5! Our stock of Spring Seeds has ar- rived, and Re never had so fine a showing of Seed .Corn in all thelead- ing varities. Mangold and Turnip Seeds. .also every kind_ of seeds for the Garden, Etc. A. call is always a1Dpreeia Fresh Groceries always in Stock R. .DOUGLAS PHONE" 11 7 z SLAKE'