Zurich Herald, 1921-05-05, Page 7• y 'v.__ •
0 law lei esae, alat 'Mk NM vs Tat, va Ir* """"' ""' " 'V ill —it- Villa h'es
111 tre, Ci'4, In
Immo. Er,DiOAPIT1 Ami w h
A contras -le blithe and full of glee,
• EDLICAUON 00 pita, V 101 3E . 41,41
, who will walk a mile with Ina,
Ficg Along life's merry way?
provincial Board of Health, Ontarls. •
tit Or. Middleton will be giaci to answer questions on Public 'Health mat. ig
P tens through this column. Address him at tne'Parliaraeht
• "NIL tla VITA lait, Vta, 333t. NM WA Teln, NEe Nal VA Mk
The need for medical inspection of
schools is becoming increasingly evi-
dent to people even in the most re-
snote districts of the Province. To
their credit be it said that the school
trustees are rapidly coming to realize
the iniportance of this branch of pre-
ventiVe medicine, and meetings of
• there officials have been held recent-
• ly M various rural districts, with a
View to obtaining medical and nurs-
ing inspection throughout the schools
• of their townships.
As educational work is what is
needed at the outset, a nurse will first
of all spend some time hi each dis-
• trict where medical inspection of
schools is to 'be inaugurated. She wi
get acquainted with the trustee
members of the Women's Institute
local doctors, newspaper proprietor
clergy and prominent citizens general
ly, and outline the work that is plan
;led. Certainly the comparativ
healthiness of the country, with pure
sir and facilities for enjoying the
great outaof-door amid natural sur-
- toundings, does not make the need for
tontieuell inspection and supervision
is pressing as in the city. However,
a systematie scheme for medical in
spection and nursing. of school chil
dren is very necessary, even in coun
try districts far removed- from any.
' great centre of population, Ailinents
round -arnong• city -.bred children are
also prevalent to an even greater de-
gree in rural schools, owing to the
tack of slcilled attention. These ail-
. ments defective- vision, de-
fective hearing, defective te.eth, defec-
tive nasal breathing, hypertrophied or
diseased tonsils, defective nutrition,
heart disease, lung troubles,. nervous
diseases, orthopedic defects, akin and
scalp -conditions.
Of all these defects taken together,
medical and nursing attention has
. corrected about sixty per cent., and
a large per cent. of the reinainder
could have been corrected before they
became chronic, had the children be-
fore school age been under the ewer -
vision of the Division of Maternar and
Child Welfare, Think of what an im-
mense blessing such a combined
scheme will be when properly organ-
ized! Pre -natal clinics instructing the
mother how to diet and deal 'with
danger signals even before the birth
• of the child; clinics to look after both
mother • and the child at birth, and
help the mother withatitiVice and co-
operatiOn in ,bringing up the •
through'the critical first years of life;
then school inspection followed later
by a medical inspection of young boys
and girls preparing to enter indus-
trial pursuits; these will oonetitut
the links in a strong chain of medica
supervision from the cradle to youn
menho'od and womanhood.
A necessary adjunct to medicalin
spection of schools is the dental dis
pensary, the importance of which i
becoming increasingly evident. Jus
how many of the more common ail
ments childhood elite youth can b
directly or indirectly traced to defer
tive teeth it would be difficult as ye
to estimate, but invesigation along
this line is proceeding.
It is certain, however, that nutri-
tional and digestive defects as well as
serious secondary disease in °the).
11 parts of the body, are in a great many
s, eases the result of decayed teeth, Ob-
servers state that dental caries (tooth
, decay) is present in progressive
- stages in the mouths df ninety-five
per cent. of our children. Good teeth
e as a rule bring about good digestion,
and this in turn develops good health.
But good health is not long maintained
if the child is not supplied with nour-
ishing food in adequate amounts. In
this connection the Department of
Education in some countries like Eng-
- land, provides meals •fer schoo1 clul-
- dren, and. recover the cost from the
- parent, where possible: Where this
provision is made at the schools, the
feachere often assist in the cooking,
and the elder girls are also encouraged
to do so; the latter this receive some
of the instruction in simple cooking
which is so necessary.
On first thoughts it would seem
there would be little need for these
measures in a land of plenty such as
Canada, But it has been found in the
rural districts especially that many
of the children coming some distance
to school. bring cold lunches and eat
them under somewhat unhygienic sur-
roundings. To obviate this, the On-
tario Department of Education in
many districts provides hot lunches at
the mid-day recess, and supervises the
children while eating. Not only do
the youngsters thus get the benefit of
hot, well -cooked food during school
hours, but they are early taught the
advantages of hygienic principles at
the table, and these youthful impres-
sions very often remain through life.
This combined scheme' of medical
and dental inspection, systematically
concluded, caratot fail to 'be an int-
mense boot to children of all ages.
It , will Make' the 'next generation
stronger and more free from physical
defects than any preceding one, and
lay the foundations for a race .61
supermen and superwomen,in genera-
tions to, come. ,
, . , Who dares to laughout loud and f
And let his frolic fancy play, .
' Dr: Williants! Pink Phis toriell. Like a happy child •through
• the Blood, Thus Increasing
Your Nervous Energy. That fill the field and fringe the way
Where he walks .a mile with me.
And who will walk a mile with me,
Along life's weary way?
A Friend whose heart has eyes to s
The stars shine out o'er the darken
And the quiet rest at the end of the
but are endured rather than ,run a
doctor's bill,
A friend who knows, and dares to
• day. --
Such, sufferers should know the dan- • say,
ger of such a condition, which, if al- The brave, sweet words that cheer
lowed to persist, may result in a ner- the way
Once a mother has used Baby's OWle
ree, Tablets or firer little ones she would
•use nothing else, The Tablets, give
the such results that the =tiler:hair nail-
ing but words of praise and thankful
ness for them.. Among the thouhand
of enothers throughout Canada wit
praise the Tablets is Mrs. David .A
Anderson, New Glasgow,
writes:—"I have used Baby's Ow
ee Tablets for my children and from m
ing experience I would not be without
them. I would urge every other
mother to keep a box of the Tablets
in the house." The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the bowels and sweeten the stomach;
drive out constipation and indigestion;
break up colds and simple fevers and
make teething easy. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
When we use the word success, we
too often mean a fortune. I3ut the bet-
ter kind of wealth is not the wealth of
dollars, houses, lands and vested in-
terests. It is the wealth of a good
name and the essential quality hi man
or woman that makes such a name
nd and stands behind it.
ho Some who maintain a very respect -
tat able character in the community think
Nervous peoplo. who have not yet
developed a disease that can be re-
cognized and treated by the Medi*
Profession, often have great trouble
in finding relief. Irritation, headache,
sleepleeseese, nervous indigeetIon, 11
these discomforts make life miserable,
e Vous breakdown. In this condition
- what is needed is rich, red blood, 'As
t a tonic fon the blood and nerves, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have been used
with much success. They have a di-
rect action on the blood, and through
it carry to the totems the elements
. needed to restore their normal func-
tion, at the. same time improving the
general health. The benefits -that fol-
low the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
is shown by the case of Mrs, •Norman
Seirried, West 'Montrose, Ont., who
says: "It would be hard for me to
overstate the benefit I have derived
from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Before I began taking the pills
I was very nervous, weak and run
down, I could hardly do my house-
work, and as there is a great deal of
work to do about a home on a farm,
I felt very much discouraged. One
clay while reading a newspaper I saw
an advertieement of Dr. Williams'
PilLs and decided to give them a.
trial. I could notice_beneficial effects
after taking a box of the pills, and by
the time I had taken a few boxes, I
could again do my work 2,sith ease,
was no longer weak or nervous, slept
well at night, and awoke in the morn-
ing feeling well and strong. I. ant
heppy to say that the plies so greatly
benefitted me."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all dealers in medicine or will be sent
by mail on receipt of 50 cents a box
or $2.60 for six boxes by writing Tho
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockYillee
In my garden is a poppy bed,
Pilled with blossoms of a brilliant red;
As in the breeze nods each drowsy
• head,
They softly sigh,
Bearing a message from a distant land,
Bringing a memory ot a noble band
Who died for freedom in a valiant
Where still they lie,
• Eanh little flower seems to tell of one
Who lost his life' ere it had quite be-
And now is sleeping 'neath a faroff
With poppies nigh.
May nothing ever mar their peaceful
As nodding poppies the long vigil keep.
Great be the harvest of love they shall
reap -
In the by-and-by.
Squirrel as Tree Planter.
A tame squirrel, kept as a house
pet and alloweddiberty from its cage,
will, if supplied with nuts, bury them
nn the most curious places. It will s
hide them in people's pockets or even 1
inside their collars.
It is evident that, in a state of na- • c
ture, squirrels are not able to keep
track of many of the nuts they bury in
odd spots. Thanks to this fact, theY
are quite useful in helping to seed ; f
burned or -logged areas in some parts n
of the country.
This fact. has been particularly d
noted in the States of Oregon andln
Washington, where chipmunks arele
giving important assistance in the •e
bnsiness of re-establishing forests of , f
the Douglas fir, They collect the 1
seed,s from the fir cones, and inaey off
those they bury and forget produce P
young trees. Mice do much good workm
of the same kind, . ' th
Should Make Up His Mind. to
The neWly arrived visitor from the 'it
Brightly-coloeed walls and other "sticks" stood at the curbstone watch- Mg
ay hues in factories and workshops ing the traffic cop and his semaphore
are said to lead to increased produc- in some bewilderment. "Say, mister,",
tion. he asked a passerby, "can't 'that
Ontarjo has the largest and one of ter make up his mind? First he says
• the longest hydro -electric tTansitis- 'Stop' and then he Says 'Go' on that !
cion lines in ,th a world, co-operating there contraption of his'n, Can't he an
With 248 municipalities and sesith lines decide once and for all?"
Where he walks a mile with me.
With sueh a comrade, such a friend,
fain would walk till journey's end,
Through summer sunshine, winter
And then? Farewell, we shall meet
• again!
—Henry VanDyke.
Father and Son. tt
We will hazard the assertion that
by far the greater number of men
whose lives are useful, fruitful a
reasonably happy had fathers w
Made friends of their boys, and ti
the greater number of men who
lives are wasted or evil had fathers
who never made friends of their boys,
It is from the father the boy should
.get his. first lessons in good humor,
eportsmanehip, generosity, • good,fel-
lowship, perseverance, itclustry—in-
deed, in all the qualities that should
'eventually enable him to bear himself
as he should ia the rough-and-turable
of life. From the mother comes 'usteal-
ly the fostering of the gentler a
more spiritual side of his nature; b
that outgrowth is likely to he arres
ed and may even die unless it is a
companted by growth of the manlier
virtues, Those itlay be fostereditt
School, by teachers and by association
with ether boys; but there is no in-
fluent* so potent in nourishing them
in shaping the boy's -character as, that
of the father who makes a friend of
ills son.
• Paternity implies nearly always
• t
Some measure of affection, buttit does
not always imply some measure of
friendship; There are Many fainters in
the world whohave a kinder more
tender feeling for their boys when
they are away from' them than when
they see them. The nereous, irritable
father whose high-spirited atm is a
source of annoyance rather than' of
pleasure, the Overworked father who
conies home too tired to have -any zest
for play, the preeccupied father who
cannot shake -off this problems and
Itimblesn'the self-indulgent:father *hie
regard& his home as a senotuary for
himself and wants naly.to be let alone
with his newspaPer, his magazine and
his pipe—none of them is by way of
cultivating his boy's friendahip. None
of them is meeting in the proper. Writ
the responsibilities of parenthood,—
even though they -may all be taking
proper measuree for the health and
schooling of their children
Friendship requires a certain
iderations attaching to them. The amount of effort, a certain amount of
eague ha's undertaken to obtain pos. self-sacrifice, yielding frequently your
fasten of some of the tracts by pur- own desires to those Of the person
base. that you befriend. The father who
Many of the giant trees are more reads aimed to his boys and discusses
hall 300 feet tall, "Old Goliath," with :them the books that they read,
thich was blown down in a storm a who helps them with their lessons,
ew years ago, had a circumference of who teaches them the use of tools,
tore than 100 feet at the base, and I the names of trees and flowers and
ne of its limbs was eleven feet in birds, who makes holidays and Sun-
lameten The "Father of the Forest,"1 daYs an occasion for giving pleasure
ow lying prone, has had its heart to thein rather than for seeking it for
aten out by fire, so that one can ridelhfinself, serves not Only his sons but
sect on horseback through its trunk his country. ,
or a distance of eighty-one feet.
When standing it was more than 100
Saving Big Trees.
A public-spirited organization call-'ing itself the "Save the Redwoods
League," is at the present time mak-
ing great efforts to secure the preser-
vation of some of the giant trees in.
California, which are in a way- the
most interesting of created things.
They are by far the most ancient
of living things. Many of these trees
were well grown -and .flourishing dur-
ing the lifetime of Christ. Some of
them were living- whenaking Soleiton•
reigned in Jernsaleme-when the pyres
raids were built and when Babylon
was at the height of its glory and
power. Their years can be counted by
their rings of annual grdWth.
Unfortunately, nearly all of the sur-
viving giant redwoods are on land be-
longing to private owners, most of
whom are -disposed to log them off, re,
girding their money value as of more
importance than any sentimental con -
Yap Money.
eet in height. The "Mother of the The island of Yap is noted, among
orest," long ago stripped of its bark, other things, for having the most ex-
easures (without the bark) forty- traordinary currency in the world,
ree and a half feet in girth seventy Besides the ordinary shell money
et from the ground. It is estimated there is a ,stone.coluage, consisting of
contain 627,000 feet of sound inch calcite or limestone disks that vary
from six inches to twelve feet in diam-
sta____ _ eter. The larger stones, which are
Inard's Liniment Relieves Olstem
. Par .rather tokens than money, are piled
up rotted the chief's treasure house.
Municipal and Real Estate and seldom change hands in the trans -
Finance in Canada.- - • stations in whieh they figure. though
- ' the ownership changes, One huge fel,
The pamphlet entitled "Municipal
' extending hundreds of miles through-
out the province. Its capacity will
each a million horsepower with the
completion of the Chippawa-Queens- cent. of each, nickel in Ontario and by
ton power canal in 1922. asbestos in Quebec. Ac
or stone coin, was lost in a storm
d Real Estate Finance in Canada,"
white 'being ferried from raise place to
st issued by the Conneteelon of Con • -
Canada leads the world in the pro- da
duction of nickel and asbestos, 85 per
rvatien, touches upset some of Cana -
's most difficult financial problems,
is a clear and convincing statement
another, but is till regarded as valid
money and.has been used Many times
as a medium of trade, although it lies
it the bottom of the sea. Evidently
Mr. Thos, Adams, Town Planning there is something to be learned from
iviser to the Commission, regarding Yap. To lose your mney and still have
using, land spermlation and high the use of it appeals even to a dull
xation, resulting a e municipal fancy; and life could hardly grow
ste and mismanagement.
monotonous in a land where it is the
No national problem in Canada is custom to trundle a couple of eight -
of greater importance than that which foot grindstones down to the' corner
,has to do with the resources in our yettet cake
"What's Your Experience?
If -coffee keeps you awake
• radius, chande to
6 6
a delicious meal -time drink-71).711°1e-
ome and. satisf:ying Iyo.,t containing
nothing that distuib your. rest. .
Economica.1 Better for 'Thu
'There s Reason"
cities and towns., This publication '' •
-emphasizes the fact that until we ein-• se
• - Useless Appenqix.
ploy saner methods In developing our.
community life any efforts being made Not long ago a number of masons
left Stotland to settle in this country.
to conserve
must be nullified as •tt result of the offer his arrival, aur natural resources Otte of them wrote to his wife shortly en
to sell their honsehold property and to Warning! It's crimlual to 'lake a
careless way in which the wealth de- and instructed her
rived from these resources is dissi- akassaohe good chance on nue' substitute ,for genuine
pitted by bad forms of -land developte pge ut to him. T
. wife had a neighbor who came to help "Bayer Tublets of Aspiriu, prearribed
her 'with, the packing. • In the midst of by physicians for twenlewone years
Thie pamphlet Ilia y be obtained fine end proved safe by milli,t,ms, Unless
it they fell upon Thomas' watch, The
nit application to the Commission of you see the mime "Bayer on package
neighbor.examined it closely and then or °II "31E° you "e not "gctUng As'
Conservatioe, Ottawa. Urin at ail In ever; Bever package I
they are better than. others who fell,
when the truth is that they were never
similarly -tempted. They were cush-
ioned on all sides against a shock.
They Were sheltered from the tempest
others had to face.
It takes extremes—either of adver-
sity or of prosperity—to bring out the
real character. We find certain men
who have inherited preposterously
large sums of money going all to
pieces morally, "drunk with sight of
Power," failing to .realize their stew-
ardship, Quite as bad as to be prodi-
gal is to be niggardly. In fact, the
picture of a dissolute rake flinging his
money away is rather more attractive
than the view of a mean old miser
sitting on top of a pile of money and
loving it to death. •
Character is not to be simulated.
Now and again otte encounters the
man 7 who thinks he can go to the
stores and buy the makings of a
gentleman. The swagger cutfit of ex-
ternals will not do—It remains obvi-
ously an outfit, merely the external
raiment, entirely separable from the
substance and the spirit of a man.
How amazing is the difference be-
tween twci that are fashioned original-
ly in God's image and of the same
elayl One breathebenignity and the
other is malign. One is spiritual, the
Other is of the earth earthly. One has
only .commonplace ideas and a torpid'
itnaginatiesio-nthe other abounds in
bright; and delicate fancies and a
quick,tand humorous sympathy, so that
the association is a pleasure all too
brie id rare.
Pb Gap a character worthy of one's
own eeepect lmplies self-control. Nor
will the respect of others be won if
we bare reason to despise ourselves.
One ostrich egg will make an omelet
sufficient for thirty people.
The first explorer to cross the Can-
adian Rockies was Alexander Mac-
kenzie. On a great rock at Tide Water
is the inscription: "Alexander Mac-
kenzie, from Canada by land, July 22,
1793, Lat. 52.21, 48 N." He also die -
covered the river which bears his
scommccomenemfamisomenmeaccm .
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
• and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
er. Clay Glover Co., Xn.o.
113 West 31st Street
New York. U.S.A.
avmtlisys,==.9=110.3=r403,2.1,===.12"ba we
A Quick Repel
for Headache
A ha.laciache is frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gases
and acids resul ting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerves end
causes painful symptoms called
headache, neuralgia rheuma.
tiara, etc. 15 to 30 drops of
Mother Seigel's Syrup will col-ree
p faulty digestion and afford relief.
"Bayer" is only Genuine
No More for Isfirn.
"Doesbe tyourdisheshi,,usband ever help you
police duty he ever intends to do in
the army."
rsay7es says he did all the kitchen
All Ho Owned.
"I wonder will Smithers always al -
Jude to his wife so lovingly as 'my
"Well, she is his own. Everything
else in the house be is paying Zcr on
the instalment plan."
Not His Sort.
The ether day a little fellow was
having a merry romp, regardless of
his clothes entirely. During a pause
in his play his mother said to him,
pointing to two boys in immaculate
white suits "Look, dear, wouldn't you
like to be nice and clean like those
children there?"
"Huh!" replied the youngster scorn-
fully, "they're not children, they're
Laying the Ghost.
A young Irishman went to the priest
and told him, with a long face, that
he had seen a ghost.
-"When and where?" said the pastor.
"Last night," replied the timid man;
"I was passing by the church, and up
against he wall of it did 1 behold the
"In what shape did it appear?" in-
quired the priest.
"It appeared in the shape of a great
"Go home and hold your tongue
about it," rejoined the priest; "you
are a very ,mid man, and have been
frightened by your own shadow."
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
Oriental Goldfish,
Goldfish, as bred in Japan and
China, assume strange shapes; the
Celestial has eyes on top of its head,
the Telescope has grotesque protrud-
ing eyes, while the Tumbler cannot
maintain its equilibrium in the water
owing to tts curious shape.
se •
Every workman in Japan wears on
his cap an inscription stating his busi-
ness and his employer's name.
For years I have never considered iny
stock of household remedies complete
Unless a bottle of Minard's Liniment
was inoluded. For burns, bruises,
sprains, frostbites or chilblains it ex-
cels, and I know of no better remedy
for a severe cold in the head, or that will
give more immediate relief, than to in-
hale from the bottle through the nasal
And as to xny supply of veterinary
remedies it is essential, as it has in very
many instances proven its value. A re-
cent experience in reclaiming what was
supposed to be a lost section of a mitt -
able cow's udder has again demonstrated
its great worth and prompts. Inc to re-
covanend it in the highest terms to all
who have a herd of cows, large or small.
I think r am sa fe in saying among all
the patent medicines there is none that
rovers as large, a field of usefulness as
does Minaret's Liniment. A real trueism
gond for mu.n or brast.
Chebogue Point. Ns
Warnaind relief for
rheum c (aches.
I:40s just used Sloan's
-1 L Liniment and the quick
comfort had 'brought a smile
of pleasure to his face_
Good for aches resulting
from weather exposure,
sprains, strains, lame back,
35$ overworked muscles. Pena -
70,t iratewithout rtsbbing. All
$140 druggists have it.
0 nlmenf
DuriiinOii Du rning.0 n Hands. Could Not Put
Thera In Water. Lost Sleep.
"My bands were very sore exid
could not put thorn in voter to wash
them. There were some
pimples on Thy liatidsnand
the itching end burning
were so interise that I
scratched and irritated
them, and I could not
sleep at night.
• said: "Its a grand 'watch, Catherine. 1
The meanin
"friend" yen en ennin, /Ian, are direetions for Colds, Headenhe,
Hindus have no Word g'
was the reply, "11 wad be o' nae use Neuralgia' ithemnathon, Earac1ue,1
loner that there is some 'oors o' difs Tootheelie, Lumbago and for pale, I
Untidy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost •
• oot 01We, for Thomas tells me In his
Of the eighty-three Zeppelins Ger-
InanY Possessed during the War, fetence bet woe)] the time lwre and in teW Drngg114 I 8' al" hirg"
thirty-four were illot tiOwn de'; neeideM
ultnada.. so neotlirrt he Lakin' tNeless Pac.krigt)s•- TiladeIn ttn,txlu:".°111"
strayed, thirteen caught fire ats ' ' tho trade meek regie te red in C4Inil•
ally, and nineteen were destroyed in'""'
other Way. Minardas Linimant for Oandrtifiti
. , , 01 M one-
, aceticacidester of Salicylleacid, ISSUlii No,
"The trouble lasted two
ws.keks before1 tried Cutioura. When
I had need two cakes of Cuticura
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint-
ment for about ttvo weeks 1 was
healed." (Signed) 'Reginald Daigle,
D. 2, Fort I;,`ent, Maine,
Use Ottizura for wery-day toilet
purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe
with Ointment, dust with Talcum.
Sc.o2Se. OW -mud .15 nett 504. Teltem28t, Sold
throughout t10.1,lninto% CanadianDepett
Lpsun, Ltcnxlel, 144 Si. Paul St.., W Mbnkto.1.
Cutieure Sotto shaves 'without
da) of Bayer Manufature roue.