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Zurich Herald, 1921-05-05, Page 1
ZURICH 'Vol. XX I No 44 ZURICH HERALD THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1921. Smart, Snappy, Facinating Such words cannot adequately describe the gobcl. features of our ;EW SPRING GOODS. . Our New Pomps and Oxfords for Ladies are the prettiest styles. It has been our pleasure to show. They are certainly the houdsomest, Shoe creation that ever adorned a pretty foot. We are proud of our display. We want ladies to see them. All the newest shapes, leathers and colors for men. A peep at our window will con- vince you that the right place' to buy your, foot- wear is at; W. H. PFILE, ZURICH], ]' SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS ;�'ee0000aooc000aove y� ovoa' ac�o�ooage�o •O'•040'4.0.0.O•l!•O'04.0•�0•'O�•0•00040• *4©•000t%'d 0.0 iD Special Season Offerings The spirit of Spring. is revealed in the Splendid showing of all that is New and Attractive in wearing apparel, etc. Tricotine Suitings We are showing an exceptional range of 51 inch, fine quality All wool Tricotine the populae cloth for Ladies' Suits for Spring at •'$5.00 per., yard. another .line notes quite scar widee eteee WE HAVE THE ABOVE LINES IN ALL POPULAR SHADES SERGES We have a beautiful range of all -wool serges in Black, Navy, and Brown. Also line Botany Serges at very low prices. BROADCLOTH ES We ,are. also showing a nice lot of Broadcloths in Snit Ends. These make up a very neat suit. TRIMMINGS Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming the above mentioned Cloths in all shades, also silk Dress Girdles to match, at reasonable prices. New Spring Voiles We are showing an exceptionally fine range`of printed Voiles this season these have just arrived and you should loose no time to make your selections, as these Goods are liable to be scarce later in the season. Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard ... ... ... 85c Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard _._ .. _. _ ...,.. $1.00 Sarance, Tissue, etc„ at per yard from $1.35 to ... $2.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Gents' Furnishings SUITS SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Again we are ready to show our New Line of Mens' Suits for old and young ranging in sizes from 34 to 48. So come along you BIG MEN, We feel satisfied we have something here to suit you as well as fit you. "REMEMBER" These Suits are splendid Values Smartly Tailored, at greatly Re- duced Prices. "No need of paying $50 for a Real up -to -slate Suit."' "See ours at half that Price." SHIRTS HATS CAPS OUR STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE House Furnishings WALL PAPERS r 9 Wo are showing an eligentrange of new Wall Papers. All our new Papers this season are 22 -in. wide, so you get that extra value yb buying your papers from us. We have a splendid range of patterns to choose from and at all Prices 20c. 22%c. 25c, 30c and 37%cents a Roll. LINOLEUMS A' nice lot of 1 -yd. wide Linol- eums at $1.25 a square yard. CURTAIN' SCRIMS A big range of Scrims with Lace and Insertion and Plain in differ- ent Shades. ' Also a nice lot of colored Marquetts from 25c to $1;00 per yard. RUGS," Seine splendid values in Floor Rugs Phone 59 414.1 J. PREET R Produce Wanted �•i al Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance $1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY IiE t:33s R9VD Mrs. W. C. C'alifas visited in Hensall on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz were vis- rivers to Dashwood on Sunday. Messrs. Albert and Harry .Hess were to London on Tuesday. Mr. Herb. Mousseau was to Lon din on business on Monday. Mrs. Pope, of HensalI visited at the home of Mr. C. Fritz on Tues day. Thursday afternoon is the first half -holiday in Zurich for this sea gen, • Mr. Sippel of Kitchener is as sisting Mr. C. 'Blu.menstein in pafrerhanging and painting. Messrs. W. 0. Goodwin and W. PA. of Hensall, called on friends in. the village on Monday. We are pleased to report that Mr. rWw rn. Lamont, who was on the sick list, is able to be around a- gain. Mrs. W. B. Colles and little Bettie left for Chatham! on Monday where they will visit with the formers parents, for some time. Mrs. L. Jeffrey of the village, left on Tuesday morning for St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she has accepted a good position. Mr. Frank Uttley, who had been engaged for some time as painter with Messrs. F, M. Hese & Ce., has severed his connections with that firm and hap engaged' with Carlin :Bros., Seaforth. Mr. • John Keys, formerly of Blake, and now of Hensel', has '4191d his farm 'at Blake tor his son, Albert E Kees, who had' ��e�, t.•1e far> Hgince 1wLis $eY�, � m....il a ar:.. ,�•, ' �,M..`.'i /RE �w. �ww.1 i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rupp, who I. w�A lived the past year at the east f/ end of l-heG-village, on -the property owned by Mr, :Me.nno Becheler, • hase moved their household eff- . ects to Blake, where they will e reside. ; .••A.+•II••l••l••€ro<•i•++ t••II••l••@••IIr3••3••3+2••P•l4i,o<oo.,wl•.a..II..g..y..i.a..++++•4••+•ib •+•b+.+ Iet Mr. John Foster is drilling a .. • well for Mr. Geo. Thielnlastof the week • Ladies!Inge. A minor accident :�,. z considerably delayed operations, •l• when the drill became detatched from the lifting rods, but ,Mr.. + You use great care in selecting ca Foster has overcome the trouble .4 a new Ilat—Why should SHOES ' and expects to soon locate L a good flow of water. be less important? Come and �, • see our line of 1 New Spring Footwear •'41• Which consists of all the Iatest styles and shapes in the finest Kids, Patents and other materials • equally as tasty. A very class,e T. line all through, with prices right. Johnston's Clear Ray Refl- ectors. Price $1.50 GOVERNMENT APPROVED No need of changing yourtplain glass. Gives a wider spread and 1-3 more light than 96. per cent. of all the patent Lens on the market. W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1855 ]� THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling, Iso the price of food. stuff,. This necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch eOOsOOO e.4.+•000OOOOOOOOw000 6 000000000i000000,0`O.0000.f • Winter Horse Requirements • 1We are offering the following seasonable Horse • • requirements at greatly reduced prices: • : HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWAT PADS, 40, • • HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. • j SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS- AT" gyp:. • 0 • ' A BIG R EDUCTION.t ? We also- carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single • •• harness, Etc. 4` 40, REPAIRING A -SPECIALTY 0 c3'-.404000000000000000. 1 8 The Young Ladies'. Adult Bible Class of the Evangelical church held a very enjoyable social one evening last week at the home of their President, Miss Elizabeth Rennie. The evening Was en- joyed by all present and a very dainty lunch was served by the Hostess. f t A reader of the Herald living' in the south end of the village con] plains of the surphls dogs at large in his neighborhood. They evidently have their' daily rounds of fun in this citizen's garden and .1. Also a fine assortment in Men's .; and Children's Rootwear. Call + and see them, and if we have not ;. what you want, we will try and get them for you. o`• • • sl 8 4 + 4. 4. 4. 4k turn up .things considerably, and i >e" BUTTER AND SATISFACTION' would appreeiaia if people would' + EGGS WANTED ?. FRITZOUR M + OTTO keep their so called pets, at '';l;+ �; *,home.÷ THE SHOEMAN i On Tuesday evening fire totally* ''''''':"1-1-1-14+++''4-1.44"""'-''•c« « < o< « c destroyed at Hensall; T. Murdoek's • < •. oi�h l •. •i•ti••F •A�II•o a •i •F•�F••� •F••II••: •i�•E••;i°•1••ii••S+�F•04 livery barns, G. Brock's blacksm- ith shop and C. Hudson's implem- ent shop. The loss will be great as there was no insurance thereon. The contents of the livery barn were removed while the other two bui dings were destroyed with the contents. And the origin eof the fire is unknown: After, five years' of diligent work in the Lord's service as pastor of Zion Evangelical Church, Rev. A. D. Gishler is giving up his charge owing to the strain on his health which he will. endeavor to regain by light duties during the com- ing year. The work has proved too strenuous, according to the Reverend gentleman, as he takes charge of three services and Sun- day .School every Sunday th pay nothing of the numerous other me etings and clerical duties during the week: Rev. Gishler announ- ced to his congregation at the Sunday morning service previous to the Conference, his intentions -not to remain for the sixth year 'owing to the above reasons.—Tav- iistock OEazette. _.. A T c R IA Por Infants and Children yW g,?) V Use For Ot+weir 30 Yoaro i4 , t a" .' we ' b e. �CtN �. a +,,, 4401ra of t is SEEDS! SEEDS! Our stock of Spring Seeds has ar- rived, and \V e never had so fine a showing of Seed Cornin all thelead- ing varities. Mangold -and Turnip Seeds. Also every kind of seeds for the Garden, Etc. A call is always appreciated Fresh Groceries always in, Spo� . R. N. .M:ar qw Nw"C raven AS, HONE i1. 97 eL A K�