HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-28, Page 8Page Fight ZTIRICI : HERA1,7? f S Sprin 1 and Tym ods We have a fine array of uewDress Materials on hand at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val- ues. Also new -cotton Goods 'such as; Prints, gingham's, galateas, skirtings, cottonades, etc,, all at lower prices. Serres and Velours Fine Dress and Suit, serges in various colors, 51 in., wide 'Value at $2.50 a yard. Velours and ot- her wool gon'.ls for Spring coats at from $2.25 to $3.75 per yard, New Voiles ani Organdies • Figured and Striped Voiles in light and dark shades and new designs; also fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride in our fine showing of these goods now on hand. Come and see them. tt MEN'S WEAR Now is the time to order your new Spring Suit or Overcoat. A new stock of Field We have a complete range of samples to choose from, for den made-to-nreasure suits at right er's Calf Meal, Timothy Seed No. prices. Grine y Dept. and Gar -- seeds now in. Also Gardin- WALL PAPERS See our new Wall Papers for Spring. We made a special ef- fort to obtain the very newest designs in. Wall paper and have a good variety on hand to show CERIES ALWAYS 1 purity at right price, also small lot of Alsike Clover Seed. Get our Prices. A FULL LINE OP FRESH GRO- you. ON HAND. Syr t•N Zuric 9 s Garai e Don't neglect overhauling your Car before a serious beak or accident may happen and cost you twice as much; "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine." We also stock the following lines: DUNLOP, DOMINION AND AMES-HOLDEN TIRES AND TUBES TO °CLEAR AT (SPECIAL PRICES.) WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS. INSTALL A 'SET ON YOUR FORD, AT OUR RISK FOR TEN DAYS, AND IF NOT SATISFIED WITH THEM, BRING THEM BACK AND WE WILL REFUND YOUR MON- EY. GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTER- IES. WE ALSO ALLOW FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY ACCORD- ING TO CONDITION. BATTERY CHARGING, BATTERY SERVICE. ALSO AUTO REP- AIRING, ANY MAKE OP CAR A SPECIALTY, A COMPLETE LINE OF GENUINE FORD PARTS. GIVE US A CALL. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103, i +ggF+4ggq..g1.....,.+...,i;o.lg............-.....fie. 4....,. FROBT�:z fiI Good sews to the Farmer 1 gy0.. p. Thef past Two Seasons we have been supplying our many 4" Customers with Ring Lock Fencing, ▪ Having Just received a large Car 'of Frost Fencing, the 3 + • will be able to supply the Public 'with a much better fence. ',r1, • A. Pence that is heavier Galvanized, Better Lock, More Coil '1' and will strefeh up..amore evenly than any other fence. We 3, carry all the leading' Styles in Farm, Hog and Poultry Fence. 4. ,l,+ • *dALSO • A FULL SUPPLY OF BARB, COII, AND "BRACE WIRE ;g, STAPLES, ETC. N* CALL AD SEE OUR FENCE BEFORE BUYING ELSE- fi WHERE.:—OUR PRICES ARE HIGHT. . St + _T Ili THESE GOODS DECLINE IN PRICE BEFORE APRIL 1ST. : YOU WILL GET THE REDUCTION. 4' Al + 4. 4+ 4. 4. 4. s +. ti 4, WEIDOPRE.E1ER 01.43444+4444+++4,4 4.44+4, 0, 4 + 44,44,44+4•444,44,441 Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOMY BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Ordered Clothing.: T QUSERS Dress, Work, and Outing Trousers for Men Youths and Boys Our Trousers aro to -be had in staples and fancies in all wanted shadesof dependable materials. The Prices, too, in ' accord with condit= ions. Suy now! :ono& P2ocluee-taken. in eacohauge for aooaz ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Messrs. W. H. Plile and M. �. Milliken were at Holmsville and atr,atf.ord on Sunday. The members of the Ontario Legislature are to receive abort,. us of •$600 each for the present session.• . M. C Fritz is demonstrating a bargain counter in his shed store, and for real snaps in footwear, this is 'the place to go. The bricks in the hard water well of Mr. Geo. Thiel, liveryman',; caved in thel other day, it certainly has made a mess of it, and will be considerable expense to Mr.• Thiel to have it cleaned out and, put in good shape again. The death of Mary Hooey took places on Sunday April 18th,,at tile :homy of her daughter, Mrs. Jame. Shera at Gorrie, after a Month's illness with nervous prostration and heart disease. Deceased was in her seventy-third year, was born in Germany and came toCarr ada still an infant. When 12 years, old she came to Carrick and re- sided there with her huaba:ad's health wiled• and the family then moved to Mildmay, where the late Mr. Hooey died some thirty years ago. Mrs. Hooey was a, woman whose kindness was pro - verbal. Many a home was cheer- ed by her kindly ministrations, and a host of warm friends mourn her demise. ,She is survived by five daughters, of which Mrs.. biters) F. B. Meyer, of Zurich is one. The departed is also known by many here, in Zurich, having had her home at the Evangelical parsonage with her daughter. EVANGELICAL CANADA CONFERENCE The Annual Conference of the• Canadian' Evangelical Association Was held at Stratford the past week, and on Monday of tarts week the schedule for minister's stationing was as follows; ONTARIO DISTRICT Presiding Elders; E. Burn, S. M.. Hauch, L, M. Wing, W. J. Zimmer man, E, H. Bean, W. E. Eeese Stations;—Rodney, Ret, Halbore; Crediton, S, M. Hauch; Dashwood W. J. Yager; Zurich, F. B. Meyer; 1t Walkerton Old Boy's Renrtnion, Lampden, A. W. Sauer, Gainsboro I and' also at Goderieh Old Home L. W. Pletch; •Hamilton, A. E,1 Week and in'Mount Forest on I letch;,Parry Sound; J. G. Do nm; play 24th, The season mvi"1 open Pelham, W. E. Beene; Rainham , 1n Win him on :May lith, when the A. F. Stoltz; South Cayuga, E. N. Mount Forest nine will play therer Mohr; Toronto, .3 'CG. Litt; Claes-Mount Toronto teams have also 'asked for dates, The executive of the Crediton Amateur Athletic Aes'rciat:on have called a meeting of the citizens interested. in ath"et"cs in the Town -Hall last Friday evening. The ob- ject of this meeting was to organ- ize) for the coming season and dis- cuss the matter of having another celebration in town 'tit's' year -Fite- al arrangements have been made whereby the recreation grounds can .be transferred, by deed so'that Crediton will be assured of per-. rnanent grounds for all kinds of sports. The new suit4 furnished by the Western Can, Flour Mills Co, have arrived, apd are said to be in ev- ery way tip -to -date, and rer`a'n'.;v make:one of the finest baseball outfits seen ill Godericla for some yoars. The outfit consists of twelve players' suits and one for the mascot. The lettering OB the "front of the' suits in "Purity flour, w Gara,„0 , I have opened up a Garage for overhauling, cars and general Aut- omobile attention and repa&r work. In the rear 4of the Massey -Harris Implement shop, al. the old Garage stand. Motor and Transmission A Specialty SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO ' M'ODERATE CHARGES T GIVE US A CALL Phone 101 Eeilling; Hanna, C, S. Finkbeiner; Happy Land, J. 5. Burn; 'Hildat S. Senft; Kenneston, N. R. Earnst; Medicine Hat, E. M. Gishler; Mel- v'ille, L. K. Eidt; Neudorf, H. .J; Holtznan'; Pakowki, J. Golding; Penant, A. S. Caughel; Regina, .W F. Kritz; Rhein, W. H. Wagner; Rosthern, G. Beacroft; Siebert, E. Bender; Winnipeg, and Cal- vary, J. G. Burn, `Winnipeg and Morris, H. R. Roth. NEW TELEPHONE r DIRECTORIES The new April Telephone Dir- ectories have been received. If vou are a subscriber 'or renter of the Hay Municipal Telephone System call for your copy, either at • Zurich or Dashwood central. 40 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of hay and p,as- ture on Zurich Fair Grounds, at. the Wolper House., Zur;ch, on Sat- urday evening, May 7th, at 7.30 o'clock. Terms and conditions made known at time of sale. E. F Klopp, President. ti Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. SPORT NEWS The Wingham baseball club have prospects for a busy- season ahead. They are already scheduled to play ley, A. H. Kellerman; Elmwood, W. I3. Campbell; Listowell, M': L,. Wing; Hanover, W. Dryer; Mild- may, E. D. Becker; Normandy, G. S. Gross; Port Elgin, H. Leiboid; Wallace, F. Meyer; Walkerton', J. W: Hammet; Arnprior, E. Burn; Golden Lake, C, R. Kauth; Killoe, E. H. Dorsh; Pembroke, W. M. Sippell ; Rockingham, C. Grenz..- irigei ; Ble nheim A, T: Nash; Heil-- ver':on, 't'V, 0. Hehn; North East Hope, .W S. Hendrick; Sebring- ville, W. .,T Zimmerman; ; South Est Hope, J. H. Grenzebach; St-; ratford, F, A, Lawson, Tavistock G. F. Brown; Bridgeport, O. G. Hallman; Rlm`ra, E, H, Bean; Iles., pier, .i.. I3 Dengis; Kitchener J. P. Rauch and A. Y Haist; Moors - town, L. Wittier•; New Hamburg, S. R. Knechtel; St. Jacobs, J. C. Morlock; Waterloo, S, E. Sch., roed.er; NORTH 'WEST DISTRICT, Presiding Einer, L. II Wagner; Bruce, F. E. Martin, Didsbryro,, Ws D.eagis : driletito.k. Itsit,vosantiermh." f Thursday, April 28th, • ,92t wrrsrr• r _ i We wish to draw ..at- tention to a few Seasonable '141.140-. Peerless Wire Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc', Martin Senour line of 1OOYpei cent. pure paints. CHINANEL LINE OF :VARINISHES . AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION- OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC, OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OP ALL KINDS. SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS. POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERS, AUTO TIRES, (PUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car' Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of N D. 6 Ign. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,F GLI: LINE OF BEDS, SI?RINGS, AND MATTRESSES, CURTlti r OLES, WINDOW SHADES, BASEBALL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE LINE OF MACHINE, AND CYLINDER- LTJBRUICATING OILS, POLARINE,, AND' MOB- IL -B., ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO :BIG OR SMALL. ORDERS TAKEN POR BINDER 'TWINE. r ,. • The Store with the Liberal Cash 1 Eue PHONE 63 iscount NOTICE. I am now in a position to do all kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and staining work. Also keep a large assortment of sam- ples of paper arid can have same in short order. Satisfaction my Motto. —Carl Blumenstein, Walper House, Zurich, tf-39 COST-C.P.A: EXECUTIVE The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for ad, vancement to Qualify as accountant. Home study? training, not interfering with your present occupa.. tion. Booklet free. • We have trained more Cern fied Public Accountants than has any otherinstitt . tion. We have helped hundreds of others securk good paying positions. We can help you. 'us mu- Qtr eoc'et.- Ro-302T'nronios. New Styles! New C Th / New Priced SPringand Summer The "BROADWAY" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us t, lie your measure for an up to date SWT o Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat With a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sam.* pies to chose from Pro d.uc e Wanted. liaterick Fashions Phone 87 UI:NI